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江苏大学学报(社会科学版)  2018, Vol. 20 Issue (1): 21-29    DOI: 10.13317/j.cnki.jdskxb.2018.016
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被流转:规模化土地流转中的政府动员与策略 ——基于皖南萍镇和鄂中龙村的实证调研
西南大学 中国乡村建设学院, 重庆 400715
Forced Land Transfer: Governmental Mobilization and Strategy in Largescale Land Transfer —Based on the Empirical Research of Ping Town in Southern Anhui and Long Village in Middle Hubei
Yu Lian
Institute of Chinas Rural Construction,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715, China

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