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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2022 Vol.40 Issue.2
Published 2022-02-25

2022 Vol. 40 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 24 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 10035KB] ( 359 )
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 2- [Abstract] ( 24 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1344KB] ( 326 )
109 Effects of blade angle on mixed-flow pump on internal vortex structure and impeller-guide vane adaptability
ZHAO Binjuan,HAN Luyao,LIU Yulu,LIAO Wenyan,FU Yanxia,HUANG Zhongfu
The blade placement angle of the rotary vane mixed-flow pump can be adjusted. When the working conditions change and the blade placement angle is adjusted, the adaptability of the impeller-guide vane will change accordingly, which will affect the hydraulic performance of the mixed-flow pump. A rotary vane mixed-flow pump with blade placement angles of -4°, 0° and 4° was taken as the research object. From the perspective of vortex structure, the influence of the change of blade placement angle on the adaptability of the impeller and the guide vane was explored. The results show that with the increase of the blade placement angle, the size of the internal vortex structure of the impeller gradually increases, and the diameter of the vortex band surrounding the rim gradually increases, while the number of vortices in the channel in the guide vane gradually decreases. The size and strength of the vortex structure on the cover wall behind the outer edge of the guide vane is gradually increasing; the stronger vortex of the mixed flow pump is mainly concentrated on the surface of the blade and the wall; by adjusting the blade placement angle, the rotary vane mixed-flow pump can maintain high-efficiency operation in different flow ranges, but as the blade placement angle increases, the efficiency of the rotary vane mixed-flow pump gradually decreases due to the gradual increase of the vortex structure. The number of channel vortices in the guide vane increases with the decrease of the blade placement angle, which leads to the reduction of the head of the rotary vane mixed-flow pump; the impeller-guide vane adaptability of the rotary vane mixed-flow pump changes after the blade placement angle is adjusted. When the placement angle is -4°, the match between the impeller and the guide vane is the best. The more deviated from -4°, the more vortex structures enter the guide vane from the impeller, and the worse the impeller-guide vane adaptability.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 109-114 [Abstract] ( 55 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2491KB] ( 441 )
115 Research on topology optimization design method of centrifugal pump volute
XU Shengli*,ZHANG Hui,JIN Tingting,YANG Chengli,ZHOU Yan
In order to improve the hydraulic performance of centrifugal pump,the topology optimization method was used to optimize and design the centrifugal pump volute. The mathematical model of optimization was established and its objective function is to minimize the total pressure loss of the fluid and the constraint is the volume constraint of the fluid domain. An analytical and solving program for optimization problems was compiled based on OpenFOAM. The sensitivity of the objective function to the design variables was calculated by the continuous adjoint method. The method of moving asymptotes(MMA)was used to solve the optimization problem. The results of two-dimensional volute optimization show that the topology optimization method of volute proposed can obtain an optimized design scheme of volute, the optimized volute structure is very close to that designed by the traditional design method, and the total pressure loss in the flow field of the volute under the topology optimization method is smaller. In addition when the traditional volute design method is not applicable, this method can automatically obtain the volute configuration. The research results have a certain reference value for expanding the optimization design scheme of centrifugal pump.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 115-121 [Abstract] ( 56 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2105KB] ( 595 )
122 Influence of obstacle placement on cavitation performance of centrifugal pump
DAI Cui,WANG Zhaoxue,DONG Liang*,QIU Junfeng,CHEN Yiping
In order to study the influence of the position of the obstacles on the cavitation performance of the centrifugal pump, the hemispherical obstacles were arranged at different positions of the working surface and the back surface of the blades. By using the Zwart cavitation model and the SST k-ω turbulence model, the centrifugal pump model with obstacles in different positions was simulated, and the inhibition effect of obstacles in different positions on the cavitation of the centrifugal pump was investigated. The results show that the cavitation performance of the centrifugal pump is improved most obviously when the obstacles are placed at the inlet 1/3 of the vane working face. When a hemisphe-rical obstacle is placed at the 1/3 position of the blade working face, the lift of the centrifugal pump increases by 1.14%, and the drop point of the lift by 3% is later than that of the original pump. When the cavitation number is 0.166, the cavitation volume fraction of the impeller decreases by 69.7% compared with that of the original pump. It can reduce the low-pressure area at the inlet of the impeller and make the cavitation at the inlet of the impeller less easy.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 122-127 [Abstract] ( 73 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3556KB] ( 448 )
128 Influence of medium viscosity on pressure pulsation characteristics of pump as hydraulic turbine with guide vane
BI Zhigao*,CAO Baowei,WANG Jinxi,WANG Zhanhui,GAO Yong,MA Yajun
In order to explore the influence of medium viscosity on the pressure pulsation characteri-stics of hydraulic turbine, based on the Reynolds time averaged N-S equation and standard k-ε turbulence model, some centrifugal pump with guide vane reversed as turbine(PAT)was chosen as the research object, water and two kinds of viscous oil were taken as the contrast medium, three-dimensional transient numerical simulation was carried out, and then the simulation results were analyzed in the time domain and frequency domain. The results show that there are unsteady vortexes with the same direction of rotation as the blade in partial impeller passages under clean water, while the flow field structure of the impeller and draft pipe under viscous oil is significantly improved. Under viscous action, coherent interaction of dynamic and static cascades is still the main inducement for pressure pulsation in the PAT. The mean pressure pulsation in the guide vane is the most intense, followed by the impeller, and the draft pipe is the least, and this law is not affected by the viscosity. With the me-dium viscosity increasing, the peak-peak value and the dimensionless maximum pressure pulsation amplitude at each monitoring point decrease, which synchronize with the basic frequency amplitude and the secondary basic frequency amplitude at monitoring points in the guide vane and the draft pipe, however, which are quite different from those at monitoring points in the volute and impeller, while they synchronize with the sum amplitude of them. At the same time, the greater the viscosity, the lower the mean static pressure of each measuring point in the volute, guide vane and impeller.

2022 Vol. 40 (2): 128-135 [Abstract] ( 38 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5681KB] ( 483 )
136 Performances and control mode for bulb tubular pumps with VFDs
ZHANG Rentian*,ZHU Feng,LIU Xueqin,LIANG Yunhui
Adjusting speed with VFDs(Variable Frequency Drives)as an operational control method has been applied in bulb tubular pumping stations in the South-to-North Water Diversion Eastern Route Project in China. In order to study the performances and control mode of bulb tubular pumps with VFDs and guide the optimal operation, popularization and application of pump stations, the variable speed performances are analyzed in theory and tested in model systems for No3 Huaiying and Sihong pumping stations in this paper. According to modes of main electrical wirings with and without the bypass, the operational control methods are studied in various working heads considering the efficiencies of VFDs and the motor in various speeds. The conclusion is that the performances of bulb tubular pumps with VFDs are restricted by the performances of impellers and flow channels. Within a certain speed range, the similarity law with constant efficiency can be used to predict the perfor-mances of bulb tubular pumps. Another conclusion is that the loss of VFDs must be considered when determining the operation performances of the bulb tubular pump unit. At the same time, the changes in the efficiency of VFDs and motor caused by the change of frequency should be analyzed. And after considering the loss of VFDs and motor caused by the change of frequency, there are higher efficiencies without VFDs when the working head is about 40%-80% design head of water supply in Sihong Pumping Station.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 136-143 [Abstract] ( 30 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3328KB] ( 410 )
144 Turbulence characteristics over a tubular pump using immersed boundary method based large-eddy simulation
KAN Kan*,ZHANG Qingying,HUANG Jiacheng,LI Haoyu,ZHENG Yuan,CHEN Long
In order to fully understand the internal flow characteristics of tubular pumps under operating conditions, the turbulent flow over a tubular pump under the designed condition with computational fluid dynamics(CFD)technology and immersed boundary method based large-eddy si-mulation(IBM-LES)was studied. The simulation was based on 3D Cartesian grid system, the Navier-Stokes equations were discretized by a finite difference method in space and advanced in time using a second-order Runge-Kutta method. The LES was applied with dynamic Smagorinsky model. Boundaries of solid parts were described by level set function. The result shows that the turbulence kinetic energy(TKE)is weak on the circumferential section across the root of impeller blades. The highest TKE is located at the wake of rotating impeller blades on the midspan section and the component in streamwise direction contributes most of the TKE. The TKE near the tip clearance of impeller blade is strong and contributed by components in three directions evenly. At the wake of outlet guide vanes, the turbulence dissipates and developes along the streamwise distance, the wake tends to exhibit the characteristics of pipe uniform flow. The results provide theoretical supports and engineering operation references for stability improvement of tubular pumps.

2022 Vol. 40 (2): 144-149 [Abstract] ( 28 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2691KB] ( 507 )
150 Effects on frost resistance of concrete mixed with ceramic polishing powder and mineral powder
YAO Zhanquan*,LIU Zimei,WU Hanhan,WANG Zongxi
In order to study the influence of the compound admixture of ceramic polishing powder and mineral powder on the performance of concrete, the equivalent amount of cement was substituted for 25%, 30% and 35%, in which the mineral powder content was 20%, and the ceramic polishing powder content is 5%, 10% and 15% respectively. The research of concrete was mainly divided into macroscopic tests and microscopic tests.Compression tests and freezing and thawing tests were set up in macroscopic tests. Nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)and scanning electron microscope(SEM)images analysis were set in microscopic tests. The results shows that the compressive strength of ceramic polishing powder-mineral powder concrete is higher than that of mineral powder concrete when the curing age reaches 28 days. The compressive strength of concrete with 20% mineral powder and 10% ceramic polishing powder is the highest. The NMR shows that the addition of ceramic powder and mineral powder reduces the pore size and porosity of concrete, meanwhile the internal large pores evolve into small pores. After the freeze-thaw cycles, the number of harmful holes reduces and the pore structure is refined, thus ceramic polishing powder improves the pore structure and freeze-thaw resistance of concrete. The SEM images indicate that the ash effect of ceramic powder and mineral powder increases C-S-H gel, fills pores to improve the compactness of concrete internal structure. Meanwhile the se-condary hydration reaction reduces Ca(OH)2(poor orientation crystal)content to enhance the micro-interface bond strength and macroscopic properties of concrete.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 150-156 [Abstract] ( 39 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2795KB] ( 411 )
157 Hydro flexibility in regulating power fluctuation of hybrid system
LI Huanhuan,CHEN Diyi*,XU Beibei
In terms of the fluctuation of net load caused by stochastic wind power in multi-time scales, the morphologic filter method was used to extract the signal of net load with the high, medium and low frequencies. Then, the flexible indices were presented to describe the supply-demand relationship of hybrid power system in multi-time scales. To improve flexibility benefits, the optimal permeation ratio of wind power and the use ratio of hydro reserve capacity were also analyzed and determined in different time scales. The results show that the down-regulation hydro capability is insufficient in the medium and low frequencies, and the corresponding insufficient capacity is able to reach 4.961 MW in 49% of wind proportion. In contrast, there exists the insufficient up- and down-regulation for hydro resource in the high frequency, and the corresponding maximums of insufficient up- and down-capacities are 0.125 2 MW and 4.279 1 MW. Additionally, the most suitable proportion of the use ratio of hydro reserve capacity for this system is 85%.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 157-163 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2261KB] ( 443 )
164 Improved weight-function model of unsteady friction in hydraulic transients
ZHOU Ling*,LIU Jing,OU Chuanqi,QIAN Suping,LU Kunming
In pressurized water conveyance pipeline system, water hammer phenomenon often occurs due to the opening and closing of valves or improper operation of hydraulic components, thus affecting the normal operation of hydraulic system and even causing dangerous accidents. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out effective numerical simulation prediction for the above water hammer phenomenon. In the simulation of pipeline hydraulic transient process, the weight-function unsteady friction model proposed by Zielke, which is considered to be the most accurate mathematical model in one-dimensional water hammer simulation, can accurately simulate the pressure fluctuation process. Since the weighting function is related to the historical velocity and acceleration, the velocity value of each step needs to be saved in the model calculation, which occupies a large amount of computer memory. So, the calculation efficiency is low. In order to improve the model′s computational efficiency, this paper tries to use Matlab LSQNONLIN function module to approximately fit the Zielke weighting function with a new function, which is the form of the sum of three exponential functions, gets the coefficients of new approximation weighting function, as well as the new function′s superiority by comparing Zielke weighting function curve and existing improved weighting function curves, as well as the new model′s accuracy and efficiency against experimental data. The results show that the model in this paper improves the calculation efficiency of the weight-function unsteady friction model to some extent.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 164-169 [Abstract] ( 28 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2410KB] ( 489 )
170 The effect of freezing storage on the mechanical properties of myocradium
YANG Yang,JIA Yunchao,JING teng,ZENG Pei,LU Jianfei,HE Zhaoming,
This study was to investigate the effect of freezing-based storage on the mechanical properties of apical tissues. Freeze the apical tissue for 48 hours and perform biaxial stretching of the frozen tissue sample and the fresh sample respectively, discuss and analyze whether the mechanical properties of the fresh sample and the frozen sample in the fiber direction and the cross fiber direction are significant difference. The mechanical parameters studied in the experiment include the peak stretch ratio in the fiber direction and the cross-fiber direction, the mechanical stretch ratio, the preload stretch ratio, the elastic modulus in the low-stress area, the elastic modulus in the high-stress area, and the anisotropy Index and ductility index. There are no statistical difference in the peak stretch ratio, mechanical stretch ratio, preload stretch ratio, elastic modulus of low stress area, elastic modulus of high stress area, anisotropy index and ductility index of fresh and unfrozen sample tissue to frozen tissue. In addition, the experiment finds that the anisotropy of frozen tissue is slightly stronger than that of fresh tissue, but fresh tissue is slightly harder than frozen tissue. Freezing-based storage has no significant effect on the mechanical properties of apical tissues.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 170-174 [Abstract] ( 30 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1970KB] ( 434 )
175 Influence of illumination intensity on performance of photovoltaic pumping irrigation system
TAN Minggao,YUN Tianping*,WU Xianfang,LIU Houlin,MA Haochen
In order to study the effect of the illumination intensity change on no photovoltaic battery working cha-racteristic of the irrigation system, a battery-less photovoltaic irrigation system test was set up, including rotary sprinklers, photovoltaic pumps, inverters, photovoltaic panels and other components. The various operating data of the system at different illumination intensities were obtained. The results show that the fluctuation of sprinkler operating pressure, sprinkler range and sprinkler rotation period are affected by the illumination intensity variation at higher illumination intensity, but at lower illumination intensity, but at lower illconination intensity, the range and pressure of the sprinkler increase with the light intensity increa-sing. Besides, the variation trend of the range is consistent with that of working pressure, but the variation trend of the rotation period is contrary to that of working pressure. The sprinkler pressure is coordinated with the pump outlet pressure and photovoltaic panel output power. The system operation parameters reach the threshold value when the illumination intensity is around 1 000 W/m2. The sprinkler maximum range and working pressure are 9.8 m and 0.44 MPa. The pump maximum flow and outlet pressure are 1.68 m3/h and 0.45 MPa. Before the threshold reaches, the pump and sprinkler have a larger operation parameters range, which are mainly affected by illumination intensity. When the light intensity is larger than the threshold the influence factors are dominated by the illumination intensity and temperature. The operation parameters change smaller at this time. The illumination intensity is a gain factor and the temperature is a depreciation factor. At lower illumination intensity, the combined average sprinkler irrigation intensity increases with the illumination intensity increasing. At higher light intensity, the combined average sprinkler irrigation intensity fluctuates with the light intensity, which is consistent with the variation trend of photovoltaic module output power. As the illumination intensity increases, the uniformity coefficients of sprinkler irrigation and distribution monotonically approach to the highest value, and the highest value of the uniformity coefficient of sprinkler irrigation reaches 0.88.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 175-180 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1911KB] ( 559 )
181 Effects of mineralization of brackish water on water-salt transport characteristics of saline-alkali soil supplemented with biochar
WANG Shibin,GAO Peiling*,ZHAO Yadong,XIANG Longkang,MENG Qingmei,NIU Xiaoyin
In order to rationally used brackish water resources and biochar improver, on the basis of water saving, the water-salt transport of brackish water under the action of biochar was studied. Indoor one-dimensional vertical infiltration test was made to study the moderate saline-alkali soil in the Yellow River Delta. The experiment included eight treatments: CK,W1,W2,W3,C1,W1C,W2C,W3C. Results show that migration depth of wetting front and the cumulative infiltration increased first and then decreased with the increase of salinity of brackish water. The infiltration performance of soil with biochar was better than that without biochar, the increase rate was 2.16%-8.54%, W2C was the best, and W1C was slightly less than W2C. The Kostiakov model could better describe the soil water infiltration process. After the infiltration experiment, the moisture content of 0—20 cm soil increased first and then decreased with the increase of salinity of brackish water, the moisture content of soil with biochar was better than that without biochar, the increase rate is 2.53%-3.95%, W2C was the best, W1C was slightly less than W2C. The soil salt content added with biochar increased with the increase of salinity of brackish water, the desalination effect of biochar treatments was better than that without biochar, and the desalting effect of 2 g/L brackish water was significant, up to 47.4%.It is recommended to add biochar to the moderate saline-alkali soil in the Yellow Delta and irrigate it with 2 g/L brackish water.

2022 Vol. 40 (2): 181-187 [Abstract] ( 27 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1613KB] ( 472 )
188 Effects of different mulching patterns on soil moisture, soil temperature and yield of kiwifruit
LIU Lihao,WANG Hui,TAN Shuai,HU Chuanwang,LU Jiayu,TONG Chenhui
In order to realize the sustainable development of kiwifruit industry, aiming at the problems such as the decline of kiwifruit yield and quality caused by the seasonal drought in South China and the high temperature stress in summer soil, the reasonable and effective mulching measures were explored to improve the soil temperature and moisture environment of orchards. Through field observation experiment, the changes of soil moisture and temperature under six different mulching treatments, including black mulching(H), white mulching(B), weed-proof mulching(F), weed-proof mulching+white mulching(F+B), straw mulching(J)and no mulching(CK), were studied, and the differences of yield and quality of kiwifruit under corresponding treatments were compared. The soil water retention effects of mulching treatments were more significant than the contrast, and the soil moisture content in 0-50 cm soil layer under H, B, F, F+B and J treatments increased by 1.1%, 1.3%, 2.2%, 2.9% and 1.6%. With the increase of soil depth, the soil moisture content increased significantly. Soil temperature under single mulching treatments decreased by 0.8-2.5 ℃ in 0-25 cm soil layer, while the soil temperature under F+B treatment increased by 0.9 ℃, and the diurnal variation of temperature under treatments decreased by 0.9-2.1 ℃. Compared with CK, each mulching treatment increased single fruit weight by 0.1%-7.7%, and the effect of F treatment was particularly significant. Meanwhile, mulching treatment had a great effect on the ratio of sugar to acid, which could increase the ratio of sugar to acid by 3.8%-33.6%.The mulching of F could improve the soil moisture, heat condition, and the yield and quality of kiwifruit. It is the more suitable covering method for orchard management in this area.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 188-195 [Abstract] ( 30 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1596KB] ( 505 )
196 Effects of residual plastic film on wetting front during soil water imbibition
LI Yue,WANG Chunxia*,JIN Yanjing,HE Xinlin
The indoor water infiltration test was used to analyze the influence of different residual film density and size on the migration of wet front by setting 6 residual film size levels, namely, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, 4.00, 8.00 cm2, and 4 residual film density levels, namely, 60, 180, 300, 420 kg/hm2, and no film control treatment. The results show that the residual film can accelerate the infiltration process and promote the infiltration in 1.53 g/cm3 clay loam. With the increase of residual film density, the area of single residual film corresponding to the maximum and minimum infiltration duration increases, and the infiltration promoting effect decreases gradually. When the residual film density is low, the influence of residual film area on the depth of wetting front is greater than that of residual film density. When the residual film density is high, the influence of residual film density is enhanced. When the area of single residual film is 0.25 cm2, the infiltration duration first decreases and then increases with the increase of residual film density, reaching the minimum value at 180 kg/hm2. After the residual film with a single area less than or equal to 0.25 cm2 is mixed into the soil, a new soil is formed, which has unique physical properties.
2022 Vol. 40 (2): 196-203 [Abstract] ( 55 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2963KB] ( 456 )
204 Ultrasonic micro-vibration deicing of flat plate for wind turbine blades
LI Yan*,DONG Xiaoyu,GUO Wenfeng,ZHANG Yingwei,
The purpose of this research is to apply the micro-vibration generated by ultrasonic to de icing the blade. Because of the large wind turbine blade, the local blade can be approximately consi-dered as the flat plate. The simulation and experimental methods were used to carry out the research of ultrasonic deicing on the plate. First of all, the variations of first-order natural frequencies with thicknesses of ice layers are simulated and analyzed by ANSYS. The variations of the maximum shear stress, at the adhesive interface between the ice layer and the aluminum plate, with the thicknesses of ice layers and the excitation frequency are analyzed. Meanwhile, the effects of excitation voltage on the shear stress and the deicing area ratio are also researched. Based on the findings, an ultrasonic deicing experimental system is designed and fabricated. The adhesive forces of ice layers are measured with ultrasonic excitation. The findings show that, when the shear stresses at the adhesive interface are distributed uniformly, and the positive and negative shear stresses are alternatively distributed regularly, the deicing area ratio is the highest, which is suitable for ultrasonic vibration deicing. The experimental results show that the ultrasonic vibration can decrease the adhesive force of ice layer dramatically. The minimum adhesive force is only 23.7% of the one with no ultrasonic vibration. The findings can lay the theoretical and experimental foundations for the application of the ultrasonic micro-vibration technology to the wind turbine deicing.

2022 Vol. 40 (2): 204-210 [Abstract] ( 32 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 38118KB] ( 389 )
211 Numerical simulation of water-sand phase flow in regulator channel of micro-sprinkler irrigation system
ZHANG Zhonghua,SUN Xiudong,XIE Jinping,Li Hua,ZHANG Dongju,JIANG Tingting,LYU Mingli*,HUA Lin

2022 Vol. 40 (2): 211-216 [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1929KB] ( 499 )

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· National Research Center of Pumps

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