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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2022 Vol.24 Issue.5
Published 2022-09-30

1  Encouraging and Suppression: the Way out of the Gray Zone of Network Ideological Public Opinion
Yue Aiwu, Duan Hongmin
 The rapid development of network information technology and the popularization of mobile intelligent terminals have not only brought about profound changes in the style of production and life and the social relationship structure, but also led to the indepth adjustment of the network ideology and public opinion ecology. The Internet has become the main battlefield and the forefront of the ideological and public opinion struggle. Due to the centralized mapping of many contradictions in the network space during the social transformation period, the cognitive bias of the network subjects, the diverse interests of the network subjects, the inadequate managementsystem of network and many other incentives, the gray zones of the network continue to exist and grow.To uproot the problem, we must encourage creation first, and then consolidate and expand the red zones, and set a benchmark for the gray zones; for the black zones, we must crack them down so as tothreaten and squeeze the gray zones. So, we encourage as well as suppress the development of the gray zones to guide their transformation into red ones.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 1-11 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1176KB] ( 710 )
Generation, Conflict and Guidance: Internet Public Opinion under the Political 
Zhang Aijun, Cao Huiya
The video clip platform with Tik Tok as the prop reduces the threshold of visual information writing and understanding, resulting in the sinking of discourse expression subjects, and the underlying discourses involvement is in political communication in cyberspace. The “silent majority” created the tide of public opinion through Tik Tok video clips featuring narrative, emotional and interactive communication. At the same time, the communication of these Tik Tok clips is accompanied by visual banter, metaphor and deception, giving rise to polarized public opinions, views and positions. Therefore, such political communication and positive construction of public opinion space must confirm to the official medias standardization and management of political expressions, follow the governmental guidance to enhance citizens political sensitivity and public awareness, and obey the coordinated and parallel governance of multiple subjects on visual deception.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 12-24 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1127KB] ( 988 )
25  The Logic behind Leading the Campus Culture of Colleges and Universities with Socialist Core Values
Li Honggang, Song Zhenzhen
The socialist core value system clarifies the value goal, orientation and criterion of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and is the concentrated embodiment of the Chinese zeitgeist.College campus culture is the radiation field of socialist core values. So, the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities should be guided by socialist core values from the three dimensions of value, theory and practice. In other words, the value goal should be set to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism, realize the original aspirations of education, cultivate new talents who can shoulder the great responsibility of national rejuvenation, and realize mens free and comprehensive development, an analytical framework of “whom, how and for whom to train” should be established, and the leading role of socialist core values should be brought into play in the adherence to the mainstream ideology of campus culture, the selection of subjects, the construction of systems, and the creation of activities, so as to improve the overall effectiveness of practice.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 25-33 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1078KB] ( 543 )
34  The Three-fold Logic and Practical Mechanism of the Integration of Chinese Communists Spiritual Pedigree 
Wei Junfeng1, Zhang Zhen2
The spiritual pedigree of the Chinese communists is the precious spiritual wealth derived from the spirit of building the party and accumulating in the centuryold revolution, construction and reform, so it should accordingly become an important part of ideological and political courses in Chinese universities. The logic behind its integration into college ideological and political courses lies in Marxism and its Sinicization, in the combination of the two in cultivating values, and in solving the predicament in the combination. On this basis, a practical mechanism of teachers, classroom, network, and actual teaching is tentatively constructed to help with the reform and innovation of college ideological and political courses in the new era, improve the effectiveness of moral education, and cultivate students full of ambition, backbone and confidence for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 34-44 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1097KB] ( 505 )
45 The Embedded Mechanism of the Party Building Leading the Community Governance— A Study of the “Red Property” Practice in B Street 
Chen Baifeng1,2, Shi Jian1
To strengthen the grass-roots social governance innovation under the guidance of the party building is an important part of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and capacity. The“Red Property” is one of the carriers for the party building projects aiming to lead the grass-roots social governance innovation. Within it, the party organization realized a kind of embedded leading through the organizational and individual embedding. The embedding of party building into property running not only safeguarded its political color and running efficiency, but optimized the grass-roots party building, property management and community governance. Embedded leading was more than the operating mechanism of “Red Property”; it represented the general mechanism of the party construction leading the grass-roots social governance: overall and indepth leading. It grew out of  the twodimensional analytical framework of “state-society” and created a new three-dimensional analytical framework of “party-state-society”, which not only fits the Sinicization and localization of social governance, but isa feasible measure of constructing the local analysis paradigm of grass-roots party building researches as well.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 45-61 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1443KB] ( 556 )
62  Multiple Tasks, Mechanism Innovation and Construction of Grassroots Responsibility Communities— Taking the “In Village” System in Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province as an Example
Yang Hua
 With resources, rules, supervision and tasks going to the countryside, a pattern of “multiple tasks” has emerged at the grassroots level, but the resources such as human resources, financial resources and other matters at the grassroots level have not been significantly increased, resulting in the tension between the increasing tasks and the shortage of resources. In order to mobilize village officials to fulfil their work tasks, some local government tended to make the village-level organizations their subordinate branches and the village officials “professionalized”. This measure was indeed conducive to the administrative mobilization of grassroots officials, but at the same time, it has also brought about the problems of “administrative absorption and autonomy” and “officials only caring about their superiors”. In this case, the “In Village” mechanism, which requires higher officials to be stationed in villages, was created and a responsibility community composed of township deputy leaders, officials stationed in villages, and the local officials through the scheme of clear responsibility management and joint responsibilities. This responsibility community not only strengthens the mass mobilization and self-governance for villagers, and the standardization and coordination of village-level organizations, but also builds a “cooperative” village relationship, which enables the village to have a great capacity in emergency. So, without increasing governance resources, not only can the new system well deal with the multi-task pattern, but also meet the increasing needs and solve the ever emerging problems, that an effect of doing more with less was achieved. This system shows that mechanism innovation could be a magic weapon to enhance the flexibility, adaptability and responsiveness of the grassroots governing system.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 62-72 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1243KB] ( 440 )
73 The Evolution of Chiangnan Culture and Its Enlightenment to the Integration of the Yangtze River Delta
Shi Jianping1,2
 As an advanced regional culture, Chiangnan culture, or the culture in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, features openness, inclusiveness, respect for learning and innovation. It created the brilliant images of “peace and harmony” in the Tang Dynasty and the following period of the Five Dynasties. As the commodity economy further flourished in the Song Dynasty, Chiangnan culture scintillated with such features of modern commerce as the rise of scholar-merchant gentry, the circulation of paper currencies, and the prevalence of mercantilism. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, it has grown out of rivers to seas, giving birth to the “Shanghai Culture” and the “Red Culture”, and witnessing a new birth in the Reform and Opening-up period. In “the New Era”, it is endowed with new connotations and missions. A new “Chiangnan culture” provides the integration of the Yangtze River Delta with new concepts on building a new mechanism and a new platform, encouraging innovation and developing new economy.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 73-84 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1755KB] ( 532 )
85 On the Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Innovation Linkage Network of the Urban Agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta
Zhou Zhengzhu, Yang Jing, Zhang Ze-an
 Taking the 27 cities of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration from 2010 to 2019 as the objects, this paper discusses the innovation capability, the evolution features of innovation linkage network, the central innovative cities- radiation range in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration by using global principal component analysis, gravity model, faultpoint formula etc. The results show that: (1) The innovation capability of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration features gradient diffusion; (2) The total amount of innovation linkage in the agglomeration has shown an upward trend, and its pattern has obvious “core” and “peripheral” areas; (3) There are differences in the evolution of the innovation linkage network structure of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration: the number of edges of innovation linkage in each city has increased significantly, and the number of linkage between eastern cities and western cities has also increased significantly; (4) The number of central innovative cities has increased from 2 in 2010 to 3 in 2019, and the radiation scope has been significantly expanded.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 85-96 [Abstract] ( 33 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1121KB] ( 471 )
97 A Study of the Spatial Pattern and Spatial Spillover Effect of Transportation Network in the Yangtze River Delta
Wang Jian1,2, Zhang Yuzhen1, Zhan Minmin1
Inquiry into the spatial pattern of the transportation network can not only clarify its enhancement of regional economy, but be an useful exploration within the development framework of modern transportation system. This paper uses the local MoranI index and the Moran index heat map to analyze the spatial correlation and spatial aggregation of the transportation networks of three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta region, and constructs a spatial Dubin model to further study the direct, indirect, and overall economic benefits of transportation network density on regional development. The results show that the distribution of traffic network density in the region shows a divergent pattern centering on Shanghai-Jiangsu and moving toward Zhejiang-Anhui. Transportation network density has a significant positive spillover effect on economic growth, and the impact of indirect effects is much greater than that of direct effects. In order to achieve overall coordinated regional development in the region, it is necessary to make full use of the positive spillover effect between provinces and cities, strengthen the construction of interregional transportation networks, and reduce internal economic differences.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 97-104 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1087KB] ( 510 )
105 Ethnographic Translation of Culture and Pearl S. Buck's Knowledge Construction of China
Zhu Hua, Yuan Fang
 From the interdisciplinary perspective, Pearl S. Buck's authority as a “popular sinologist” lies in her cultural translation in the sense of ethnography and presenting the Chinese culture as a whole in the form of fictions to Western readers. She translated Chinese interpretation of their own culture into characterization and her reinterpretation into plot development that Chinese culture could evolve with its own logic in the new context and her interpretation be more convincing than ethnographic cultural translations. As plot development involved transcription of human language, she could outdo ethnographers in micro-cultural translation at the language level, assuring the stability of Chinese knowledge system.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 105-114 [Abstract] ( 40 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1294KB] ( 528 )
115 The Politics of Home in Pearl S. Buck's The Exile
Wang Wenjun
The Exile is a biography written by Pearl S. Buck about her mother Caroline, describing her exile life. Buck used the theme, “home”, to thread the whole book, and through Caroline's missing and remembrance of her homeland, gave an expression to the sadness of dislocation. This paper analyzes “the politics of home” in The Exile from three aspects: geographic homeland, cultural homeland and philosophical homeland, and discusses the different ways of constructing homes and their political meanings as well as the impact of “absence from homes” on Caroline's life, offering a deep understanding about Buck's political view on home.

2022 Vol. 24 (5): 115-124 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1166KB] ( 674 )





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