Brief Instruction for Authors
Knowing of the Journal
The Journal of Practical Electrocardiology is an academic journal focusing on clinical practice in Electrocardiology, which is among the few domestic authoritative journals on Electrocardiology. It is sponsored by Jiangsu University, and co-sponsored by Chineses Medical Doctor Association, China Society of Electrocardiology, China ECG Consultation Center, and China Electrocardiology Base. It’s bimonthly published. In order to accelerate propagation velocity of academic achievements and share information globally, the journal has realized “On-line First” since August 2013 and initiated DOI from 2014. The priority of advanced digital publishing is given to the papers which have been peer-reviewed, finished editing process and typesetting, and paid paper charges. Up to January 2015, the journal has been included in China core journals database (selection), Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database(CAJCED), Wanfang Data, etc. It is also the only professional journal on Electrocardiology which is included by Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory(Ulrichsweb) and EBSCOhost.
Featured Columns
Abundant columns are designed, such as [Guide Interpretation] [Overseas Forum] [Focused Research] [Lectures on Electrocardiologic Standardization] [Monographic Study] [Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia] [Pacemaker and Pacemaker Electrocardiogram], special columns of [Modern ECG Telemonitoring] and [ECG Scatter Diagram], series of lectures specially on vectorcardiogram, [Experience and Technique Exchanges] [Review] [Case-reporting], etc.
Preparation for Submission
The paper is required to be of academic value and possess original subject, distinct perspectives, accurate data, strong persuasiveness.
Word number restricts are as follows (including graphs, tables and references except for abstract and keywords):1. Focused Research/Monographic Study/Lectures on Electrocardiologic Standardization: 2000—4000 words; 2. Case-reporting/Experience and Technique Exchanges: around 1000 words; 3. English in Electrocardiology/Q&A in Electrocardiologic Informatics: around 500 words.
It’s a necessity for Focused Research/Monographic Study to begin with strucural abstract which consists of objective, methods, results and conclusion and the word limit is 100—200 words. For Case-reporting and other columns if necessary, descriptive abstract is required and word number is limited within 100 words. Key words are required to extracted from the theme of paper and 3 words at least.
Authors’ full names are all required to list beneath the title, with their consents to the sequence of signatures. For convenience of communication, it’s strongly suggested to mark out a correspongding author by ‘†’ at the top right corner of his/her name and specify his/her work unit, post code and E-mail address.
How to Submit the Paper to Us?
For authors overseas, on-line submission network platform is unaccessible. However, submitting by E-mail is quite a convenient substitution. Welcome to send E-mail to We’ll give you a reply as soon as possible.