Diagnosis and early warning electrocardiogram reevaluation in sudden cardiac death related disease
(Provincial Clinical Medical College of Fujian Medical University,Emergency Center of Fujian
Province,Department of Electrocardiogram,Fujian Provincial Hospital,Fuzhou Fujian 350001,China)
Abstract:Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the leading cause of death from cardiovascular disease. SCDrelated diseases have a very high mortality rate in hospital and prehospital emergency rescue, so early diagnosis and prevention is the key measure of treating such diseases.Since the advent of a hundred years ,ECG has become an independent knowledge and makes its progress with the development medicine. Electrocardiogram plays an important role in the diagnosis and early warning of SCD diseases.This article describes the development and changes in the electrocardiogram science in the diagnosis and early warning of SCD diseases.
郑炜平, 陈锋, 李峰, 王五一, 林开阳, 林春锦. 心脏性猝死相关疾病诊断及预警心电图再评价[J]. 实用心电学杂志, 2015, 24(6): 381-390.
ZHENG Wei-Ping, CHEN Feng, LI Feng, WANG Wu-Yi, LIN Kai-Yang, LIN Chun-Jin. Diagnosis and early warning electrocardiogram reevaluation in sudden cardiac death related disease. JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL ELECTROCARDIOLOGY, 2015, 24(6): 381-390.
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