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Journal of Higher Education Management
2015 Vol.9 Issue.5
Published 2015-09-10

1 Priority Should be Given to Quality Improvement in Education Internationalization in China
QU Zhen-Yuan
Education internationalization (EI) has witnessed rapid development in recent years. In implementing Outline of National Medium and Longterm Education Reform and Development Plan(20102020), and promoting EI, the most important is to carefully and scientifically examine the current situation of EI. In the process of promoting EI, we need to understand our problems in a broader perspective. So in Sinoforeign cooperative education we need to pay more attention to quality improving, we also need to make greater strides in expanding the number of foreign students coming to study in China, and further improve the international standard of our higher education.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 727 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1006KB] ( 1256 )
5 Innovative Model of IndustryUniversityResearch Cooperation in Germanys Dual System:An Interview with Prof. Reinhold Geilsdrfer, DHBW Headquarters, President
REN Xiao-Fei, DAI Yan, LAI Yin-Huo-尔De-·Gai-尔Si-De-Fei-尔
DHBW (BadenWütternmberg Cooperative State University) is the wellknown higher education institution in Germany integrating academic studies with workplace training. BadenW tternmberg is Europes most innovative region, where the dual system was developed in the 1970s to meet the needs of industrial companies and social institutions for higher practical talents. DHBW has experienced big success with the winwin effect. The dual concept means:(1) The students of the University are the employees of companies the day when they enter into the campus; (2) In the course of the threeyear study, the phases of academic studies and workplace training alternate in regular three month intervals between the University and the company. As a result, the indepth expertise knowledge and excellent practical talents characterize the qualifications of DHBW graduates.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 5-8 [Abstract] ( 1104 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 933KB] ( 1142 )
9 The Development Trend of Comprehensive Reform of New Round of University in China:Analysis on the Comprehensive Reform Program of 5 Colleges and Universities
YAN Wei-Gang, ZHAO Xin-Rui
The new round comprehensive reform of University reflects the characteristics of the Universitys autonomous education. By analyzing 5 representative comprehensive reform programs, we found that the focuses of Chinas comprehensive reform of College at the present stage include the construction of modern university system, the reform of the personnel system, personnel training mode reform and scientific research management mechanism reform, the reform in the allocation of resources and other key areas. Clear direction of reform and value orientation has been basically formed in various fields. At the same time, useful references could be got for other colleges and universities to carry out comprehensive reform because the sample colleges and universities promote the reform based on the fact.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 9-17 [Abstract] ( 837 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 967KB] ( 1300 )
18 Connotation, Characteristic and Practical Approach of University Comprehensive Reform
JIANG Chao-Hui
University educational comprehensive reform includes the innovation of governance structure and system, the reform of resource allocation, the implement of managing education and university according to rules, the reform of talents cultivation models. It has the characteristics of systematicness and plurality, integrity and relevance , exploration and cooperativity; guidance and practicability; development and periodicity. And the reform should be advanced from four parts as follow: construing modern government system base on university charters; optimizing resource allocation by following market ways, regulating behaviors of universityrunning through rules and laws, improving the talent quality by morality education. In addition, university educational comprehensive reform should coparticipate with government and society, and persist the accurate value guidance as well.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 18-23 [Abstract] ( 743 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 940KB] ( 1224 )
24 Exploring and Building Modern Examination and Enrollment System with Chinese Characteristics: Reflection on the Implementation Suggestions of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Examination and Enrollment System
YANG Tian-Ping, HE Zhi-Wei, CHEN Ting-Ting, FANG Yan, XIE Chen-Lu
Although the Implementation Suggestions  of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Examination and Enrollment System promulgated in 2014 has many highlights and breaking points, many issues need to be further explored. First, the reform should not only based on the summary of historical practice, the experience of foreign countries and expectations of public. We should make the strategy design for entrance examination systematically. Second, the reform should be laid on the accurate understanding of education policy and rigorous scientific research.Patterns of admitting students should be characterized by classification tests, the comprehensive evaluation and the pluralistic enrollment. Third, We should speed up the legislative process, strengthen the social supervision, streamline administration and delegate power; seek both temporary and permanent solutions, gradually achieve the socialization of test, the independence of school admissions, and the diversification of students choices, explore the construction of modern enrollment system with Chinese characteristics.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 24-29 [Abstract] ( 741 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 959KB] ( 1350 )
30 Content Analysis of the College Entrance Examination Bonus Point Policy Since the Reform and Opening Up
BAO Rong, LIU Ning-Ning
The content of the College Entrance Examination Bonus Policy mainly includes four aspects: the object of college entrance examination bonus point policy, the purpose of the policy, the implementation way of the policy and the mechanism to regulate the policy. Through constructing the content analysis criteria of the college entrance examination policy can find that there are three major problems:target specification is inconsistent, points license ownership specification is not clear,entrance points and object points score are fuzzy and measure are not unified. Therefore, measures should be adopted to perfect the policy such as clarify the policy's purpose, define the permission of the right and keep the unity of the policy.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 30-35 [Abstract] ( 838 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 935KB] ( 1229 )
36 Deepen Reform of University SelfAdmission:Logics, Obstacles and Approaches
FU Xiao-Qian
After the pilot practice for over one decade,the policy effects of the reform of university selfadmission has turned out step by step. Meanwhile,the previous reform has not stepped out of the strange circle that the talents selection criteria rely on scores exclusively and the results of one time examination is still decisive. Besides, scientificalness,fairness and the autonomy of university were severely criticized. With the reform deepens, the realistic obstacles in front of us lie in the adherence and differentiation to the previous ideas,the dislocation and absence of the administrative power,the inertia and imperfect of the existing institutions,the high costly and inefficient of  independent admission. Therefore,in order to promote and perfect the institution of university self-admission, its imperative to adopt measures in the field of reform goals, administrative environment,universitys connotation construction, social environment, etc.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 591 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 930KB] ( 1265 )
41 Study on American Policy to Assist the Medium or Low Income Undergraduates
GUO Meng-Lin, WEI Shen-Yi
Nowadays, the soar of costs in American Universities affairs has led to medium and lowincome families cannot afford their childrens tuition fee, and many families have to bear heavy debt. However, today, American economy and market forces people to pursue higher education experience. This paper introduces the federal governments new measures on financial aid policies, discusses how does the government help the lowincome students go to university based on reviewing the policies the government has made.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 41-45 [Abstract] ( 800 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 950KB] ( 1217 )
46 The Role of the Court in Solving Educational Fairness Affairs
MICHAEL A. Rebell,HAO Suling
The large proportion of USA students with poverty backgrounds explains this countrys relatively low performance on international achievement tests. Research shows that it is meaningful to provide pool area with proper educational resource, and supply students with poverty background with much more and fullscale aid. It will help them to face the challenge in the future. In this area, the court could play positive role in solving educational fairness affairs.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 46-50 [Abstract] ( 721 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 930KB] ( 918 )
51 Experience and Enlightenment of the Development of Private Higher Education in Taiwan
LI Wen-Zhang
In Taiwan the development of private higher education has not undergone a very long time, but it has achieved remarkable results both in the extension and connotation development. From the investigations of five private colleges, the experiences of Taiwan private universities reform could be summarized into six parts: nonprofit schoolrunning, diversified sources of funding, emphasis on school characteristics, attention to academic research, attached importance to teachers construction,adherence to the market orientation of schoolrunning, etc. Undoubtedly, important references could be got for the reform and development of private higher education in China mainland from Taiwans experience.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 51-56 [Abstract] ( 647 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 953KB] ( 1433 )
57 Research on the Symbiotic Interaction between Macaos Higher Education and City
WANG Yin-Hua
There exists homologous symbiosis, intermittent symbiosis and diverse symbiosis between Macao’s higher education and city development. They're formed and developed with the interaction of university with the church, government, industry and community. The relationship was developed through three stages, the history of the affinity of college of the Middle Ages and city based on religion when Macao opening the port, the boom of modern higher education and city during Macao's transfer period and the coprosperity of modern higher education and city after the return of Macao.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 57-62 [Abstract] ( 848 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1005KB] ( 1342 )
63 Governance of Opportunism in Interdisciplinary Research Team in University
WEN Shao-Bao, BI Ying
 Interdisciplinary research is one of the most important motivation for collaborative innovation. Therefore, interdisciplinary research team would have inherent advantages in collaborative innovation. However, the team stability and research performance were seriously impaired by opportunistic behaviors in interdisciplinary research team. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze all kinds of opportunistic behaviors to find their logic of origin, and thus to achieve team opportunism governance through collaborative innovation.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 63-66 [Abstract] ( 722 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 932KB] ( 1084 )
67 Virtual Interdisciplinary Organization of University:Origin, Connotation and Construction
XU Ri-Hua
Virtual interdisciplinary organization of university is a new form of organization based on Information and Communication Technology. It is of positive significance in solving some plights for entities, including difficulties of selecting and communication among cooperative members, overly centralized organization, unfree flow of talent, weak platform and so on. Advantages of virtual interdisciplinary organization of university could be manifested in improving core competence, building virtual team, forming flat management structure, opening boundary in absorbing members and constructing highquality network platform.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 67-73 [Abstract] ( 672 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 950KB] ( 1086 )
74 Research on Internal Structure Model of University Teachers‘  Professional Identity
SU Da-Peng
 Select teachers from twelve foreign languages universities as subjects of study, the research deploys such methods as exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, tests and adjusts the internal structure model of university teachers professional identity in practice. The results of the study show that teachers professional identity was constituted by five secondary identities of teachers professional identity, including the identity of value, emotional recognition, satisfaction, selfefficacy and behavior tendency. The interactions of the five secondary identities together form teachers professional identity.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 74-83 [Abstract] ( 684 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1570KB] ( 885 )
84 Reflection and Construction of Teacher Education Curriculum Based on “Double World of the Education”
YANG Xiao-Qi
The education world could be divided into the science world and the living world. The teacher education curriculum is the key point to build and perfect the living world for teacher candidates. Currently the scientism curriculum value orientation suffocates the humanities of education living world; the knowledgebased curriculum content orientation obliterates the richness of education living world; and the utilitarian curriculum functional orientation disregards the meaning of education living world. We contend that teacher educational courses should be rethink profoundly from the view of “Double World of the Education”. With the premise of “fusion of horizons” between the scientific world and the living world, we should break down the disciplinary barrier to offer compulsory course of classical guided reading,integrate courses to offer the educational comprehensive courses,optimize value sequences of the courses and offer theme activities courses in order to construct interdisciplinary and integrative teacher education curriculum system.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 84-89 [Abstract] ( 667 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 917KB] ( 1225 )
90 Rethinking the Professionalism of Higher Education
ZHOU Hong-Yu
“Professionalism” is one of the most important attributes of higher education. It refers that the higher education have the goal to cultivate their students to be engaged in relevant professional application or have the actual work technical ability and promote the transformation from knowledge to productivity attributes. The content of higher educations professionalism is always enriched and perfected. The professionalism of higher education mainly achieved through its professional education.It helps students to educate themselves by teach science and theory framework. It helps students to have a basic understanding on the science principles which formed the base of various professions. Besides, new themes of professional education should be integrated into the curriculum to promote the curriculum become more professional. Only in this way could the professionalism be achieved in higher education.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 90-95 [Abstract] ( 633 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 956KB] ( 907 )
95 On the Anomie of the Structure of Higher Education in China and Its Dynamic Optimization
QI Xiao
This article makes a comprehensive description of the mechanism, aim and influencing factors of the structure of higher education in a theoretical perspective. Thorough analyses cover the following issues: the phenomenon of reversal transformation of the hierarchical scale and the schoolrunning conditions, the pursuit of popular subjects during the course of subject arrangement, the monopolization of the public universities and certificationoriented adult education, the decisive role of stocking on the layout structure, etc. The school conditions with the teaching staff as the core should turn to be the basic standard of the dynamic optimization of higher education. The critical transformation from administration by different levels to administration by different types needs to be implemented. Universities subordinated to Ministries should withdraw from the area of adult education which is irrelevant with these universities. Efforts should be made to build a flexible environment for the private higher education. Higher Education in different districts should make a division and cooperate with each other, making a differential development and displaying their respective advantages.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 95-103 [Abstract] ( 653 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1941KB] ( 1162 )
104 The Empirical Study of College Students to Attend the Network Virtual Organizations
WANG Yang, SHANG Jun-Jie
Nowadays, the group of college students participated in network virtual organizations attracted public’s attention. This paper reviews the relevant theories, and thus generalizes the definition, causes, types and characteristics of college students network virtual organizations. And on this basis, by means of selfmade questionnaire, and adopting the method of quantitative research, the paper describes the current situation of the participation in network virtual organizations of different groups of college students, and summarizes the characteristics and the influence dimensions of college students network virtual organizations. Besides, the paper build regress model to analyze the influence factors, hoping to provide reference and help for the healthy growth of college students, social progress and stability.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 104-112 [Abstract] ( 698 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2215KB] ( 877 )
113 Empirical Study on the Effect of College Entrepreneurship Education to Students Entrepreneurial Intention
DU Jing-Jing, WANG Jing-Jing
From the effectiveness of college entrepreneurship education, and through attitudeintention link, this paper made an empirical research on the effect of college entrepreneurship education to students entrepreneurial intention. Results showed that entrepreneurship education do help raise students overall intention and entrepreneurial aspiration and sense of innovation had the greatest effect. Sense of innovation also had some indirect effect to entrepreneurial intention through the intermediary role of entrepreneurial attitude. This will shed light on future entrepreneurship education to focus on the cultivation of creative mind and independent personality of college students, and to strengthen on their achievement motive towards entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial career.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 113-119 [Abstract] ( 795 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1065KB] ( 1563 )
120 Deepening Education Reform Comprehensively to Make a Better Higher Education:Summary of the Forum of the 30th Anniversary of “The Decision on Reform of The Education System by The CPC Central Committee”
QIAN Lu, MA Shuang-Shuang
East China Normal University ,The Chinese Society of Education and The Chinese Society of Higher Education jointly organized the forum of 30th anniversary of “The Decision on Reform of The Education System by The CPC Central Committee” on May 25 and 26, 2015. Reports on the forum associated with the comprehensive reform of colleges and Universities mainly involves “peopleoriented to promote optional education” “toplevel design to promote the autonomy of colleges and universities”“studentscentered to promote Sinoforeign cooperative education” and “institutional innovation to promote the comprehensive reform of colleges and universities”. The participants discussed deeply and extensively on these topics.
2015 Vol. 9 (5): 120-124 [Abstract] ( 906 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5107KB] ( 923 )





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