Abstract:Zerofluoroscope ablation is named “green ablation”. With the improvement of medical equipments and manipulation skills, it has become an important therapy for tachyarrhythmias. Green ablation has the advantages of being radiationless, high success rate and fewer complications, which enable electrophysiological surgery to be completed effectively and safely. EnSite Velocity threedimensional electroanatomical mapping system is remarkably compatible—any catheter can be showed through contacting the body and generating resistance; any catheter can be utilized in the modeling of vascular pathway and heart cavity. Nanfang Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University attempted to perform zerofluoroscopy green ablation for 22 patients guided by EnSite Velocity system from June to September in 2017. Except for one failed case of left accessory pathway, 21 cases succeed. The reason for failure was the patient was short and thus catheter could not be moved in place, and a second ablation was successful with the help of Xray. Tachycardias in the procedure included common supraventricular tachycardia, tricuspid isthmus dependent atrial flutter, premature ventricular contraction(PVC) originating from right ventricular outflow, etc. Most supraventricular tachycardia and common PVC can be cured by zerofluoroscopy ablation. However, there are also shortcomings in zerofluoroscopy ablation, for example, nonrealtime display of vascular and cardiac anatomical structure, high requirement of operation sense and more cost. During the process of zerofluoroscopy surgery, bedside ultrasound should be prepared in case of emergency. It is advisable to perform the operation in digital subtraction angiography room so as to facilitate the switch to fluoroscope immediately in case of failure.