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30 Most Down Articles
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1 A word to master the key points of clinical ECG interpretation: rhythm and rate, axis and myocardium, AV conduction, wave, segment and interval 2016 Vol.25(6):433-436
XIE Wei-Yang, YANG Xu-Ming [Abstract] (651) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2891 KB] (7339)
2 Clinical value of surface electrocardiogram in diagnosing coronary atherosclerotic cardio pathy 2015 Vol.24(4):256-260
刘红彬,张晓华,张志刚,刘志红 [Abstract] (1636) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 861 KB] (7026)
3 Analysis of ST-segment depression 2017 Vol.26(4):229-233
ZHANG Xia-Lin, LIU Mo-Qing [Abstract] (1092) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2962 KB] (6336)
4 The important concepts, terms and their connotations of Lorenz plot 2015 Vol.24(3):153-157
LI Fang-Jie [Abstract] (1742) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1587 KB] (6087)
5 Clinical values of repolarization abnormal ECG manifestations for diagnosis and prognosis of coronary heart disease 2015 Vol.24(4):261-266
苏冠丽,刘刚,郑明奇,李斌 [Abstract] (1519) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 881 KB] (5485)
6 Effects of anesthetics and other different kinds of reagents on ECG in mice 2012 Vol.21(4):235-
[Abstract] (1941) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1872 KB] (5453)
7 Development of ambulatory electrocardiographic lead system 2017 Vol.26(4):263-266
YANG Jing, LIU Ming [Abstract] (1136) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1662 KB] (4960)
8 Clinical application value of telemonitoring ECG information system 2016 Vol.25(4):265-267
SHENG Jing-Yu, SHI Hong-Jian, SUN Wei-Hong, YANG Ling-Ling [Abstract] (1988) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 886 KB] (4798)
9 Research on the relationship between blood pressure instant variability and heart rate variability of normal person under respiratory control 2013 Vol.22(1):486-491
Shen Zhong-yuan,Shin Lin ,Zhu Ying-qi, Yu Ping, Yu Wei-lin, Zhang Qi-hu, Qu Min-hong [Abstract] (2571) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2347 KB] (4498)
10 Illustration of electrocardiographic representations when limb lead electrodes are wrongly connected 2013 Vol.22(5):827-829
[Abstract] (6990) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3166 KB] (4334)
11 Open a new era of artificial intelligence electrocardiogram analysis system 2018 Vol.27(1):4-7
LU Xi-Lie [Abstract] (1825) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1019 KB] (3831)
12 Relationship between heart rate and P wave amplitude 2014 Vol.23(4):266-267
[Abstract] (1398) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 912 KB] (3828)
13 Introduction of a cardiac chronotropic function index calculation table 2013 Vol.22(4):753-755
[Abstract] (1070) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 694 KB] (3528)
14 Value of Cornell Index in ediatric electrocardiogram on diagnosis left ventricular hypertrophy 2012 Vol.21(1):4-
XIANG Li-Ming, LIU Ming, WANG Man-Ping, XIA Fei, ZHAO Liang-Qiao, HUANG Han-Qin [Abstract] (2005) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1457 KB] (3446)
15 Diagnostic value of ST segment elevation in lead aVR for patients with left main coronary artery and (or)3 vessel disease 2016 Vol.25(5):322-327
ZHANG Yu-Zhong, ZHANG Jian-Yi [Abstract] (1156) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 995 KB] (3405)

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