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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2019 Vol.21 Issue.3
Published 2019-05-30

1 Review of Overseas “Belt and Road” Research
LIU Yong, Jiang-Yan-Yang
With the advancement of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, more and more countries participate in the “Belt and Road” construction. The initiative has won the support and affirmation from most countries and people in the world. Besides, it also attracts the attention of more and more overseas scholars. The cognition of the “Belt and Road” Initiative by foreign scholars with different cultural backgrounds and political stances have been changing over time. In general, their understandings and evaluations are mostly objective. An analysis of overseas “think tank” and scholars research of and views on the “Belt and Road” Initiative and the grasp of their perspectives, positions, methods, contents, values and other trends have profound implications on the promotion of domestic “Belt and Road” research.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 206 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 365 )
7 The “Belt and Road” Initiative: Chinas Responsible Discourses and Actions as a Power
LI Dan
The “Belt and Road” Initiative(BRI) is Chinas positive action as a responsible power. Since its implementation, it has formed a set of discourse system of meaning, target, strategy and subject that reflects the responsible role of China. The BRI tries and aims to rebalance globalization, promote and maintain world peace and stability, promote SouthSouth cooperation and strengthen cultural integration. All the contributions show Chinas efforts as a responsible power to create discourses, take actions and make achievements in the new era.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 7-13 [Abstract] ( 305 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 388 )
14 Posttruth: Media Spectacle of Populism in Commercial Social Media
ZHU Hong-Jun-1, Ji-Cheng-Hao-2, Pu-Xiao-1
The “posttruth” fever from 2016 had a long history and multifarious meanings, with the traditional characteristic of being highly coupled to the politics. Donald Trumps unexpected victory in the USA election and UKs withdrawal from the European Union made this characteristic more prominent. This paper argues that populism, commercialism and social media drove the posttruth into a media spectacle. On one hand, the “posttruth” spectacle may have negative impacts such as the subversion of professional ethics, the destruction of modern democratic politics, and the retrogression of the enlightenment spirit. On the other hand, it was possible to have positive effects. Therefore, in order to prevent and control the negative social impact of the “posttruth” spectacle, China needs to make efforts in network populism governance, public social media literacy education and establishment of social media operating norms.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 14-22 [Abstract] ( 293 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 384 )
23 “Appropriation” and “Rewriting” of Chinese Traditional Culture by Chinese Contemporary Fantasy Film and Television Literature
 Chinese contemporary fantasy film and television literature is the result of the overlapping of Chinese special modernity and western modern fantasy literature in the context of Chinese contemporary culture. It is based on the “appropriation” and “rewriting” of relevant resources in Chinese traditional culture. Chinese contemporary fantasy literature, film and television, for its part, features the “forced” entrance of tools into the traditional culture, the “forgetting and replacement” in the concept of gods and men, the increase of mens power at the price of gods, the affirmation of “common heart” and the variation of “the love between gods and mortals”. The first two aspects are obviously the “misappropriation” of traditional Chinese culture, while the latter three rewrite the relevant parts of Chinese traditional culture. These five features illustrate the modernity path of the Chinese contemporary fantasy literature, film and televisions evolution from Chinese traditional culture. This evolution is decided by the deep structure of Chinese traditional culture and the particularity of Chinese modernity.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 23-29 [Abstract] ( 169 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 334 )
30 A Review of Marxs Social Conflict Thoughts at Home and Abroad
ZHANG Hua-1, 2
There are two forms in the study of Marxs social conflict thoughts in foreign academic circles: one is the study of Marxs social conflict thoughts by Western Marxist scholars, especially Frankfurt School and Freudian Marxist scholars; the other is the study of socalled social conflict theorists in western sociology or politics, such as Dahrendorf and Cosey. Domestic scholars have studied Marxs thoughts of social conflict from different perspectives, such as overall vision, key points interpretation, value field, development trend and theoretical comparison. In the future, we need to further consolidate the theoretical basis, closely link with Chinas reality and conduct research from a multidisciplinary comprehensive perspective.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 30-36 [Abstract] ( 193 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 350 )
37 Discipline and Capital —An Analysis of Foucault and Bourdieus View of Power
SHI Chao-1, 2
 Since Aristotle, the issue of power has always been the focus of traditional political and social theories. Different from the traditional view of power, Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieus view provided us with an insightful alternative theory. Foucault proposed a modern micropower view and pointed out that power is a “relational” strategy, is “productive” and “disciplined” and exists everywhere. Bourdieu developed a theory of practice and symbolic power, interpreting power as a form of capital with special accumulation rules, operational rules and transformation rules. He also proved that the opposition between cultural capital and economic capital plays a role as a basic mechanism for distinguishing power in modern society.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 37-45 [Abstract] ( 495 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 381 )
46 On the Systematized Function of the Yangtze River Protection Legislation
YU Jun
Although the Yangtze River Economic Belt is rich in water resources in China, it also faces the risk of water shortage and water environment destruction in the process of development. The current water law and water pollution prevention and control law form the legal basis of the Yangtze River governance, but such a systemic framework that separates water quality from water quantity in legislation is not conducive to the overall protection of water ecological environment. In order to achieve the goal of joint protection and nondevelopment, we believe that the Yangtze River protection legislation needs to coordinate the legal relations between the water resources, the water ecological environmental protection departments and the interregional governments in the Yangtze River basin. The model design of protection legislation of the Yangtze River should include the construction of joint defense and control mechanism between the local governments and the comprehensive law enforcement mechanism of water resources and water ecological environment protection.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 46-52 [Abstract] ( 233 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 360 )
53 The Legal System of EU Marine Spatial Planning and its Enlightenment
Marine Spatial Planning is regarded as an effective means of protecting the marine ecological environment by many countries, for it can effectively coordinate many interests involved in marine environmental protection. The EU is a pioneer in Marine Spatial Planning and has enacted many laws to promote and guarantee the effective implementation of this system. Judged from the legislative experience of marine space planning of EU member states, Marine Spatial Planning requires a reasonable searelated legal system. In recent years, China has attached great importance to Marine Spatial Planning, but the current legal system cannot provide effective protection. If China wants to make the Marine Spatial Planning effective, we could learn from the EUs legislative experience and its practical lessons.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 53-58 [Abstract] ( 244 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 358 )
59 Literature, Culture and Civilization —An Interview with Yu Hua
JIN Zhi-Gang-1, 2 , Zhuang-Yao-Yao-1
 As one of the most influential writers in China, Yu Huas works are popular and well received by Italian readers. In 2018, Yu was invited by the Confucius Institute at the University of Milan to the “Yu Hua Italian Literature Tour” campaign, in order to bridge the cultural distance between the China and Italy with literature. During the campaign, he was interviewed and talked about “Literature, Culture and Civilization”. From the perspective of his personal experience and thinking, he illustrated the differences and similarities among different literary forms, cultures and civilizations, summarized the characteristics of Chinese literature, culture and civilization as “Inclusive and Openminded”, and discussed the importance of interaction and communication, and mutual learning in the development of literature, culture and civilization..
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 59-66 [Abstract] ( 305 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 373 )
67 The Gains and Losses of Xu Xus Novels from the Perspective of Communication
JIN Feng
As a kind of mass media targeted at urban residents, newspapers and periodicals have a distinct influence on the theme, layout and style in Xu Xus novels. As a result, he embeds popular love entanglement pattern in his unique life experience. He focuses on displaying the farce in marriage life when he writes the theme of marriage and love. He draws lessons from the layout of traditional Chinese novels. He makes good use of flashbacks, segmented dialogues, suspension and misunderstanding in telling stories. His language is not only poetic and philosophical, but also funny and humorous. At the same time, the shortcomings of newspapers and periodicals themselves and the catering to readers and market also bring into his novel creation many protracted and lengthy descriptions, rough plots and mass production of model works. Through the analysis of the gains and losses of Xus novel creation under the influence of newspapers and periodicals, we can understand the relationship between modern media and literature.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 67-74 [Abstract] ( 184 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 348 )
75 The Five Paths of Chinese Enterprises New Journey of Reform and Development
CHOU Xiang-Yang
The 40 years of reform and opening up witnessed Chinas worldknown economic achievement,and Chinese enterprises booming despite their problems.They have anxieties about as well as confidence in the future route.What have we done right and what wrong? What are right and what wrong? To open up a bright future, it is necessary for us to reflect and review realistically and rationally. The outcome of such reflection and review is: 1, using price to allocate resource; 2, using ownership to stimulate investment; 3, using adequate management to raise efficiency; 4, using design to guide innovation; and 5, using wisdom to win the future.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 75-78 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 357 )
79 A Mixed Solution for Raising Jiangsus Economic Quality
CHU Dong-Tao
 Although Jiangsus economy experienced rapid development and glorious achievements since its opening up, problems like imbalance between speed and quality, GDP increment and environmental protection, and technological introduction and self innovation arose with the rapid economic development. So, it is high time for Jiangsus economy to change its development mode from focus on speed to focus on quality. At present, Jiangsu should break through the traditional thinking mode to work out a mixed solution: shifting from “speed complex” to “quality complex”, from “GDP priority” to “ecological priority”, from “scale increment” to “brand building”, from “dependance on technological introduction” to “dependance on technological innovation”. And only in this way can Jiangsu win the battle of economic transition and embark on the right path.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 79-85 [Abstract] ( 195 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 389 )
86 An Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Demand Intention for Home and Community Care Services for the Elderly in Rural Areas —A Study Based on Jiangsu
CUI Xiang-Fen-1, Li-Fang-2, Zhao-Guang-3
 Based on the logistic regression model to analyze the influencing factors of demand intention for home and community care services for the elderly in rural Jiangsu, the results showed that educational level, number of daughters, policy awareness and regional factors had significant effects on the desire for old care services; number of sons and regional factors had a greater impact on the elderlys desire for care services; age, policy awareness and regional factors had a significant impact on the desire for mental care; age, individual health status and policy awareness has a greater impact on the demand of cultural and recreational services. So, we put forward four suggestions accordingly: firstly, we should provide proper home and community care services in line with regional characteristics and the needs of the elderly in rural areas to meet the “good life needs” of the elderly in rural areas; secondly, we should strengthen the policy propaganda of home and community care services for the aged in rural areas, so as to enhance the policy awareness and recognition level of policy; thirdly, we should strengthen the medical care function of rural community service centers, enhance the medical capacity of rural communities, and strengthen the medical guidance; fourthly, we should promote the development of highquality home and community care services for the aged in rural communities through regional coordination strategy.
2019 Vol. 21 (3): 86-92 [Abstract] ( 215 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 373 )





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