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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2010 Vol.12 Issue.4
Published 2010-07-30

1 Literature has Never been Very Important
Zhang Longxi, Liang Jiandong
Literature has a lasting charm beyond ages, and no development whether in science and tech- nology or business will abate its appeal to mankind. Both the Oriental and Western literary canons stand for the peaks of man' s spiritual civilization, worth conning by modern readers. Contemporary literature should take in the fruits in such humanistic fields as religion, philosophy so that its ken can be enriched and broa-dened, and its value be raised.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 1-05 [Abstract] ( 855 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 454 )
6 On the Evolution of the "Harmony" Concept
Wei Chuanguang
"Harmony", as an ideal, has experienced a long evolution in content from the original natural philosophical concept to a social philosophical one and then further to one of human studies. The concept of "harmony" originally arose as the opposite of the chaotic universe and referred to an ideal and original state in natural philosophy. "Harmony" began to take in social meanings as it entered the field of spiritual philosophy and social philosophy with the development of human knowledge. At the same time, it began to be entangled with the humanities, acquiring the significance of individuals and thus the color of the human studies.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 6-09 [Abstract] ( 785 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 470 )
10 On Governmental Responsibility in Building Endowment Insurance System for Evicted Farmers
Chen Shilin
With the rapid progress of urbanization, more and more farming lands are used for other purposes and more and more farmers are evicted from their lands. It is the requirement of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the evicted farmers to strengthen governmental responsibility in the construction of endowment insurance system for the evicted farmers. It is also the requirement of improving China' s market economic system and the existing endowment insurance system for the evicted farmers. To this end, realistic interest must be integrated into long-term interest, and regional differences must be considered in overall consideration, so that the insurance funding is assured and the protection for the evicted bettered. Supervision should be strengthened so as to achieve business diversification, centralized management, monitoring and effective technology. Such measures as perfecting the system of farming land property rights, reforming the compensation methods for tand acquisition, establishing a smooth communication mechanism of interests and reforming the current system of leaders' performance evaluation so as to improve the endowment insurance system of the evicted farmers.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 10-15 [Abstract] ( 842 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 441 )
16 On the Contemporary Theory and Practice of Karl Marx' s Socialism
Ge Yao, Ge Hengyun
Centering on its basic features and its essence, Marx made predictions about socialist society from two perspectives. The theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, with its remarkable achievements, are not only of great significance to the development of socialism in China, but also influential to that worldwide. Revisiting Marx' s socialism and its contemporary theory and practice can at least give rise to three revelations: to take a clear-cut stand for socialism, to advance socialism with time, and to liberate and develop productive forces with constancy.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 16-21 [Abstract] ( 714 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 472 )
22 Ten Achievements and Ten Issues of the Century-old Chinese New Poetry
Wang Ke
The past century saw a heated dispute over the "legitimacy ", "credibility ", "success" and "tradition" of Chinese new poetry. Its ten major achievements include promotion of China' s ideological emancipation, perfection of modern Chinese, enrichment of people' s emotional life, development of Chinese poetry, demonstration of people' s living conditions at different times, contribution to other styles such as novel and prose, support for modern Chinese music, boosting the development of Chinese women' s literature, helping with the prosperity of Chinese poetry and the advance of modern Chinese academics. However, it also has ten problems, including lack of essential standard of style due to its appearance and development in troubled times, over-emphasis on free verses, singularity in function, inadequate popularization, lack of awareness of poetic language, style and classics, young poets' flippancy because of foreign influence, especially the negative impact of the Romantic poetry, and critics' inadequacy of righteousness. Currently, the eonstruction of "harmonious poetry" and "poetic classics" is urgently needed.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 22-28 [Abstract] ( 701 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 461 )
29 On the Historical Experience of Chinese New Poetry Development
Xu Ting
The historical experience and criticism of the development of Chinese new poetry have always been controversial in the development of modern Chinese literature. This experience can be analyzed diachronically from the following aspects: innovative spirit aiming at rebellion; social conscientiousness targeting at social reality; the new overwhelming the old poetry in conflict; the free spirit of formal liberation and the modern pursuit resulted from the integration of Chinese ideas with Western thoughts.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 29-37 [Abstract] ( 676 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 431 )
38 Sang Hongyang and West Han Official Business of Salt and Iron
Jin Wen
Sang Hongyang was a famous financier of the West Han Dynasty. The official management of salt and iron business he led expanded the scale of production and increased revenue tremendously for the court, but there were also some serious problems. On the whole, Sang was a man of great historical achievements, whose economic measures, like official business of salt and iron, were mostly inherited by later generations. So his historical status should be fully affirmed.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 38-42 [Abstract] ( 954 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 420 )
43 The Social Environment of Shen Kuo' s Achievements and His Psyche
Li Dongmei
Shen Kuo was "one of the most outstanding figures in the scientific history of China", whose Sketchbook of Dream Brook is called "the coordinate of Chinese scientific history". His rich fruits and brilliant achievements resulted from a good social environment, and more importantly, from his personal psyche: first, the scientific skepticism and innovative spirit; second, the scientific spirit of seeking truth.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 43-46 [Abstract] ( 906 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 519 )
47 The Interaction Between Hui's New Cultural Movement and Islamic Newspapers and Periodicals
Bai Gui, Jin Qiang
The publication and development of Chinese Islamic newspapers and periodicals was closely related to and as an important part of the entire Chinese Hui' s Cultural Movement. Tempered in the new Cultural, the Islamic reporters had well completed the basic tasks such as reporting news, discussing current events, disseminating culture, and promoting economy. Different Islamic newspapers and journals arose and played their due roles in line with various cultural movements. The Islamic reporters either led the cultural movement them- selves, or planned and supported the movement in background, facilitating the effective transmission of cultural information. They participated in the cultural transformation and the reconstruction, combed the Chinese Islamic history, disseminated the Islamic knowledge, cast the Islamic psychology, promoted the wide cooperation both between societies and newspapers and journals, helped with the solution of religious issues, and facilitated the agreement and consensus within the Islamic sect. The relationship between the Hui' s New Cultural Movement and the Islamic newspapers and journals was one that promoted each other.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 47-55 [Abstract] ( 720 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 505 )
56 On the Barriers to the Development of Internet TV in the Background of Integrating Telecom, Radio and TV, and Internet Networks into One
He Qicong
The revitalization and development of China' s ITV depends upon the advance of integrating the three networks into one. From the communication perspective, there are three obstacles to the development of ITV : firstly, obstacles on the part of communicators out of conflict of interests ; secondly, technological bottleneck due to the incompatibility of the three networks; lastly, inadequate publicity on new media technology. So, eliminating industry barriers, improving the outdated management system, increasing policy support and publicity of the new media will help solve problems and boost ITV development.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 56-59 [Abstract] ( 548 ) [HTML KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 75 )
60 Defects in China' s Legal Protection over Trade Names and Thoughts on Its Amending
Hu Liangrong
A trade name is the carrier of commercial reputation and therefore is a kind of asset, and a well-known trade name is a tremendous intangible one. However, China' s current laws and regulations fail to provide adequate protections over trade names, for they fail to define the legal status of trade names clearly, are short of special protections over well-known trade names and furnish inadequate effective remedies concer ning the conflicts among trade names, trade marks and other rights. The current tier management system over trade names limits the protection over trade names. Therefore, measures must be taken in order to perfect China' s legal protection system over trade names. It is not only the urgent demand of implementing the scientific view on development and constructing a harmonious society, but also the objective requirement of Chinese businesses' accommodation to the international market development and keeping in line with international treaties.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 60-64 [Abstract] ( 815 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 498 )
65 Localization of International Labor Standards -- From the Angle of No. 181 Convention and No. 188 Recommendation
Wei Min
International Labor Organization' s attitude toward dispatching employment changed from prohibition to gradual opening. C181 Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 and R188 Private Employment Agencies Recommendation, 1997 confirm the legal status of dispatching employment organizations and make relative regulations about dispatching employment. In regulating dispatching employment, China should consciously localize No. 181 Convention and No. 188 Recommendation to improve its dispatching employment law system in line with Chinese reality.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 65-69 [Abstract] ( 853 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 529 )
70 An Analysis of State Compensation for Nonfeasance
Xia Yujie
According to the theory of social contract and popular sovereignty, the government should carry out the common right entrusted by the people. If an administrative organization fails to perform its duties and results in infringe upon the legal rights of administrative relative person, the government must take the responsibility of compensation. Due to its complication, the state compensation for nonfeasance is excluded form state compensation in the newly amended "Law of the People' s Republic of China on State Compensation". The state responsibility of compensation for nonfeasance, especially its components, must be further studied.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 70-75 [Abstract] ( 762 ) [HTML KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 75 )
76 On the Development of Jiangsu Coastal Regions: Gap, Opportunity and Orientation
Bao Zongshun
Although eight marine industries except petrol industry have been initiated in Jiangsu coastal regions, but their scale (including both the overall scale and the average), together with other economic and social development level, lags far behind the coastal regions in surrounding provinces. At present, the economic development of Jiangsu coastal regions is faced with both opportunities and challenges. So, the following countermeasures should be taken: policies conducive to the development of the coastal regions should be made; the construction of a comprehensive transport network be quickened; the exploration of resources be sped up to establish a series of special industries; the strategy of "building ports to boost marine industries" be enforced; the urbanization be strengthened; the technological and informational support be given and the human resource be further development.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 76-80 [Abstract] ( 694 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 469 )
81 The Relationship Between Fixed Asset Investment and Economic Growth in the Yangtze River Delta
Hou Xiangpeng
The cointegration test and error correction model (ECM) of GDP and fixed asset investment from 1978 to 2008 in the Yangtze River Delta shows that the fixed asset investment had a significant effect on propelling economic growth in the region, and there are a long-run steady relationship and a dynamic balance mechanism between GDP and fixed asset investment. Therefore, the fixed asset investment in the region should still be maintained at a certain scale and speed, though attention should be paid to the satisfaction of consumers' demands and the guiding of fixed asset investment so as to realize the sustainable development in the region.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 881 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 495 )
84 Review of the Researches on Zheng Xiaoxu' s Calligraphy
Zhu Zhenglun, Liu Zhu
Researches on Zheng Xiaoxu' s calligraphy fall into three categories: his style, his historical position and his life and calligraphic creation in Shanghai. Problems in these researches include being too shallow and narrow in historical material digging. While historical materials should further be enriched, different materials should be used to prove each other. In addition, attention should be paid to his clan heritage and associations.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 84-87 [Abstract] ( 842 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 452 )
88 Regional Characteristics and Structure of the Imported Elements in Shanghai Culture -- In the Perspective of Stage Culture
Wang Dan, Gu Renxu
Stage performances held in Shanghai in 2005 and 2006 show that Shanghai stage culture is relatively more subject to the foreign influence from the USA, Britain, France and Germany etc. , and to the domestic influence from Beijing, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Content considered, concerts, dances, dramas, operas, children's plays, and music operas go down in influence steadily. Traditional cultures and regional cultures should be reinforced to counter the problems found in current Shanghai stage culture. A stage performing mechanism covering the whole Yangtze River Delta should be worked out. The relationship between economic development and cultural developed should be handled properly, and the citizens' awareness of protecting traditional and regional cultures be strengthened.
2010 Vol. 12 (4): 88-92 [Abstract] ( 1008 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 495 )





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