Abstract:Objective By analyzing the clinical data of 8 cases with acute myocardial infarction(AMI) complicating ventricular electrical storm, to explore the clinical characteristics and treatment of the disease. Methods Various clinical features of the 8 patients such as sex, age, site of myocardial infarction, time interval between the onset of AMI and the attack of ventricular electrical storm, duration of ventricular electrical storm, efficacy and prognosis of treatment were all analyzed and summarized. Results Among the 8 patients, 6 cases (75%) were males, and 4 cases(50%) were 70-79 years old. Ventricular electrical storm attacked within 6 hours after AMI in 5 cases(62.5%). Inferior myocardial infarction occurred in 5 cases(62.5%). The average duration of ventricular electrical storm was (107.4±110.9) min. There were 2 cases treated by amiodarone alone, 3 cases by amiodarone plus magnesium sulfate, one case by amiodarone plus lidocaine, and when amiodarone therapy proved to be of no effect, esmolol immediately terminated ventricular electrical storm in 2 cases. Two cases died, and 6 cases were successfully rescued, with a survival rate of 75%. Conclusion Ventricular electrical storm are frequently diagnosed among elderly males, which usually attacks within 6 hours after AMI. Right coronary artery lesions are more likely to induce ventricular electrical storm. Early cardioversion, defibrillation and reasonable applications of antiarrhythmic drugs including β-blockers are extremely important. It proves to be safe and effective to give intravenous thrombolytic therapy and open criminal vessel during a rescue.
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