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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2023 Vol.25 Issue.2
Published 2023-03-30

1 On the Logic, Characteristics and Value of the “Three Musts”
Li Fang, Wang Danzhu
 The “Three Musts” put forward in the “Report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC” embody the theoretical inevitability of Marxist historical materialism, the historical inevitability of the CPCs longterm struggle and practice, and the practical inevitability of realizing the rejuvenation of Chinese nation, and contains their own theoretical, historical and practical logic. They are valueoriented, characterbuilding and practiceoriented, and feature historical awareness and requirements of the times, twoway integration of scientific theory and Chinese culture, and organic unity of rick sense and selfconfidence. They are the CPCs weapon to deal with risk and selfrevolution, its bugle to call for all Chinese nations to be united and fight, and its shield of the great new project of Party construction.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 27 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1043KB] ( 730 )
11 The Scientific Connotation and Practical Path of the “Two Combinations” of  Sinicizing Marxism
Xu Guomin, Wang Guohong
The advancing of “two combinations” reflects that the CPC has reached a new height in its understanding of the necessity of promoting the modernization of and upholding and developing Marxism. It is a major theoretical innovation made by the Party on its new journey. The “first combination” focuses on the theoretical innovation based on its practices and development with time while the “second” focuses on the fact that Marxism must be rooted in Chinese civilization and have national characteristics, and that it must be mastered by the Chinese people, and become a powerful material force to transform the world. The internal logic of realizing the “two combinations” is the common need of innovation and revival, the dialectical unity of criticism and inclusiveness, and the complementary copromotion of momentum and coordination. On the new journey, it is necessary to explore specific practical paths in terms of goal orientation, value orientation, discourse expression and innovation of the times, so as to realize a closer and more vivid combination.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 11-20 [Abstract] ( 62 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1045KB] ( 878 )
21 The Three Dimensions of Raising the Consciousness of Chinese National Community
Dai Hongbao1, Meng Chengquan2, Tian Yuan2
The forging of a sense of community for the Chinese Nation is an important component of Xi Jinpings thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.To grasp the theoretical implication of forging the Chinese Consciousness of National Community accurately, we must take Xis thought as the theoretical premise and selfconsciousness. To take this thought as a theoretical reference, we can trace the forging the Consciousness of Chinese National Community from three dimensions: Marxism, Chinese traditional culture and socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese tradition culture is the ideological source of the forging the Consciousness while Marxism is its theoretical basis,and socialism with Chinese characteristics its practical basis. The forging of the Communal Consciousness realized the unity of theory and practice, and that of epistemology and methodology.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 21-32 [Abstract] ( 33 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1046KB] ( 897 )
33 The Inherent Logic behind the Formation of the Consciousness of the Chinese National Community from the Perspective of Marxist Social Consciousness Theory
Ping Weibin1, Zhou Zhengang2, Gao Zhengxing1
As a major theoretical innovation to the original discourse of contemporary Chinese Marxism and the modernization of national governance, the Consciousness of the Chinese National Community is not an abstract and pure one, but a “system” with rich connotation and internal generative logic. Marxs social consciousness theory reveals the root cause of social consciousness, demonstrates its internal structure, and reveals its detailed development spectrum, providing the fundamental theoretical guidance for understanding the internal logic of the generation of the Consciousness of the Chinese National Community. From the historical logic angle, such a consciousness, as a reflection of the Chinese national community body, was born and developed from the “selfbeing” stage to the “selfconsciousness” stage and then to the “selfdoing” stage.From the theoretical logic angle, it, as a specific social consciousness, is a complex whole composed of various elements, following the general law of sublimation from “concept” to “idea” and then to “belief”. From the practical logic angle, it is consistent with the pursuit of modernity and the modernization process of the Chinese National Community, and reveals the practical logic of taking “the consciousness of rejuvenation” as the spiritual banner, and assuming “the consciousness of saving the nation”, “the consciousness of enriching the nation” and “the consciousness of strengthening the nation” at different stages.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 33-42 [Abstract] ( 34 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1044KB] ( 716 )
43 The Four Dimensions of the Communist Party of Chinas Selfrevolution#br# — From the Perspective of Historical Changes in the “Party Constitution” in the Past Century
Chen Li1,2
The spirit of selfrevolution underpins the Partys ability to maintain its youthful vigor. Being committed to selfrevolution to ensure the Party to preserve its essence, color, and character is rooted in its discipline. The “Party Constitution” as the recorder of the Partys selfrevolution, demonstrates through the textual evolution in its discipline chapter the multiple facets of the revolution, including how to maintain the progressiveness and purity of a proletarian party, which is the fundament of all; how to ensure the Partys leadership, which is the primary task; how to govern the Party with strict disciplines, which is the path; and how to standardize and formalize the disciplinary inspection via rule of law, which is the guarantee. These facets have their own inherent laws and are rooted in the vivid practices of selfrevolution to ensure that the Party always stays ahead of the times.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 43-52 [Abstract] ( 32 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1098KB] ( 769 )
53 The Background, Main Content and Value Implication of the Party History Education in the New Era
Tong Chengshuai
Xi Jinping put forward a series of important expositions on the study and education of the Party history in line with the domestic and international situations around the 100th anniversary of the Party. The main content involves the following five aspects: theory, thought, party building, mission and spirit. They show excellent political wisdom and superb value and interest and are of important guiding significance for all Party members to establish a correct view of Party history, enhance their understanding of history, increase trust, honor morality, and practice history.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 53-64 [Abstract] ( 36 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1068KB] ( 934 )
65 The History, Status Quo and Innovative Development of Movie Exchanges between China and Serbia from the Perspective of “Community Aesthetics”
Zhang Jingwu, Peng Jinrong
The movie exchanges between China and Serbia are based on the common sense of “Community of a Shared Future”. They began in the Republic of China period, developed and reached the climax in the socialist Yugoslavia period. But with the disintegration of Yugoslavia, they fell into a low ebb. However, the exchanges between the China and Serbia regained the momentum in the past decade, because both sides wanted to consolidate their traditional friendship and work together to build a “Community of a Shared Future between China and Serbia” in the new era that the movie exchanges can surpass the historical level and achieve innovative development. The movie exchanges between the two countries should move in some key directions. We should give play to the leading role of “community aesthetics” at the text level and tap the content that can stimulate the common feelings of the people of China and Serbia. We should vigorously promote allround and indepth exchanges and cooperation in movie industry, from creation and production to distribution and projection, and build a ChinaSerbia movie industrial community. We should also take new steps and make new achievements in key areas such as coproduction, mutual imports, commercial cooperation and derivative cooperation.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 65-77 [Abstract] ( 37 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1106KB] ( 729 )
78 The Problem of Chinese Movie Creation Community and Its Ascension Path
Zhou Xing1, Wu Xiaozhong2
 The theory of “community aesthetics” guides the creation of Chinese movies, and the “creation community” of these movies needs to use “community aesthetics” to embark on the road of highquality development. There are four main problems in the practice of the “creation community”, including poor creation, overall unbalance, problematic narrative and ignoring the audience. To solve the problems, it is necessary to consider the promotion path and targeted strategy of “creation community” from the three paths of creators, texts and audience, and point out the specific development direction of “community aesthetics” for the “creation community”,like harmonious group creators, movie texts showing “community aesthetics”, and “sharing of the audience”.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 78-88 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1049KB] ( 787 )
89 The Impact of Green Credit Policy on Enterprise Environmental Performance#br# — Evidence from Listed Enterprises in Heavy Polluting Industries
Xiao Jianzhong, Dong Yuxuan
 Under the background of ecological civilization construction, the implementation of green credit policy guides enterprises to shift to green production. For listed enterprises in heavily polluting industries, such a policy constrains their environmental performance through financing punishment and encourages them to improve it through innovation compensation, information disclosure and regional regulation. On the whole, the negative impact of the policy on the economic benefits of enterprises is less than the positive incentive,showing that the green credit policy significantly improves the environmental performance of enterprises. In addition, the research shows that there is heterogeneity in the implementation of the policy, which has a great incentive effect on stateowned enterprises and small and mediumsized enterprises, but the effects change with region.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 89-100 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1149KB] ( 1163 )
101 Can Skill Matching Increase Residents Happiness?#br# — From the Perspective of Employment Quality
Ye Dezhu, Yang Yang
 Improving residents subjective sense of happiness can boost Chinas cause of common prosperity. The present paper analyzes the impact of job skill matching on residents subjective sense of happiness from the perspective of employment quality, using Chinas comprehensive social survey data. Our empirical research has found that engaging in skills matching work can significantly increase individual happiness and the probability for individuals to obtain happiness. Our heterogeneity analysis found that the happiness effect of skill matching among Chinese Midwesterners and women is stronger than that among the Easterners and men. Our mechanism analysis shows that job skill matching affects individuals happiness through emotion and selfidentity.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 101-112 [Abstract] ( 38 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1132KB] ( 768 )
113 A Knowledge Sociological Interpretation of Multisubject Participating in Community Autonomy#br# — Taking the Reconstruction of NQ Leisure Square in P District of Shanghai as an Example
Xu Lingfei1, Yang Rongjun2
Through sorting out the researches on sociology of knowledge, and through field work and analysis of the formation process and results of the reconstruction project of NQ Leisure Square in P District of Shanghai, we found that the solving of public problems, from the perspective of sociology of knowledge, must be based on the “knowledge interaction” of multisubjects, following the value orientation of “knowledge comes from society and knowledge produces society” to find the proper “knowledge”, and offered a new explanation from the angle of knowledge sociology for the important process and result analysis of the multisubjects participation in community public decisionmaking to solve public problems. We suggest that we should apply proper knowledge to improving the effects of community governance when dealing with public problems in community autonomy.
2023 Vol. 25 (2): 113-124 [Abstract] ( 29 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1179KB] ( 616 )





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