Abstract:Objective: To investigate the relation between115A(rs12221497) and-6A(rs11039155) point mutation of liver X receptor α and the patients with coronary heart disease(CHD).Methods: The6A polymorphism in the liver X receptor α gene were detected by using singlelabeled probe technique. Plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDLcholesterol, fasting blood glucose(FBG) were determined in 165 patients with CHD and 191 normal controls. Results: LXR6A(rs11039155) had only one genetype. Randomly selected 22 cases of samples for gene sequencing, suggesting:genetypes of GG homozygote. Conclusion: There was no mutation in liver X receptor α gene6A point in Han population in Jiangsu province.
朱锦,孙建辉,白江涛,罗光华. 江苏地区汉族人群冠心病患者肝X受体基因-6A多态性[J]. 江苏大学学报:医学版, 2014, 24(05): 412-415.
ZHU Jin, SUN Jian-hui, BAI Jiang-tao, LUO Guang-hua. Liver X receptor α gene polymorphisms(6A) of the patients
with coronary heart disease in Han population in Jiangsu province. Journal of Jiangsu University(Medicine Edition), 2014, 24(05): 412-415.
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