Impact of bus entering lane change behavior on headway
1. Chongqing Municipal Research Institute of Design, Chongqing 400020, China| 2. College of Traffic and Transportation, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
Abstract:Bus entering lane change (BELC) is a kind of permanent and mandatory lane change behavior on the city road. To find out the factors that influence traffic organization and efficiency within upstream of bus stop, the process of bus lane change behavior was analyzed. The relationship among lane change time, lane change frequency, stop distance, number of crossed lanes and traffic volume was quantitatively analyzed based on the actual survey data. According to the principal component analysis method, a multivariate linear regression model of the headway with the above five factors was established. The proposed model was proved that it can better meet the test than the empirical regression model. The results show that during the BELC, the first principal component mainly reflects the lane change time, while the lane change frequency does not meet the main component requirements with slight effect on headway. The stop distance is negative to the headway, while the other four factors are proportional to the headway. Lengthening lane change distance, reducing duration and cross numbers of lane change and decreasing traffic volume can improve traffic conditions around bus stop.