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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2023 Vol.41 Issue.3
Published 2023-03-25

2023 Vol. 41 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 11 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 19860KB] ( 262 )
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 2- [Abstract] ( 6 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1141KB] ( 367 )
217 Design and development of vibration monitoring system for Huaian No.1 Station pump unit based on LabVIEW
PEI Ji,ZHANG Meng,WU Chunhui,YUAN Shouqi,DAI Qifan,ZHONG Ziye, WANG Wenjie*,
In order to realize the intelligent operation state monitoring of the pump unit in Huai′an No.1 Station, an intelligent vibration monitoring system integrating data acquisition, 3D display, signal analysis, state push, and fault warning was developed based on LabVIEW virtual instrument development software. The ″producer-consumer″ model was utilized as the main structure of the program design. The ″producer″ cycle implemented the queue cache of the data collected in real-time, and the ″consumer″ cycle obtained the cached data through the dequeuing operation for subsequent processing. The system mainly realized the collection, display, and analysis of important operating state parameters of the pump unit. Dynamic joint inspection of operating state parameters of the water pump unit. Time-frequency domain analysis of vibration signals at monitoring points of the water pump unit. Call the Python WeChat script to push the running status of the pump unit to the pump station manager. Set the vibration threshold of the water pump unit for automatic fault warning. Through the test of the pump unit in Huai′an No.1 Station, it is found that the intelligent vibration monitoring system developed not only achieves the expected development goals, but also had the advantages of low development cost, friendly human-computer interaction interface, strong portability, and convenient maintenance in the later period.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 217-223 [Abstract] ( 20 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 8112KB] ( 479 )
224 Similarity of pressure fluctuation between prototype and model pumps
XU Zhe,LIU Xueqin,XU Xuemei,LIANG Yunhui,ZHENG Yuan,ZHONG Ziye,WAN Jinghong,DAI Qifan*
In order to study the similarity of the pressure pulsation between the prototype and model pump device, the similarity transformation hypothesis of pressure pulsation amplitude of the prototype and model was derived based on the similarity theory, and the hypothesis was verified by numerical simulation. Taking the Huai′an Fourth Station as the research object, the prototype and model axial-flow pump devices were numerically calculated using CFX, and the pressure fluctuation results of the pump section in time and frequency domains were investigated. Mass flow inlet boundary conditions and ope-ning outlet boundary conditions were used, and the SST k-ω turbulence model was adopted. The reliability of the numerical calculation method was verified by the model test of the pump working condition based on the high-precision hydraulic machinery test bench. The results show that the dominant frequency of pressure pulsation at impeller inlet is impeller blade passing frequency, while the main frequency of pressure pulsation at impeller outlet is the blade passing frequency of impeller or guide vanes. The dominant frequencies of pressure pulsation at the corresponding monitoring points of the prototype and model pump unit are consistent, and the corresponding amplitudes of the main frequency are also consistent. The simulation results have verified the similarity transformation hypothesis of pressure pulsation amplitude of the prototype and model devices to a certain extent. Especially, when the prototype and the model unit meet the mechanical similarity and the nD values are consistent, the corresponding pressure pulsation amplitudes are also consistent.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 224-230 [Abstract] ( 20 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3651KB] ( 370 )
231 Vortex identification and its evolution law of mixed-flow pump under low-flow condition
ZHAO Binjuan*,LIU Yulu,HAN Luyao,CAO Kefan,CHEN Huilong,HUANG Zhongfu
In order to study evolution law of the flow state and vortex structure of a mixed-flow pump under low-flow conditions, the large eddy simulation and the advanced Omega vortex identification method were used in this paper to identify the vortex structure in a mixed-flow pump under low-flow conditions. The characteristics and evolution law of the typical vortex structures in the impeller were obtained, and compared with the generation of vortices and flow separation on the blade surface. The results were compared with vorticity generation and flow separation on blade surface. The results show that the Omega method overcomes the problem that the second generation vortex identification method needs to adjust the threshold value manually, and can identify the fine vortex structure in the mixed-flow pump under the condition of low-flow. Under low-flow conditions, the vane oblique vortex belt, tip vortex, tip separation vortex, passage vortex and trailing edge separation vortex in the mixed-flow pump are typical vortex structures generated in the impeller passage. They have their own independent gene-ration and development process, and interact with each other, making the flow field in the impeller more chaotic. This study reveals the unique vortex structure characteristics and evolution laws in the mixed-flow pump under low-flow conditions, which can provide a theoretical guidance and technical support for the flow field analysis and performance optimization of turbomachinery including mixed-flow pump.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 231-238 [Abstract] ( 10 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 14770KB] ( 375 )
239 Influence of air void fraction on pressure fluctuation of centrifugal aviation fuel pump blade
XU Zixuan,LI Zhenggui*,WANG Weijun,WANG Qifan,XU Yang
In order to investigate the effect of air void fraction on the pressure fluctuation of a split vane aviation fuel pump blade, the numerical calculation of the aviation fuel pump under different air void fraction conditions was performed using the ANSYS CFX software. The laws of gas phase distribution and the fuel pump′s blade pressure pulsation was analyzed. The results show that the gas phase is mainly distributed on the pressure surface of the blade and less on the suction surface. With the void fraction increases, the gas phase develops on the suction surfaces of the long and short blades, and diffuses into the impeller passage. At the relative position 0-0.5 of the front section of the long blade, the proportion of the gas phase volume increases with the increase of the gas content. At the rear section(relative position 0.5-1.0)of the pressure surface of the long blade and the pressure surface of the short blade, the proportion of the gas phase is almost 100%, resulting in gas-liquid separation. On the rear end of the long blade suction surface and the short blade suction surface, the gas phase accounts for almost 0. The gas phase will increase the amplitude of pressure fluctuation at the monitoring point. However, as the void fraction increases, the amplitude of pressure fluctuations at fuel pump blades decrease. The dominant frequencies of the middle section of the long blade and the front section of the short blade will change due to the influence of the void fraction. Due to the design structure of split blades, the influence of void fraction on blade pressure pulsation is mainly reflected at the interface between long and short blades with the most complex flow. The splitter blade can not only improve the flow, but also affecting the pressure pulsation at the corresponding locations. The research results can provide some reference for the design of split vane fuel pump.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 239-246 [Abstract] ( 20 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2283KB] ( 430 )
247 Influence of structure on wear characteristics performance for sealing surface of front chamber of slurry pump
ZHAO Huibin,CAO Qian,KANG Can*,MAO Ning,ZHEN Weiwei,REN Libin,DING Kejin
In order to study the influence of seal structure of the front chamber of slurry pump on the wear characteristics of its sealing surface, the ESH type cyclone feed pump was used as the research object and four commonly used front chamber sealing structures were selected. Under the premise of the same working conditions and the same hydraulic parameters of impeller and volute, the commercial computational fluid dynamics software ANSYS CFX and wear model were used to simulate the solid-liquid two-phase flow in the above four sealing structures in the pump, which was verified by experiments. The results show that with the angular small-gap sealing structure has the lowest concentration of solid phase on the sealing surface, the velocity distribution of solid phase is the most uniform, the weight loss of the sealing surface is smallest, and the wear resistance is the best. The second is the plane small clearance seal structure and the angle type large clearance seal structure, while the wear resistance of the plane large clearance seal structure is the worst. Furthermore, the wear function is defined, and the distribution of the wear function values on the sealing surface is in good agreement with the experimental results. The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the wear resistance design of slurry pump.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 247-252 [Abstract] ( 26 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 12142KB] ( 354 )
253 Study on simulation test of different underground drainage effect of measures in farmland
REN Xiaolei,WANG ShaoliSymbolj@@,YANG Peiling,TAO Yuan
In southern China, where the groundwater level is high and the surface is easy to form ponding, farmland drainage measures can timely remove excess surface ponding and quickly reduce the groundwater level, so as to achieve the purpose of drainage and water logging and coordinated regulation is still an urgent problem to be solved. Based on the indoor sand tank test, this paper reveals the law and effect of conventional subsurface drainage, open ditch drainage, different filter heights of filter drainage and improved subsurface drainage, etc. The results showed that the improved subsurface drainage can significantly improve the flow rate by replacing the soil around the pipe with a highly permeable soil medium. When the soil displacement height reaches 2 cm(corresponding to 40 cm in field conditions), its flow rate was higher than that of other drainage measures at the same drain depths, which was 1.59-1.66 times that of conventional subsurface drainage. The improved subsurface drainage can still maintain a more significant flow rate at the critical point before the disappearance of ponding water, which can reach more than 2 times of the conventional subsurface flow rate of the same drain depth in the process of water receded. And after the disappearance of the ponding water, the improved subsurface drainage can rapidly reduce the waterlogging stress of soil water in agricultural fields and reduce the groundwater level until the height reaches the drain depth. When the ponding water disappears, various drainage measures have a significant change in the flow rate and water head per unit time. The improved subsurface drainage has apparent advantages in removing flooding and waterlogging, the flow and head changes greatly when compared with all kinds of subsurface drainage measures. The research results can provide a reference for the design and construction of efficient removing flooding and waterlogging of disaster reduction projects in waterlogging prone areas.

2023 Vol. 41 (3): 253-260 [Abstract] ( 26 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3066KB] ( 391 )
261 Effect of sand filter on filtration performance of Yellow River water and reclaimed water under different operating conditions
REN Yanan,LI Shuqin*,LIU Zeyuan,HOU Peng,LI Yunkai
In order to understand the filtration performance of the sand filter under different water source conditions, two typical drip irrigation water sources, Yellow River water and reclaimed water, were selected to analyze the particle removal rate and head loss of sand filter by using particle of three different sizes and five filtration rates. The difference of the filtration performance of the sand and filter under two water sources was emphatically compared. The results shows that: the removal effect of sand filter on turbidity of reclaimed water is better than that of Yellow River water, and the turbidity removal rate is increased by 5.95%-65.30%. Under the Yellow River water condition, the head loss of sand filter is greater than that of reclaimed water, and the head loss is increased by 34.90%-68.40%. With the increase of operating time, the turbidity removal rate of sand filter on the reclaimed water increases gradually, while the turbidity removal rate of sand filter on yellow river water did not change significantly. With the increase of filtration velocity, the turbidity removal rate of reclaimed water sand filter increased first and then decreased, while the turbidity removal rate of yellow river water sand filter remains unchanged. Based on the results of this study, under the condition of yellow river water, it is strongly recommended to select the filtration parameters of sand filter with particle size between 1.00-1.70 mm and filtration velocity of 0.012 m/s. As for reclaimed water, it is recommended to select particle size of between 1.70-2.35 mm and filtration velocity of 0.015 m/s. The results can provide theoretical reference for the selection of filtration system under different water quality conditions.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 261-267 [Abstract] ( 24 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2629KB] ( 397 )
268 Mechanical analysis of parabolic cross-section frost heave in frozen soil regions with high goundwater level
XIAO Min,WANG Zhengzhong,*,WU Lang,XIONG Zhihao,GE Jianrui,CUI Hao,YANG Xiaosong
Considering the particularity that the groundwater level and local geometric characteristics of each section of the canal section are different point by point. Combined with Winkler assumption, calculation method of normal frost heaving force and trangential freezing force of parabolic channel lining in high groundwater table and the calculation formula of internal force of section was presented. Consi-dering the influence of curvature of curved beam, the calculated method of section internal force and anti crack checking formula based on curved beam theory was proposed. By taking a parabolic-shaped canal in Hebei Province of China as example, distributions of section axial force, bending moment and normal stress distribution of the lining section were calculated. The results show that axial force gra-dually increase to the maximum from top to bottom, and all of them are pressures. The lining plate is mainly convex to the inside under the negative bending moment, and only turns from negative to positive to convex to the outside when it is near the bottom of the canal. Because of arc effect, compressive stress occupied the main part then tensile stress only arose in both insides of lower middle part of the canal lining and outsides of bottom center. These two parts under tensile stress are most likely to crack. The comparative analysis between straight beam theory and curved beam theory was performed to calculate the section stress of the lining plate and make a comparative analysis. It is found that the relative error between he two is 11.78% near the bottom center, and the calculated value of the straight beam theory is small and unsafe, so it is more reasonable to conduct stress analysis based on the curved beam theory.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 268-274 [Abstract] ( 20 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1470KB] ( 337 )
275 Numerical analysis of shear cavitation flow characteristics of convergent-divergent nozzles
CHEN Songping,LI Wei,*,ZHANG Wenquan,HU Jingning,YANG Yongfei,LIU Mingjiang
In order to study the structure of the cavitation jet and the evolution of the formation of shear cavitation bubbles, the RANS-LES mixed method was used to numerically calculate the cavitation water jet with a scaled nozzle. The effects of different diffusion angle nozzles with different expansion angles on the jet flow field are compared and analyzed, as well as the patterns of variation of physical quantities such as vacuole morphology, velocity and turbulent kinetic energy during the initial stage of cavitation growth. The results showed that the nozzle expansion angle has a significant effect on the ca-vitation jet, and cavitation performance is better when the diffusion angle is 60°. Because of the very high cavitation jet velocity, there was a large velocity gradient within the jet shear layer, and the fluids on both sides exchanged energy and generated many vortex structures. The cavitation phenomenon first occurred at the nozzle throat and gradually moving and developing towards the diffusion section and near the nozzle outlet, and the degree of cavitation was increasing. At different moments, in the radial section of the parameters were symmetrically distributed along the axis. The vapor pattern is circular ring and the area of the circular ring gradually increased in size over time. The research results have certain application value and guiding effect for improving the performance of cavitation water jet, broadening the application range of cavitation water jet, and revealing the characteristics of cavitation water jet.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 275-280 [Abstract] ( 15 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3802KB] ( 398 )
281 Cavitation and acoustic analysis of sleeve steam trap under multiple working conditions
QIU Chang,YU Longjie,QIAN Jinyuan,JIN Zhijiang,*
Aiming at the common cavitation and acoustic problems in the steam trap, a new type sleeve valve was designed. Based on the RANS equation, the Mixture multiphase flow model and the cavitation model, the cavitation flow in the control valve was numerically simulated. Then, based on the time-averaged turbulent flow field information and the broadband noise model, the noise acoustic power distribution characteristics are calculated. Finally, the noise acoustic powers for the control valve in cavitation and non-cavitation conditions are compared and analyzed. The results show that the cavitation in the steam trap mainly occurs at the orifice of the sleeve. The cavitation intensity in the valve increases with the increase of the inlet flow velocity. The critical flow velocity of cavitation in the valve is 2.5 m/s. When the inlet flow velocity is lower than 2.5 m/s, cavitation does not occur in the valve. The main noise sources in the valve are concentrated in the high-velocity cavitation region of the sleeve orifice and the vortex area at the annular wall surface and the bottom surface of the valve chamber. The cavitation intensity is the main factor that determines the maximum acoustic power at the sleeve. The maximum acoustic power of the sound source at the sleeve can be effectively reduced by suppressing the cavitation degree at the sleeve.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 281-287 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 34846KB] ( 316 )
288 Effects of saline water with different cations on soil hydraulic properties and lettuce growth
QIAO Ruonan,CHENG Yu,YAN Sihui,LUO Min,WANG Chun,ZHANG Tonggang,ZHANG Tibin,*
In order to explore the effects of different saline water quality on soil hydraulic properties and crop growth, a two-season pot experiment was carried out for cropping lettuce in the solar greenhouse. Taking the saturated solution of CaSO4 as the control(CK), different chlorides were added to deionized water to form three saline water treatments with different cationic compositions(Na+∶ TNa; Na+/K+ of 1∶1: TNa-K; K+∶TK)but the same electrical conductivity. The soil bulk density, water holding properties, water and salt transport, and lettuce growth were studied. The van Genuchten model was used to fit and analyze the soil water characteristic curve and the relevant parameters. The results showed that compared with CK, saline water irrigation increased soil bulk density and reduced soil porosity. With the continuous irrigation of saline water, soil pore size distribution was significantly altered, and more micropores were formed, resulting in the improved water-holding capacity of soils. The most significant effect was observed in TNa. Both the sodium absorption ratio(SAR)and cation ratio of soil structural stability(CROSS)showed negative correlations with the soil entry value parameters(α)(both R2=0.78). Compared with SAR, CROSS could better reflect the potential changes in soil physical properties caused by the changes in ionic compositions of irrigation water. After continuous irrigation with saline water, soil salt accumulated gradually, which was indicated by the electrical conductivity of saturated extract(ECe)of soil at 0-20 cm depth at the end of the second season(80 days after sowing)was significantly higher than that in the first season. The ECe of CK was significantly lower than those of other treatments(P<0.05). Salt accumulation was more evident in the surface soil layer(0-10 cm). The soil moisture content in surface layer was higher at the end of the growing season, which is basically consistent with the salt distribution. Compared with CK, TNa, TNa-K and TK treatments significantly reduced lettuce growth(P<0.05), where the TNa gave the lowest biomass.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 288-295 [Abstract] ( 24 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2047KB] ( 425 )
296 WFE nexus in arid sandy grassland based on simulation optimization model
LYU Jingyu,XU Chao,LIU Yujun,LI Bin,JIANG Yanan*
Quantitative analysis of water-food-energy nexus of an arid sandy grassland, can provide scientific support for ecosystems that improve the grassland. The Python language-based MODFLOW model—FloPy was used, constructing the multi-objective simulation optimization model of the WFE system, considering the alfalfa production and irrigation energy consumption of research area, the NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm of the framework of multi-objective optimization tool Pymoo was used to solve the problem. The results show that the optimization model can quantify the WFE nexus of the semi-arid sandy grassland, and the NSGA-II algorithm provided by Pymoo has outstanding search efficiency and stability in the multi-objective optimization of WFE nexus; According to the comparative analysis of the six schemes set by the weight wx, the maximum difference of groundwater level in general year(scheme 1 to scheme 3)and drought year(scheme 4 to scheme 6)is 1.15, 1.43, 1.34, 0.96, 1.26 and 1.15 m, respectively; In general year and drought year, irrigation water can be reduced by 136.90% and 134.37%, crop yield can be increased by 18.60% and 18.31%, and energy can be saved by 26.94% and 27.89%.

2023 Vol. 41 (3): 296-304 [Abstract] ( 19 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 17491KB] ( 282 )
305 Effects of irrigation amount, planting density and row spacing on grain yield of spring maize in Hexi Region
XU Xinyu,FAN Junliang*,LAI Zhenlin,YANG Rui
This study aimed to investigate the effects of irrigation amount, planting density and row spacing on the growth, grain yield, water and fertilizer use efficiency of spring maize under drip irrigation with plastic film mulch in the Hexi Region, so as to save water and improve maize production in this region. The experiment was carried out at the Shiyanghe Experimental Station for Water-saving in Agriculture and Ecology of China Agricultural University from April to September 2020. There were two irrigation levels, W1 and W2, two planting densities, D1 and D2, and three row spacing arrangements, L1, L2 and L3 which resulted in a total of 12 treatments with three replicates. Plant height, leaf area index(LAI)and dry matter accumulation of maize were measured, and water and fertilizer use efficiencies were analyzed. The results showed that under the same irrigation amount, the plant height and LAI of the D2 treatment were significantly higher than those of the D1 treatment. Increasing the planting density increased the dry matter accumulation, yield, and water use efficiency of the maize population. The dry matter accumulation and yield of W2D2L3 treatment were the highest at 96.45 t/hm2 and 17.72 t/hm2, respectively, and the water use efficiency(WUE)of W1D2L3 treatment was the highest at 3.57 kg/m3. The interaction of irrigation level and planting density had a significant impact on yield and its components(P<0.05); the interaction of irrigation level, planting density and row spacing had a significant impact on the harvest index(P<0.05), which has a extremely significant impact on crop water consumption(ET)and WUE(P<0.01). It can be seen that all irrigation level, planting density and row spacing have a certain regulating effect on the population growth structure, water consumption, grain yield, and water and fertilizer use efficiency of spring maize, ranking as planting density, row spacing and irrigation level. Therefore, ″80%ETc + 100 000 plants/hm2 + wide and narrow planting″ was selected as the optimal combination for spring maize production in the Hexi Region.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 305-312 [Abstract] ( 19 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2152KB] ( 404 )
313 Response and evaluation of soil enzyme activity to drip irrigation with brackish water and reclaimed water
WANG Yu,LIU Chuncheng-*,LI Renjie,ZENG Zhi,CUI Bingjian,ZHANG Fenghua,YAN Mingli,HU Chao,MA Tian,
In order to explore the reasonable utilization of brackish water and reclaimed water in areas with insufficient freshwater resources, three treatments were set, including reclaimed water irrigation(T1), mixed irrigation of 1∶1 with brackish water-reclaimed water(T2)and brackish water irrigation(T3), and local groundwater irrigation(CK2)was taken as the control, of which the saline degree of brackish water was 5 g/L. Based on the pot experiments, soil water content, soil salt content, soluble ions contents and soil enzyme activities including soil sucrase(S-SC), soil alkaline phosphatase(S-AKP/ALP), soil urease(S-UE)were measured. The responses of soil enzyme activities to the effect of brackish water and reclaimed water mixed irrigation was evaluated by the second generation integra-ted biological response(IBRv2)index method. The results indicated that: (1) with the increase of the proportion of brackish water in the mixture of brackish water and reclaimed water, the soil moisture content and salt content were higher. (2)The effects of mixed irrigation using brackish water-reclaimed water on soil enzyme activities were different. The soil alkaline phosphatase and urease activities under mixed irrigation were higher than brackish water irrigation and reclaimed water irrigation, and the soil sucrase activity was slightly lower than that of reclaimed water irrigation, but higher than that of brackish water irrigation. (3)Based on the IBRv2 index method, compared with CK, the deviation of enzyme activity caused by T1 treatment was the lowest, and the IBRv2 value was 2.12, followed by T2 treatment, the IBRv2 value was 2.42, and the highest deviation appeared in T3 treatment with the IBRv2 of 2.92. The activities of S-AKP/ALP, S-SC and S-UE were inhibited in T3 treatment. T2 treatment could induced the activity of S-AKP/ALP and S-UE, but slightly inhibited S-SC activity. T1 treatment induced the activity of S-AKP/ALP and S-SC, but slightly inhibited the activity of S-UE to a certain extent. Therefore, based on IBRv2, and considering soil enzyme activity and the limitations of reclaimed water resources such as large amount of reclaimed water resources and small daily discharge, reclaimed water and brackish water, it can be considered to used reclaimed water together with brackish water in arid and water shortage areas.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 313-318 [Abstract] ( 22 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1649KB] ( 358 )
319 Experimental study on hydraulic performance of negative pressure feedback sprinkler affected by driving plate inclination angle
ZHAO Wenhe,WANG Xinkun*,ZHANG Chenxi,JIN Binbin,MENG Tianshu,WANG Xi,SHAO Zhuang
In order to explore the different inclination angles of the driving plate of the jet pulse sprinkler and its influence on the hydraulic performance of the sprinkler, and find out the optimal inclination angle of the driving plate for hydraulic performance, six kinds of driving plates with different inclination angles α(7°, 10°, 13°, 16°, 19°, 22°)were designed by orthogonal test method, and the hydraulic performance tests were carried out under different inlet pressure. The multi-factor analysis method was used to analyze the test results of six groups of driving plates, taking sprinkler range, sprinkler irrigation uniformity and sprinkler irrigation intensity were used as evaluation indexes. The results show that under the inlet pressure of 0.15-0.30 MPa, the sprinkler range(13.0-15.0 m), and inlet flow rate(1.27-1.77 m3 /h), and sprinkler irrigation intensity(2.38-2.51 mm/h)have nothing to do with the inclination of the driving plate. With the increase of the inclination angle of the driving plate, the spraying water volume of the auxiliary sprinkler is concentrated near, and the uniformity coefficient of sprinkler irrigation increased first and then decreased; when the inclination angle of the driving plate is 16°, the uniformity coefficient of sprinkler irrigation is the largest and the hydraulic performance of the sprinkler is the best.
2023 Vol. 41 (3): 319-324 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2929KB] ( 371 )

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