Task Force on “Expert Consensus on Dynamic Electrocardiogram Reporting Specification”
摘要 动态心电图作为临床医学的重要无创监测技术,其报告所提供的信息直接关系到临床诊断、治疗和评估的准确性。专家组基于现有循证医学证据及临床经验,起草了动态心电图报告规范,并形成共识。本文介绍了动态心电图报告的注意事项、动态心电信息报告内容、报告编辑、报告格式等。
关键词 :
动态心电图 ,
报告内容 ,
报告编辑 ,
Abstract :Dynamic electrocardiogram (DCG) is a widely used noninvasive monitoring technique, and the DCG reports are meaningful in the diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of diseases. The experts have drafted an expert consensus on the DCG reports, and mainly introduced the attention of the DCG reports, the content of the dynamic information, the editing of the reports and the format of the reports.
Key words :
dynamic electrocardiogram
report content
report editing
report format
基金资助: 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC2001200)
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