Abstract:Ischemic J wave is brought forward in recent years as an electrocardiographic phenomenon of myocardial ischemia in the hyperacute phase. It may appear under various clinical conditions and indicates tendencies of malignant arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. Timely identification and diagnosis of ischemic J wave helps to diagnose and interfere in serious myocardial ischemia, and to reduce the incidence of sudden cardiac death. This paper retrospectively analyzes the related literature at home and abroad during the last five years, and roundly summarizes and further discusses the characteristics and clinical significance of ischemic J wave which appears under multiple clinical circumstances(myocardial ischemia in the hyperacute phase, variant angina, etc.).
樊雪婷, 韩梦晶, 买力旦木·艾克拜. 缺血性J波的特征及临床意义[J]. 实用心电学杂志, 2017, 26(3): 222-225.
FAN Xue-Ting, HAN Meng-Jing, MAI Li-Dan-Mu-·Ai-Ke-Bai. Characteristics and clinical significance of ischemic J wave. JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL ELECTROCARDIOLOGY, 2017, 26(3): 222-225.
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