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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2011 Vol.13 Issue.4
Published 2011-07-30

1 History and Experience of the Communist Party of Chinas Ideological Construction
Xia Chuntao, Luo Wendong
CPCs good tradition and political advantage of attaching importance to ideological construction includes two aspects: theoretical innovation and theoretical arms. The past 90 years witnessed CPCs constant theoretical innovation, two historical leaps and adherence to arming the whole Party and guiding practice with the latest achievements of localizing Marxism. It is the basic reason why CPC can always stay in the forefront of the times and lead Chinese people to win the victory of the revolution and the glowing success of socialist construction and reform. The basic experiences of CPCs ideological construction can be roughly summarized as: ideological and theoretical building as priority that must be in line with the Partys political line, main task and overall construction goal; developing Marxism as the guideline of new practice that the Partys guiding ideology be with time; theoretical arming following every theoretical innovation; correct ideological line to safeguard that Marxism be integrated reality; and criticism and selfcriticism.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 1-06 [Abstract] ( 1657 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 487 )
7 The Historical Process, Revelation, and Future of Marxism’s Localization
Wu Bo
In the past 90 years, the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to win the great success of revolution, construction and reform and realized two historical leaps. The revelation of the 90 years is that we must insist on the unity of universality and particularity of Marxism, of sinolizing Marxism and resolving the principal contradiction in a specific period, of the Marxist view of truth and that of values, and of the theory and practice of the national character. The future of Marxisms sinolization carries the destiny of Marxism, and that of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. So, we should always firmly believe in the scientific nature of Marxism, adhere to the socialist orientation, and deeply explore the combination of socialism and market economy in sinolizing Marxism. Marxisms sinolization still has a long way to go.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 7-12 [Abstract] ( 1157 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 499 )
13 Sticking to and Developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Revisited
Li Chuanbing
 The socialism with Chinese characteristics is the great innovation based on Chinese reality by the Communist Party of China in its path choice. After comparing the various developing ways, experiences, and modes, the Communist Party of China decides that the only sure way to the success of socialist construction and Chinese national revival is to develop the socialism with Chinese characteristis
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 13-16 [Abstract] ( 820 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 447 )
17 Why is 干Interpreted as甲(the First)? —Also on the Shift of Views on War from “Punishing the Evil on Behalf of  Heaven” to “Stopping War with War”
Jiang Guangxue
Originally, 干 is an aggressive weapon. The ten characters under the category of天干 are but a list of weapons. The key to solve this riddle is: first, the original form of 甲, , may be an ideograph of a weapon, even though it later meant armor, and the characters following 甲, 丙、丁are also related to weapons, further proving the view of Guo Moruo etc. that the Chinese ordinal numbers are ideographs of weapons; second, the intellectual history shows that in an era when prowess worship replaced genital worship, the ancients used the names of weapons as the ordinal numbers to express their understanding that weapons were made by saints to punish the wrongdoers. The religious idea of “punishing the evil on behalf of Heaven” was formulated by the Yan and Huang tribes, the ancestors of Chinese, in their struggle against ransacking and bullying. It developed into an ideology of “Heaven Disposes” in the Xia and Shang Dynasties. It was imbued with humanistic color in the Zhou Dynasty and evolved into the view of “stopping war with war”, the important premise of The Art of War, in the Spring and War period.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 17-24 [Abstract] ( 808 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 438 )
25 The Contemporary Value of Traditional Chinese Dining Etiquette
Wang Weikai
he dining etiquette is the important part of the dining culture, and the result of the development of dining activity. Dining etiquette in a sense regulates mans behavior, realizes the respect between man and man, and maintains the social order. In China, some of todays dining etiquette can be traced back to ancient ones and still play an indispensable role in certain aspects.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 25-28 [Abstract] ( 932 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 408 )
29 Reconciliatory Liberalism in the Intellectual History Study on the Republic of China —A Case Study of the “Renaissance” Group in the 1920s
Wei Wanlei
 The “Renaissance” Group was an important force among the liberal intellectuals after the May 4th Movement. Their solution of modernity ventilated via The National Renaissance was colored with eclecticism and the keynote of liberalism. As a result, the “reconciliatory liberalism” is approached in this paper with a focus on the “Renaissance” Group. The present study differs from the traditional general labeling in methodology, and provides thoughtprovoking resources for the contemporary study of intellectual history in content.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 29-33 [Abstract] ( 648 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 376 )
34 On Sun Yatsens Political Ethic Thoughts
Wang Jinghua
Sun Yatsen formed his rich political ethic thoughts in the democratic revolution. His thoughts feature borrowing from the West, fostering advanced political ideas of his own, transcending the traditional Chinese “people first” thoughts, tinting with characteristics of time, mixing the gems of Chinese and Western cultures, and promotion of new national spirit. Human rights and dignity, concept of public servants, political ethics, and partisan ethic construction are his ethic thoughts of political system, and selfimprovement, ambition to do things great rather than to hold high office, and serving the people are those of political behavior.  As a result, his political ethic thoughts are of positive significance and tremendous historical progress and thus very worthy of learning.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 34-38 [Abstract] ( 626 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 456 )
39 On Scholars Calligraphic Communication under the Reign of Emperor Qianlong and Emperor Jiaqing
Zhu Lepeng
 The scholars under the reign of Emperor Qianlong and Emperor Jiaqing served as a link between the past and the future, and thus played a very important role in Chinese academic history. They often had calligraphic exchanges with each other in their spare time. Their complicated relations with each other centering on calligraphy reveal a very colorful life of theirs.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 723 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 437 )
Historical Research History from the Perspective of Intellectual History —A Reading of Li Liangyu Anthology
Zhao Xiaoxia
Li Liangyu Anthology is a new book by Nanjing University history Professor Li Liangyu. This anthology collects over 40 academic papers, speeches and articles of his on modern modern Chinese history, Chinese contemporary history, Chinese intellectual history and cultural history, doctoral education, etc. These writings have one thing in common, that is, history is seen from the angle of intellectual history.
Key words:  Li Liangyu; intellectual history; perspective; historical data; doctoral education
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 44-46 [Abstract] ( 692 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 412 )
47 Chu Paoshan Is Not the Prototype of Wang the Tiger
Chen Liao
Wang the Tiger in Sons of The Good Earth trilogy and Chu Paoshan are found to have nothing in common in manner and image after Wangs depiction and Chus life are compared. Not a single sentence has been mentioned about Chu as Wangs prototype in Pearl S. Bucks autobiography and her talking about creation. So Chu is not Wangs prototype. A new idea must be based on hard facts.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 47-50 [Abstract] ( 807 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 485 )
A Cultural Exiles “Swan Song”: On China Past and Present
Tang Yanfang
The last important work by Pearl S. Buck on China, China Past and Present, is also a review and summarization of her life experiences and cultural thoughts. Her nostalgic account of China, as well as her expectation for EastWest cultural exchange and for utopia, constitute an affecting and appealing theme of the book. Though there are inevitably a few inharmonious notes in this “swan song” of hers, due either to her anxiety for and regret over her identity as a cultural hybrid, or to her limited understanding of or prejudices against the China after 1949, the cultural and realistic value of the book is conspicuous and merits an indepth study by researchers in this field.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 51-55 [Abstract] ( 844 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 432 )
56 The Poeticality Below the Emotional Shell —On the Multiple Earth Imagery of The Good Earth
Zhang Zhengxin
 Pearl S. Bucks The Good Earth teems with the earth imagery. The earth imagery in other works of similar theme is but used in the depiction of visual objects, dotting the plots, but such imagery has extended to be visual, tactual, olfactory, and even to be thermal and illusionary in The Good Earth. The earth is reproduced and represented in various ways by the character, value and meaning possessed by multiple senses. The imagery of earth forges the connections between the protagonist and the nature and the other characters that the two layers mentioned above are endowed the profound cultural artistic conceptions and implications. Thus, the earth and the earth imagery are brought to be related with the immense nature and society, and the intentions at various levels that the layers of meaning become an indivisible integrity.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 56-60 [Abstract] ( 731 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 422 )
61 On the Semantic Feature and Variant Category of Manner Adverbial of the Prepositional Object
Yue Zhongqi
 The manner adverbial of the prepositional object is the style or status of action implementation, which is a constituting factor of its own action. It should have two semantic features : \[+outside present\] and \[+integrated predicate\]. Its syntax structure like “PX+VP” can be converted into two forms: “the one who + VP is ‘X’” and “X is condition type/style one + VP”. According to semantic function , the manner adverbial of prepositional object can be further divided into three inferior categories: the behavior method, the behavior carrier and the principal modality. Different inferior categories of manner adverbial of prepositional object have different semantic features; the choice of objects and the semantic directions are also different.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 61-65 [Abstract] ( 822 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 433 )
66 A Critical Analysis of “我们/WE” in Chinese and American Editorials
Peng Ruqing
The use of the first person plural “我们/WE” in both Chinese and American editorials is analyzed from the CDA perspective and within the analytical framework of Discourse System proposed by Scollon & Scollon. It is found that, ideologically, there is a difference of grouporiented “collectivized voice” and selforiented “individualized voice”; in terms of socialization, there is a distinction between individuals adaptation to environment or environmental adaptation to individuals; and in form of discourse, Chinese editorials prefer to be indirect while American ones prefer to be indirect; in the case of face system, Chinese editorials attach immense importance to group face, using either independent or involving strategy accordingly while American ones emphasize individual face and often employ independent strategy.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 66-70 [Abstract] ( 930 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 459 )
71 A Cultural Investigation of the Description of Fairyland in Tang Legends
Xu Cuixian
Fairyland is an important part of the Taoist fairy concepts. It is the habitat of fairies as well as the material environment for Taoists afterlife. Starting from the Fangxian Sect, fairyland has been the focus for Taoists to build their fairy pedigree, so the narratives about fairyland are not only the content of Taoist novels, such as The Records of Ten Islets and The Story of Fairies, but also affect the cave descriptions in the mystic and supernatural tales during the Six Dynasties, which in turn affect the creation of Tang legends. These descriptions enrich the narrative arts in legendary novels, enhance the imagination of legendary writers, and thus are of important aesthetic values.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 71-74 [Abstract] ( 758 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 447 )
75 On the Interpretative Perspectives of the Biographies about Chinese Modern and Contemporary Novelists in American Sinology
Hu Yanchun, Song Liying
Therefore in reviewing the biographies of the Chinese novelists from the beginning of the 20th century until now by sinologists both the native Americans and Chinese Americans, the conclusions can be drawn as follows: corresponding studies have been carried out based on the diversified turns and complicated conversion from the perspective of social and historical analysis, the criticism of geographical culture, psychological analysis, gender criticism, document study, and close reading. Accordingly the thesis mainly states the various characteristics of related biographies from internal perspective and external perspective.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 75-78 [Abstract] ( 708 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 437 )
79 The Death Writing of Christian Literature in China
Ji Xiaobing
 Chinese Christian literature discusses the dialectical relationship between death and life from two dimensions of the death of Jesus and the law of motion of the natural world created by God mainly through the intermediation of Heideggers death philosophy and Christian spirit. It uses love to transcend death, for love is the attraction of life. Obviously, such divine writing is of special significance at present.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 79-83 [Abstract] ( 840 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 426 )
An Analysis of Chinas Population Quality Change from 1990 to 2008
Geng Xiulin
The analysis of Chinas population quality change from 1990-2008 shows that 1990-2002 was a period that population quality improved rapidly, and from 2003, Chinas population quality experienced an obvious deterioration. The improvement of social quality
played a more important role than that of natural quality in improving the overall population quality. So, it is suggested that more effective measures be taken to guarantee production safety and moral construction. In addition, the
construction of public health is also an important part in improving population quality.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 84-88 [Abstract] ( 869 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 406 )
89 Enterprise Relationship Investment and Competition —A Perspective of Industrial Organization Theory
Zheng Xueying, Wu Changnan
 As a social capital, an enterprises social network of relationship plays an important role in reducing transaction cost and getting priority in business. The relationship capital inventory depends on the comprehensive evaluation of an enterprises initial obtainable business. Under the same conditions of comprehensive evaluation, the optimized relationship capital inventory cannot change the probability of getting business, whereas under the different conditions, it will result in depletion of rent and waste of resources in the long run although relationship investment can affect the probability of getting business.
2011 Vol. 13 (4): 89-92 [Abstract] ( 748 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 405 )





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