Abstract:To achieve good extraction efficiency and acquire extraction technology with related kinetic parameters of anthocyanin from Prunus salicina L., the effects of operating conditions of solvent, ethanol concentration, solidliquid ratio, pH value, extraction temperature and time on extraction yield were investigated. Thermal degradation kinetics and stability of anthocyanin from Prunus s. were discussed with adding ascorbic acid and glucose at selected extraction pH, temperature and time. The maximal anthocyainin yield of 1.52 mg·g-1 fresh weight from Prunus s. was obtained at the conditions of 60% hydrochloric in ethanol, pH of 2.0, extraction time of 2.0 h, solidliquid ratio of 1/10 g·mL-1 and temperature of 60 ℃. The degradation kinetics of anthocyanin were also discussed by adding common food additives with 0.01% ascorbic acid or 10% glucose to obtain kinetic parameters of activation energy of Ea, rate constant of k and halflife of t1/2. The results show that the degradation of the anthocyanin is followed by firstorder reaction kinetics, and the maximal Ea of anthocyanin degradation is 69.12 kJ·mol-1 at pH value of 3.0. By adding 0.01% ascorbic acid and 10% glucose into the reaction system, the degradation process can be promoted with reduced Ea by 86.49% and 73.15%, respectively.