Abstract:To explore and predict the unsafe lane-changing behavior of drivers in tunnels, a structural equation model of lane-changing behavior of drivers in tunnels was established based on the extended theory of planned behavior (Ex-TPB) by introducing driving habit explanatory variables on the theory of planned behavior. A questionnaire survey was conducted among drivers. Based on 321 questionnaires data, the effectiveness of the structural equation model was analyzed, and from psychology, the psychological factors on driver lane-changing behavior and the relationship among various factors were analyzed. The results show that the structural equation model is suitable for analyzing the lanechanging behavior of drivers in tunnels. Driving habits, lanechanging behavior intention and perceived behavior control have direct positive and significant effects on lane-changing behavior. Driving habits, behavioral attitudes and perceived behavioral control have significantly positive effects on lane-changing behavior intention, while subjective norms have significantly negative effects on lane-changing behavior intention.
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