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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2022 Vol.40 Issue.7
Published 2022-07-25

2022 Vol. 40 (7): 1- [Abstract] ( 16 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 712KB] ( 285 )
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 2- [Abstract] ( 17 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1287KB] ( 286 )
649 Optimized design of waterjet pump for boat
CHANG Shuping,LIANG Xiaofeng*,DING Jiangming
Aiming at the problem that a submarine did not reach the expected speed, the modification design of the waterjet propulsion pump was studied by using the 3D inverse design and forward prediction method. Firstly, the CFD model of ″waterjet propulsion pump + inlet channel + hull″ was established, and the problems of low efficiency, mismatch of design points and large flow loss of inlet channel were analyzed. After that based on the requirement of rapidity, the characteristics of the prime mover and the design level, the design parameters of the waterjet propulsion pump were selected. Furthermore, based on a 3D inverse design method of blades, a new type of mixed-flow waterjet pump was designed by reasonably setting the control parameters such as the shape of meridian plane, the number of blades, the load of blades, the stacking and thickening of blades based on the comparative analysis of multiple schemes. The numerical prediction results show that under the design condition, the hydraulic efficiency of the new waterjet pump can reach 90.0%, the flow range of high efficiency area is wide, the anti-cavitation ability is strong, and the ″boat-machine-pump″ matches well. The test results show that the speed of the waterjet pump is increased by about 13%, and the expected rapidity is achieved, which verifies the accuracy of the 3D inverse design method.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 649-653 [Abstract] ( 38 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1774KB] ( 399 )
654 Effect of long and short blades on outlet pressure fluctuation characteristics of condensate pump
HU Jiang,KANG Can *,XING Zhilong,ZHANG Wenbin
In order to explore the pressure fluctuation characteristics in the outlet pipe of the condensate pump under the conditions of different long and short bladed structure, and deepen the understanding of the unsteady flow mechanism in the pump system. On the basis of the steady numerical si-mulation, the unsteady numerical simulation method was used to analyze the flow inside of the pump and the outlet pipe. The flow of the pump was simulated and analyzed, and the relationship between the pressure fluctuation in the pump outlet pipe and the position of the monitoring point and the flow rate under different working conditions was studied. The frequency domain characteristics and energy characteristics of the pressure pulsation corresponding to each bladed scheme were compared. The research results show that the external characteristics of the condensate pump with 5 long and 5 short blades scheme are better than the 3 long and 3 short blades scheme. The main frequency of each monitoring point is maintained at the blade frequency fBPF and its multiplier under the four flow conditions. The pump outlet pressure pulsation of the pump with 3 long and 3 short blades is more obvious and the change is more complicated when compared with that the 5 long and 5 short bladed scheme. The pressure pulsation intensity at the monitoring point of the pump outlet flange is higher, along the flow direction, the pressure pulsation gradually attenuates from the monitoring point P1 to P3. For the 3 long and 3 short blades scheme, under the condition of 1.4Qd flow-rate, the pressure pulsation characteristic of multi-frequency excitation in the pump outlet pipe is presented, and the unsteady flow excitation is intensified.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 654-659 [Abstract] ( 39 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3107KB] ( 441 )
660 Parametric design of high-specific-speed centrifugal pump based on Kriging model and NLPQL algorithm
ZHAO Caifu,WU Hongfei*,ZHAO Haitao,WANG Hui,ZHAO Yingjie
The traditional design method cannot effectively solve the problem of low efficiency of a high-specific-speed centrifugal pump. Taking a 100-80-125 high-specific-speed centrifugal pump as the research object, a comprehensive sensitivity screening on the impeller cover control points and blade profile parameters were carried out based on the Kriging model. The NLPQL algorithm was used to optimize the parameters of high-specific-speed centrifugal pump to improve its operation efficiency. The optimized model was numerically calculated, and the operation efficiency of the model pump before and after optimization was compared through experiments. The results show that under the rated flow condition, the actual efficiency of the optimized pump is increased by 3.2%, and the head is increased by 2.3 m. Besides, there is no structure difficult to cast and process, and the optimization effect is significant. This research can provide an effective method for improving the efficiency of high-specific-speed centrifugal pump.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 660-666 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2903KB] ( 519 )
667 Multi-objective optimization design of screw centrifugal pump based on RBF neural network and differential evolution algorithm
ZHANG Xiang,HU Beibei,FENG Yiming,LIU Keke,WANG Chunlin*
In order to solve the problem of low performance of the spiral centrifugal pump, a typical spiral centrifugal pump was taken as the research object, and the flow field in spiral centrifugal pump was solved by using computational fluid dynamics software CFX.Taking the head and efficiency under the design flow condition as the optimization objective, the optimization variables were screened out by P-B test and multivariate analysis of variance.The radial basis function(RBF)neural network was used to establish the prediction model between the optimization objective and the optimization variables, and the differential evolution(DECIMO)algorithm was used to find the global optimization in the sample space.The optimal head, the optimal efficiency and the initial individual were calculated numerically.The flow field and its characteristics of different medium(clean water and solid-liquid two-phase fluid)were compared and analyzed, and the experimental verification was carried out.The results show that the hub inlet angle β1b, the impeller outlet width b2, the impeller outlet diameter D2 and the blade envelope angle φ are the significant factors affecting the head and efficiency of spiral centrifugal pump. The prediction model established by RBF neural network has high precision. When conveying clean water, the optimal individual head under the design flow is 9.4 m, increasing by 13.5%. The efficiency of the optimal indivi-dual is 9.8% higher than that of the initial individual, and the optimization effect is significant.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 667-673 [Abstract] ( 31 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2726KB] ( 332 )
674 Optimization design of centrifugal pump impeller based on dynamic RBF surrogate model and NSGA-Ⅱ genetic algorithm
ZHANG Renhui*,LIU Feng,CHEN Xuebing,LI Rennian,
In the multi-objective optimization design of traditional centrifugal pumps, the prediction accuracy of the surrogate model will gradually decrease as the Pareto frontier advances. In order to improve the effect of multi-objective optimization results of centrifugal pump impeller, the optimization method of centrifugal pump based on the dynamic RBF surrogate model and the NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm was proposed. Some optimal samples from the generated Pareto frontier solution were added to the RBF sample set and the RBF surrogate model was retrained and reconstructed. The objective function value of each sample of offspring samples were predicted by using the dynamic surrogate model. The MH48-12.5 centrifugal pump was selected as the research object, and the blade inlet angle, blade outlet angle and blade wrap angle were selected as the optimization variables. Latin Hypercube Sampling(LHS)was used to construct the initial sample space of the surrogate model, and multi-objective optimization analysis was carried out with optimization objectives of head and efficiency. The results show that the Pareto frontier obtained by the multi-objective optimization method of dynamic RBF surrogate model is much better than that obtained by the static surrogate model method. The Pareto front points obtained by the static surrogate model method are all dominated by that of the dynamic model method. The prediction accuracy of Pareto front solutions for the dynamic surrogate model is higher than that of static surrogate model. The optimal maximum head obtained by the dynamic surrogate model is 2.86% higher than the original design head and 1.03% higher than the static model. The optimal maximum efficiency obtained by the dynamic surrogate model is 4.36% higher than the original design efficiency and 1.32% higher than the static model.

2022 Vol. 40 (7): 674-679 [Abstract] ( 33 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2732KB] ( 421 )
680 Flow gaugingtest and numerical simulation of integrated gate for measurement and control of high sediment content water channel
MAI Wenhui,WANG Hongyu*,MA Lijun,LI Xing,CHAI Pengxiang
In order to know whether the flow measurement accuracy of the integrated monitoring and control slab gate in the channel with high sediment concentration meets the specification requirements.18 representative branch canals with good flow measurement conditions in Nanshantai pumping irrigation area of Ningxia are selected. By comparing the flow measurement results of the flume without throats, the flow measurement data of the integrated plate gate with measurement and control in diffe-rent irrigation periods are sorted out and analyzed. ANSYS Fluent is used to establish a physical model to simulate and study the variation law of hydraulic performance of the integrated monitoring and control slab gate with sediment concentration. Combined with Rubicon measurement and control integrated plate gate current measurement principle, the causes of sediment concentration affecting the flow mea-surement accuracy of the integrated plate gate are analyzed. The results show that the deviation of flow gauging between the integrated gates and the cut-throat flume is enlarge when the sediment content of channel water gradually increases. All the elements of the velocity distribution, turbulent kinetic energy, sediment concentration and particle size have effect on the accuracy of ultrasonic flow meter in the measuring box. With the increase of sediment concentration, the turbulent kinetic energy decreases but the velocity distribution have no obvious change in the metering box. Therefore, the sediment concentration has a certain impact on the flow measurement accuracy of the integrated plate gate. Further, it is mainly caused by the attenuation of ultrasonic wave and the turbulent kinetic energy decreases of sediment laden water, and the relative to the velocity distribution has little influence on it.

2022 Vol. 40 (7): 680-686 [Abstract] ( 30 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2826KB] ( 390 )
687 Effects of sleeve opening on flow characteristics of double-layer sleeve valve
JIANG Yongbing,HOU Congwei,HAO Jiaoshan,WANG Weibo,YU Longjie,QIAN Jinyuan,JIN Zhijiang*
In order to study the influence of the inner and outer sleeve holes diameter on the flow coefficient and pressure drop flow characteristics of the double-layer sleeve valve, the steady numerical model of the double-layer sleeve control valve based on the compressible superheated steam flow is established by suing CFD. The differences of flow coefficient and pressure drop flow characteristics of different inner and outer sleeve hole diameter combination models under full opening condition is compared and analyzed. The research indicates that holes diameters of sleeves have significant influence on the pressure drop of each sleeve. When the holes diameter of the inner and outer sleeves is proportionally enlarged, the pressure drop of each sleeve hardly changes. When only the holes diameter of the outer sleeve is increased, the fluid velocity in the gap between the inner and outer sleeves increases continuously. When the holes diameter of the inner and outer sleeves is proportionally enlarged, the fluctuation of the fluid velocity in the gap between the inner and outer sleeves decreases. When a small increase in the flow coefficient is needed, it can be achieved by increasing the holes opening diameter of the outer sleeve; When a great increase of the flow coefficient is needed, the opening holes diameters of the inner and outer sleeves should be increased proportionally at the same time. The results have a certain valuable guiding significance for the design of the holes diameter in the sleeve valve.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 687-692 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1992KB] ( 470 )
693 Screening with estimated models for global solar radiation in humid regions of South China
CUI Ningbo,LI Qilin*,LI Yanling,WU Zongjun,FANG Pei,SONG Pei,LI Renxiao
In order to select the optimal experience model for simulating the global solar radiation in humid regions of southern China. Southern China is divided into four regions, namely, East, Central, South and Southwest China. The daily data of 36 radiation stations(1994—2016)were selected to eva-luate the simulation accuracy of three models based on temperature(T1, T2 and T3 model), three models based on sunshine duration(N1, N2 and N3 model)and two hybrid models(M1 and M2 model)in four regions of southern China are optimized by the empirical parameters with least square method. The accuracy of each model in four regions is evaluated on the daily, monthly and annual scales. The results showed that at daily, monthly and annual scales, the accuracy of the sunshine duration models was the highest, followed by the hybrid models and the temperature models. The daily ranges of R2 were 0.847—0.898, 0.654—0.904 and 0.435—0.687, respectively. The monthly ranges of R2 were 0.529—0.857, 0.368—0.858 and 0.334—0.766, respectively. The annual ranges of RE were -1.78%—21.86%, -32.88%—24.14% and -37.54%—72.36%, respectively. Among the sunshine duration models, N2 and N3 models had the highest accuracy. Among the hybrid models, M2 model had the highest accuracy. Therefore, the N2 and N3 models have the best simulation effect in the humid areas of south China. These results can provide a theoretical basis for precisely calculating Rs based on limited meteorological data in southern humid region.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 693-700 [Abstract] ( 32 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5025KB] ( 359 )
701 Numerical simulation of aerodynamic characteristics of straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine with large solidities
LI Yan*,TONG Guoqiang,QU Chunming,FENG Fang,
Solidity is one of the important structural parameters that affect the aerodynamic characteristics of vertical axis wind turbines. The NACA0018 airfoil small straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine was used as the object. Two large solidities of 0.30 and 0.35 were selected. The number of blades in each solidity was 3, 4, and 5 respectively. The method of numerical simulation was used to study the static starting characteristics and dynamic power characteristics of the straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine. The results show that: in the case of large solidity, the number of blades has a greater influence on the aerodynamic characteristics of the wind turbine. At the same degree solidity, the increase of the blades number can improve the fluctuation of the static torque coefficient at various azimuth angles, and reduce the reverse torque, but decrease the maximum torque coefficient; In the rotating state, the increase in the number of blades will decrease the power coefficient rising speed before the optimal tip speed ratio, reduce the power coefficient, and decrease the power coefficient reduce speed after the optimal tip speed ratio. When the number of blades is the same, the static ave-rage torque coefficient of a wind turbine with 0.35 of solidity is large, and the torgre coefficients at most of the azimuth are greater than those with 0.30 of solidity; However, with respect to the rotating state, the maximum power coefficient of a wind turbine with a 0.30 solidity is greater than that of wind turbine with a 0.35 wind turbine.

2022 Vol. 40 (7): 701-706 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1978KB] ( 433 )
707 Structural optimization design and internal flow characteristics analysis of axial flow fan
JIANG Chenlong,ZHU Xingye*
Aiming at how to improve the operation performance of portable axial flow fan, through the optimization design of its structure, the effects of the number of blades of the rotor components and the change of the blade mounting angle on the matching of the impeller and the guide vane were mainly investigated. Based on the SST k-ω turbulence model, numerical simulations were applied to investigate its internal flow characteristics, and the reliability was verified by experiments. The results show that the blade mounting angle has a large influence on the performance of axial fan, while the number of blades has a relatively small effect. By comparing and analyzing the in-flow characteristics between different models, the blade mounting angle and blade number suitable for portable axial flow fan are determined. It was found that the development of tip leakage vortex has different effects on the near guide vane with the change of the installation angle and induces fluid disturbance at the junction region of the impeller and the guide vanes, which affects the matching of the impeller and the guide vanes. The maximum turbulent kinetic energy exists at the inlet of the impeller blades, and the top of the leaf region is greater than that in the root of the leaf region due to leaf top leakage. The analysis of the structural optimization and internal flow characteristics of axial fans in this paper has certain guiding significance for the design of axial fans.

2022 Vol. 40 (7): 707-713 [Abstract] ( 30 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 175 )
714 Effect of super absorbent polymers on water-holding characteristics of red sandstone soil
LI Yangming,TU Anguo,XIE Songhua*,ZHENG Haijin,LU Yudong,
In order to explore the effect of applying super absorbent polymers(SAP)on water retention characteristics of red sandstone soil, under condition that SAP at mass ratios of 0, 0.25‰, 0.50‰, 1.00‰, 2.00‰ was mixed to red sandstone soil. The soil water characteristic curve, the soil infiltration process and the soil water moisture evaporation process under different ratios of SAP mea-sures were measured. Meanwhile, the quadratic curve was used to determine the optimal application amount. The results show that the saturated water content(θs)has an increasing trend as the use amount of SAP increases, and the values of residual water content(θr), intake value related parameters(α), and shape factor(n)generally increase first and then decreasing. The SAP mainly increases soil gravity water. Thus, the application of SAP inhibits the infiltration performance of soil, reduces the vertical infiltration rate of water, prolonges the duration of infiltration, and the soil water evaporation retarded. Comprehensively considering the water retention effect and application amount, the optimum SAP application range for red sandstone soil is maintained at 0.5‰-1.0‰.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 714-720 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2123KB] ( 344 )
721 Effects of water, nitrogen and salt regulation on cotton yield under mulch film drip irrigation and its coupled model
ZHAI Zhongmin,SHI Wenjuan*,ZHANG Yanchao,GAO Zhiyong
In order to explore the comprehensive effects of water, salt and nitrogen on cotton growth, the optimal water and fertilizer system, four irrigation quotas(1 575, 2 100, 2 625, 3 150 m3/hm2), four nitrogen application rate(0, 150, 300, 450 kg/hm2)and four soil salinity(non-salinized soil, slightly saline soil, moderate salt chemical soil and heavily saline soil)were set respectively. The effects of water, nitrogen and salt on cotton yield under film drip irrigation were studied through pot experiment. The results show that the relationship between irrigation quota, nitrogen application rate, soil salt and cotton yield was in line with the regression model, and the model has a good coupling effect on the effects of water, nitrogen and salt on cotton. The effect of single factor on cotton yield is ranked as irrigation amount > soil salt content > nitrogen application amount. The influence order of two factors is the coupling effect of salt and nitrogen > the coupling effect of water and nitrogen > the coupling effect of water and salt. There is a threshold value for the effects of water and nitrogen application on cotton yield, below which the cotton yield increase effect is obvious. The cotton growth is inhibited obviously under medium and severe soil salt content. The most suitable system of water, fertilizer and salt in the study area is determined by the regression model, which is light salt soil, irrigation quota 2 677 m3/hm2 and nitrogen application rate 202 kg/hm2. This study will provide a scientific basis for the efficient utilization of water and fertilizer in drip irrigation cotton field under film in saline-alkali area.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 721-728 [Abstract] ( 30 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2026KB] ( 360 )
729 Simulation and analysis of soil water in different stages paddy field based on HYDRUS
MA Lihua,HU Xiaotao,JIANG Xianjun,WANG Wen′e*
The process of rice paddies from flooded to drainage dry fields, the soil moisture status of paddy soil to achieve the transformation from saturation to unsaturated state. During this process, the soil moisture transport law and the transformation of the water balance factors involving soil moisture are different. In order to explore the differences of soil moisture status in different stages of rice field, based on the continuous monitoring data of soil moisture of conventional rotation rice in purple soil in Chongqing hilly area. The HYDRUS-1D model was used to verify and simulate the soil hydraulic parameters and soil content in three different dry and wet stages(stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ)of rice flooding, drainage drying and post-harvest. The results indicated that: (1) according to the error analysis from R2 and RMSE results, pressure heads and vertical fluxes simulated using HYDRUS-1D matched measured data well. The HYDRUS-1D can be used to simulate the change of soil water content in the paddy field; (2) According to the analysis of soil water balance, the rice soil water in stage Ⅰ was mainly in the form of water supplement. The soil water loss in stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ is mainly water loss, and water leaching(approximately 52% and 95% in stage II and stage III, respectively)was the main path of water loss from the flood to dryland rice filed; (3) According to the simulation results of HYDRUS, the rainfall directly affects the change of upper and lower boundary flow of soil. Following the simulation results, the sunshine hours bring obvious diurnal variation rule for evapotranspiration fluxes. The actual crop transpiration and surface evaporation of stage II were lower than those of stage Ⅰ, while the actual surface evaporation of stage III was more closely related to the sunshine hours.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 729-736 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2321KB] ( 520 )
737 Study on optimal allocation of water resources in irrigation area based on fuzzy geometric weighted model
WANG Enliang,HU Shengbo,TIAN Yu,LIU Xingchao,*
Aiming at the uncertainty of multi-objective weighting in the optimal allocation of agricultural water resources. Taking Chaoertun irrigation area in Heilongjiang province as the research area. A water resources optimal allocation model based on a fuzzy geometric weighted method was established to transform the multi-objective problem into a single-objective nonlinear problem. The optimal scheme of water resources in irrigation areas with different weights and different growth periods is obtained. Finally, it selected the optimal weight through the comprehensive evaluation system of the irrigation area. The results show that by comparing with the linear multi-objective fuzzy model, the fuzzy geometric weighted model can adjust the weights of multi-objective according to the actual situation, and obtain the optimal water allocation schemes of water resources in the irrigation area under this condition. When the weight of irrigation quantity is 0.3 and the weight of economy is 0.7, and the optimal allocation plan of water resources is obtained. The output value of rice is 82 450 000 yuan. The irrigation amount at the tillering stage, jointing stage, heading stage and milky-ripe stage is 1 154.56×104, 779.12×104, 539.45×104 and 336.57×104 m3, respectively. Likewise, the feasibility of applying the fuzzy geometric weighted method to the optimal allocation of water resources is verified, which provides a reference scheme and decision support for the efficient utilization of agricultural water resources in irrigation areas.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 737-744 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1819KB] ( 386 )
745 Effects of nitrogen treatments on potato nitrogen accumulation and soil nitrate-nitrogen distribution under sprinkler fertigation system
PEI Shasha,LI Yaojun*,YAN Haijun,GU Tao
The integration of water and fertilizer for sprinkler irrigation is an important measure to improve the nutrient use efficiency of crops in the semi-humid region of Northeast China. In order to explore the effects of nitrogen fertilizer application on potato yield, nitrogen accumulation, and soil nitrate-nitrogen distribution under the condition of water and fertilizer integration of center pivot irrigation system. Three nitrogen topdressing levels were set in the experiment: 115 kg/hm2(F1), 165 kg/hm2(F2)and 215 kg/hm2(F3), respectively, and three frequency of nitrogen topdressing, i.e., C2, C4 and C6, representing 2, 4 and 6 times of nitrogen topdressing were conducted. One treatment of traditional ditching fertilization was selected as the control area in the experiment. The results showed that the tuber yield and commercial potato rate of F2C6 treatment were the highest. Under the same nitrogen application rate, the nitrogen accumulation of potato tubers increased with the increase of nitrogen application frequency. For the same frequency of nitrogen application, with the increase of nitrogen application rate, the nitrogen accumulation of tubers increased first and then decreased. At the stage of potato tuber expansion, the content of soil nitrate-nitrogen in 20-40 cm soil layer decreased with the increase of nitrogen application frequency under the same nitrogen application amount. It is suggested that the potato planting in the semi humid area of Heilongjiang Province should adopt the integrated scheme of sprinkler irrigation, and with medium fertilizer(165 kg/hm2)and high frequency(6 times of nitrogen topdressing).
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 745-750 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1937KB] ( 354 )
751 Numerical simulation of influence of tooth angle on hydraulic characteristics of labyrinth emitter
ZHANG Chuanjie,NIU Yong*,LIU Xiaohang
In order to explore the influence of the tooth angle of the labyrinth channel on the hydraulic characteristic of emitters, the numerical analysis method of the CFD was used to investigate the influe-nce of tooth angles(50°, 60°, 70°, 80°)of orthodontic-tooth and oblique-tooth labyrinth channels of emitters on flow and velocity field. The results showed that compared with the RNG k-ε model and the SST model, the calculation results of the standard k-ε model are closer to the experimental results. There are mainly two low velocity recirculation areas in the labyrinth channel, namely the upper left side and the lower right side of the labyrinth emitters. Compared with the orthodontic-tooth labyrinth channel, the oblique-tooth labyrinth channel has more low-speed areas on the upper left side and fewer low-speed areas on the lower right side. As the increase of the tooth angle, the flow rate in the emitter increases continuously, especially for the oblique-tooth labyrinth channels, and the increase of the flow rate in the Labyrinth emitter with helical teeth is more obviously affected by the angle between teeth. The flow coefficient of the labyrinth emitter with regular teeth is larger, but the flow pattern index is smaller. The flow index of the orthodontic-tooth labyrinth emitter with an angle of 70° is the smallest among all emitters, so the flow rate of this emitter is the least sensitive to the pressure changes. Compared with other labyrinth-tooth emitters, this emitter has the best hydraulic performance.
2022 Vol. 40 (7): 751-756 [Abstract] ( 27 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 7549KB] ( 316 )

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