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Journal of Higher Education Management
2022 Vol.16 Issue.04
Published 2022-07-10

1 The crisis and transcendence of higher education from the perspective of knowledge society
WANG Jianhua
The arrival of knowledge society highlights the value of knowledge to economic and social development, but also intensifies the meritocracy and economism of knowledge production, dissemination and application in higher education. For a long time, the academic circles pay more attention to the opportunities brought by the advent of knowledge society for the development of higher education, and pay less attention to the negative influence of the meritocracy and economism values hidden behind the "normative vision of modernity" of "knowledge society" on the development of higher education. From the perspective of the trend of social development, it must be the transformation and development of industrialized higher education to adapt to the arrival of knowledge society, rather than the stagnation of knowledge society to adapt to industrialized higher education. However, in the process of transformation from an industrial society to a knowledge society, higher education system has the opportunity and responsibility to demonstrate its leading role through indepth reform, and prevent the "vision of the knowledgebased economy" from imprisoning the imagination of higher education.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1025KB] ( 557 )
11 Class hours or learning hours: an important issue related to student learningcenteredness
MA Fengqi, LU Haitang, WANG Guoliang
Chinese colleges and universities mainly use class hours or learning hours in the sense of class hours to calculate credits and carry out teaching management. However, class hours can not fully describe students′ learning activities and their devotion to study, and lacks concerns about students′ extracurricular selflearning and practice. It will cause many problems, either too many learning tasks being arranged for students or students′ extracurricular learning being ignored, when using class hours as the time dimension of teaching management. What′s more, its theoretical basis is relatively traditional and backward. Colleges and universities in countries and regions where higher education is advanced fundamentally use students′ learning hours to calculate credits and carry out teaching management, and students′ extracurricular learning time required by each credit is much longer than the learning time in class. In view of specific problems in the process of talent training in Chinese colleges and universities, the practice of student learningcentered teaching requires teaching managers and teachers to change old teaching ideas, and reform teachercentered teaching methods. Besides, it is necessary to manage teachers′ classroom teaching time, and increase students′ extracurricular selflearning and practice time.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 11-19 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 931KB] ( 785 )
20 The construction of intercollegiate relations of cooperative colleges and universities in the context of high-quality higher education system
ZHANG Jiming
The construction of highquality higher education system is the basis to realize highquality development of higher education, and intercollegiate relations of colleges and universities is an important factor affecting higher education system construction, so the optimization of intercollegiate relations of colleges and universities has become a perspective that cannot be ignored in higher education system construction. At present, intercollegiate relations of colleges and universities in China is characterized by overall strengthened competition and partial limited cooperation. Due to lack of effective regulations, competition dissimilates the necessary developmentdriven mechanism into the ecological destruction mechanism. Therefore, strengthening cooperative thinking and guiding colleges and universities to establish new paradigms of cluster development so as to optimize intercollegiate relations of colleges and universities, is of great value to ecological restoration of higher education and highquality construction of higher education system. Specifically speaking, higher education governance should adjust strategic directions, and explore cluster governance of colleges and universities; all governing bodies should cooperate to provide necessary conditions for cluster governance of colleges and universities.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 20-30 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1003KB] ( 525 )
31 The impact of undesired outputs on science and technology innovation efficiencies of "Double First-Class" construction universities
ZHU Tiantian, LU Yahua, ZHANG Yuejun
Undesired outputs are inevitable in the process of science and technology (S&T) innovation in universities. The assumption of "output maximization" in traditional models for S&T innovation efficiency evaluation does not apply, and there are biases in evaluation results. With undesired outputs considered, this study adopts the sequential MalmquistLuenberger index method to evaluate S&T innovation efficiencies of 67 "Double FirstClass" construction universities in China from 2007 to 2019. Results show that, university S&T innovation efficiencies are overestimated with undesired outputs ignored; S&T innovation efficiencies of firstclass disciplines construction universities are not inferior to that of first-class universities construction universities with undesired outputs considered; S&T innovation efficiencies of medical universities are higher, while those of agricultural and forestry universities are lower; S&T innovation efficiencies of "Double First-Class" construction universities in different regions are different, and overall distribution characteristics are that efficiencies in the eastern region are higher, while those in the central region are lower; the main driving force for the growth of S&T innovation efficiencies of universities in the eastern region is technological progress, while that in the central and western regions is the improvement of resource allocation efficiencies. Therefore, relevant departments should optimize allocation patterns of discipline resources, and strengthen collaborative innovation; pay attention to university undesired outputs, and strengthen the inspection for output quality and social contribution; improve university abilites to serve regional economic and social development, and promote coordinated development of various regions.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 31-40 [Abstract] ( 44 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1017KB] ( 517 )
41 The influence of psychological contract on college teachers′ professional ethics: moderated mediating effect
WANG Wenxin, CHEN Hengwei, JIANG Hong
This study constructs a theoretical model of psychological contract affecting professional ethics, and verifies the hypothesis by using a correlation analysis, a path analysis and SEM based on 621 sample data. The results show that college teachers′ professional psychological contract has a direct positive impact on the professional ethics; the college teachers′ professional psychological contract has an indirect positive impact on professional ethics through the studentteacher contract fulfillment; the fulfillment level of universityteacher contract significantly affects the level of teachers′ professional ethics, and could moderate the relationship between the college teachers′ professional psychological contract, the studentteacher contract fulfillment, and the professional ethics; the professional title, the income and the work payment, the evaluation of teachers′ ethics inside the college and whether the society shows the respects to college teachers could moderate the relationship between teachers′ professional psychological contract and professional ethics. In order to establish a longterm mechanism for the construction of teachers′ ethics, colleges and universities should implement the incentive system,the evaluation system and the feedback system to build a new "teacherstudentschool" tripartite relationship, and improve the overall professional ethics level of college teachers.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 41-51 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 994KB] ( 524 )
52 The knowledge value shift of higher education research: from organizational planning to academic entrepreneurship
LI Hailong
Higher education research has encountered both praise and controversy since its birth, and the legitimacy of knowledge achievements has been unstable. In recent years, due to the strong performance orientation of knowledge production, the discipline construction of higher education has been in the direction of organizational construction. Within the framework of the discipline system of managerialism, what higher education research seeks is the systematization rather than the true disciplinization. The strong systematization willingness and planning thinking affect the innovation of knowledge production. What higher education research needs most is to carry out "selfentrepreneurship" at the academic level, and reestablish the paradigm of problem production, so as to have a longterm vitality.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 52-63 [Abstract] ( 57 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 974KB] ( 482 )
64 The dilemma of university academic entrepreneurship and its breakthrough path:from the perspective of the organizational boundary theory
LUO Zeyi
In recent years, more and more scholars use the organizational boundary theory to analyze organizational transformation and crossborder cooperation. It is a beneficial attempt to extend the organizational boundary theory to the research field of university academic entrepreneurship. This paper examines the university academic entrepreneurship system from the perspective of the organizational boundary theory, and finds that the too rigid institutional boundary affects the formation of the "control core" and the activation of the "academic heart", the too fuzzy social boundary affects the formation of "diversified funding bases" and the expansion of the "development periphery", and the too closed psychological boundary affects the formation and integration of entrepreneurial culture. Therefore, in consideration of dual functions and practical conditions of the organizational boundary, to break through the dilemma of university academic entrepreneurship, we should rely on boundary organizations to realize boundary crossing.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 64-74 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 945KB] ( 516 )
75 Theoretical thinking on the construction of the degree system of vocational education at the undergraduate level
WANG Dingming, LI Ying
Under overall requirements of perfecting the modern vocational education system with vertical penetration and horizontal integration, constructing a degree system that can meet needs of social economy for highlevel technical talents and reflect characteristics of the vocational education type is a strategic measure to promote highquality development of vocational education at the undergraduate level in China. Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Authorization and Awarding of Bachelor′s Degrees in Vocational Education Schools at the Undergraduate Level clearly incorporates vocational undergraduate degrees into the existing bachelor′s degree system, granting bachelor′s degrees according to discipline categories, and initially establishes a vocational education degree system equivalent to that of general education. The construction of the degree system of vocational education at the undergraduate level should be based on the Major Catalog of Vocational Education (2021), draw lessons from vocational education at the undergraduate level and the degree system in foreign countries, and consider the status quo of domestic degree system and the knowledge type contained in the degree of vocational education at the undergraduate level. Besides, we should enrich degree types of vocational education at the undergraduate level, refine standards of degree authorization and awarding of vocational education at the undergraduate level, clarify formulating principles of the name of the degree category in vocational education at the undergraduate level, highlight vocational skills from aspects of bachelor′s degree authorization and degree awarding standards, and optimize the positioning of the vocational education type.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 75-84 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 955KB] ( 558 )
85 Structural characteristics of policy clusters in the development of vocational education in China: the analysis based on the grounded theory
LI Liguo, CAI Wenbo
In recent years, intensive promulgation of vocational education policies in China has presented the phenomenon of policy clusters. Based on the grounded theory research on the sample of policy clusters of vocational education, combining with the method of word frequency analysis and cluster analysis, the study finds that, the central government′s policy clusters play the leading role of "synergy drive", a "differential mode of association" communication mechanism is established between the central government′s policy clusters and local governments′ policy clusters, and local governments′ policy clusters share and exchange policy practice experience in the way of the "organizational mode of association". Based on characteristics of the cluster structure of vocational education policies, the study suggests to innovate the governance mode of "synergy drive" by the central government′s policies, broaden the signal transmission channel of the central government′s policies and local governments′ policies, encourage local governments to establish a stable platform for policy practice exchanges, so as to promote the development of vocational education in China.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 85-95 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2070KB] ( 497 )
96 Research on the logical follow and key path of talent cultivation in colleges and universities with industry characteristics under the new development pattern of "dual circulation"
LI Aibin, YANG Chenmeizi
The new development pattern of "dual circulation" is an important strategic deployment made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. It endows talent cultivation of colleges and universities with industry characteristics with a new historical mission, and enables talent cultivation of colleges and universities with industry characteristics to improve the quality and efficiency, so as to promote the cultivation of more highquality talents. This study elaborates the logic of the new development pattern of "dual circulation" to promote talent cultivation in colleges and universities with industry characteristics, and analyzes core characteristics of talent cultivation in colleges and universities with industry characteristics under the new development pattern. On this basis, this study proposes that colleges and universities with industry characteristics must take the needs of industry technology development as the guide, update the knowledge pedigree, and reconstruct the course content; take promoting the development of industrial economy as the goal, and lead industrial development and technological innovation; reshape the evaluation system, change the evaluation concept, and cultivate talents with both integrity and ability who meet professional certification standards.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 96-104 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1096KB] ( 479 )
105 Innovative practice of the integration between industry and education in the training of graduate students for professional degrees in engineering under the model of industrial colleges
GU Yongdong, LIU Zhaoxing, LU Ying
The integration between industry and education is an important way to train graduate students for professional degrees, and industrial colleges have distinct advantages in the training of graduate students for professional degrees with the integration between industry and education. At present, there are some problems in the practice of the integration between industry and education in training graduate students for professional degrees in engineering. The integration breadth is insufficient, and can not effectively cover the whole process of the training of graduate students for professional degrees in engineering. The integration depth is not enough, and the main role of enterprises fails to be played effectively. Industrial College of N University adopts the dean responsibility system under the leadership of the council, adopts the management system led by the government and with the cooperation between the school and enterprises and other multiple parties, actively builds the mechanism of the wholeprocess integration between industry and education, and builds the platform of the wholeprocess integration between industry and education. Based on the case analysis, under the model of industrial colleges, the integration between industry and education in the training of graduate students for professional degrees in engineering in China should be carried out from the following aspects: joint construction of the curriculum system, joint construction of interdisciplines, joint construction of the tutor team, and joint construction of the industryuniversityresearch collaboration platform.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 105-113 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1089KB] ( 527 )
114 Game and adjustment: the collaboration between teaching and management subjects in colleges and universities to promote curriculum ideological and political construction with high quality
SONG Lina, JIN Lifu
Managers and curriculum teachers of colleges and universities are management and teaching subjects of curriculum ideological and political construction. Through the evolutionary game analysis of subjects of teaching and management in curriculum ideological and political construction, it can be found that steadystate equilibrium strategies of managers and curriculum teachers of colleges and universities depend on comparison and consideration of their respective input costs and benefits, and are also influenced by their mutual action strategies. In order to enhance enthusiasm and positive action of teaching and management subjects in promoting curriculum ideological and political construction with high quality, and realize collaborative education, we should adhere to the integrity principle, and do a good job of toplevel design; follow the dynamic principle, and improve teachers′ sense of gain; adhere to the purpose principle, and build the scientific evaluation mechanism.
2022 Vol. 16 (04): 114-124 [Abstract] ( 43 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1316KB] ( 542 )





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