为研究采用预拉对穿螺栓的新型卷边PEC柱-钢梁BRS耗能板部分自复位连接中节点的抗震性能,对考虑PEC柱布置方式的2个试件进行了拟静力试验.结果表明:BRS板耗能部分自复位连接,通过BRS板屈服耗散地震能和预拉杆实现自复位功效,且整个加载过程中结构主要受力构件处在弹性状态;PEC柱的布置决定梁柱连接的刚度匹配,相应影响部分自复位节点受力性能发展进程和试件损伤分布规律;预拉对穿螺栓和预拉杆的设置促使节点域混凝土斜压带传力模式的形成,相应降低了对节点域钢结构腹板的抗剪要求;所有试件连接转角达到中震层间侧移角限值0.020 rad,残余转角均小于自复位残余转角限值为0.005 rad,即使层间侧移角超过大震层间侧移角限值0.035 rad,试件承载能力仍处于增长趋势,且梁端残余转角基本不超过0.010 rad.
To investigate seismic performance of the interior joint of novel PEC column-steel beam with partial post-tensioned BRS energy-dissipation connection, column layout was taken into consideration to design 2 large size specimens, and the tests were conducted under quasi-static cyclic lateral loading. The results show that the post-tensioned bars can provide restoring force to reduce residual drift with mitigated structural damage process, while BRS energy-dissipation plates can be used to dissipate earthquake energy with reduced structural response. The stiffness distribution of column-beam is determined by PEC column layout to affect the mechanical process of connection and the damage pattern of the specimens. The force-transfer mechanism of concrete equivalent strut in the panel zone is formed by pre-tensioned penetrating bolts and post-tensioned bars, which correspondingly alleviates shear demand of steel web. All residual rotations of specimens are less than 0.005 rad when interstory drift reaches the limit of 0.020 rad of frame structure at design basis earthquake level. All residual rotations of specimens are still less than 0.010 rad when interstory drift is more than the limit of 0.035 rad of frame structure at maximum earthquake level.
新型PEC柱 /
BRS耗能 /
部分自复位连接 /
抗震性能 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
innovative PEC column /
BRS yield energy-dissipation /
partial self-centering connection /
seismic performance /
quasi-static test
{{custom_keyword}} /
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国家自然科学基金资助项目(51478286,51078247); 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2009558); 江苏
省结构重点实验室开放基金资助项目(ZD0905); 江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人资助计划项目(2014); 江苏省