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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2009 Vol.11 Issue.01
Published 2009-01-30

1 Livelihood: the Focus of the Contemporary Marxist Tradition
Ge Hengyun
Karl Marx' s concern for man' s livelihood is a permanent subject for the ruling proletarian party as well as a modernist topic. For Marxism itself is an ideological system with the livelihood of the vast majority of laborers as its value and goal. In contemporary China, the inheriting and promoting of Marx' s concern for livelihood are, in a sense, demanded by the innovation of Marxism at present time as well as the theo- retical construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the building of China into a well-off society. The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China attached unprecedented priority to safeguarding and promoting livelihood under the guidance of the scientific view on development. At present, to solve liveli- hood-related problems, we must adopt a scientific view on development, and sharpen our awareness of liveli- hood; we must adopt a humanistic view and solve the real problems in people's life; we must strengthen the building of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics and establish a series of sound systems to safeguard and expand people's democratic and political rights.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 1-07 [Abstract] ( 1071 ) [HTML KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 84 )
8 An Ideal Way of Life: the Unification of Self-control and External Constraint
Zhou Kezhen
The relationship between man and heaven is the basic issues of ancient Chinese philosophy. It includes two aspects: the relationship between the mandate of heaven (law of nature) and human affairs, and that between rationality and erotic feeling. Accordingly, the ancient Chinese philosophy can be divided into two parts : "the doctrine of human affairs" and" the doctrine of human heart". The philosophy of the Qin and Han Dynasties was mainly "the doctrine of human affairs", focusing on the relationship between the mandate of heaven (law of nature) and human affairs; the philosophy of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties was mainly "the doctrine of human heart" , focusing on the relationship between rationality and erotic feeling; in between, the ancient Chinese philosophy focused on both of "the doctrine of human affairs " and "the doctrine of human heart". Obviously, the ancient Chinese philosophy was essentially a philosophy of life that studied the nature of and the relationship between man' s material activities and spiritual activities. This philosophy, the basic spirit of which was a pursuit of ideal self-controlled life, should be able to be integrated with the Western philosophy that stresses that life should be subject to external constraint, and thus form a new view of life, that is an ideal way of life is the unification of self-control and external constraint.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 8-16 [Abstract] ( 788 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 473 )
17 Scientific View on Development Is the New Contemporary Socialist View on Development
Chen Lixu
The scientific view on development advances a new idea: socialism is to replace capitalism via the development of socialism itself, which must be scientific development. It solves the important problem of "What the contemporary socialism should be?" and constitutes a self-contained theory. It is the new contem-porary socialist view on development.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 17-21 [Abstract] ( 672 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 509 )
22 The Historical Evolution of Freedom and Equality in the Context of Capital
Bu Guangqing
In the course of the development of capitalist societies, the balance between freedom and equality during the capitalist revolution eventually slanted to freedom during the age of free capitalism. In modem time, this imbalance is in a sense gaining harmony. Based on the analysis of the history of Western thoughts and politics which can be roughly divided into four periods : the ages of capitalist revolution, free capitalism, monopoly capitalism and welfare countries, this essay inspects the tension movement of freedom and equality in the context of capital and envisions the trend of this movement in the future.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 22-27 [Abstract] ( 782 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 496 )
28 The Significance of the Discovery of Nuzhen Long Oral Narrative Literature of Jin Dynasty to Chinese Literary History
Zhou Huiquan
Previous studies of the Jin literature chiefly focused on the then Chinese written literature during to shortage of resources. But the discovery of the national non-material cultural heritage, "Manchu Folk-tales", which were handed down from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years among the Nuzhens, offers a new springboard for the studies of the Jin literature. It not only brings to the surface vivid primitive literary works and offers new literary resources, but also supplies the spreading of Chinese literature with an oral paradigm parallel to that of written literature. The establishment of such an oral paradigm of spreading will give a boost to disciplinary building and facilitate the change of the studies of Chinese literary history from the narrow, mo-notonous traditional mode to an open, multiple, creative one.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 28-33 [Abstract] ( 850 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 488 )
34 The Humanistic Spirit and Cultural Apocalypse of Yuanqu
Liang Guizhi
The Yuan Dynasty created a culture of prodigals, recluses and fighters. The prodigals' loose life, the recluses' taste and the fighters' openness gave rise to the Yuan people' s resistant consciousness and aesthetic life, which in turn formulated the humanistic spirit of Yuanqu-the popular verse of the Yuan Dynasty. As representatives of prodigals and recluses respectively, Liu Yong and Tao Yuanming became idols in the Yuan society. If the Wei, Jin and the following Six Dynasties were the time when men of letters began to wake and literature became self-conscious, the Yuan Dynasty was then the time when ordinary people began to wake and popular literature became self-conscious-this is an important cultural proposal that should formally put forward. Guan Hanqing' s "Never too Old", Ma Zhiyuan' s "Autumn Thoughts" and Sui Jingchen' s "' The Emperor Returns Home" are the representatives of the prodigals' loose life, the recluses' taste and the fighters' openness.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 34-42 [Abstract] ( 1076 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 466 )
43 Discovery of Historical Materials about Yuan Hao-wen in Poetical Commentaries in the Republic of China
Liu Dake
The poetical commentaries in the Republic of China teem with narrations of and comments on Yuan Hao-wen and his works, his poetics and the reception of his works. They are valuable data for studying Yuan Hao-wen and the creation, spreading and influence of his works. They are not short of opinions that have not be expressed before, so they are of great academic value as terra ineognita in Yuan Hao-wen studies. They include general understanding, comments on his poems, his poetics and his historical position, observations of his reception, remarks on his comments on and compilation of others' works,preserving related historical mate-rials, etc. The poetical commentaries in the Republic of China are a rich and valuable poetical heritage. They reflect the then views about Yuan Hao-wen and his works from certain aspects. They are an important link in the history of reception of Yuan Hao-wen that they are apocalyptical to the current Yuan Hao-wen studies.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 43-49 [Abstract] ( 735 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 496 )
50 From the Relationship between "Pigeonhole Writers" and "Feudal Petty Bourgeois" --Reading Beyond the Neon: Shanghai in the Daily Life of Early 20th Century
Fan Boqun
Elite writers were disappointed and anxious because petty bourgeois showed a natural affinity to popular novels but were indifferent to their new literary works, so they called these readers "feudal petty bour-geois". We will redefine the vague concept of "petty bourgeois", analyze the deep reason why there was a veil between the "pigeonhole writers" and "petty bourgeois", and show that the one character difference between "wei reu sheng" and "wei sheng huo" tells the different needs on the part of different readers of elite culture and popular culture. In the plural structure of culture, such confrontation between elite culture and popular culture has not lapsed into stalemate, but showed the metropolitan variety and charisma through their toughness and eomplernentation with each other.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 50-55 [Abstract] ( 970 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 537 )
56 The Question-consciousness and Methodology of the Contributors of Taiwan. A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies
Liu Xiaoxin
The contributors of Taiwan : A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies forms a very important intellectual community in Taiwan' s contemporary intellectual history. Their articles reconstructed the question con- sciousness of Taiwan Studies. They integrated into one such ideas as traditional left-wing ideas, liberalism, postmodernism, post-Marxism, feminism, and cultural studies and tried to restore the historical association between the criticism of political economy and the ideological analysis so as to establish their "Democratic Left" position.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 56-61 [Abstract] ( 787 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 500 )
62 Overseas Loanwords and the Study of Chinese Lexical History
Wang Weihui
The overseas loanwords refer to a large number of Chinese words in Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. in the so-called Chinese Character Culture. The large number of overseas loanwords keep the original Chinese meanings and thus can be considered as living fossils of the historical words of Chinese. They are of great significance to the study of Chinese lexical history. The combination of Chinese lexical history, dialect vocabulary and overseas loanwords points to great possibilities in study.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 62-68 [Abstract] ( 695 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 482 )
69 On the Lexicalization of LiaoBuDe and BuDeLiao
Xu Shiyi
The three-syllable modem Chinese words LiaoBuDe and BuDeLiao are the result of lexicalization of the negative phrase BuDe that has be lexicalized itself beforehand. Originally they are a verb-complementary phrase and an endocentric phrase respectively. Eventually their phrasal nature weakens and disappears.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 69-73 [Abstract] ( 730 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 499 )
74 Missionaries and New Chinese Language at the Turn of 20th Century --A Comparison of Two Books by A. H. Mateer and E. Morgan Respectively
Shen Guowei
At the turn of 20th century, Chinese language underwent dramatic changes to accommodate new knowledge. These changes were shown in the advent of oral style and new words, which were detected and recorded by the then missionaries in China. From the two books by A. H. Mateer and E. Morgan respec- tively, we can see the changes and the causes in their eyes: the students returning from abroad as the intro- ducers and users helped popularize the new oral style and the new words; the translation of Japanese books and the borrowing of Japanese vocabulary were the important cause for the changes of Chinese language ; new affi- xes enhance the ability of Chinese language to create new words.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 74-77 [Abstract] ( 823 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 515 )
78 Feng Guifen' s Practices of Academy Education and his Thoughts of Educational Reform
Wang Weiping, Wang Kun
Feng Guifen was an important thinker and educator in the modern history of China. In his long life of teaching, he had taught in such schools as Xiyin Academy in Nanjing, Jingye Academy in Shanghai, Ziyang Academy in Suzhou, Zhengyi Academy in Suzhou for more than 20 years. As a result, he was rich in both practice and thoughts. He not only proposed to reform the old academy system and raise the teachers' status, but also suggested detailed reforms of the imperial examination system. He insisted on learning from the Western countries from all aspects and thus ushered in China' s modern education, exercising profound influence on China' s education.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 78-83 [Abstract] ( 803 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 496 )
84 Input in Infrastructural Construction in Rural China' s Non-governmental Education --A study Based on Xuan Village School in Hubei
Wu Yuan
Since 1960s, the Hubei rural schools invested by villagers has undergone through three stages of development : the first was when schools were run by villages ; the second was the time of "May 7th" teaching network and the third was the time of reform and opening up. Although the villagers' input was the main driving force in rural education, the types and ways of investment varied with time. The villagers' input in rural education eased government a financial pressure and raised the villagers' educational level, but it also added to the villagers' burden and increased the villages' debt, which stipulates governmental attention and solution.
2009 Vol. 11 (01): 84-92 [Abstract] ( 707 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 472 )





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