Application and Development of antiarrhythmic drugs in sudden cardiac death related diseases
LIN Chun-Jin, ZHENG Wei-Ping, LI Feng, JIANG Yun, XIAO Jian-Min, LIN Kai-Yang
(Provincial Clinical Medical College of Fujian Medical University,Emergency Center of Fujian Province,Department of Electrocardiogram,Fujian Provincial Hospital,Fuzhou Fujian 350001,China)
Abstract:Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a serious complication of cardiovascular disease.Primary inherited arrhythmia syndrome and acute coronary syndrome are the two major causes of SCD .Antiarrhythmic drugs have been used in clinical application for nearly a hundred years. Both in the rescue and subsequent treatment and prevention of SCD related diseases,the antiarrhythmic drugs are still the basic treatment measures. With the development of evidencebased medicine, antiarrhythmic drugs have been changed in indications and instructions. Meanwhile research and development and application of new antiarrhythmic drugs in this area have brought new directions and focuses. This article describes the application and progress of the antiarrhythmic drugs for the SCD diseases.
林春锦, 郑炜平, 李峰, 江芸, 肖建敏, 林开阳. 心脏性猝死相关疾病抗心律失常药物的应用与进展[J]. 实用心电学杂志, 2015, 24(6): 391-397.
LIN Chun-Jin, ZHENG Wei-Ping, LI Feng, JIANG Yun, XIAO Jian-Min, LIN Kai-Yang. Application and Development of antiarrhythmic drugs in sudden cardiac death related diseases. JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL ELECTROCARDIOLOGY, 2015, 24(6): 391-397.
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