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江苏大学学报:医学版  2012, Vol. 22 Issue (6): 491-493    DOI:
检验医学 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
李礼1, 于正清1, 胡娟玉2, 陈玮1, 赵广春1, 张似锦1, 钱雷1
(1.滨海县人民医院检验科, 江苏 滨海 224500; 2.滨海县第二人民医院检验科, 江苏 滨海 224541)
Value of detecting the glycosylated hemoglobin in early myocardial injury
LI Li1, YU Zhengqing1, HU Juan-yu2, CHEN Wei1, ZHAO Guang-chun1, ZHANG Si-jin1, QIAN Lei1
(1.Department of Clinical Laboratory, the People′s Hospital of Binhai, Binhai Jiangsu 224500; 2.Department of Clinical Laboratory, the Second People′s Hospital of Binhai, Binhai Jiangsu 224541, China)

版权所有 © 2012《江苏大学学报(医学版)》编辑部
Journal of Jiangsu University (Medicine Edition)