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2022 Vol.  16 No.  04
Published: 10 July 2022

1 WANG Jianhua
The crisis and transcendence of higher education from the perspective of knowledge society
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1025KB] ( 556 )
11 MA Fengqi, LU Haitang, WANG Guoliang
Class hours or learning hours: an important issue related to student learningcenteredness
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 11-19 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 931KB] ( 784 )
20 ZHANG Jiming
The construction of intercollegiate relations of cooperative colleges and universities in the context of high-quality higher education system
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 20-30 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1003KB] ( 523 )
31 ZHU Tiantian, LU Yahua, ZHANG Yuejun
The impact of undesired outputs on science and technology innovation efficiencies of "Double First-Class" construction universities
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 31-40 [Abstract] ( 44 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1017KB] ( 516 )
41 WANG Wenxin, CHEN Hengwei, JIANG Hong
The influence of psychological contract on college teachers′ professional ethics: moderated mediating effect
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 41-51 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 994KB] ( 524 )
52 LI Hailong
The knowledge value shift of higher education research: from organizational planning to academic entrepreneurship
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 52-63 [Abstract] ( 57 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 974KB] ( 482 )
64 LUO Zeyi
The dilemma of university academic entrepreneurship and its breakthrough path:from the perspective of the organizational boundary theory
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 64-74 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 945KB] ( 514 )
75 WANG Dingming, LI Ying
Theoretical thinking on the construction of the degree system of vocational education at the undergraduate level
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 75-84 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 955KB] ( 557 )
85 LI Liguo, CAI Wenbo
Structural characteristics of policy clusters in the development of vocational education in China: the analysis based on the grounded theory
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 85-95 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2070KB] ( 495 )
96 LI Aibin, YANG Chenmeizi
Research on the logical follow and key path of talent cultivation in colleges and universities with industry characteristics under the new development pattern of "dual circulation"
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 96-104 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1096KB] ( 478 )
105 GU Yongdong, LIU Zhaoxing, LU Ying
Innovative practice of the integration between industry and education in the training of graduate students for professional degrees in engineering under the model of industrial colleges
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 105-113 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1089KB] ( 526 )
114 SONG Lina, JIN Lifu
Game and adjustment: the collaboration between teaching and management subjects in colleges and universities to promote curriculum ideological and political construction with high quality
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 114-124 [Abstract] ( 43 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1316KB] ( 541 )





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