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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2018 Vol.20 Issue.6
Published 2018-11-30

1 Relationship Capital, Financing Constraints and Farmers Entrepreneurship Growth
ZHU Hong-Gen
Relationship capital and financing constraints have great influence on the growth of farmers business. A survey of the related data shows that the influence of relationship capital on entrepreneurial growth varies with financing constraints. The relationship capital plays an important role in the process of farmers entrepreneurial growth. The more the political capital and the social capital are, the higher the success rate of the entrepreneurship; the more political and social capital, the more convenient for peasants to have access to financing from financial institutions. At the same time, the more convenient for farmers to get financing support from financial institutions, the smaller the financing constraints, and the more likely the farmers entrepreneurial success. With the continuous improvement of rural financial market, the farmers will rely less and less on political capital and social capital for private financing, and the relationship between relationship capital and the entrepreneurial growth of farmers will be weakened.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 308 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 411 )
10 On Optimization of Urban Poverty Governance Mechanism with Spatial Reconstruction Theory in Contiguous Poverty Areas
ZHENG Rui-Qiang-1, 2 , Zhao-Chen-Gang-1, Sarah Rogers2
Focusing on urban poverty in contiguous destitute areas with relatively independent spatial characteristics, clarifying the interaction mechanism of spatial reconstruction and urban poverty alleviation and development, exploring the spatial pattern of poverty in urban areas in typical regions, povertycausing factors, and the mechanism of poverty, and considering the development trends like structural characteristics of urban poverty and intermingling of urban and rural poverty in the future are conducive to the coupling of poverty alleviation and planning of spatial system so that the government can know the poverty better and make more specific policies. So, we should make better plans of contiguous poverty areas in line with new development ideas; we should improve the poverty alleviation mechanism and adjust the povertystricken peoples living space; we should strengthen the organizational base of “community of development” and build a multiple support system; we should develop the inner power of urban povertystricken groups so that they can making a living ono their own in the long term; we should strengthen the systemic support and pay attention to the new povertyalleviation move like marketization to ensure of the welloff life of the poor people.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 10-18 [Abstract] ( 288 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 381 )
19 Toxic Discourse and Environmental Colonialism: An Environmental Justice Interpretation of The Back of the Turtle
The Back of the Turtle, the Governor General’s Literary Awardwinning book by Thomas King, describes an environmental disaster caused by toxic leakage in an Indian reservation in Canada. The novel unveils the environmental racism through the toxic discourse, analyzing the deeprooted racism in Canada towards the aboriginals. In this way the novel reveals the relationship between the environmental contaminant and the race issue, and the possibility of environmental justice in a society where racism still prevails.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 19-24 [Abstract] ( 309 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 396 )
25 Weians Ecological Prose and H.D.Thoreaus Nature Writing
LIU Lue-Chang
H. D. Thoreaus nature writing provides inspiration for Chinese ecological prose, and Wei An is one of the representative beneficiaries. Through reading the translations, the original work and relevant comments, Wei gets access to Thoreaus nature writing, and is influenced in genre, theme, style and method when he writes the ecological prose. His attraction to Thoreau is due to their like minds and tastes. If Thoreaus ecological thoughts remain more at the perceptual level, Wei shows the more striking ecological consciousness. Dislike most ecological writings being confined to reveal the ecological destruction, his works get ride of the traditional mode of expressing emotions and aspirations, injecting into the contemporary Chinese prose new elements.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 25-31 [Abstract] ( 313 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 398 )
32 Place and Selfconsciousness in Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place
YUAN Shuang-Shuang
As a concept in western modern environmentalism, place is a center of felt value and it has a close relationship with men. As the subject of culture, human mind is quite complicated. Therefore place has different levels of meaning to human. Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place written by Terry Tempest Williams is a classic work of American nature literature. It shows the relationship between man and place and how selfconsciousness rely on place to achieve spiritual return when tragedy strikes. She finds refuge from The Great Salt Lake and birds. This relationship accords with “naming” which is a concept raised by Jonathan Bate: man is rooted in places with selfconsciousness and he could survey the relationship and the affection between him and place.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 32-36 [Abstract] ( 335 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 395 )
37 Research on Crosscultural Communication Characteristics and Motivation of Intangible Cultural Heritage: a Case Study of Shadow Puppet
LIU Chang, Feng-Yu-Qiao, Hou-Yu-Ting
 As a precious memory of the development of human civilization, intangible cultural heritage is a model of promoting Chinese traditional culture overseas, and brings new dynamics of culture exchange between China and the rest of the world. The shadow play has distinctive traditional Chinese characteristics with deep culture connotation. Therefore, using shadow play as a case study, based on GIS, this paper establishes a spatiotemporal database, and analyzes the crosscultural communication characteristics and its causes of shadow play according to the diffusion destinations in European cities (1949—2018). It helps to understand the spread of Chinese traditional culture abroad on a larger scale, makes contribution to the outwards movement of Chinese culture and increases China′s soft power.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 37-45 [Abstract] ( 336 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 402 )
46 On the Significance of Artistic Conception to the Construction of Ontological Aesthetics of Chinese TV Series ——Starting from the Different Publicities of “The Legend of Zhen Huan”and “The Legend of Mi Yue”
YUE Xiao-Ying
 Yi Jing or “artistic conception” is the core category of Chinese classical aesthetics. Creating artistic conception has always been the central and ultimate aesthetic pursuit of Chinese classical artistic creation and criticism, and the embodiment of the unique cultural concept and cosmic cognition of the Chinese nation. How to use the “artistic conception” to guide the creation of TV series and to explore their ontological aesthetics is an important subject in the related field. Compared with “The Legend of Mi Yue”, “The Legend of Zhen Huan” has gained more acceptance from the audience because it pays attention to the creative skills of “turning reality into fiction and combining reality with fiction” in the design of lines, roles and plots. In the fierce competition in the global TV series market, if Chinese TV series can consciously refine the “aesthetic realm” of daily life in the process of “Aestheticism of Daily Life”, drawing on the skills and means of creating “artistic conception” of Chinese literature and art, it not only helps with highlighting its unique aesthetic character, but also is a way to inherit the essence of national culture and highlight our cultural personality in the field of TV series creation.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 46-52 [Abstract] ( 299 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 369 )
53 World Literature and the Construction of Knowledge Geography of Contemporary Chinese Literature —An Investigation Centered on Foreign Literature and Art
 World literature is an indispensable context when we talk about Chinese literature. Chinese literature itself is in and has the world context. This paper, by combing through the influence of world literature, with Foreign Literature and Art as the carrier, on Chinese contemporary literature, approaches the world literature features of Chinese contemporary literature, and pays attention to how Chinese writers and readers receive and reproduce Western ideas while put Chinese experience side by side with world imagination and bring out the value of their own ideas and practice in the dialogue with world literature by means of literary creation, production and dissemination, from the angle of cultural geography.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 53-58 [Abstract] ( 272 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 396 )
59 Dispute Settlement and Legal Governance in Transition of Rural Society
LI Bing-Shuo
In the middle of the wave of urbanization in rural China, the dispute settlement features a very obvious diversity and level. Due to the weakening of the grassroots administrative power, the decline of the traditional social order mechanism, the settlement of social disputes tends to rely more on the judicial power, and be realistic in a sense. At the same time, the actual social governance also encourages farmers in special circumstances to resort to actions like petition rather than judicial means to solve social conflict. When the dispute needs to face the living structure of the social relationship, the parties tend to base their choice on the increase or decrease of social capital in consideration of the social effects when the rights are realized.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 59-65 [Abstract] ( 313 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 390 )
66 The Time Limit for Case Hearing in British Family Justice Reform and tts Enlightenment to China
QI Kai-Yue
To overcome delay, the United Kingdom has introduced the time limit for case hearing since the family justice reform in 2011. The time limit is 26 weeks. The reform works well, but it gives rise to controversies and problems as well. The time limit for case hearing has always been a focus in the family justice reform. As Chinas family justice reform is furthered, some argue for extending the time limit or setting up a more flexible time limit. In this case, the time limit for case hearing in British justice reform can be learned and borrowed to a certain extent. In the family justice reform in China, it is better to refine or specify the time limit rather than extending or changing it to facilitate the work of family justice reform and protect the rights of the parties; at the same time, the establishment of the case management system, and the implementation of the relevant regulations and the time limit of case hearing could be conducive to the family justice reform and realize the goal of reform.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 66-73 [Abstract] ( 344 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 425 )
74 Research on the Construction of Consultative Ability of Social Organizations from the Perspective of Social Capital —Reflections on “Overall Promoting Social Organization Consultation” in the Report of 19th Plenum of the CPC
 The report of the 19th Plenum of the CPC advanced the idea of “overall promoting social organization consultation”, which requires social organizations to strengthen construction of the consultative ability. A statistical analysis of the questionnaire data of social capital level of social groups in Jiangsu Province shows that the realization of social organization consultation and cooperation is highly related to the mutual trust between the parties. “Formal specification” is the key to promoting “trust”. By means of factor analysis for “Formal specification”, four factors are obtained: cooperation norms,implementation norms,communication norms, external norms, and consultative ability of social organization can be strengthened through foster the four norms. Promoting the construction of consultative ability of social organizations is an important guarantee for the development of socialist consultative democracy in the new era, and the implementation of “the people are masters of the country” and “the states political life and social life”.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 74-80 [Abstract] ( 279 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 386 )
81 Practical Exploration and Innovation of Old Age Pension Model —A Case Study of Dianshan Lake Model
 In face of the surging aging population, the senile pension has become a new problem: the rapid increasing cost vs. the lower affordability of semidisability and disability. How to safeguard a life with dignity for these old people needs the innovation and breakthrough of the current practice of caring. The town of Dianshan Lake found after its positive exploration a good way, which is called Dianshan Lake Model. The core of the model is to control the pension cost: in line with the local conditions, the pension cost is subdivided so that the redundant costs are squeezed out to get the real cost. It opens its account to the public and mobilizes social forces to participate in old age care to form the comparatively centralized model of “leaving home but village”.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 81-85 [Abstract] ( 294 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 393 )
86 An Analysis of the Factors that Determine Chinese workers willingness to Postpone Retirement —Based on an Investigation of 28 provinces
WANG Zhu-1, Chen-Peng-Jun-2
Postponed retirement is one of the hottest topics in the current society, and plans for postponed retirement are being made. Workers personal and job characteristics like sex, type of work unit, family population, work pressure, the degree of love for the work, the degree of satisfaction to working environment and welfare have significant impact on the workers willingness to postponed retirement. Specifically, female workers have more opposition to postponed retirement than male ones, civil servants have the weakest opponention,and the more the family population, the greater the work pressure, the more dislike to work, and the more dissatisfied on working environment and welfare, the greater the workers, unwillingness to postpone retirement.
2018 Vol. 20 (6): 86-92 [Abstract] ( 332 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 371 )





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