Abstract:Cardiovascular diseases mostly have high mortality with rapid and dangerous occurrence, which are usually detected by routine electrocardiogram(ECG) or 24hour ambulatory electrocardiography(AECG). However, restricted by recording time, location and other factors, it is often difficult for ECG and AECG to capture abnormal ECG signals in time. Remote ECG monitor is small and portable, which makes it suitable for longterm and realtime monitoring. Therefore, in order to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events effectively, it is essential to apply remote ECG monitoring in detecting abnormal ECG signals in time for diagnosis and treatment at an early phase. This paper briefly reviews the current status of clinical application of remote ECG monitoring.
丁玉婷, 王德国, 王安才. 远程心电监护的临床应用现状[J]. 实用心电学杂志, 2016, 25(4): 261-264.
DING Yu-Ting, WANG De-Guo, WANG An-Cai. Current status of clinical application of remote ECG monitoring. JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL ELECTROCARDIOLOGY, 2016, 25(4): 261-264.
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