Abstract:In view of the changes in video sampling and the different movement speed of target subject, to solve the problems of the current deep network learning with single video sequence feature and the multiple action classifiers with different classification confidence, the video action recognition method was proposed based on multi time scale two-stream CNN and confidence fusion. Two-stream network was used to learn and extract the context information features between video frames of different time span on multiple time scales, and LSTM was used to predict the action categories with various characteristics. For each scale and mode of action classifier, the confidence of category determination was established with consideration of overall difference and uniqueness of category between the sample and other categories. Each classifier was used to fuse the confidence degree and the score of the action category decision for recognizing the video action. The video action recognition experiments were performed on the dataset of UCF101. The results show that the proposed method can effectively learn the contextual information of multiple time scales of videos and improve the accuracy of video action recognition to 92.2%.
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