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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2011 Vol.13 Issue.5
Published 2011-09-30

Problems in Sticking to and Improving the Democratic Centralism under the New Situation
Sang Xuecheng
As CPCs fundamental organizational system, the democratic centralism is also the fundamental organizational principle as well as the basic guideline for partisan life. The changes in the world, country and party raise new and higher demands for the implementation of democratic centralism, but such demands do not mean the abolition and negation of democratic centralism. In order to adhere to and establish a sound democratic centralism under the new situation, the party congress should be perfected, the party committee working system improved, the intraparty election reformed, and the party organizational life and intraparty supervision improved. Our understanding of the democratic centralism should be deepened, its key points well defined, so as to implement it.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 1-06 [Abstract] ( 1108 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1KB] ( 1234 )
Cultural Resistance in Building a Harmonious Socialist Society
LI Jianguo
An advanced culture is the foundation to develop a harmonious socialist society. At present, negative cultural factors like the weakening of common ideal, the diversification of values, the resurfacing of feudal culture, the influence of western negative cultures obstruct the functioning of our advanced culture, and resist the construction of a harmonious socialist society. So it is urgent to overcome such resistance effectively.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 7-10 [Abstract] ( 848 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1KB] ( 1146 )
11 Marxist Thought on Livelihood and Its Contemporary Enlightenment
Ge Hengyun, Jia Zesong
 Marxism is rich in its ideas about livelihood. These ideas can be summarized as: the realistic individual is the logical subject of Marxist thoughts on livelihood; mans existence and development is the starting point of such thoughts; and to realize mans emancipation is the ultimate aim in solving the problem of livelihood. They are apocalyptic to us in the following aspects: the principle of dealing with livelihood issues must be “people first”, a harmony between man and man, between man and nature and between man and society must be built, and the role of the reform of political system must be give full play in solving the livelihood problems.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 11-17 [Abstract] ( 1419 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1KB] ( 1289 )
18 Government Responsibility: a Macroscopic Analysis
Bu Guangqing
Governmental shouldering of responsibility is the natural result of its public power property and its running principle of uniting duty with responsibility. Governmental responsibility comes from within and without government, and its responsibility also has both the positive and negative properties. For positive responsibility, governmental responsibility falls into two fields: the inside and the outside. Its dynamic headspring lies in the efficacy exertion of internal moral mechanism and external mighty mechanism, and the outcomes of responsibility implementation lie in the dual tests of complying with public opinion and efficiency.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 927 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1KB] ( 1145 )
23 Reading the Rationale behind Liberalism Citizenship
—From Negative to Positive Individualism
Diao Aihui
 The content of the liberalism citizenship varied a lot in the western political history, but its core is still of the protection of individual rights. In the time of Classical Liberalism, citizenship which was called negative citizenship was to develop the individual freedom and protect it from regulating by government. In the time of Modern Liberalism, citizenship is more positive, including not only civil rights but also political right and social rights. The egalitarianism developed by Rawls saw citizenship as a universal identity in the public sphere, and emphasizes ability to cooperate in the society.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 23-27 [Abstract] ( 1159 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1KB] ( 1152 )
Li Gongzhong
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 28-31 [Abstract] ( 852 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 222KB] ( 1597 )
Shen Shipei, Xiao Zongjian
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 32-34 [Abstract] ( 828 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 194KB] ( 2434 )
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 35-38 [Abstract] ( 611 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1KB] ( 1090 )
Cai Qinyu
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 39-42 [Abstract] ( 560 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 167KB] ( 1446 )
43 The Compilation of The Book of Ghosts and Its Achievements of Qu Studies
Yu Weimin
The Book of Ghosts written by Zhong Sicheng aimed at gaining fames and positions for the humble Qu writers and providing reference for later writers. Although many different names were used to refer to works in the book, the content of these works clearly defined the genre. A clear historical consciousness of development was shown in the recording and listing of the authors. The dividing of the writers into seven types indicated the Yuan drama had experienced three stages of development. The Book of Ghosts not only recorded the authors life and repertoire, but also expressed Zhongs views on the stylistic features, function, subject, idea, language, music and other issues of traditional opera in brief remarks on these writers. It created a theoretic expression of view on traditional opera by recording the writers and their repertoires. It clearly defined the scope of dramatic studies. Its division of Yuan drama development phase was also apocalyptic to later scholars.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 43-50 [Abstract] ( 840 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 304KB] ( 2732 )
51 Errors in Li Hans Edition of Anthology of Yuan Haowen
Di Baoxin, Cheng Yanqiu
The earliest edition of Anthology of Yuan Haowen has long been lost, and Li Hans transcript of this edition was generally seen as the origin. There are many questionable words in the Anthology. Some of the errors might be Yuans own, but others might be caused by republication of Li Hans. Some of the errors have been identified, but some were misfired, so there are still many errors to be identified. In this paper, 15 new questionable items in the Anthology are listed out with reasons for scholar to do further research.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 51-53 [Abstract] ( 757 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 158KB] ( 1164 )
54 On the Word Formation Sound Deviation in Chinese
Ssun Yuwen
The Chinese word formation of sound deviation can be divided into the following types: pronunciation deviation, rhyme deviation, tone deviation and the more complex deviation. The sound deviation word formation is an important part of the traditional study of sound and meaning, which is an important branch of studies in China as well as the word. The results in this field are very rich, but the works on the word formation of sound deviation miss a lot. So there is much work to do in collecting the relevant materials. To study the word formation of sound deviation is of great significance to linguistics, especially the study of the history of Chinese language, the compilation of large dictionaries of classical Chinese language, and the reading and sorting of ancient Chinese literature.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 54-58 [Abstract] ( 1110 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 235KB] ( 3092 )
59 On the Research Methodology of Chinese Semantic System
Zhou Guoguang, Fan Chongfeng
Due to its view of a closed system of structural semantics, Chinese semantics has a very vague idea of the structural and lexical systems of Chinese language, so its methodology is flawed. The important way to understand the threads, structures, and levels of the whole Chinese semantic system is to absorb the merits of western semantic systems and adopt mature systematic methodology so as to understand the characteristics of Chinese semantic system, and inherit the classic concepts of Chinese semantic system.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 59-63 [Abstract] ( 845 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 205KB] ( 1876 )
64 Cultivation and Development of Competition Culture
—From the Perspective of Competition Law Enforcement and Competition Advocacy Conducted by the Japans Competition Authority
Xu Shiying, Ying Pinguang
Japan has realized the cultivation and development of competition culture in a country continuously pursuing Confucian harmonious culture and created favorable conditions for the effective enforcement of competition policy and sustained economic development. Its competition authority plays a crucial role in this process. Its institutional independence, powerful enforcement and diversity of enforcement tools create a space to promote competition advocacy beyond the mere law enforcement. Its competition authority has taken realistic attitude, stepbystep work style and flexible operating practices, which ensure the competition culture to continue to be nurtured and spread in the process of competition law enforcement. Its competition advocacy to social communities and public institutions enhance public awareness and support of the idea “competition is beneficial to economic development” and achieve the interconnection between competition policy and other economic policies. All of these practices are worthy studying and borrowing.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 64-70 [Abstract] ( 1063 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 290KB] ( 1555 )
71 Etymological Research of Referendum, Plebiscite and Initiative
Lian Si
Referendum, plebiscite and initiative are synonyms. Due to their different historical origins, the three words are quite different in modern society and need to be clarified. This paper traces back to the origins of referendum, plebiscite and initiative and tries to dig out the content of such a system through the evolution of these words.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 71-78 [Abstract] ( 802 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 307KB] ( 1864 )
79 Study of Nonlinear Cointegration Relationship between Oil Price Fluctuations and Chinas Inflation
Zhao Xicang, Zhou Zuojie
The cointegration relationship between fluctuation of international oil prices and inflation in China mostly shows that there are two stages of nonlinear threshold cointegration relationship, with -0.72 as the dividing threshold. In the short term nonequilibrium, the international oil prices tend to bring the nonequilibrium back to equilibrium. At Stage One, inflation tends to produce equilibrium whereas at Stage Two, it tends to strengthen nonequilibriium. At both Stage One and Two, the fact that inflation adjustment factor is greater than that in international oil prices indicates that equilibrium is mainly achieved by inflation adjustment when there is a shortterm nonequilibrium.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 79-82 [Abstract] ( 747 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 215KB] ( 1436 )
83 Review and Reflection on Project Culture Studies
Zhu Zhentao, Zhou Jing
Project culture is the sum total of spiritual wealth and material wealth produced by numerous participants in the course of project construction. The unique characteristics of largescale projects imbue project culture with system complexity. On the basis of a careful review of the existing literatures about project culture, a hierarchical holographic modeling (HHM) framework for project culture analysis, which includes six perspectives, is proposed and to be used to explore the relationship between different factors and study the complex phenomena of project culture from multiperspectives.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 904 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 220KB] ( 1600 )
87 Review of Statistical Data Quality Research in China: 2000—2009
Wu Jiying, Feng Ying
 From 2000 to 2009, the number of publications was on the rise but the quality on the whole was not very high, with only a few papers published in authoritative journals. With Statistics and Decision, Statistics and Consulting, and China Statistics as the main source journals, high quality journals published a very limited number of papers. Chinese enterprises became the main participants in research while those universities who were strong in statistics failed to play the leading role because of inadequate investment. There was a shortage of cooperative and quantitative research. The lack of research motivation resulted mainly from inadequate financial support.
2011 Vol. 13 (5): 87-92 [Abstract] ( 787 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 231KB] ( 1392 )





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