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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2018 Vol.20 Issue.5
Published 2018-09-30

1 Community and G. A. Cohens Political Philosophy
ZHAO Rui-Lin
Equality and community are the two basic principles of socialism argued by G. A. Cohen. However, the two concepts have not been paid the same attention in his argument, that it is very easy for us to see the principle of community merely as a supplement to the principle of equality while neglect its inner value and its due position in Cohens thoughts of political philosophy. The principle of community, as a caring principle, has its own intrinsic value, is the condition for realizing Cohens idea of voluntary equality, and regulates the construction of his justice theory of egalitarianism.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 471 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 425 )
7 Theoretical Tension in Montesquieu and Rousseaus Design of Right and Fate of Philosophors Politics
BAO Da-Wei
Montesquieu and Rousseaus political ideology provided the theory and resources for the design of the revolutionary system in alternative directions. Montesquieus distrust of power and human nature made his democratic system more biased towards power and rights. In his view, the stable operation of the system of democracy is difficult, and the pursuit of “extreme equality” will lead to failure of democracy. But Rousseau is not satisfied with this limited democracy and its just results. His expectation of democracy is not only to achieve the result of decentralization and balances, but also to resist the “extreme inequality” caused by alienation of right. His democratic system, designed by social contract, is closely integrated with his “peoples economics” in his Discourse on Political Economy, which, together with his enlightenment philosophy, became the most respected practice guide before and after the French Revolution. However, the historical conditions and ideological material they used to design the democratic system have ultimately reached its limit in the capitalist social order after the Revolution.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 7-13 [Abstract] ( 329 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 408 )
14 A Perspective from the History of Philosophy of Karl Marxs Philosophical Practice Category
Karl Marxs philosophical world view is built on the critique of traditional metaphysics. Therefore, it is an indispensable theoretical perspective to try to comprehend this philosophical practice category from the development history of traditional metaphysics. In line with thought history, we could understand the intricate connotation and historical destiny of concept of practice in its relationship with the ultimate existence pursued traditional metaphysics, with knowledge and theories, with perceptual production activity, with value and ethical order, and with formal logic and Hegels speculative logic.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 14-19 [Abstract] ( 314 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 413 )
20 On the Harmonization of International Commercial Law
LIU Ying
Modern international commercial law harmonization adapts to the need of modern commercial transaction, and, through the coordination from above by public bodies like states, NGOs, from below by private bodies like merchant communities, commercial associations, and the new coordination mode of dialogue between public and private bodies that arose in recent years, takes the forms of written documents and unwritten practices, hard laws and soft laws. However, harmonization in text is far from enough, and needs uniform application and interpretation. Interpretation is more difficult but is also very promising.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 20-29 [Abstract] ( 314 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 386 )
30 On Special Purpose Vehicle in AssetBacked Securitization
LIU Si-Hai
The first step of assetbacked securitization is to set up a special purpose vehicle. Only when it is capable of a “bankruptcy remote” and achieves a “true sale” from the originators, can a special purpose vehicle issue assetbacked securities. The “bankruptcy remote” and “true sale” legal system and practice of American and Japanese assetbacked securitization offers a lesson for Chinese companies: theyshould choose reasonable special purpose vehicles, the Chinese government should improve its decisionmaking mechanism and play a leading role during the test stage of assetbacked securitization, and the legislature ought to introduce policies and regulations of “bankruptcy remote” and “true sale”, and finally enact assetbacked securitization laws.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 30-37 [Abstract] ( 346 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 417 )
38 Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Contemporary Chinas Coal Mining Industry
After the founding of PRC, the government actively prevented and treated pulmonary tuberculosis. As an important part of the work, the evolution process of pulmonary tuberculosis control in coal mining industry is quite typical. In the early 1950s, the government established the medical system of labor insurance, and put the focus on tuberculosis control in the industrial and mining enterprises, which promoted the construction of the tuberculosis control institution in the coal industry. In the early days of the Great Leap Forward, many coal mining enterprises founded tuberculosis dispensary or sanatorium, but the subsequent economic recession led to a sharp contraction of such institutions. Social upheaval and economic destruction at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution brought the work to a stop. After the reform and opening up, order was restored, and the government once again strengthened tuberculosis control. By improving the prevention system and actively treating patients, the coal industry was able to controll tuberculosis. This history shows that only by strengthening the leadership of the Party and providing the necessary funds can we promote the development of medical and health undertakings.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 38-45 [Abstract] ( 513 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 402 )
46 A Labeled Clan: the Social Structure of a “Third Line” Enterprise
CHEN Chao-1Zhu, Zhou-Ming-Chang-2Yi
This study focuses on the “Third Line” workers, who were secretly located in the remote mountain areas and fully untapped in the studies of Chinese labor politics. It is found that the “Third Line” workers mainly originated from three different groups: the transferred workers, the returned educated youths, and the demobilized soldiers. These three origins served as different labels signifying the common characteristics of each group. In the their daily interactions, these labels were not only closely associated with the workers occupational opportunities in the factory but also shaped their mutual perceptions and attitudes toward one another. As a result, the high degree of isolation gradually shaped the social structure of the “Third Line” workers toward a model of labeled clan. In the light of this unique social structure, I further argue that the once widely accepted organizational dependency of Chinese urban danwei (unit) system needs to be reconsidered.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 46-55 [Abstract] ( 320 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 486 )
56 The Prevalence and Cure of Uterine Prolapse in Rural Jiangsu
—A New Angle into the Rural Society around 1960
ZUO Yin-Feng
Around 1960, uterine prolapse was popular in rural China because women participated in farm work as never before and even became the main force despite starvation and lack of rest and nutrition during the Great Leap Forward movement. In addition, hunger, and lack of rest and nutrition also contribute to the disease. Most people with uterine prolapse were young women who suffered a lot and were eager for treatment. Jiangsu provincial party committee and government and relevant health departments carried out treatment activities for women with uterine prolapse on the basis of a series of investigation reports. In specific therapeutic activities, the health departments flexibly adopted the methods of traditional Chinese medicine, folk prescriptions and recipes and western medicine and achieved good results.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 56-65 [Abstract] ( 335 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 390 )
66 A Study on the Humanistic Care and Psychological Counseling of Migrant Children in the Process of New Urbanization
HU Heng-Zhao
The humanistic care and psychological counseling of migrant children reflects the focus on man rather than matter, and is an inevitable requirement to promote educational fairness and build an overall welloff society in China. However, in the process of the new urbanization, problems like inadequate or even lack of school education, weakness or even shortage of family education, barrier and exclusion in social education, confusion and crisis of the childrens own psychology do arise. In this case, every member of the society should take responsibility and give them more care, love and concern, so that they can pursue their dreams and share opportunities in life with a more optimistic and confident attitude.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 66-70 [Abstract] ( 322 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 470 )
71 On Farmers Travel Expense in Nonlocal Medical Treatment from the “Last Kilometer” Angle
GAO Xin-Yu, Wang-Hong-Chun
As the refunding system does not distinguish local treatment and nonlocal treatment, nonmedical expenditure becomes the key for farmers to choose where to receive treatment. A sampling of the farmers participating new rural cooperative medical care system shows: the nonmedical expense is very high when they go to see the doctors in hospitals located in county seats or bigger cities, and the bigger the cities, the higher the expense, and the nonmedical expense for a farmer who goes to a hospital in cities exceeds a onemonth minimum living allowance for povertystricken families. So, it is suggested that the refunding system should take the nonmedical expense into account, using the minimum living allowance as the criterion so that the poor families can be economically relieved and the last obstacle in their seeing doctors in cities be removed.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 71-76 [Abstract] ( 287 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 435 )
77 The Impact of Product Variety on the Export Performance in East Asia
ZHANG Ji-Feng, XUAN Chang-Yong, HUANG Ping
 In the process of economic integration in East Asia, the increasingly deepening industrial division of member countries leads to the changes in the product variety, which in turn affects the export trade mode and the formulation of trade policy. In order to clarify the changes in product variety and their impact on the export performance in East Asia during the process of regional economic integration, this paper calculates the export variety index in terms of biological variety index, and then use an expanded trade gravity model to test the impact of product variety on the export performance. Results show that a countrys product variety has a significant positive effect on its export trade, and the effects of trading partners product variety on export trade vary from industry to industry.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 77-84 [Abstract] ( 313 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 389 )
85 An Empirical Research on the Influencing Factors and Location Differentiation of Chinese Firms OFDI
SUN Hua-Ping-1, 2 , Hu-Ling-Xiang-1, DU Yun-Su-3
 Chinese firms outward foreign direct investment grew remarkably in the background of economic globalization and Chinas “Road and Belt” Initiative. The research shows that the host countrys market size is negatively related to Chinese firms outward foreign direct investment, while trade, labor cost, geographical factor and the bilateral exchange rates are positively related to such investment, but the educational level is insignificant. It is  found that the market size, labor cost and education level of the developed host countries lead to significant differences of Chinese firms outward foreign direct investment from developing countries, while the exchange rate makes no significant difference, and the bilateral trade volume and geographic distance for developing economies are also insignificant.
2018 Vol. 20 (5): 85-92 [Abstract] ( 319 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 404 )





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