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2008 Vol.  18 No.  4
Published: 30 July 2008

277 祝康,郑国玺,韦俊荣,许珉,杨广笑,王全颖
Construction of a recombinate adeno-associated virus rAAV-NT4-ADNF-9 and its transfection to the cultured cochleae of rats
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 277- [Abstract] ( 726 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 780KB] ( 1638 )
281 傅奕,梁玉龙
Integrin β1 overexpression inhibits cell proliferation by upregulating p27 in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line SMMC-7721
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 281- [Abstract] ( 649 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 559KB] ( 1644 )
287 杨玲焰,秦芳,吴士良
Expression of polypeptide:N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-2 of chitosan on leukemia cell and the cell inhibitory action
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 287- [Abstract] ( 756 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 234KB] ( 1616 )
291 王崇强,范钰,徐永中,庞利群
Effects of RNA interference vascular endothelial growth factor expression on liver metastasis of colon cancer
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 291- [Abstract] ( 652 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 375KB] ( 1549 )
295 马鹏,徐成振,徐晓峰,陈静,龚爱华,张志坚
Effect of surface modification on cellular compatibility of nanoHydroxyapatite/collagen
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 295- [Abstract] ( 692 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 529KB] ( 1695 )
299 顾燕兰,郑金旭,万兵,管淑红
Chymase inhibitor in the rat model of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis and its impact on the expression of angiotensinⅡ and AT1-receptor
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 299- [Abstract] ( 688 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 554KB] ( 1884 )
303 裴凌鹏,惠伯棣
Protective effects of astaxanthin on acute alcohol liver injury in mice
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 303- [Abstract] ( 695 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 603KB] ( 2040 )
307 陈君,王胜军,仝佳,王海生,马斌,唐莉,胡正军,鲍俊峰,史烨,许化溪
Construction of eukaryotic expression vector pDisplay-hGITRaa1-165 and expression of hGITRaa1-165 protein in COS-7 cells
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 307- [Abstract] ( 650 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 438KB] ( 1587 )
310 鲍俊峰,王胜军,马洁,崔大伟,杨先知,毛朝明,仝佳,邵启祥,许化溪
Prokaryotic expression of mouse Foxp3 protein and preparation of polyclonal antibody
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 310- [Abstract] ( 726 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 461KB] ( 1775 )
314 秦芳,杨玲焰,姜智,吴祁生,徐岚,闫石,杨世蕊,吴士良
Down-regulation of caveolin-1 modulates the expression of β3-GalT7 in human tumor cells
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 314- [Abstract] ( 754 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1035KB] ( 1703 )
318 俞捷,王成华,陶艾彬,尹春阳,汪建飞,张国辉
Influence of carvedilol on oxidative stress in rat with adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 318- [Abstract] ( 686 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 718KB] ( 1735 )
322 金鸣锋,何国平,高磊,张寄南
Relationship between the KLOTHO gene C-1818T polymorphism and unstable angina pectoris
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 322- [Abstract] ( 722 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 793KB] ( 1556 )
327 郑金旭,张小燕,端礼荣,陈炜,管淑红
Effect of TGF-β1 induces A549 to mesenchymal cell transition in vitro
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 327- [Abstract] ( 658 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 620KB] ( 2062 )
330 薄亚文,成金罗
Correlation between blood glucose fluctuation and diabetic nephropathy
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 330- [Abstract] ( 651 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 200KB] ( 1605 )
334 余健,印红梅,张军,郑浩,陈益君,高文灿
Effect of low central venous pressure on blood loss and hepatorenal function during hepatic resection
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 334- [Abstract] ( 658 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 204KB] ( 2252 )
338 丁俊杰,冯云海
Efficacy observation of alprostadil and lidocaine in fifty-eight patients with sudder deafness
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 338- [Abstract] ( 632 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 128KB] ( 1921 )
340 李小琴,李坚,陈萍,包泉磊,杜永杰
Expression and clinical significance of LRP mRNA in non-small cell lung cancer
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 340- [Abstract] ( 580 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 265KB] ( 1622 )
344 黄宏亮,周红,王婷,石文霞,李娜,王海波
Purification of β2-glycoprotein I and analysis of its stability
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 344- [Abstract] ( 648 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 763KB] ( 1966 )
348 周剑波,张廷,胡宏
Effect of Cystatin C on evaluation of glomerular filtration function in chronic kidney disease patients
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 348- [Abstract] ( 736 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 131KB] ( 2223 )
351 朱月蓉,邱红,刘军权,陈复兴
Effect of tea polyphenols on γδT cell and SW-480 cell strain
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 351- [Abstract] ( 603 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 374KB] ( 2001 )
356 刘培晶,严金川,任国庆,侯建民,杜荣增,梁仪,吕凤珍,钱骏
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 356- [Abstract] ( 582 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 126KB] ( 1751 )
358 刘忠玉,李刚
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 358- [Abstract] ( 572 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 125KB] ( 1627 )
361 严丽荣,李坚
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 361- [Abstract] ( 587 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 134KB] ( 1569 )
365 陈蕾,焦志军
2008 Vol. 18 (4): 365- [Abstract] ( 620 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 146KB] ( 1919 )





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