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2012 Vol.  22 No.  6
Published: 30 November 2012

461 GAO Sheng, LIU Yue-fang, TIAN Yi-qing, JI Ying, ZENG Zi-han, YIN Si-yu, SHAO Qi-xiang
Expression, purification and primary identification of  PTD-mLumin-HMGB1 A fusion protein
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 461-464 [Abstract] ( 2046 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 991KB] ( 2318 )
465 LIU Xiao-mei1, ZHAO Dan2, PANG Rong-rong2, SHAN Kai2, LI Yan2, WANG Ying-wei2
Optimization on the cultivation method in vitro of cerebral astrocytus from mice
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 465-467,471 [Abstract] ( 2042 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1012KB] ( 3447 )
468 FAN Xin1, WANG Ying2, HOU Wen-ji3, LIU Yu3, WANG Xu-qing1, SUN Kang1, ZHANG Jian-xin1
Isolating, culturing and qualification of mouse pancreatic stellate cells
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 468-471 [Abstract] ( 2330 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1101KB] ( 2907 )
472 QIAN Hua1, WANG Hua1*, YUAN Dong-lan1, CUI Yong-an2, LIN Mei2, XIAO Wei3, JIAO Xia3, YU Hong3
Effect of gene NDRG1 transfection on the expression of COX-2  and VEGF and proliferation in human cervical cancer cells
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 472-475 [Abstract] ( 1495 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 904KB] ( 1789 )
476 HE Lan-lan1, ZHANG Zun-sheng2, LIU Yong-hai2
Research on transplantation of brainderived neurotrophic factor transfected bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in therapy of rats  with temporary middle cerebral artery occlusion
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 476-482 [Abstract] ( 1274 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4819KB] ( 2057 )
483 JIA Fang1, SUN Jian-hui1, WU Chun-fang2, CHEN Zhen-yue2, LU Guo-ping2
Inhibitive effects of atorvastatin on homocysteineinduced endoplasmic reticulum stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 483-486,490 [Abstract] ( 1238 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1075KB] ( 1885 )
487 XU Guangcai, ZHANG Jiafeng, WANG Jian, ZHANG Peijian, JIANG Yongjun, LUO Xiaojiang

Effect of rapamycin inhibit liver fibrosis in rat with obstructive jaundice
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 487-490 [Abstract] ( 1436 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1003KB] ( 1901 )
491 LI Li1, YU Zhengqing1, HU Juan-yu2, CHEN Wei1, ZHAO Guang-chun1, ZHANG Si-jin1, QIAN Lei1
Value of detecting the glycosylated hemoglobin in early myocardial injury
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 491-493 [Abstract] ( 1233 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 871KB] ( 2223 )
494 JU Hui-xiang, ZHOU Zhong-wei, ZHU Rong, TANG Qin-fang
Viral etiology of hospitalized children with acute respiratory tract infection
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 494-496 [Abstract] ( 1274 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 796KB] ( 1684 )
497 LV Shao-yan,JI Mu-sen,KONG Xian-ru,CAI Yan,JIN Zhao-chen

Real-time continuous glucose monitoring system in criticallycraniocerebral trauma patients with hyperglycemia  
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 497-499 [Abstract] ( 1315 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 798KB] ( 2074 )
500 SONG Shu1, XU Chuan-hai1, WANG Zheng-jiang2, SHAO Wei-wei1
Expressions of endothelin-1, MMP-2 and CD31 in liver cancer and their significance  
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 500-502,506 [Abstract] ( 1463 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1141KB] ( 2493 )
503 WANG Cun-zu1, XIE Jiang-ning2, CHANG Zhi-ying3, XIE Zheng-xing1, XU Hui-zhong1, DING De-qun4, CHEN Dong-yun5, CHEN Xin-cheng1
Association between scores of the motor component of the GCS and outcome after severe traumatic brain injury
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 503-506 [Abstract] ( 1285 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 804KB] ( 2174 )
Effects of ulinastatin on systemic inflammatory response and on S100β protein after thoracotomy in elderly patients with general anesthesia
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 507-509,517 [Abstract] ( 1467 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 834KB] ( 2320 )
510 YANG Hua1, XI Feng1, DING Yong-jie2, ZHOU Zhi-cai1
Research on the relationship between body mass index and sleep architecture changes in patients with obstructive sleep apneahypopnea syndrome
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 510-513 [Abstract] ( 1230 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 826KB] ( 1689 )
514 JIANG Guo-jun, ZHOU Jian, GONG Ze-gang, TAN Zhi-gang, TAN Yong-fei

Shortterm effects of the thoracoscopic and laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery to treat esophageal cancer
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 514-517 [Abstract] ( 1242 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 946KB] ( 2090 )
518 YU Shou-qiang1, SUN Bao-lin1, QUAN Yong-hui1, YAN Zheng-yuan1, WEI Chun-sheng1, YANG Xiao-long2
A comparing study for Conservative treatment and surgical treatment of multiple rib fractures
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 518-522 [Abstract] ( 1275 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 865KB] ( 2168 )
523 DU Xiao, ZHANG Qiu-juan, ZHANG Hong-zhi,SHI Yang
Prognosis evaluation of integrative medicine on acute period of ischemic stroke
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 523-526 [Abstract] ( 1111 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 809KB] ( 1993 )
527 HUANG Qiu-sheng, LU Han-qiang, TIAN Shu-yue, RONG Cai-xia
Expression and significance of nasal IL17A in allergic rhinitis patient after nasal provocation
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 527-529 [Abstract] ( 1210 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 801KB] ( 1889 )
530 RONG Lei, MA Guo-er, BIAN Xiu-juan
Analysis of Th17 and Treg cells and corresponding transcription factor in peripheral blood from patients with asthma
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 530-533 [Abstract] ( 1420 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1030KB] ( 2069 )
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 534-537 [Abstract] ( 1102 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 801KB] ( 2059 )
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 538-539 [Abstract] ( 1629 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 791KB] ( 1903 )
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 540-541 [Abstract] ( 948 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 791KB] ( 1755 )
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 542-543 [Abstract] ( 1294 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 787KB] ( 1627 )
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 544-546 [Abstract] ( 913 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1671KB] ( 1819 )
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 547-548 [Abstract] ( 974 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 786KB] ( 1925 )
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 549-550,552 [Abstract] ( 853 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 822KB] ( 2030 )
2012 Vol. 22 (6): 551-552 [Abstract] ( 1067 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 783KB] ( 2102 )





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