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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2019 Vol.21 Issue.4
Published 2019-07-30

1 The Birth, Growth and Separation of a “Family”: the Narrative Starting with Getting Married and Being Hungry —The Good Earth and Its Narrative Structure
DUAN Huai-Qing
The narrative of The Good Earth begins with “getting married” and “hunger”, which obviously implies multiple symbolic meanings. Among the “law of the jungle” derived from “hunger” and the ethical principles or ethical culture generated by family center, there are gaps difficult to bridge, whether in real life or in spiritual life. And the gaps even affect the shaping and modeling of each main character in The Good Earth, which, with a keen insight, makes great room for the narrating of multiple binary relational structures, such as in the contrast of traditional and modern societies, of individual and family, of family and society, of countryside and city, and of China and the world.In this way, The Good Earthfinally shows the readers the epic literary imagination and completes novel narrative of Chinese peasant life and peasant society in the early twentieth century.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 247 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 758 )
8 Reading Pearl S. Bucks Shanghai Narratives
Among all the foreign writers, Pearl S. Buck is the one with the closest relationship with China and even won 1938 Nobel Prize for her China writings. Although she won a world fame for her writing of Chinese peasants as in The Good Earth, most of her China writings are about the cities, the most important of which is Shanghai where her schooling was received, her siblings were buried and her intellectual friends were gathered. Shanghai was directly dealt with or suggested in all of her China writings. Like other scholars interested in China, she took Shanghai as a sample to understand Chinese modernity, but unlike others focusing their attention on the relationship between Shanghai and the West, she studied the relationship between Shanghai and Chinese locality. She did not elaborate on the material appeal of this “Oriental Paris”; instead she revealed the clash between modernity and locality via the intellectuals in Shanghai.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 8-16 [Abstract] ( 278 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 377 )
17 An Interpretation of the Archetypal Image “Mother” from Life Ethical Perspective
ZHANG Yuan-1, 2 , Li-Juan-3
Pearl S. Bucks The Mother reveals the eternal value of life, in which the archetypal images are closely related to life consciousness. The archetypal image of “the Earth and the mother” serves as the son of natures ode to life, manifesting the mothers cherishment and affection for nature and life. The archetypal image “the Earth and the seed” is nothing but the poetic metaphor of sexual relationships between males and females, representing the mothers solid power of fertility and spirit of responsibility. The archetypal image “the mother and the Civil God of Earth” truly portrays the interrelations between individuals and society, and between culture and tradition, highlighting the conflicts between instinct and taboo, and between life and ethics. The archetypal images in The Mother at multiple levels show Bucks life consciousness, feminist standpoint, and her contradictory cognition of the Chinese traditional family system and insights into life ethics, infiltrating her deep thinking on life ethics.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 17-22 [Abstract] ( 307 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 349 )
23 The Innovation of the CPCs Using Literature in the Theory of Ideological and Political Education
ZHOU Hai-Yan
The Communist Party of China (CPC) has formed its unique theory of education in its using literature to carry out ideological and political education. It has adhered to the dialectical materialist methodology of seeking truth from facts in the educational development and innovation. It has adhered to the principle of starting from reality in the innovative development. It has adhered to relying on the wisdom of the masses in understanding the world. It has adhered to keeping pace with the times in the development of revolution and construction. Continuous innovation has helped enrich and develop the theory of ideological and political education by means of literature.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 23-28 [Abstract] ( 262 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 354 )
29 The Nature and Characteristics of SinoUS Trade War: a Critical Perspective of Capital Logic
LI Xiao-Le
The essence of the U.S. trade war with China is the capital logic of infinite pursuit of value proliferation. Its unilateralism is rebuilding the world in the “image” of capital. In addition to the invariable feature of the capital logic of transferring contradictions in order to delay the economic crisis, the trade war against China also presents many new features, such as the separation of economy and politics, the internal differentiation of the capital camp and the transformation and renewal of capitalist ideology. Therefore, we must remain calm and determined in strategy, adhere to the socialist ideological position, unite all forces that can be united, and turn challenges into opportunities so as to face the restructuring of the world system caused by the trade war, and continue to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 29-35 [Abstract] ( 2173 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 342 )
36 An Analysis of the Cultural Path to Found the Consciousness of the Chinese Nation Community in the New Era
MENG Fan-Dong, Wang-Zhan-Bin
China has been a unified multiethnic countrysince ancient times. This unification is not only an economic and political unification, but also a cultural unification. The rich cultures of different nationalities unite to form a pluralistic and integrated Chinese culture. Chinese culture is the spiritual nourishment for building the flower of unity. At present, the emphasis of deepening the education of national unity and progress lies in building up the consciousness of the Chinese nation community. To grasp the leadership of Marxist culture is the foundation of founding the consciousness of the Chinese nation community, to strengthen the cultural confidence of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the core of founding the consciousness of the Chinese nation community, and to build the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation is the key to founding the consciousness of the Chinese nation community.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 36-42 [Abstract] ( 285 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 328 )
43 The Internal Logic and Contemporary Significance of the Sense of Community of Chinese Nation
DAI Hong-Bao-1, 2
To strengthen the sense of community of Chinese nation, it is necessary to clarify its internal logic, which is a unity of theoretical and historical logic. From the perspective of theoretical logic, it is of methodological importance to study the development of Chinese nation community from the Marxist concept of “existence of species”, which helps us to appreciate the ideological basis of the Chinese nation community consciousness. In terms of historical logic, the consciousness of Chinese nation community has evolved with the development of Chinese nation, and it is the result of the evolution and progress of Chinese civilization. The contemporary value of Chinese nation community consciousness lies in both theory and practice. In theoretical aspect, it helps build the theoretical framework behind the Chinese nation community, while in practice, it meets the inherent requirement of building the socialism with Chinese characteristics.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 43-48 [Abstract] ( 272 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 377 )
49 Agricultural Machinery Purchase Subsidy, Agricultural Mechanization and the Transfer of Rural Labor Force
—A Study Based on the Timespatial Change at the County Level in China
PENG Chao-1, Zhang-Chen-2, Li-南3
 The changing trend of agricultural mechanization at the county level and the spatial and temporal characteristics of mechanization development, and the relationship between agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy and the total power of agricultural machinery, the subsidy policy for agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy and the transfer of rural labor force show that agricultural mechanization has positive effect on the transfer of rural labor force. Since the new century, the development of agricultural mechanization in China has shown obvious spatial and temporal characteristics, which are embodied in the considerable development of agricultural mechanization in North China, Huang RiverHuai RiverHai River Basins, Northeast China and the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, and the expansion of agricultural mechanization coverage in the southwest and northwest regions. Agricultural machinery purchase subsidy can promote the development of the overall power of agricultural machinery and the transfer of rural labor forceat the county level.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 49-57 [Abstract] ( 299 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 379 )
58 The Choice of Land Transfer and Land Trusteeship: The Difference between Good and Bad or Conditional Difference?
WU Shun-Chen-1, Cao-Dan-Qiu-2, Li-Qian-2
The scale of operation is the key to determining the transformation of agricultural management methods.In recent years, along with the difficulty of promoting the scale operation of land, the role of service scale operation represented by land custody in promoting the scale operation of agriculture has become more and more prominent. In the theoretical circle, the argument has emerged that land trusteeship is superior to land transfer. Based on the researches and field research cases, the study found that:First, there is only a difference in applicability between the two modes of land custody and land transfer, and there is no absolute superiority and inferiority; Second, the lessons learned from the implementation results of the previous land policies are summarized, and the largescale operation of agriculture and its business model are drawn. In terms of choice, we should adapt to the local situations. To avoid a sporty, “one size fits all” policy approach is an important guarantee for providing a good institutional environment for the effective promotion of land scale management.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 58-66 [Abstract] ( 268 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 321 )
67 Study on the System of Benefit Distribution for Farmers Specialized Cooperation from the Perspective of Supply Chain
TU Wen-Juan-1, ZHONG Hui-1, XU Lan-2
The unreasonable benefit distribution mechanism of cooperatives will lead to ordinary farmers loss of interests and the low overall efficiency of the agricultural supply chain. The establishment of a reasonable cooperative benefit distribution mechanism is a major socialand economic issue concerning“farming, farming areas and farmers”. On the basis of analyzing the income of ordinary farmers and the farmers specialized cooperative from the supply chain perspective, the paper creates the model of evolutionary game between farmer and cooperative to study the harmonious point and stability of the system in different situations and reveals the influences on evolution results in line with different parametric results by means of parameter emulation. The result shows that whether the game between farmer and cooperative converges to the pareto optimal state relies to a large degree on the cooperatives concession of interest, the cost resulted from the concession, and the farmers extra income from joining the cooperative; and the bigger scale of economy, the sharing of market risks, and the greater market value of agriculture products will push the game to the optimal state.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 67-76 [Abstract] ( 267 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 334 )
77 Water Materialization Critique and Blue Studies
The Earth is actually a water globe. The deteriorating ecology of the water globe and the increasing tension between human and waters push ecocriticism forward to the new phrase of Blue Studies. Water materialization critique is a key discourse in Blue Studies. With the ideological guideline of anthropocentrism and the practical weapon of modern technology, waters around the globe are being treated as objects of material exploitation, which consequently results in an endangered water globe. The only way out is to adjust human ecological niche and those of the nonhuman others, abandon the mindset of anthropocentrism, and survive humbly and appreciatively with the water on the water globe.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 77-83 [Abstract] ( 259 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 366 )
84 Connections and Differences between Environmental Aesthetics and Landscape Aesthetics
 In the postmodern context, environmental aesthetics and landscape aesthetics, both of which are the contemporary aesthetic forms with development alpotentials, uphold similar aesthetic views, constantly intersect and converge, and are closely related with each other. However, the relationships between them vary with scholars. Bourassa equates landscape aesthetics with environmental aesthetics,while Berleant and Carlson regard landscape aesthetics as an important part of environmental aesthetics. In China, Zhang Fa juxtaposes landscape aesthetics, with environmental aesthetics and together with ecological criticism call them“ecological aesthetics” while Chen Wangheng thinks of landscape aesthetics as extension of environmental aesthetics. The discussion of the relationship between landscape aesthetics and environmental aesthetics helps to clarify research priorities and development orientation of the two so as to develop them further.
2019 Vol. 21 (4): 84-92 [Abstract] ( 265 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 359 )





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