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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2009 Vol.11 Issue.6
Published 2009-11-30

1  Marx’s Social Development Theory
Tong Xing
Karl Marx’s social development theory consists of three parts: social holism, social criticism and social development theory. Marx holds that a society is an organic system made up of various components, so each subsystem, even each individual, should be approached from the holist perspective as each man is in essence “the sum total of social relations”. His social criticism takes man’s measure, or humanism, as criterion, sets man’s liberalization and overall development as target, chooses alienation as theoretical framework, and crystallizes into the idea of man’s practice as changing the world. Marx not only insisted on his social holism and social criticism, but  convinced that the society is constantly evolving and developing. As a result, he devoted his whole life to the exploration of the motivation, law and realization method of social development. A proper understanding and application of Marx’s social development theory is especially significant to the promotion of contemporary social evolution and transformation.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 1-07 [Abstract] ( 692 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 532 )
8 Contract Ethics: Its Historical Source and Real Value
Wang Lulu, Zhu Liang
The birth and development of contract thoughts in China and in the West scintillate with rich ethical content. Contract ethics is not only the foundation for all transactions in market economy activity, but of obvious realistic value to the coordination of interest relations, the maintenance of social order, and the forming of a wellordered society with such basic ethical appeals as freedom, equality, good faith and justice it contains and advocates.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 8-11 [Abstract] ( 734 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 463 )
12 Environmental Ethics of Building a Harmonious Society
Zhou Shanshan
Traditional ethics is the theory dealing with the value judgment of good and evil, so it only touches the moral relations between man and man. Environmental ethics stresses man’s moral concern for himself, the environment he lives in and the whole nature as well as the moral consciousness existing between man and man. At present, the theory of building a socialist society with Chinese characteristics advanced by the Communist Party of China, which includes such ideas as scientific view on development, handling the relation between man and nature properly and building a harmonious society, is but rich in its environmental ethical thoughts.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 12-14 [Abstract] ( 702 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 514 )
15 Reflection  and System Construction of
China’s Trademark Law  Principle
Feng Tao
The principle of trademark law is the indispensable part of the trademark law system and should be specified in the revised trademark law. The principle of trademark law is its fundamental ideas. Its aim is to overcome the loopholes of the trademark law. It is composed of basic principles and specific ones.  Current studies in this field is faulty in both methodology and content. So, a review of such studies and a reflection on the principle and the status quo of lawmaking in this field yield seven basic principles and some specific principles in line with relevant law and trademark strategy and policy and thus can overcome the defects in the theory and system of trademark law.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 15-18 [Abstract] ( 885 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 465 )
19 On the Identification and Legal Regulation of
Malicious Trademark Oppositions
Niu Yubing
Malicious trademark oppositions should be identified in accordance with the overall consideration of the violator’s malicious mentality in his activity, his ignorance of related laws or facts, the damage his activity brought to the trademark applicant, etc. The legal countermeasures to malicious trademark oppositions include sharpening the whole society’s awareness of the rule of law as well as improving the current trademark law,for example the codes concerning trademark opposition reason and the third party’s qualification, establishing a fast examination procedure for trademark oppositions, giving the applicant a right to choose the procedure and establishing a compensation mechanism for malicious trademark oppositions so that such oppositions can be checked in system.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 19-22 [Abstract] ( 872 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 459 )
23 On the Perfection of Trademark Pledge System in China
Shang Qingfeng
Trademark pledge is an essential part of China’s guarantee system of rights pledge. China’s current laws concerning trademark pledge have such problems as lack of personalization, ambiguity in content and insufficiency  of supporting systems, resulting in inadequate trademark pledge. China’s trademark pledge system should be improved from two aspects: First, the scope of pledged items and the pledging procedure must be specified in line the unique features of trademark pledge and related laws; Second, the supporting systems like pledge registration, valuation, market transactions etc. should be established to bring the trademark pledge system into full play.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 23-26 [Abstract] ( 911 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 469 )
27 On the Tunes of Jin Jambic Verse
Tian Yuqi
In line with the advent of the tunes of jambic verse, the tunes of Jin jambic verse mainly follow into three categories: those handed down from the Tang and Five Dynasties, those from the Northern Song Dynasty and the new tunes created in the Jin Dynasty. Unlike those of the Northern Song tunes, the verses using the Tang and Five Dynasties tunes mainly borrowed the popular tunes, and were grandiose in theme rather than descriptive of love. Those using the Northern Song tunes were deeply influenced by Liu Yong and Su Shi. Under Liu’s influence, the verses usually sang of love and were brisk and clear in style; under Su’s influence, the verses usually depicted the recluse life and were unbridled and openminded in style. The new Jin tunes were mainly created by Taoists  and were used in a very limited area, revealing the evolution and the unavoidable fall of jambic verse.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 27-31 [Abstract] ( 710 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 494 )
32 Dhyana and Liao and Jin Literatti
Liu Dake
Buddhism was represented slight differently though it was fully develope[JP2]d in both the Liao and Jin Dynasties. The Liao Buddhists, with the Avatamsaka School and  the Mantra School as the mainstream, attached importance to religious rites and was favored by the rulers while in the Jin Dynasty, the Dhyana School was the most active and influential and advanced Buddhist studies further than that in the Liao Dynasty, although it had a hard relationship with the royal power. Buddhism and Dhyana had a very deep influence on many Liao and Jin literati. In fact, their affinity to mountains and water was in a great sense caused by Buddhism. The over 300 years of the Liao and Jin Dynasties saw the birth of many men of letters steeped in Buddhism. According to their attitudes towards Buddhism, they could be divided into five types: those staunch Buddhists, those Confucians who actually believed in Buddhism, those hedonists who treated Buddhism as hobby, those who studied Buddhism to absorb new ideas and help with creation and those who learned Buddhism but to refute. The two later leaders among men of letters, Li Chunfu and Zhao Bingwen, both had a deep entanglement with Buddhism though one known to all and one unknown; they typically reflected the then literati’s bending to Buddhism. The then Buddhist men of letters, influenced by the idea of trinity of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, stood ready to absorb ideas of various origins. In addition, the examples of their bending toward Buddhism and Dhyana showed some valuable academic messages about Dhyana history. The spreading of Dhyana within the literary circle was the premise of its penetrating into the deep layer of literature
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 32-40 [Abstract] ( 769 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 474 )
41 A Comparison between China and Japan in Land System
and Tax in the Initial Stage of Modern Times
Zhou Zhichu
In ancient time, there were great differences between China and Japan in land system. During the period of Meijiishin, Japan reformed the land system, which was an obvious promotion to its modernization, such a conclusion can not be drawn that Chinese land system fell far behind that of Japan. Before the First SinoJapanese War, China’s agricultural output value was 9.4 times that of Japan while its land tax revenue was only 1.3 times that of Japan. So, in terms of the proportion of land tax to agricultural output value, Japan’s land tax was much heavier than China’s. Through land tax reform, where surplus-labor could be concentrated, the Japanese government was able to realize modernization effectively while the Qing government was not. Japan’s agricultural productivity was higher than China’s, which was why its peasants could bear a higher land tax. In China, peasants had to pay not only the land tax, but also the salt tax that was almost equal to poll tax. As a result, Chinese peasants actually bore a heavier burden of tax. 
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 41-44 [Abstract] ( 751 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 485 )
45 Sparking Thoughts in Prehistoric Editing
Qian Ronggui
It is generally believed that editing emerged after written literature. Editing in the modern sense did not exist before the arrival of written literature, but the primitive “editing” activities and thinking did exist. In the Knot Age, ropes were a kind of media and different ways of “editing” ropes (e.g. different lengths and numbers of knot) could convey different messages. This kind of real thing editing brought with it a kind of primitive idea of editing and communication, viz. information could be recorded and spread by means of certain media (ropes) and media production (knotting). Such a primitive idea was litter different from the later idea of editing written literature. Therefore, “knotting to set down events” can be called the most primitive and simplest “editing activity”. The activities and ideas of editing came before the written language, and it is the primitive knotting activities and ideas that gave birth to the editing idea and practice of written literature.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 45-49 [Abstract] ( 716 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 507 )
50 Dream Brook Diary and its Recording of Literary Works
Shen Xingyi
In addition to science and technology, Shen Kuo devoted a considerable portion of his Dream Brook Diary to liberal arts. His records of literature and language, in particular, are rich in historical data, and thus can crossrefer to such literature as orthodox histories and other diaries as well as make up for the missing loops in the literary and linguistic history before the Northern Song Dynasty. Shen’s viewpoints on literature and linguistics were sometimes arbitrary and prejudiced as well as insightful. As a diary, its style shapes its features of focusing on humor and spontaneity.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 50-52 [Abstract] ( 722 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 515 )
53 Evolution and Settling of Patterns of Headings
Early Tang Group Poetic
Li Zhengchun
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 53-56 [Abstract] ( 763 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 479 )
57 The Complexity of Du Bao’s Image in Peony Pavilion
from the Perspective of Dramatic Structure
Liang Yuxia
Peony Pavilion has a doubletheme structure. The major theme is the love story of Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei, and through a series of dramatic conflicts, expresses the dramatist’s attitude to “lust” and “feudal ethics”. The minor theme depicts the resistance of the Southern Song Dynasty to the invasion of the Jin Dynasty. Through the character Du Bao who was caught in the crisis of nation and family, the dramatist is able to combine the major theme with the minor one and give Du Bao a complex and contradicting character. A guard and an executioner of feudal ethics, Du is also an upright official who embodies the dramatist’s ideal of “governing oneself, then the family, then the kingdom and then the world”. In fact, Du vaguely shows the dramatist’s selfimage as well.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 57-60 [Abstract] ( 749 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 463 )
61 he Wisdom of Novel: An Approach to
William Faulkner’s Humor Aesthetics
Jiang Decheng, Yi Aisong
William Faulkner’s art of humor achieves the organic combination of the most serious of the southern social problems with the most frivolous of novel narration. Such artistic experiment and innovation add to the geographic and thematic dimensions of his Yoknapatawpha fictions and reveal a master’s wisdom and rational speculation novel’s social role.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 61-64 [Abstract] ( 675 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 477 )
65 On Origin and Evolution of Aesthetics of
Buddhist Sutra Translation in China
Chen Hong, Bao Tongfa
All translations are but indicative of the translator’s historical environment and value and the target readers’ aesthetic paradigm. This paper sets the Chinese translation of Buddhist sutra as object and divides it into three stages: the earlier stage (from the later Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties), the middle stage (from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to Sui Dynasty) and the later stage (after Sui Dynasty). The origin and historical evolution of the Chinese translation aesthetics from preference to literariness or to truthfulness, to insisting on both literariness and truthfulness from three aspects: the style feature of the source text (from semantic bleaching to harmonization), the target readers (from monism to trialism) and the objective of translation (from introduction to promulgation).
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 65-67 [Abstract] ( 779 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 494 )
68 On Translators’ Cultural Cognition in International Publicity ----From the perspective of Audiences’ Interpretive Effects of Crosscultural Communication
Li Jiajun
Due to cultural differences, the target audiences of crosscultural communication may have different interpretations in terms of receptive quality and layer from the source text readers. Translators, as mediators in crosscultural communication and interpretation, need to adopt appropriate translation strategies in line with the different levels of culture so as to assist the international audience to have an interpretation as close as possible to that of native audience and go beyond mere information receiving at the receptive layer.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 68-70 [Abstract] ( 777 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 501 )
71 On Metaphors of Mood in English Advertising Discourse
Xu Jian
Functional Grammar considers metaphors as a variant of meaning expression at the grammatical level as well as the lexical level. An analysis of English advertising discourses leads to the conclusion: metaphors of mood in advertisements, embodying multiple speech functions, have the following pragmatic functions, namely, politeness, consultation, vagueness, association, and textual cohesion, therefore, reflecting the advertiser’s efforts to manipulate the target audience via establishing an interpersonal relation with them so as to reach his business aim.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 71-73 [Abstract] ( 849 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 469 )
74 On the Construction of “Virtue Plus Ability but
Virtue Before Ability” Leader Team
Li Zhanjun
“Virtue plus ability but virtue goes before ability” has always been the principle of the CPC third generation leadership and the Central Committee of CPC headed by President Hu Jintao to choose and appoint officers. This principle sets virtue as the essential qualification, establishes its priority, and embodies its time calling. At present, Chinese economy and society are at an important developing stage, so we must manage to have a deep understanding of this principle and follow the route and policy the Party sets for the New Age. The Party organizations at all levels must attach importance to the cultivation, examination and supervision of virtuous officials so as to improve them in thoughts and morality and safeguard organizationally a proper development of economy and the building of a welloff society.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 74-77 [Abstract] ( 724 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 465 )
78 A Study of the Interface Mechanism Between Criminal Law
Enforcement and Administrative Law Enforcement
Jiang Weiliang
At present, no effective mechanism between criminal law enforcement and administrative law enforcement has been fully developed in China, affecting the healthy functioning of the market economy. With the furthering of rule of law, legal theorists and practitioners realize that criminal law enforcement and administrative law enforcement, as two important components of state power, must be seamlessly joint together to bring them into full play to crack down criminal activities and maintain the longterm stability though they belong to two different scopes of power. Therefore, an effective mechanism must be worked out to integrate criminal law enforcement with administrative law enforcement so that a standard orderly law enforcing system and social governance structure, in which each party’s responsibility is specified and mutual help and supervision realized, will be established.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 785 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 432 )
81 The Capitalization Path of Traditional Cultural Resources
 in Local Economic Construction
Ding Gang
Cultural resources are those resources that are marked by cultural traits and human development and have humanistic and traditional value. They are unavoidably endowed with ontological, historical and effective features. Once entering the real life and cultural production, they will acquire the possibility and feasibility of becoming cultural capital, but they can not be consumed in production in the same way as economic capital is. In local economic construction, attention should be paid to the carrying capacity of traditional cultural resources, and the cost and efficiency awareness of cultural resources be enhanced to maintain its original ecology, highlight its advanced nature so that cultural resources can be preserved and their development be sustained in local economic construction and social development.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 81-84 [Abstract] ( 655 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 483 )
85 On the Evolutionary Mechanism and Development Countermeasures
of Chinese Culture and Creation Industry
Chen Haining
Culture and creation industry is the outcome of social and economic development at a certain stage, and keeps evolving with technical innovations and institutional evolution. The definition of culture and creation goods follow in line with Joseph a. Schumpeter’s definition of creation product. The economic characteristics,life cycle and the history of culture and creation industry in modern China point to the evolutionary mechanism of Chinese culture and creation industry. To upgrade China’s culture and creation goods, we must seek breakthrough in such aspects as bringing the resource distribution function of market into play,reforming the current cultural administrative system,stressing education’s function of cultural guiding and increasing domestic cultural demands.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 85-88 [Abstract] ( 782 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 478 )
89 From Bounded Rationality to Bounded Ethicality---]On the Bounded Rationality in Ethical Decision Making
Chen Yinfei, Mao Ning
In ethical decision making, man shows only bounded ethicality, like overclaiming credit, implicit discrimination, ingroup favoritism, overdiscounting the future and conflicts of interest. The different statuses of “should self” and “want self” at the three stages of prediction, action, and evaluation, the ethical fading during the action phase and the cognitive distortions during the evaluation phase are main reasons behind bounded ethicality. In order to mend bounded ethicality, the decision maker should recognize multiple selves, listen to the “want self” during prediction, increase the influence of the “should self” during action, decrease the influence of the “want self” during action and correct cognitive distortions during evaluation.
2009 Vol. 11 (6): 89-92 [Abstract] ( 3569 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 501 )





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