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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2019 Vol.21 Issue.6
Published 2019-11-30

The Paradoxical Logic of Financial Capital and the Rise of New Populism Utopia
Song Chaolong
 In the core countries of the world system, the principle of “political correctness” of neoliberalism has been challenged, and the Trumpstyle neopopulism has risen, which has changed the political climate worldwide. And the root of this phenomenon lies in the paradoxical logic of financial capital and the structural crisis caused by it. The paradoxical logic is that when the productive accumulation falls into crisis, financial capital tries to solve it by strengthening the unproductive accumulation. As a result, it can not solve the crisis, but deepens it. Neoliberalism is unable to overcome the paradoxical logic of financial capital and gives rise to neopopulism. However, like neoliberalism, neopopulism is also unable to overcome the paradoxical logic of financial capital. Only the socialist market economy has the institutional potential to overcome the logic of financial capital paradox, thus replacing the Utopia of neoliberalism and neopopulism with the real conditions of social freedom.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 91 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 398 )
The SelfNegation of the Hierarchy and the Substitution of the Parallel System#br# —On the Dilemma and Development Trend of the Global Governance System
Lin Haihong
 The global governance system formed in modern times is largely marked by “Made in the West”. Especially after World War II, the United States led in the establishment of a series of international organizations and rules. However, the current global governance system can no longer help western countries overcome their internal structural contradictions, but make them increasingly acute. The western global governance system is suffering from selfdenial for the inherent defects of the hierarchical system of western global governance: the liberal global system is not free in nature, it deviates from the national goals, and domestic politics influences the change of the global governance system. The abuse of the dominant power in the global governance system by the West has reduced the credibility of the existing system. The shift of power has shaken the foundation of the western global governance system, which is transforming from a hierarchical system to a parallel one. In this process, China should stay calm and play its institutional potential and leading role.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 8-15 [Abstract] ( 121 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 389 )
Culturepublicizing by Citizens: New Dimension for Chinese Culture Publicizing during the Ubiquitous Media Era
Shi Jianping1, Zou Lan2
It is pointed out in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that we will carry out the program for improving civic morality. As PRC entered the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Ubiquitous Media was formed, offering a new thought to publicize Chinese culture with those Chinese citizens and corporates going abroad as the most effective media. Publicizing by citizens and corporate citizenships falls in the “Going global” trend of Chinese economy and is the inevitable way into different cultures. In todays world, the West still strictly controls the media and has bias against China as usual. But with more and more Chinese tourists and corporates going abroad, we are faced with the chance to overturn this even though some Chinese going abroad may even corroborate the bias. Therefore, we should regulate the tourists behaviors and promulgate concepts such as civic morality, corporate citizenship, etc., which can not only improve quality of citizens and corporates but also publicize Chinese Culture
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 16-26 [Abstract] ( 99 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 364 )
The Transmission Path and Improvement of the Spread of Chinese Culture in Latin America under the “Belt and Road” Initiative
Meng Xiayun
 Latin America, as a natural extension of Chinas Maritime Silk Road in the “Belt and Road”, has become an important partner for Chinas foreign exchanges in various fields. With the frequent and deepening of economic and political exchanges between China and Latin America, the entry of Chinese culture into Latin America has also become an important measure for China to strengthen its cultural soft power and enhance its big country image. The spread of Chinese culture in Latin America has its historical origin, and shows their own development characteristics and the status quo with initial results in the new era through different paths of realization. Based on the historical review, the realization path and the status quo of the entry of Chinese culture into Latin America, we try to show the dilemma faced in the road of communication and the resulting countermeasures and suggestions. With the advancement of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, China still has a long way to go in cultural output and communication in Latin America.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 27-35 [Abstract] ( 97 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 400 )
On the Cooperative Regulatory and Governing Model of Promoting the Sustainable Development of Sharing Economy#br# —From the Perspective of Postregulatory State
Xie Xinshui1, Yuan Rubin2
The monotonous government regulation resulted from the industrial society is difficult to support the sustainable development of the sharing economy of the postindustrial society. Based on the theory of legal autonomy, governance theory and regulatory response theory, the theory of postregulatory state focuses on the pluralism of regulatory bodies, regulatory norms, and regulatory mechanisms, as well as on the ability of enterprises to selfregulate and their complementary functions, forming a new regulatory analysis framework. And through the angle of postregulatory state, we can find a new regulatory model that is sought by and compatible with the sustainable development of the sharing economy, because the multiple subsystems in the economic ecosystem are the subjects of selfregulation. On the “soft foundation” of sharing economic operation, the subsystems cooperate with each other or within and with government regulations to form a new regulatory model: cooperative regulatory governing mode. This regulatory model can better realize the guiding value of inclusive and prudent administrative supervision strategies, and can better maintain and promote the sustainable development of the sharing economy.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 36-43 [Abstract] ( 97 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 366 )
The Organization and Acceptance of Volunteers and Their Actions in the Cooperative Governance
Zhou Jun1, Huang Teng2
 For a long time, volunteers and their voluntary actions have been more or less neglected by the society and scholars. With the diversification of social governance actors and the deep involvement of volunteers in social governance, the existence and role of volunteers in the public sphere is becoming increasingly indispensable. It means that volunteers and their voluntary actions provide new ideas for seeking to solve the dilemma of “governance failure” and “reform failure”. In this process, no matter whether the volunteers are motivated by free will or by benefit, the government and society should treat them as benefit seeking in order to improve the positive role of volunteers in social governance. Accordingly, volunteers tend to be organized while participating in social governance in order to achieve the sustainability of voluntary actions. Therefore, how to organize and accept volunteers and their service into the social governance system, as a significant element of cooperative governance construction, should become an important issue and feasible approach for the practical innovation of social governance and theoretical construction of cooperative governance.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 44-51 [Abstract] ( 62 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 342 )
The Influencing Factors of Sharing Bicycle Supervision Performance and Measurement
Wu Jiying, Zhang Mengyu
Effective supervision of sharing bicycles is the key to the development of the sharing bicycle industry. Our data were collected through questionnaires, and then we applied the structural equation model (SEM) to measure the relationship among the evaluating indicators. The results showed that the secondorder confirmatory factor analysis model which was established for sharing bicycle supervision performance evaluation had good fitness, and the importance of the three firstlevel evaluation indicators was that parking management comes first and safety supervision comes second and supervision methods comes third. Path coefficients show that bicycle persuasion exerts the biggest influence on parking management and the next is management norms and transportation construction; bicycle quality and traffic safety play more important role on the safety supervision than buying insurance and deposit refund; industry regulations plays the most important role concerning supervision methods while the role of responsibility division of traffic accidents is relatively small. Finally, some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the performance of sharing bicycle supervision are put forward.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 52-59 [Abstract] ( 109 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 311 )
60 Responsible Government from the Perspective of Materialism
Bu Guangqing
 For Karl Marx, the traditional responsible government is not only the realistic source of its responsible government thought, but the historical reference as well. This led to the existence of two responsible governments in the his world, namely the bourgeois government with hypocritical responsibility and the proletarian government with true responsibility. If we want to understand his responsible government thought, we must be based on historical materialism: First, only through the historical changes of modern production methods can we reveal the material basis of the traditional responsible government; Second, if we can sneak to the historical starting point of how the traditional responsible government is established: the political emancipation of the bourgeoisie and its inherent structural contradictions, we can reveal the essence of the traditional responsible governments hypocritical responsibility system; Third, only through the interpretation of such dimensions as the class attribute of the true responsibility system, revolutionary creation, institutional norms and historical mission can we open up the profound implication of Marxs responsible government thoughts.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 60-67 [Abstract] ( 86 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 358 )
The Institutional Evaluation and the Construction of Rule of Law on Governmental Purchasing Environmental Public Services
Dong Yurong
 The governmental purchasing environmental public services is not only conducive to innovating the model of but also improving the quality of environmental public services. But at present legislature and policies concerning governmental purchasing environmental public services are inadequate, for instance such problems as unclear service provider, scope of services, and purchasing procedure do exist. So we have to improve the main system of the governmental purchasing environmental public services, to define a reasonable public service scope for government purchase, to perfect the procedure of the performance evaluation composed by purchasers, service providers and professional organizations,and to promote the construction of thirdparty evaluation procedures, so that we can improve the quality and efficiency of the governmental purchasing environmental public services
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 68-75 [Abstract] ( 71 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 375 )
76 The Cultural Significance of the Jin Poetry
Xue Ruizhao
The poetry of the Jin Dynasty is an important part of Chinese culture. The special historical environment gave rise to its unique style and cultural significance. First, the outstanding creation of the Jurchen poets leaves a unique imprint on literature; Second, the overbrimming sense of Zhongzhou—the Central State has been consciously accepted by all the Han nationalities and others like the Jurchen, Khitan, and Bohai minorities; Third, the “Ungiving Captives spirit and behavior” and their poetry have formed a positive and extensive social influence in the north; Fourth, the Jin poetry teems with folk works and can be seen as the living fossils of the Song and Yuan folk literature and art.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 76-84 [Abstract] ( 135 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 372 )
On Ban Biao and the New Literary Changes at the Transition from the Western to the Eastern Han Dynasties
Jin Lulu
 Under the influence of social changes and political and cultural transformation at the transition from the Western to the Eastern Han Dynasties, Ban Biaos creations underwent new changes compared with the West Han literature. In terms of content, he changed from the exaggerated and imaginative praise of the virtues of the rulers to reflection on the future and destiny of the country and the maintenance of the unity, thus expanding his description the upper class to all walks of life, and discarding the priority of Confucianism to embrace both Confucianism and Taosim. In terms of art, the combination of poetry and prose, the diversified literary expression techniques, elegant and solemn language, and useful attempts at sixcharacter poetry opened up new changes in the Eastern Han literature and had farreaching implications for later literature.
2019 Vol. 21 (6): 85-92 [Abstract] ( 96 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 345 )





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