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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2016 Vol.18 Issue.3
Published 2016-05-30

1 Rousseaus Intention: between the Virtue and Freedom
ZENG Yu-Ming
The principle of virtue and freedom tells classic political philosophy from modern political philosophy. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was the political philosopher that stood between classic virtue and modern freedom. On one hand by virtue he criticized the modern society of science and arts, upon which he has reconstructed the significance of classic virtue; on the other hand, the freedom is the key content of his political philosophy. He signified freedom and equality as the elemental purpose in political society. But the dilemma between freedom and virtue was what he had to face. In short, his true intention was to restore the original goodness in free social condition and the civil virtue matching the classic virtue in the political society in which the classic polis has passed away and the notion of citizen has become an outdated sign.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 675 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 483 )
9 A Nation Should Take Yi (Justice) as Interest —Reestablishing the Local Idea of the Core Social Value
NIE Bao-Ping
In the context of traditional Chinese thoughts and culture, “Yi” has the following meanings: “just”, “proper”, “rational” etc. It is not only the base  of man becoming fullgrown, but also the ground of national survival. Thus, “a nation should take Yi as interest” was one of the core social values in an ancient united nation. “Yi (righteousness over interest)” was not only the result of the ruling partys insisting on Yi (justice) over interest, but the premise of social harmony and order. The intelligentsia adhering to “public Yi(justice)” and their conscious observance of principles in etiquette, honesty and shame erected “the four pillars of a nation” and brought the public culture of nationcountry into playing in the national citizens selfachievements.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 9-14 [Abstract] ( 617 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 471 )
15 Friendship and Politics —From the Dichtomy of Friendship to Their Political Practice
HAO Chun-Peng

In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle studied friendship in particular. It is a part of the intellectual virtues, and it comes from the fundamental theme: Happiness. If we focus on the relationship between Nicomachean Ethics and Politics, we will find that friendship is a bridge of the two, and a way to achieve selfsufficiency and happiness. Aristotle paid more attention to friendship than politics, for he believes that a friendship group is more solid than a contract group. This view is very different from the view of contract built by modern political science, which brings lots of problems to politicians and philosophers. So by studying the subject of friendship, maybe we can be find a solution to these problems.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 15-22 [Abstract] ( 714 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 548 )
23 On the Jin Inscriptional Records of Temple Stage
XUE Rui-Zhao

The performances on the Jin temple stages were a new stage in the development of the ancient Chinese temple entertainment, as they were entertaining gods in name and the human beings in reality. They were usually undertaken by music troupes and showed complicated forms. Although some local temples were set up by   governments, most of them were not; the prayers and blessings were often accompanied by a grand temple fair, which, together the performances, in turn helped attract the crowd. The crowd was the economic stimulator of the development of temples and stages. The fairs and praying activities led to a building of boom temples and stages, giving rise to a number of inscriptional records of temple stages. As building temple stages catered to the cultural demand of urban and rural public and the development of popular literature and art, some scholars sang praises of them and had their writings inscribed, ushering in a tradition of scholars valuing and participating the popular artistic activities and showing prominent historical and cultural significance.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 23-30 [Abstract] ( 566 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 461 )
31 Ten Articles Missing in The Yuan Anthology
CHEN Kai-Lin
Hu Yigui had ten articles collected in The Yuan Anthology on the base of his own writings and Chen Mingzhengs New Xinan Literature. In Volume 1322 of Siku Quanshu Series II, we can find the 10 volumes of Selection of Mr. Shuanghus Works, which were not taken into account by the compilers of The Yuan Anthology. In the Selection can we find 4 prefaces, 8 essays, 1 travelogue, 1 inscription and 1 letter by Mr. Shuanghu, Hu Yigui. Of these, 9 were not collected in The Yuan Anthology. In addition, Xiong Hes “Mr. Shuanghus Biography” at the beginning of the Selection was also missing in The Yuan Anthology. So the Selection offers us a chance to supplement The Yuan Anthology.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 31-35 [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 489 )
36 Review of the Studies in Liao and Jin Literature(2010—2015)
WANG Yong-1, Zhang-Xiao-Dong-2
The years between 2010 and 2015 witnessed fruitful results in the field of research of Liao and Jin Literature. Various styles and  types of literary history have been written. Historical data about writers, works and research materials have been accumulated in order. New research angles and academic topics sprung up in papers, projects and activities.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 36-41 [Abstract] ( 524 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 472 )
42 On the Legal Liability of Environmental Impact  Assessment System on Construction Projects
XU Yi-Xiang, Xue-Yan-Hua

The provisions of Article 31 in “Environmental Impact Assessment Act” have defects in applicable range and expost environmental impact assessment system on construction projects. The new “Environmental Protection Act” has made legislative adjustments in the scope of the regulation, executors and sanctions in order to implement  environmental impact assessment system on construction projects better. But legal liability is inconsistent between “Environmental Impact Assessment Act” and “Environmental Protection Act” in terms of the amount of fines, restitution and other penalties. As a result, environmental enforcement is difficult to implement. In view of this, the legal liability of environmental impact assessment system on construction projects should be based on the legislative goal and use legal interpretation methods to choose the appropriate law. At the same time the applicable conditions should be further specified in legislation.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 42-49 [Abstract] ( 758 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 500 )
50 On the Concept of Ecological Protection Red Line
WANG She-Kun, Yu-Zi-Hao
After the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee proposed the concept of ecological protection red line, all localities and departments carried out the pilot work, but there were large differences in the understanding of the concept of ecological protection red line, with two dramatically different understandings in broad and narrow senses. In 2014, the “Environmental Protection Law” first proposed the concept, but the debate on it did not end. According to the methods of legal interpretation such as historical interpretation, semantic interpretation, teleological method of interpretation and system interpretation, the ecological protection red line in the “Environmental Protection Law” should have a narrow sense, meaning the geographic area warning lines to safeguard national ecological safety, without the function directly involved in environmental pollution and resource utilization. The State should formulate relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible, and clarify the specific rules of the system.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 50-56 [Abstract] ( 1453 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 492 )
57 An Analysis of “Environmental Tort” Legal  Terminology and Imputation Principle —Comments on Environmental  Noise Tort Case of Du Zengshen
V. the 20th Bureau of China Railway Company
LIU Xian-Hui
In the 20th Bureau of China Railway Company and Henan Yubo Railway Company environmental noise pollution case, the court held that the noise standard is not the sewage units to assume the responsibility of compensation standards but the basis for the payment of over standard sewage charges and environmental management, considered that the illegal behavior of the act is not a necessary prerequisite for the environmental tort, and the harmful nature of the act is the essential element of environmental tort. In the existing legal system of environmental tort, it should be clear that the “environmental tort” of the legal terms. Civil law and property law embodies the principle of fault; tort liability act and environmental protection law are reflected in the principle of no fault. It should be based on the method of type of environmental tort, to coordination of doctrine of liability fixation
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 57-63 [Abstract] ( 703 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 485 )
64 The Influence of Hu Fengs Studying Experience in Japan on His Literary Thought
ZHAO Hui-Xia, Li-Qing
Hu Fengs studying experience in Japan is critical to the formation of his literary theory. During his stay in Japan, Hu Feng initially got exposed to Marxist thoughts and literary theories. Under the influence of the Japanese proletarian revolutionists and writers, he got a brand new recognition about literary criticism and started to work on it. In the practice of literature and art, Hu Feng gradually formed a prototype of realism theory characterizing the “Subjective Fighting Spirit”. It is creative and unique in the field of Chinese modern literary theory and has brought enormous influence on the history of Chinese literature, and provided a direct theoretical basis for the construction of Marxist literary theory system in China.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 64-69 [Abstract] ( 628 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 523 )
70 On the AntiJapanese War during the Reign of Emperor Jiajing and  the Reform of South Zhili Local Army Defense System —A Study of the Military Defense and Its Historical Influence of the Government of Zhenjiang in the Ming Dynasty
WANG Yu-Zhou
Zhenjiang faces the Yangtze River in the north, and joins the Taihu Lake Plain, the southern hinterland, in the south. As it is located in the east of Nanjing, the cocapital of the Ming Dynasty, and in the northwest of Su, Song and Chang prefectures, it is naturally a vantage point whose defense has always drawn special attention. During the reign of Emperor Jiajing, the passive defense and the redundancy of officers and soldiers in the region were highlighted in face of Japanese invasion. In this case, a series of reform were carried in the  defense system of the region in line with the local geography and social situation as well as the overall coastal defense strategy and economic and political situations. Such reforms reflect the military defensive strategy of comprehensive defense, multi-layer defense, and vantage point defense as well as the tactics of direct attacking combined with raids, and coexistence of various types of forces, with both standing and temporary armies.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 70-77 [Abstract] ( 924 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 449 )
78 Why Is the Scholarship of Teaching Possible? —Also on the Progress in Theory and Practice of University Teaching
CHEN Bin-1, 2
The concept of the scholarship of teaching was first proposed by Ernest L. Boyer in 1990 in his book Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate, which was aimed at addressing the imbalance between the teaching and researching, improving the quality of undergraduate teaching and promoting the scholarship of teaching. In the following 20 years,  remarkable achievements have been made in pedagogical theories, with the connotation and characteristics  deepened, the stages of development  becoming a consensus, and the rationality  established and evaluation standards maturing. The universities and colleges around the world are setting teaching awards, constructing service institutions, reforming promotion systems, cultivating the development environment etc. The scholarship of teaching has developed into an academic movement with great influences in the world recently.
Key words: 
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 78-84 [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 449 )
85 Research on the Copyright Authorization of Dissertations and Theses
LUO Yin-Ke, Zhong-Qiu-Bo
Through the horizontal sampling survey of the latest license  of the“211 Project” universities  and the longitudinal sampling of overall license of the “985 Project” ones, we can find  many problems  in the authorization of dissertations and theses by Chinese universities, like differences in the name of authorization, chaos in authorization management, and negligence of the authors rights by universities. The fundamental reason lies in the faulty copyright law. In order to better protect the legitimate rights of dissertations and theses, it is of necessity to raise the students  awareness of intellectual property protection,  revise and improve the copyright law and  use fairly the copyright of dissertations and theses.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 85-92 [Abstract] ( 606 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 492 )





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