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2009 Vol.  19 No.  6
Published: 30 November 2009

461 林江,姚冬明,钱军,许文荣,钱震,朱照辉,陈芹,王雅丽,肖高飞
Study of the primer design on methylation specific PCR
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 461- [Abstract] ( 742 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 237KB] ( 2926 )
465 许文荣,钱晖,彭秀娟,许晓蒙,顾红兵,王梅,徐会涛,陶洋,徐三荣
Development of real-time RT-PCR for detection of Tim4 and its application in gastrointestinal carcinomas
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 465- [Abstract] ( 694 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 191KB] ( 1491 )
469 陆培松,袁志诚,杨勇,龚爱华,张志坚,湛利平,王鹏,陈波,李巧玉,封云
Optimal reaction condition of radioiodination of nerve growth factor with 125I
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 469- [Abstract] ( 652 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 120KB] ( 1732 )
472 袁利学,刘洋,步雪峰,郑金旭,严玉兰
Prokaryotic expression,purification of recombinant mouse interleukin-28 and production of its polyclonal antibody
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 472- [Abstract] ( 688 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 208KB] ( 1632 )
475 周军,高静,方春钱,林娜,严丽芳
Effect of asiatic acid on the proliferation of HepG2 cells
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 475- [Abstract] ( 663 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 392KB] ( 2122 )
480 束进,严文华,王海波,康裕斌,屈焕霞,戴江,徐宝华
Research on TLR4/NF-κB expression of cardiac cells and signal-transduction pathway of DOX in newborn rats and the intervention of dexamethasone
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 480- [Abstract] ( 663 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 459KB] ( 1847 )
485 潘鹏,郭涛,马尘超,陈永昌
Influence of Astragalus on apoptosis of renal ischemia-reperfusion cells in rats
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 485- [Abstract] ( 634 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 397KB] ( 1713 )
489 谭玉林,严国度,奚剑波,法镇中,汤建军,耿宏
Expression on human pancreatic carcinoma with adenovirus-mediated human wild-type p53,GM-CSF and B7-1 genes
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 489- [Abstract] ( 649 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 264KB] ( 1540 )
493 蒋平,黄骏,姜敏炎
Experimental study of bradykinin β2 receptor antagonist′s effect on brain in rabbit extracorporeal circulation
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 493- [Abstract] ( 758 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 114KB] ( 1656 )
496 薛翠华,高振军,李秋萍,许亚平,周春锁,姚俊,付白清
Effects of celecoxib on serum proinflammatory cytokines in rats with severe acute pancreatitis
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 496- [Abstract] ( 641 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 144KB] ( 1871 )
499 吴黎明
Comparison of the results of routine biochemical items in emergency by dry and wet chemical methods
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 499- [Abstract] ( 632 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 116KB] ( 2298 )
502 虞勤,刘玉琴,王永忠,江剑华
Sequence analysis on HBV DNA "a" determinant mutation in children failed in HBIG vaccination
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 502- [Abstract] ( 646 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 110KB] ( 1547 )
505 吴虹桥,童梅玲,张敏,池霞
Study of relationships between saliva constituent and diet behavior in infant
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 505- [Abstract] ( 591 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 133KB] ( 1766 )
508 孙丽丽,关亚群,焦谊,王延蛟,刘晓宇,张成
Expression of visfatin and its related factors in obese subject of Uygur
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 508- [Abstract] ( 597 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 205KB] ( 1398 )
512 徐志刚,吴晨光,李秋萍
Study on the clinical effect of losartan combined perindopril on treating early diabetic nephropathy
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 512- [Abstract] ( 610 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 146KB] ( 1530 )
515 鄂有国,曹德华,朱倩,钱月红,赵枫
Compare of the lately half course and whole course three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy to progressive esophageal carcinoma in the middle part of esophagus
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 515- [Abstract] ( 634 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 154KB] ( 1393 )
519 黄大福,陈德玉
Value of EGFR and HER2 to predict the sensitivity of chemoradiotherapy in the esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 519- [Abstract] ( 687 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 147KB] ( 1763 )
523 师干伟,何国平,戚传平,高磊,戚猛,沈丹丹,钱志宏,许联红
Association of the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 gene A-2518G polymerphism with unstable angina pectoris
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 523- [Abstract] ( 639 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 247KB] ( 1513 )
527 邓新桃,石桂良,郑金国,赵建祥,洪渊,马根山
Study on relationship between brain natriuretic peptide and coronary angiography
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 527- [Abstract] ( 618 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 209KB] ( 1845 )
530 陈新军,郭开今
Influence of laminar and facet inclination angle on degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 530- [Abstract] ( 650 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 124KB] ( 1731 )
532 施舜缤,俞力超,胡嘉波,朱孝中,许文荣
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 532- [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 155KB] ( 1388 )
535 胡曙东,王亚非,周恩汉,谌业荣,刘琴芳
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 535- [Abstract] ( 557 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 174KB] ( 1443 )
538 吉卫东,王娅,王中秋
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 538- [Abstract] ( 627 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 486KB] ( 1643 )
541 曹志宏,刘怡文,耿道颖,王非
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 541- [Abstract] ( 525 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 230KB] ( 1523 )
544 吴进,黄小静,汪正平,刘华,顾桂兰,李士通
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 544- [Abstract] ( 547 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 223KB] ( 1428 )
546 李安宝,余建,郑浩
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 546- [Abstract] ( 543 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 199KB] ( 1408 )
548 赵有发,张远明,邢鸣
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 548- [Abstract] ( 526 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 75KB] ( 1558 )
550 李加新,张立新,李忻
2009 Vol. 19 (6): 550- [Abstract] ( 559 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 78KB] ( 2085 )





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