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Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Editi
2012 Vol.14 Issue.2
Published 2012-03-30

1 The Theoretic Spontaneity of Socialist Construction
with Chinese Characteristics—On the Updating of the Function and Content of Historical Materialism
Luo Qian
The socialist construction with Chinese characteristics must not trust itself to the spontaneity of historical development; instead, it should inherit and develop the subjective spirit of creating history in historical materialism, integrate the historic task of national renaissance with the reflection on the fixes of modern capitalism, and contribute to the new forms of civilization via positive constructive practices in face of mans existential alienation and selfdestruction. So, historical materialism must turn itself from the embryology of revolution into the motivation to postrevolutionary construction, and its content will vary with its basic functions. Such changes may usher in updated sinolized innovation mode of historical materialism, which in turn will become the quintessence of ideology in line with contemporary theme and lay the ideological foundation of the constructive political practice of contemporary Chinese socialism.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 1-12 [Abstract] ( 977 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 394KB] ( 1797 )
13 Optimization of Government Management Code from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization Construction
Jiang Junming
The pursuit of ecological civilization not only suggests the dilemma of human development, but also predicts the future trend of historical development. Thus, it inevitably becomes the values on which the present management code of government is examined and improved For the time being, the government fails to protect environment effectively. It plays a limited role in the development of ecological civilization due to the defects in its management code.So,optimization of government management mode is an important task of government reform. From the perspective of ecological civilization construction, the management code of government can be optimized from the following aspects: first, proper positioning of government as a “servant” of society; second, restructuring the agencies and their functions to establish a responsible government who puts ecology first; third, reorganizing the management procedure of government to build a coordinative and efficient government who functions as a whole; last, choosing the proper mode of rule and constructing a government of good rule who plays a proper role.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 13-17 [Abstract] ( 1247 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 193KB] ( 1933 )
18 Reflection on the Mainstream Ideology in the Development
of Cultural Industry and Its Responsibility
Hu Jingjing, Dai Rui
The selfcriticism and renewal of mainstream ideology are the key to contemporary Chinese cultural construction. In face of such problems as the heavily entertaining trend in the cultural industry, the weakening of mainstream value, the mainstream ideology urgently needs to reflect on its inadequacy: the outofdate discursive system, the shortage of effective value guiding mechanism, and the lack of interpretative and responsive function, etc. Therefore, it must meet these challenges in an “unprecedented” way   it should selfconsciously shoulder the responsibility to make full use of its influence and guidance in culture industry, offer indepth answers to such problems as what and how to guide, and thus lay a realistic foundation for the better development of cultural industry and the real effect of Marxism on the mass.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 1111 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 195KB] ( 1742 )
23 Karl Marxs Social Development Theory from the
Perspective of Social Criticism
Feng Ziyi
Karl Marks theory of social development was formulated and developed in the process of social criticism, and expounded in the context of social criticism. By means of longstanding social criticism, Marx not only exposed the inner conflict and law of movement within a capital society, but also offered a new interpretation to general social development theory. The reason why his social criticism theory can fulfill the interpretative function of social development theory lies in the unity of: affirming and negation, criticism and constructiveness, criticism and selfcriticism in his social criticism method.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 23-29 [Abstract] ( 910 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 252KB] ( 1155 )
30 A Multiple Interactive Evolution of Marxism Popularization
WANG Zhong-Ping
The popularization of Marxism in China has its special paradigm,individual discourse system and basic idea. “Ideological publicity paradigm”, “political mobilization paradigm” and “social innovation paradigm” serve as its main types of paradigm. “Political revolution discourse”, “economic development discourse” and “harmonious society discourse” serve as its discursive system to highlight its characterization. “National renaissance”, “advancing with the times”, “interest appeal” and “going back to real life” serve as its basic idea. All these constitute the specific context of Chinas Marxism popularization, which has become a unique phenomenon in China social changes, and presented a multiple interactive evolution picture.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 30-34 [Abstract] ( 1145 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 195KB] ( 1603 )
35 Hilary Spurling in Conversation with Prof. Guo Yingjian on
Burying the Bones: Pearl Buck in China: A Review
Feng Yuanyuan
 In her new book Burying the Bones: Pearl Buck in China, Hilary Spurling, a British distinguished biographer, presented the whole life of Pearl S. Buck through depicting Bucks years in China. A conversation between Hilary Spurling and renowned Chinese scholar Guo Yingjian, also an expert on Pearl Buck studies. In this conversation, Spurling first explained why she decided to write a biography for Pearl Buck, and then discussed with Prof. Guo about the meaning of the title, themes and the characteristics of her biography. In addiction, they talked about the significance of Pearl S. Buck during WWII around the world and the value of her literary works in a modern society.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 35-38 [Abstract] ( 1074 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 186KB] ( 1920 )
39 The Trend of Nationalism under the Banner of Humanism—From the War Perspective of Pearl S. Bucks Dragon Seed
Sun Zongguang
 As a support for China AntiJapanese War, Dragon Seed not only exposes Japanese atrocities, but also reflects on all kinds of violence. It depicts the awakening of national consciousness, shows the damage of distorted development of nationalism to human nature, and ponders the trend of the nationalism in line with humanism. This kind of perspective on war fully displays Bucks unique vision and insight.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 1893 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 207KB] ( 2322 )
44 The Eye Contact between East and West in the Fatherland—On the Artistic Expression of Land Complex in Pearl S. Bucks ChinaTheme Works
Wei Lan
The artistic expression of Pearl S. Bucks Land Complex in her Chinatheme novels goes beyond an individual discovery of an oriental culture or the leading value of Sinowest cultural exchange because of her foreign identity. When she touches this ancient cultural theme, she could not help pondering a different nations love for land and then bring her thinking out in novels, endowing them with global significance, which is but a literary or cultural breakthrough. Mans Land Complex grows out of course locality, but flourishes with world riches. It confirms with Bucks lifelong idea of multicultural harmony.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 44-48 [Abstract] ( 1094 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 211KB] ( 1874 )
49 The Basic Principles of Historical Literature
Shi Huige
 The relationship between history and literature has long been a puzzling question. For Guo Moruo, historic research and creation of historical literature must stick to two different approaches respectively: the former tells things as they were while the latter only grabs the soul. The long practice of creating historical literature yields a basic principle, that is, being faithful to major historic facts while being creative with details. Under this principle, to examine the Nianjun Uprising, the grand peasant movement in the 19th century from a brand new angle will endow the characters with tragic historic meanings and meet the expectations from readers of the new era.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 49-51 [Abstract] ( 984 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 159KB] ( 1778 )
52 The Political Implications of Details—Remark on the Recent Overseas Aileen Chang Studies
Zhang Yan
The writing of the female writers in Japaneseoccupied Shanghai, represented by Aileen Chang, formed an alternative kind of narrative featuring individual and society, life and war, grand narratives and microhistories. Changs preferences of details, in particular, manifed her special outlook on life and political appeals. In recent years, overseas scholars adopted different methods and positions and male remarkable academic achievements. Their special perspecitive is is advanced to view the relationship between Aileen Chang and modern Chinese women writers writings and politics is worthy of an attention.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 52-55 [Abstract] ( 1179 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 216KB] ( 1794 )
56 On the Generalization of Senses in Grand
Chinese Dictionary (2nd Ed.)
Zhu Cheng
 Generalization is the benchmark of a dictionary as well as the basic requirement in dictionary definition. The newly published Grand Chinese Dictionary (2nd Ed.) is still inadequate in generalization of senses, which will be listed and discussed through some items in the first volume for compilers and readers to consider.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 56-61 [Abstract] ( 990 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 257KB] ( 1612 )
62 Corpus-based Chinese-English Lexicography: Opportunity,
Challenge and Counter-measures
Zhong Lanfeng, Zhanglin
The application of corpora as a new method to dictionary making is now generally approved. The technical innovation brings to dictionary making theory and practice challenges as well as new space. The chief challenge is how to comb through the senses and definitions of the contextualized polysemes quickly and efficiently. This challenge can be met with the help of systemic linguistics for it sets as its main task the function and linguistic system of language in use and studies all the systems within language. Our practice in dictionary making suggests that the study of transitivity system by systemic linguists can help dictionary makers handle sense discrimination and defining process: concretization   abstraction   concretization.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 62-66 [Abstract] ( 1144 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 215KB] ( 1735 )
67 On the Pathway to the Study of the Conflict Law
under the Spirit of Syntext
Zhou Jiang
 The research on conflict laws generally focuses on two problems: why to apply foreign laws and how to apply foreign laws, the understanding of the first being the premise of the consideration of the second However, the present world features the interaction between various kinds of problems and those of knowledge, which forces us to resort to the “Syntext” awareness to solve the first problem. Such awareness and Chinese traditional doctrine of “All-UnderHeaven” tells us that we should apply foreign law consciously based on the principle of “Universal” and the framework of “harmony and diversity”.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 67-73 [Abstract] ( 987 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 280KB] ( 1481 )
74 On the Legal Basis of ECFA
You Le
 As a formal agreement of crossStrait economical exchanges, the legal bases of ECFA include: First, it is the economic cooperation agreements consistent with WTO requirements, signed by two WTO members as the qualification of separate customs territory; Second, in the process of negotiation and implementation of ECFA, both administrations cross the Strait and the “two associations” have a clear source of authority and subject positioning in their legal system and the theory of public law, viz. administrative authorities have the power to deal with the transaction of crossStrait economic and trade, while the “two associations” as trustee in the administrative delegation are entitled to negotiate and sign the ECFA.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 74-79 [Abstract] ( 1154 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 260KB] ( 1640 )
80 A Comparative Study of the Turnover Tax Evasion Size between
Foreign Economy in China and the National Average—Based on Tax Capacity Method
Mao Chenglian, Hou Jingwen
 The turnover tax, which makes up 75% of all foreignrelated taxes, is studied to show the foreign and overall tax evasion size of turnover tax in the period 2004-2009.by estimating tax capacity. The results show that the overall loss of foreign turnover tax is smaller than the national average, and the tax evasion in the value-added tax is less than the business tax. But with the expansion of foreign economic scale, the absolute amount of loss can not be overlooked. It is suggested that we should attach importance to the contribution of foreign revenue, strengthen the management of turnover tax on foreign capital.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 80-88 [Abstract] ( 1178 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 342KB] ( 2581 )
89 An Analysis of Intercity Passenger Transportation
Price Control Based on Pricing Game
Wu Linlin, Lu Haiqin
 The equilibrium theory and generalized expense model of public transportation are used to analyze the influence of investment return rate and price cap regulation on intercity passenger transportation structure so as to seek out the control strategy about intercity passenger transportation price and optimize the structure of passenger transport, in face of the two possible pricing games of free competition and collusion that may be adopted by the intercity passenger transportation duopoly market oligarchs in urban agglomeration. The combination of the two regulations can promote effective investment and optimize intercity passenger transportation structure.
2012 Vol. 14 (2): 89-92 [Abstract] ( 1253 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 203KB] ( 1639 )





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