450053 河南 郑州,郑州市第九人民医院姑息治疗中心
(王晋华); 450014 河南 郑州,河南省儿童医院外科监护室(王菲)
Etiology of syncope in elderly population
WANG Jinhua,WANG Fei
1. Palliative Treatment Center, Zhengzhou Ninth People's Hospital, Zhengzhou Henan 450053; 2. Surgical Care Unit, Henan Children's Hospital, Zhengzhou Henan 450014, China)
摘要 老年人群晕厥具有发病率高、致伤致残率高和预后差等特点。老年人群常合并其他系统疾病,导致晕厥的评估、诊断和治疗复杂化(晕厥常为某种疾病发作或恶化的表现)。本文主要探讨老年人群不同类型晕厥(心源性晕厥、反射性晕厥和神经系统原因晕厥)的病因,以期为晕厥的危险评估、诊断和治疗策略选择提供依据。
关键词 :
老年 ,
晕厥 ,
心源性晕厥 ,
反射性晕厥 ,
血管迷走性晕厥 ,
直立性低血压 ,
脑血管疾病 ,
脑卒中 ,
Abstract :Syncope in the elderly is characterized by high morbidity, high incidence of injury and disability, and poor prognosis. The elderly population is often accompanied with other systemic diseases that complicate the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of syncope (syncope usually presents as a manifestation of the onset or deterioration
of a disease). This paper mainly investigates the etiology of different types of syncope (cardiogenic syncope, reflex syncope and nervous system syncope) in elderly population so as to provide
references for the risk evaluation, diagnosis and treatment strategy selection of syncope.
Key words :
cardiogenic syncope
reflex syncope
vasovagal syncope
orthostatic hypotension
cerebrovascular disease
autonomic dysfunction
收稿日期: 2022-02-22
作者简介 : 王晋华,副主任医师,主要从事老年心血管病的综合治疗研究,E-mail:394726069@qq.com
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