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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2017 Vol.38 Issue.1
Published 2017-01-10

1 Karl Marx: Son of Liberty —Interview with David Leopold
LUO Qian-1, Liu-Li-2
Focusing on the relation between Karl Marx and liberalism, this interview explores some important subjects such as the diverse origins of Karl Marxs thoughts, his absorption and transcendence of the achievements of the Enlightenment Movement, and the blue prints of the future communist society. Based on close reading of Marxs works and deep understanding of the relevant intellectual background, Dr. David Leopold draws a vivid picture of Marxs thoughts for us. He holds the viewpoint that,by the specific theoretical approaches,Marx inherits and transcends the modern liberalist concept of liberty,and supplies us with a blue print of human prosperity which is worthy to be pursued and explored. From this perspective, it is reasonable to say that Marx is the son of liberty who critically inherited the modern spirit of liberty.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 695 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 425 )
10 Annotation of the Urgent Telegram “Report on Food Problem”by the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee —Also on the Communication of Administrative Information during the Great Leap Forward
LI Liang-Yu
On August 22, 1961, the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee sent an urgent telegram to the CPC Central Committee, complaining of food shortage and asking not to collect the 250 million Jin of grain from Jiangsu. The clarification of the problems related to the urgent telegram indicates that the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee was basically downtoearth. From the perspective of smooth communication of administrative information, we can analyze the game among State, Province, Prefecture and County to show the importance of transparent and true communication of administrative information to political health.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 10-25 [Abstract] ( 591 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 418 )
26 Record of the Population in Each County of Jiangsu Province in the Newly Compiled Local Chronicles
CHOU Hai-Yan
The local chronicles compiled since 1980s in Jiangsu Province faithfully record the changes in population between 1958 and 1961.It is clear that there was a widespread famine and abnormal deaths, which varied with prefecture, city and county. The population information given in these chronicles are reliable and can be verified by Demographic History of Jiangsu Province and other history archives.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 26-35 [Abstract] ( 645 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 432 )
36 On the Development of Yangtze River Economic Belt and the New Opportunities for Jiangsu Province
LI Zong-Yao, Yang-Nan
The Yangtze River Economic Belt(YREB) crosses China's eastern, central and western regions. It is an extremely important horizontal axis in China's regional development. With favorable geographic conditions, convenient transportation, abundant resources, developed economy and obvious industrial advantages, the YREB is an important strategic support zone for China's future development, but it is also faced with serious challenges, such as environmental pressure, lack of linkage between the upper and lower reaches, regional development imbalances and institutional arrangements. Its development has been a new national strategy for regional development, providing an important strategic support for the future development of Jiangsu Province, who should give full play to its comparative advantages and focus on the construction of green corridor, further improve the integrated transportation corridor and accelerate industrial transfer, and build featured innovation platform in order to become a forerunner pilot area in the YREB .
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 36-41 [Abstract] ( 745 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 429 )
42 On the Jiangsus Outward Direct Foreign Investment to ASEAN in the Background of the “Belt and Road Initiative”
ZHANG Ji-Feng, Xuan-Chang-Yong
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an important link in Chinas “Belt and Road Initiative” as well as the main destination of Jiangsus outward foreign direct investment (OFDI).  One of the important measures for Jiangsu to play its exemplary role of accumulation, diffusion, and first-mover in the junction of  the “Belt and Road”  is to raise its scale and level of  OFDI to ASEAN. Currently, Jiangsus OFDI to ASEAN is small in scale and low in level even though its economic level is higher than ASEAN. Its economy is complementary to that of ASEAN in structure and element. So it must pay special attention to industrial layout and development in ASEAN in order to take the lead in the “Belt and Road Initiative”. It should seek the path of innovation to promote industrial transition and innovative development via OFDI.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 42-45 [Abstract] ( 708 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 470 )
46 The Pollution of Marine Environment and Governance from the Perspective of Coastal Economic Rising
In recent years, China has done a lot in the field of marine environmental pollution prevention and control, and obtained some achievements, but the result is far from satisfactory. Through the empirical analysis of the relationship between the coastal economic growth and the pollution of the marine environment, we find that with economic growth, water areas with worse than classⅠwater quality once dropped but is now on the rise again; those with class Ⅱ,Ⅲ water quality  did decrease, but those with class Ⅳ and worse than class  Ⅳwater quality rises rapidly with the economic growth. Based on the facts, this paper thinks that the key to marine pollution is to take the land and marine economy and pollution prevention as a whole so as to change the current economic development mode and improve the marine environment.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 46-50 [Abstract] ( 587 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 411 )
51 Review of the Research on Pearl S. Buck: A Bibliometric  Analysis Based on Relevant Literature
ZHOU Jin-Yuan, Wang-Jue, Shao-Shu-Bin, Lu-Zhang-Ping, Dai-Qing-Jie
 In the present study, such tools as CiteSpace and Pajek are used to analyze the Pearl S. Buck related journal articles and dissertations, aiming to reveal the overview in this field  by such indexes as the development phases, high frequency keywords, highly cited papers, to sum up the five focuses and trends in Pearl S. Buck study by cooccurrence analysis of keywords, and disclose the main academic groups and disciplines through organizational and disciplinary analysis. It is found that scholars in this field rarely coauthorize their works and literature cited and works cited by others are both rare.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 51-57 [Abstract] ( 833 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 433 )
58 Pearl S. Bucks Portraits of People in Indian Colonial Society —A Postcolonial Interpretation of Come,My Beloved
WU Qing-Hong
The American writer Pearl S. Buck sympathizes with the people of the East who suffer greatly under the Western imperialist rule because of her special cross-cultural growing background. As a result, she often makes profound reflection and criticism against colonialism from post-colonist point of view. Her novel Come, My Beloved is a typical case in which she portrayed the British rulers, Indian nationalists and American missionaries in the first half of 20th century to reveal the real conflicts in Indian colonial society and to show her own desire of a harmonious world in which people of different nations can live peacefully together.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 651 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 411 )
63 The Patent System Response to the Marketization of Technological Innovation
As a systemic project, technological innovation needs not only the legal ownership incentive to achieve a balance between incentive and utilization, but also the guidance of market to realize the value of efficiency, fairness and effectiveness in technological innovation and invention. So patent system should have such functions as stimulating technological innovation, avoiding redundant investment and facilitating the turning of inventions into products. However, the single theoretical model of the present patent law is narrow and limited, unable to fit the requirement of modern patent system design, and such a fault can only be made up by a multiple model. In addition, the marketization of technological innovation needs a systemic improvement concerning patent, including incentive policy, ownership system, management system.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 63-69 [Abstract] ( 608 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 446 )
70 Logical Falsification and Legislative Transcendence of the “Statutory” Principle for Crimes Committed by “Units” —In the Perspective of “Interpretation of Article 30”
SUN Dao-Cui
According to “Interpretation of Article 30”, the members of a unit should bear responsibility when the natural person of a unit commits a crime not expressly defined by law, but this interpretation contradicts the “statutory” principle of unit crimes, and the single penalty system.  The absolute negation of members’ responsibility is obviously improper, the idea that members do bear responsibility is generally agreed, but the future lies in improving the related laws. The criminal responsibility in a crime committed by a unit should follow the principle of objective (behavior) accountability and subjective accountability with organic combination and consideration of fact and norm, and a unit and its members together bearing responsibility for a crime committed by a unit but not expressly defined by law. There should be no blank in legislation concerning unitcommitted crimes, which should be clearly defined in law. In addition, the current dual punishment system should be negated that the same penalty criterion should be applied to a unit and an natural person for the same crime, and the discourse of “unitcommitted crime” should be substituted with “corporation crime”.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 70-78 [Abstract] ( 541 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 449 )
79 A Study on the Heterogeneous Knowledge Diffusion of New Generation of Migrant Workers and Promotion Strategy Based on Epidemic Model
JIN Li-Fu, Chen-Xin
 The new generation gradually becomes the main body of China’s migrant workers. They feature something new in knowledge level, professional attitude and mobility. This paper approaches their remarkable feature of mobility and use the SI and SIS epidemic model to study the different diffusion mechanism of heterogeneous knowledge in order to reveal the intrinsic relationship between mobility and heterogeneous knowledge diffusion of these migrant workers. The result shows that we should raise the level of knowledge and labor skills of the new generation migrant workers, and improve their efficiency of knowledge diffusion by guiding rational flow, consolidating basic education, strengthening vocational education, etc.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 79-84 [Abstract] ( 561 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 387 )
85 A Quantitative Research on the Crossing of Disciplines in China’s Humanities and Social Science
HAO Ruo-Yang, Lu-Wan-Hui
In the perspective of information dissemination, we can know the interdisciplinary knowledge flow network and disciplinary crossing of Chinas humanities and social sciences by calculating the cited relationship through the link of knowledge flow between papers, journals and subjects. The result shows that economics occupies a very important position in humanities and social sciences and has a strong interdisciplinary relationship with disciplines like management, human geography and politics, and other disciplines like literature and arts, journalism and communication and library and information science, archeology and history and ethnical culture and religion also feature obvious knowledge flowing and disciplinary crossings. In addition, religion also has remarkable crossing relationship with other minor disciplines.
2017 Vol. 38 (1): 85-92 [Abstract] ( 498 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 434 )





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