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247099 安徽 池州,池州市第二人民医院心电图科(章富君);710004 陕西 西安,西安市第四医院辅助功能科(湛雅莎);230001 安徽 合肥,中国科学技术大学附属第一医院心电科(李京秀);511518 广东 清远,广州医科大学附属第六医院心电图室(彭鼎)
Application of chromatogram of ambulatory electrocardiography in patients with variant angina pectoris
ZHANG Fujun, ZHAN Yasha, LI Jingxiu, PENG Ding
(1. Department of Electrocardiography, Chizhou Second Peoples Hospital, Chizhou Anhui 247099; 2. Department of Auxiliary Function, Xi‘an Fourth Hospital, Xian Shaanxi 710004; 3. Department of Electrocardiogram, the First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Anhui 230001; 4. Department of Electrocardiogram, the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Qingyuan Guangdong 511518, China)

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