Inhibition of Hepatitis B virus in liver cancer cells by preliminary peptide extracts of scorpion and centipede" /> 全蝎和蜈蚣的多肽粗提物对肝癌HepAD38细胞中HBV的抑制作用
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(1. 江苏大学药学院,江苏 镇江 212013; 2. 上海计划生育科学研究所,上海 200032; 3. 上海交通大学附属瑞金医院普外科,上海 200025)
Inhibition of Hepatitis B virus in liver cancer cells by preliminary peptide extracts of scorpion and centipede
MA Qing1, YANG Yang2, MA Tao3, XU Weidong1, ZHAO Ming1
(1. Pharmacy College, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang Jiangsu 212013; 2. Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, Shanghai 200032; 3. Department of General Surgery, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200025, China)

版权所有 © 2012《江苏大学学报(医学版)》编辑部
Journal of Jiangsu University (Medicine Edition)