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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2024 Vol.26 Issue.03
Published 2024-05-30

1 The Forming Logic, Characteristics and Breakthrough of the Route of Chinesestyle Modernization and Peaceful Development
Xia Yinping, Wang Li
The route of Chinesestyle modernization and peaceful development is the CPCs inevitable conclusion and choice from the sufferings in modern times and the practice of promoting and expanding Chinesestyle modernization under the guidance of the Marxist concept of world peace and based on the concept of peace in the traditional Chinese culture. While China relies on its own strength to promote its modernization independently, it coordinates domestic development and opening up to the outside world, and realizes the common prosperity of the world with a winwin strategy of opening up, showing that the Chinesestyle route of modernization and peaceful development features a development of independence, coordination and mutuality. Such a route not only abandons the old one of expansion and predatory colonialism, but also negates the detour that lacks independence and autonomy. It is a new route of modernization that correctly handles its relationship with the world.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 1-11 [Abstract] ( 20 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 955KB] ( 383 )
12 The Basic Connotation and Time Value of Chinas Highquality Development of Artificial Intelligence
Liu Libo1, Wei Xixuan2
At present, artificial intelligence technology is booming around the world, and a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is developing rapidly. To meet the development needs of the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core actively responded to the latest trend of intelligent transformation, seized the significant historical opportunity of AI innovation, and implemented the national development strategy of a new generation of artificial intelligence. This strategy is clear in goal and direction, rich in connotation and complete in system. It is one of Chinas essential measures to explore the laws of scientific and technological innovation in the new era and create a unique pattern of highquality development. It, under the “peoplecentered” principle, aims at guiding the construction of a better life via AI scenario innovation, and is of significant epochal value for China to improve its construction of an innovative country, improve its national governance and modernize its governance system in the new era.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 12-21 [Abstract] ( 19 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 926KB] ( 300 )
22 On the Implication of Historical Materialism of “Standing on the Right Side of History”— Also on the End of “The End of History”
Chen Yongjie, Guo Jin
General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the importance of “standing on the right side of history”, argued for learning from history and following historical trends, and called for peaceful development and common progress of all humanity. Faced with the rampant notion of the “end of history” at the end of the last century, the viewpoint of “standing on the right side of history” accurately grasps the historical laws and trends of reality, and on the basis of the materialistic historical view, provides a strong refutation and dissolution of the abovementioned abstract viewpoint. It can be said that the viewpoint of “standing on the right side of history” embodies the requirement, guided by the materialistic historical view, to abandon and transcend capitalist civilization and steadfastly pursue a new path of Chinesestyle modernization. History is not ended, as the “end of history” claims, but rather in a process of progressive development. It is crucial to keep up with the tide of historical progress, pursue a path of peaceful development aiming at the free and comprehensive development of all humanity, and construct a “community of shared future for mankind” based on “winwin cooperation”.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 22-35 [Abstract] ( 11 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1063KB] ( 312 )
36 On the Methodology of UrbanRural Integration Development in the New Era and Its Path Selection
Li Mingyu, Tan Zhiyuan, Li Li
In the perspective of historical materialism, the development of urbanrural relations has gone through a logical transmutation process from “urbanrural chaos” to “urbanrural dichotomy” and further to “urbanrural integration”. In the new era of urbanrural integration and development, it is necessary to adhere to the methodology of combining universality with specificity, toplevel design with trialanderror improvisation, and individual development with common development, to the systemic and holistic as well as bottomline thinking, and to the unity of urban and rural affordability and development effectiveness. On this basis, this study explored, in the light of practicality, how to improve the mechanisms for the expression of the interests of urban and rural residents, upgrade those for the provision of services in urban and rural areas, construct those for compensating for the interests of urban and rural areas, strengthen those for integrating the interests of urban and rural areas, and perfect those for coordinating the interests of urban and rural subjects, so as to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 36-44 [Abstract] ( 16 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 927KB] ( 328 )
45 The Logic and Path for Villager Education to Assist the Centennial Exploration of Rural Construction
Li Yue, Liu Yibing
Chinas exploration of rural construction has a history of one hundred years, in which education has always been a key measure to assist rural construction that in turn has always been based on villager education.The centennial evolution can be roughly divided into the following five stages: the stage of assisting to relieve the villages and the nation (before 1949); the stage of assisting to restore and develop the rural production (1949—1978); the stage of assisting to reform the villages (1978—2000); the stage of assisting to construct a new socialist countryside (2000—2012); the stage of assisting to realize agricultural and rural modernization (2012 to now). This process shows that the key to promoting the construction of rural industry, culture, talent, organization and ecology through villager education lies in promoting agriculture through science and education, in villagers “spiritual rebuilding” and “ideal moulding”, in improving the villagers overall quality and capacity, in increasing their cultural identification and stimulating their subjectivity, and in cultivating ecological protection awareness. In the new era, the logic behind villager education should be the same, but the educational focus should be on rural revival. So we should draw on existing experiences to explore the practical path of how to better serve rural and national rejuvenation in such aspects as thought, theory, system and action.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 45-57 [Abstract] ( 22 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 978KB] ( 326 )
58 The Relationship between Leadership Style and Employee Voice: A Metaanalysis
Zhu Yongyue, Zou Jialu, Song Rui
This study uses the metaanalysis method to explore the relationship between leadership style and employee suggestionmaking. After screening, a total of 218 valid literature met the metaanalysis criteria, including 113 in Chinese and 105 in English. The results indicate that: (1) Leadership style is a key variable that affects employee voice, and the impact of different variables on employee behavior varies; (2) Inclusive leadership, transformational leadership, and serviceoriented leadership have a higher impact on employees voice with a tendency towards collectivism; (3) The measurement methods of inclusive leadership, serviceoriented leadership, and authoritarian leadership have a more significant moderating effect on employee behavior, while the behavior measurement tool only plays a moderating role in the relationship between ethical leadership and employee behavior; (4) Humble leadership, authentic leadership, and LMX have a greater contribution to the improvement of employee suggestionmaking behavior in selfevaluation situations; (5) The moderating effects of inclusive leadership, humble leadership, authentic leadership, and LMX on employee behavior are significantly lower at multiple time points than at a single time point.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 58-70 [Abstract] ( 18 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1115KB] ( 429 )
71 CEO Career Horizon and Firm Innovation— From the Perspective of Real Option and Behavioral Theory of the Firm
Lyu Chan1, Liu Heying1,2
In the context of innovation, a CEOs career horizon affects the flexibility with which the firm chooses its strategies, resulting in differences in innovation strategies between firms. This paper uses the publicly traded company data from 2009 to 2019 to examine the influence mechanism of CEO career horizon on firm innovation strategy in line with real option and behavioral theory of the firm (BTOF). The study finds that the broader a CEOs career horizon, the higher the level of the firms innovation, as is especially evidenced by a notable increase in the overall number of patent applications for invention, and when the firm faces internal operational challenges (historical aspiration shortfalls) as well as external dynamic environmental pressures (high economic policy uncertainty), the positive impact of the CEOs horizon on corporate innovation is more obvious. It also shows that such positive impacts are stronger in growing firms and nonstateowned ones.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 71-85 [Abstract] ( 21 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1077KB] ( 278 )
86 The Theoretical Logic and Development Limit of the Refinement of the Peoples Mediation
Niu Yubing1, Xu Haoming2
Since the 1990s, the peoples mediation in China has experienced a change from decline to revival, and especially after 2002, the number of mediation cases kept rising till 2010, the year of peak as well as plateau. On the other hand, this increase was accompanied by a continuous decrease in the number of mediation organizations and personnel and an increase in the rate of mediation by mediators. Such changes were closely related to the development of “refinement” of the peoples mediation in recent years, which mainly includes the refinement of the organizational structure, the communal sinking of dispute resolution, the specialization of dispute resolution techniques and the improvement of the mediation process. The reason for such refinements is the complexity of contradictions and disputes, the change of the peoples demand for dispute resolution, the development of social governance theory and the application of network information technology. The refined development of the mediation work conforms to the requirements of the downshift of governance focus, increases the mediation efficiency, and provides an alternative for the transformation of mediation, but such a mediation system does have limits in its refinements due to the limits in its attribute, value rationality of mediation and marginal effect of resource input.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 86-101 [Abstract] ( 20 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1336KB] ( 318 )
102 The Value Implication and Reshaping Application of Rule for Falling Objects in Civil Code of the Peoples Repubice of China
Wang Yinzhou
Article 1254 of Civil Code of the Peoples Repubice of China, which is known as “rule for falling and throwing objects from highrise buildings”, has undergone substantial changes as it not only absorbed the “indemnification obligation” defined in Article 87 of the previous Tort Law of the Peoples Republic of China, but also included the additional terms on property managements safety guarantee obligation and public security authorities investigating and ascertaining liability. In practical terms, it has abandoned the previous position of emphasizing the relief function as it turned to a better social welfare and a balanced realization of corrective justice and distributive justice. So, the application of this article needs to be reshaped according to the change of its values. It should be made clear that indemnification obligation follows secondary liability, while the indemnification obligation should be further detailed, and the public security units investigation for solving civil dispute be distinguished from that for imposing punishments for public security and criminal responsibility.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 102-115 [Abstract] ( 19 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1007KB] ( 391 )
116 The Characteristics, Healing and Countermeasures of Contemporary College Students Viewpoint on Hardship and Happiness— A Case Study of the “Tanking” Phenomenon
Zhang Jing1, Song Xiaohong2
The viewpoint on hardship and happiness is an important part of the view on life, which reflects an individuals search for the meaning of selfsurvival. However, the “tanking” phenomenon among some college students reflects their negative tendencies towards hardship and happiness. Through the analysis of this “tanking” phenomenon, we found that some students featured the following characteristics in terms of hardship and happiness: the onesided understanding and doubting of the connotation and relationship between hardship and happiness, the decadent pessimism of negative attitudes towards hardship and happiness and negative emotions, the spiritual nihilism characterized by lack of belief in hardship and happiness and weak will, and the refined egoism scintillating from disconnected motive and behavior concerning hardship and happiness. With the help of relevant theories of positive psychology, the discussion of hardship and happiness education is helpful for college students to dispel their “tanking”, facilitate them to walk out of the contradictions in life, and establish a positive view of hardship and happiness.
2024 Vol. 26 (03): 116-124 [Abstract] ( 13 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1007KB] ( 320 )





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