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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2021 Vol.39 Issue.11
Published 2021-11-25

2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1- [Abstract] ( 31 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1138KB] ( 408 )
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 2- [Abstract] ( 33 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1033KB] ( 500 )
1081 Characteristics and application of saddle-shaped zone in performance curve of axial-flow pump system
JI Dongtao,LU Weigang*,LU Linguang,XU Lei,LIU Jun,SHI Wei
Based on the test data of the pump model for the SouthtoNorth Water Diversion Project and the model test data of pump system completed in the test rig of BeiFang Investigation, Design & Research CO, the characteristics of the saddleshaped zone of the head-flow performance curve of four typical axialflow pump systems and the corresponding axialflow pumps were analyzed and compared. It is found that there is only one saddleshaped in the saddleshaped zone of the head-flow performance curve of the axialflow pump system, while there are two saddleshaped head flow performance curve of the corresponding axialflow pump. The bottom head of the first saddle is close to the saddle bottom head of the pump system, while the bottom head of the second saddle is significantly lower than that of the saddle bottom head of the pump system. The experimental results of the flow pattern in the model test of the transparent pump system show that the second saddle bottom in the saddleshaped zone of the head-flow performance curve of the axialflow pump is a false appearance caused by the influence of the secondary backflow during the test measurement for the performance of pump model. The first saddle bottom head of the headflow performance curve of the axial-flow pump should be referred to the control head of the highest operating head of a pumping station with low lift for pump selection. If there is a model test data of the relevant pump system, the saddle bottom head of head-flow performance curve of similar pump system model test might be referred as the control head.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1081-1086 [Abstract] ( 53 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 8713KB] ( 852 )
1087 Influence of baffle length on hydraulic performance and impeller radial force of compact high-speed magnetic pump
KONG Fanyu,QIAN Wenfei*,TONG Kai,WANG Jiaqiong,ZHANG Kun
In order to investigate the influence of the internal baffle length to the hydraulic characteri-stics of the compact high-speed magnetic pump and the radial force of the impeller, six volute schemes were proposed according to the different length of the internal baffle. The single volute was set as scheme 1, and the remaining double volute schemes were set as scheme 2 to scheme 6 according to the length of internal baffle. ANSYS-CFX software was used to simulate and analyze the flow field in the pump with various volute schemes under different working conditions(0.8Qd,1.0Qd and 1.2Qd). The static pressure distribution of the pump cross section plane with different volute schemes was obtained, and the radial force was analyzed. The scheme 4 was used as the prototype of the pump, and its calculation results were compared with the experimental results. The results show that compared with the single volute pump without baffle, the double volute pump with baffle is beneficial to balance the radial force of impeller. The maximum components of radial force of single volute in x and y directions are 151.2 N and 149.7 N respectively at rated flow, which is 1.5 times of that of scheme 4. At the same time, with the increase of baffle length, the head and efficiency of the pump gradually increases, and the radial force of the impeller decreases continuously. The deviation between the simulated and the experimental results of the head under the three conditions is less than 3.0%. The numerical simulation results are credible, which provides a useful reference for improving the hydraulic performance and balancing the radial force of the impeller for the compact high-speed magnetic pump.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1087-1092 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3397KB] ( 524 )
1093 Influence of blade inlet edge position on performance of single-blade centrifugal pump
CHEN Jianfang,SHI Weidong*,ZHANG Desheng
In order to study the influence of blade inlet edge position on the performance and internal flow characteristics of single blade centrifugal pump, six impellers with different blade inlet position were designed. The numerical calculation results were verified with the experimental results, and the steady numerical calculation of the whole flow field of the pump with six kinds of impellers was carried out. The calculation results show that the proper extension of the shroud or hub along the blade inlet edge to the pump inlet can enhance the fluid control ability and work ability of the blade. The maximum head increases by 1.61 m and 0.70 m respectively, and the maximum efficiency increases by 5.23% and 2.01% respectively. If the blade inlet edge extends too much to the pump inlet, the fluid at the blade inlet will be blocked, and the pump head and efficiency will be reduced under some working conditions. The blade inlet edge extends to the pump inlet, which can reduce the energy loss of fluid at the blade inlet. It can also increase the pressure at the inlet of the blade suction surface and reduce the low-speed area in the volute. However, it will increase the low-speed area at the blade inlet, the front end of blade pressure and near the blade suction surface. Compared with the extension of the blade inlet edge along the hub to the pump inlet, the extension of the blade inlet edge along the shroud to the pump inlet has a more obvious impact on the pump head and efficiency.

2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1093-1099 [Abstract] ( 29 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3162KB] ( 724 )
1100 Tail vortex characteristics of vertex generator under ideal condition
TIAN Xiaoqing,WANG Gang,WANG Haiyang,ZHU Zefei*,PAN Huachen,LENG Jianxing
The hydrodynamic characteristics of 54 vortex generators under ideal conditions were calcula-ted by using the large eddy simulation(LES)method. The tail vortex size, spacing and strength of vertex generator(VG)under 54 working conditions were analyzed in order of three flow speeds, three geometries and six installing angles. Some of the evaluated hydrodynamics result was validated against the corresponding particle image velocimetry(PIV)experiment. The results show that the con-vortex has a larger angle along the flow-direction than that of the pro-vortex. With the increase of the distance between the vortex generator and vortex, the installing angle firstly increases and then decreases until the con-vortex is consistently coherent with the pro-vortex. It has been also found that as the absolute value of installing angle increases, the size and strength of vortex increases linearly. The distance between con-vortex and pro-vortex in a pair of vortices increases; however, the distance of next two adjacent pairs of vortexes decreases. With the increase of velocity, the vortex strength is enhanced significantly, nevertheless, the distance between successive vortices remains almost constant. The distance between con-vortex and pro-vortex in a pair increases gradually with an increase in the installing length, but the turbulence kinetic energy(TKE)distribution remains almost the same.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1100-1104 [Abstract] ( 62 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3324KB] ( 526 )
1105 Effect of medium temperature on particle deposition characteristics and performance of sealing lubrication film
CHEN Huilong,HOU Wan*,GUI Kai,ZHOU Tao,HAN Ting,LU Juncheng,ZHAO Binjuan
On the basis of considering the relationship between the saturated vapor pressure and temperature of water, the viscous temperature effect and the internal friction effect of Newtonian flui. A calculation model of gas-liquid-solid multiphase flow in micro-gap of upstream pumped mechanical seals involving lubrication film temperature was established. The effects law of medium temperature on the movement, deposition distribution, deposition rate and sealing performance of solid particles in the sealing lubrication film was studied by using Mixture model and DPM model in Fluent. The results show that when the temperature of the medium increases, the pressure in the high-pressure zone of the outer groove root decreases, and the number of inhaled particles increases.The particles entering the groove area are easier to move outwards to the groove root and dam area. Most of the particles entering the membrane area escape from the outer diameter side under the action of larger centrifugal force and pressure gradient force, and the particle deposition area shrinks to the outer groove root, and the deposition rate decreases. When the rotation speed is low, the particles tend to deposit in the groove area near the outer root and the lower the medium temperature. Tthe more the deposition area extends to the inner groove root and when the rotating speed is high, which is easy to deposit in the outer groove root and dam area. The opening force and friction torque of the lubrication film decrease with the increase of the medium temperature. The friction torque increases with the increase of the rotating speed and is more sensitive to the medium temperature, and the leakage amount moves to the direction of positive leakage with the increase of the medium temperature.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1105-1110 [Abstract] ( 30 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2350KB] ( 513 )
1111 Solid-liquid two-phase flow characteristics in pipe during large solid particles lifting
SONG Longbo,TENG Shuang,CAO Qian,KANG Can*,DING Kejin,LI Changjiang
In order to study the influence of large particle two-phase flow with different properties on the deep-sea mining transportation system, the flow characteristics in vertical pipe under different conditions were analyzed numerically by using the discrete element method(DEM)in commercial computational fluid dynamics(CFD)software STAR-CCM+. The results show that when transporting solid-liquid two-phase flow with different particle sizes, the average velocity of particles decreases with the increase of particle diameter. With the increase of the volume ratio of middle size particles(dp=15.0 mm), the average velocity of particles decreases, and the slip velocity of large particles decreases but that of small particles increases. Large particles tend to gather in the area with lower liquid velocity, while small particles tend to gather in the area with higher liquid velocity. When transporting solid-liquid two-phase flow with different shapes of particles, decreasing the particle shape coefficient causes that the average velocity of particles first decreases and then increases, the slip velocity of particles first increases and then decreases. Compared with spherical particles, particles with smaller shape coefficient suffer more serious wall effect and are prone to experience sudden velocity drop at the vicinity of wall. The average velocity of spherical particles(the shape coefficient of particles is 1.0)is the hig-hest, the slip velocity is the lowest, and the distribution of spherical particle velocity along the radial direction of the pipe is the most uniform.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1111-1117 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2647KB] ( 641 )
1118 Influence of two near-wall cylinders with different angles on flow structure in transitional flow
YIN Guangzhou,DENG Yong,ZHOU Lei,XIE Weian,XI Guannan*
In order to investigate the influence of the two near-wall cylinders with different angles on the flow structure in transition flow. A fixed Reynolds number 300 was calculated(based on the cylinder diameter D=15mm). Flow visualization experiments with the particle image velocimetry(PIV)system were conducted based on the open-loop fluid test bench. The results show that when Re number is 300, the angle γ of the two near-wall cylinders have a significant effect on the flow structure around the cylinder. The upstream cylindrical wake is suppressed with the increase of the angle γ, where the upper side is suppressed and then the lower side is suppressed and the acceleration effect of the upstream near-wall region first increases and then decreases. The downstream cylindrical wake is mainly affected from the upstream shear layer to the downstream shear layer with the increase of the angle γ. Also, the magnitude and regions of the acceleration effect increase and then stabilize in the near-wall area. The influence of the angle γ on the flow structure is gradually increased and the disturbance in the near-wall area is gradually enhanced within the cases of γ<7.6°. The influence of the angle γ on the flow structure is gradually weakened and the range of fluid disturbance tends to be stable within the cases of γ>7.6°. The transient flow characteristics were analyzed in detail for the case of γ=-7.6°. It is found that the periodic vortex shedding phenomenon is formed in the wake of two near-wall cylinders, which enhances the flow instability of the wall.

2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1118-1124 [Abstract] ( 38 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5554KB] ( 495 )
1125 Analysis of vortex structure and unstable flow characteristics of centrifugal fan
JIANG Chenlong,LI Enda,ZHU Xingye*
In order to understand the unsteady flow characteristics in the rotor region of a centrifugal fan. The matching relationship between the non-uniform inlet flow characteristics and the unstable flow in the rotor region was investigated based on the SST k-ω turbulence model. The scale and structure of the vortex in unsteady flow path of the rotor based on vortex dynamics was studied. The results show that under the design flow condition, the rotor area of the centrifugal fan presents obvious non-uniform flow characteristics, which can be divided into stable flow area and blocking area according to the air velocity and flow quality. At the same time, the flow characteristics of the inlet surface of the fan are consistent with the flow characteristics in the rotor region, and the pressure, velocity and inlet attack angle are presented non-uniform distribution. The high-speed air on the inlet surface only scours the flow path in the stable flow area of the rotor, while the low-speed flow on the inlet surface flows to each flow passage through the centrifugal force after passing through the rotor shaft. By using the methods of inlet attack angle, circular rector and tangential velocity, the channel with the most severe vortex size and blockage degree in the rotor area under rated condition is determined, and the vortex structure in the unstable channel is successfully captured by TKE and the vortex core distribution.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1125-1131 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 13633KB] ( 460 )
1132 Effect of gap ratio on vortex-induced vibration characteristics of different blunt bodies near-wall
ZHAI Shaohua,XIE Fuxing,YIN Guangzhou,XI Guannan*
In order to study the effect of different gap ratio L/D on the vortex-induced vibration cha-racteristics of a single cylinder and square cylinder near the wall, and to understand the mechanism of wake flow on the wall instability. An open circulating water tank experimental test rig was built, and two near-wall models under transition flow were experimentally studied by using Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV)system. The results show that they have similar vortex-induced vibration characteristics: When L/D is very small, the development of shear layer under blunt body is suppressed; as L/D increases, the suppression effect of the wall is weakened, and there is a tendency to form vortex pairs in the wake. The vortex gradually approaches blunt body and tends to be symmetric; As L/D increases, the acceleration effect of the fluid near the wall first increases and then decreases and there was a ten-dency to form vortex pairs at the wake. The vortex gradually approaches the blunt body and tends to be symmetrical. The scale of the vortex first increases and then decreases, the acceleration effect of the fluid near the wall first increases and then decreases, and the main vibration frequency gradually decreases; Both show periodic vortex shedding motion. There are also differences between them: The wake separation point of square cylinder is fixed, while the single cylinder is not; At the same Re, the scale of square cylinder vortex under the same L/D is larger than that of cylinder, and the velocity near the wall is also faster; As L/D increases, the amplitude of the wake of cylinder first increases and then decreases, while square cylinder keeps increasing and the main vibration frequency is slightly smaller, which indicating that the vortex shedding period of near the wall of square cylinder is longer than that of single cylinder. The above research results has certain reference value for practical engineering applications.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1132-1138 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4904KB] ( 560 )
1139 Numerical analysis of vortex noise of vertical axis aerofoil
YANG Congxin,NING Jianbin*,LI Shoutu,
To understand the vortex noise characteristics of vertical axis wind turbine aerofoil,The flow field of LUT airfoil as the research object was analyzed, by using the software Fluent. The DES turbulence model was used to calculate the flow field,and Lighthill acoustic analogy method was used to calculate the sound field around the airfoil.The aerodynamic characteristic result of the airfoil obtained from numerical simulation were compared with the wind tunnel experimental results. At the same time, the influence of different attack angle on the aerodynamic noise characteristics of the airfoil were analyzed. Finally, the effects of different Reynolds numbers on the aerodynamic noise characteristics of the sound pressure level of the airfoil was analyzed when the attack angle is 80 degree. The results show that the aerodynamic results obtained from the numerical calculation and the aerodynamic experimental results agreement well with each other. The simulation model, mesh quality and boundary conditions established are reasonable and effective. With the increase of attack angle, the vortex shedding of the airfoil pushes from the trailing edge to the leading edge, and the vortex shedding intensity increases and the aerodynamic noise increases. With the increase of Reynolds number, the sound pressure level(SPL)around the airfoil first increases then decreases. The Reynolds number is closely associated with SPL,and control the blade Reynolds number helps reduce the noise, which provides a theoretical basis for the airfoil to be suitable for low noisevertical axis blades.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1139-1145 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 7859KB] ( 487 )
1146 Hydrological simulation and evaluation of multi-source precipitation products in different climatic zones
FENG Kepeng,TIAN Juncang*,HONG Yang,TANG Guoqiang,KAN Guangyuan,LUO Xiangyu
Using NOAA-CPC-US precipitation products as a reference, eight watersheds in different climatic zones in the United States were selected. Through comparative analysis, the accuracy of satellite precipitation PERSIANN and GPM-IMERG, radar precipitation StageIV, and the fifth-generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis global climate data ERA5 were evaluated. Then, five types of precipitation data driven distributed hydrological models(CREST)were used to evaluate their utility in runoff simulation. The results show that radar precipitation StageIV has the best precipitation estimation accuracy in eight different climatic zones, followed by GPM-IMERG and PERSIANN satellite precipitation and ERA5 climate model precipitation. In runoff simulation, Stage IV and NOAA-CPC-US perform well in watersheds in different climatic zones, which can meet the hydrological simulation needs of watersheds in different climatic zones. The rainfall-runoff simulation capabilities of precipitation GPM-IMERG and PERSIANN is not consistent in different climate zones, and the stability is not high. The climate zone located in low latitudes is better than that in high latitudes.In general, the precipitation GPM-IMERG is better than PERSIANN and these two precipitation products need to be further verified when used in hydrological simulation. The hydrological simulation effect of ERA5 precipitation is not atisfactory and cannot support the hydrological simulation of small watersheds in diffe-rent climatic zones.

2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1146-1153 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3133KB] ( 830 )
1154 Effect of metakaolin content on performance of high strength manufactured sand concrete
LI Bo,ZHOU Hailong*,LIANG Yujing,HE Yong,LYU Zhigang,YANG Fuguang
The effects of metakaolin(MK)content on the compressive strength and resistance to chloride ion penetration of high strength manufactured sand concrete were studied by using scanning electron microscope(SEM), mercury intrusion method(MIP), and rapid chloride ion mobility coefficient(RCM)methods. The study finds that the addition of MK can effectively improve the mechanical pro-perties and resistance to chloride ion penetration of high strength manufactured sand concrete. With the increase of the amount of MK, both the compressive strength and the resistance to chloride ion pene-tration increase first and then decrease. The optimal MK content is 8%. At this time, the 28-day compressive strength is 98.5 MPa, which is increased by 13% compared with the benchmark group, and the chloride ion migration coefficient is 1.89×10-12 m2/s, which is 60% lower than the benchmark group. The microstructure test shows that the appropriate amount of metakaolin can effectively promote cement hydration. The synergistic effect of MK particle nucleation effect and micro aggregate filling effect of metakaolin particles makes the microstructure of the machined sand concrete more uniform and dense. The number of harmful holes and harmful holes of manufactured sand concrete are reduced, and fewer harmful holes are increased, and thereby improving the compressive strength and resistance to chloride ion penetration of the sand concrete.

2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1154-1160 [Abstract] ( 55 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2997KB] ( 552 )
1161 Dynamic distribution of water, salt and temperature in soil profile during freezing and thawing in cotton field under mulch drip irrigation
LIAO Hai,LI Xianwen,CHEN Junying,*
In order to reveal the dynamic changes of soil water, salt and temperature in cotton field under mulch drip irrigation during freeze-thaw period in arid area. The Hydra water, salt and hydrothermal system was used to monitor the liquid moisture, temperature and conductivity at the depth of 15 cm, 25 cm and 40 cm between wide rows, narrow rows and inter-membrane during freeze-thaw period. The dynamic change process of soil water, salt and heat during freeze-thaw period was analyzed. The results show that the dynamic changes of liquid moisture, conductivity and temperature in the same position at different depths were consistent. During the freeze-thaw period, the law of salt vertical migration is that the salt in deep soil moves to the surface layer. The freeze-thaw effect redistributes the salt and aggravates the salt content in the soil at the depth of 40 cm, and increase range of conductivity is 20-80 μS/cm. The relationship between the conductivity values in different positions before and after freeze-thaw is: wide row>narrow row>between films. In the process of freezing and thawing, there is a strong positive correlation between soil temperature, liquid moisture and electrical conductivity at different positions(P<0.01), and the correlation coefficient is above 0.74. However, there is also a strong multivariate linear function relationship between electrical conductivity and temperature and liquid moisture(P<0.01), and the number of phase relationships is greater than 0.90. Freezing and thawing are not coincident processes, but the bifurcation points will appear in the process, which will appear near -1 ℃. The research results have important refe-rence significance for formulating reasonable water and salt management system in non-growth period.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1161-1168 [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3099KB] ( 450 )
1169 Design and sprinkler irrigation experiment of controllable fertilizer applicator based on plunger pump and single chip microcomputer
ZHU Mei,GU Jialin*,CHU Chenggui,LI Xiaole,ZHU Dequan
In order to realize the accurate flow and no head loss of the integrated fertilization equipment, a high precision controllable fertilizer applicator based on plunger pump and single chip microcomputer was designed. The fertilization uniformity experiments of sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation systems with six flow gradients under constant flow mode was carried out. Under the ratios of water and fertilizer of 1∶10, different working conditions of total flow rate of two kinds of sprinklers were designed. The stabilizing effect of the constant water-fertilizer application with that of inconstant one on the fertilizer concentration in the branch tube of integrative water and fertilizer was compared. The result show that when the flow rates of the fertilizer are 100 L/h, 200 L/h, 400 L/h, 600 L/h, 800 L/h and 1 000 L/h under the constant-current mode, the coefficient of unifor-mity CU of sprinkler is 99.33%-99.71%, and the coefficient of variation CV is 0.35%-0.75%. CU and CV are positively and negatively correlated with the flow rate of fertilizer applicator. The conductivity equivocation EC_- of sprinkling fertilizer has a significant positive correlation with the total average conductivity of fertilizer liquid sprayed and the flow rate of the fertilizer applicator. In the constant water fertilizer ratio mode, the fertilizer concentration in the pipeline of the experimental group tends to be stable at 160 s, and the deviation rate between the conductivity value and the target value is less than 4%, respectively. The experiment of constant flow mode of fertilizer applicator show that the variation coefficient of fertilizer uniformity under large flow is only 50% of that under small flow. It is an effective way to achieve variable fertilization with high uniformity for the sprinkler system of integrative water and fertilizer by changing the flow rate of the fertilizer applicator. The experiment shows that the constant-current mode can effectively reduce the external influence on the fertilizer concentration in the branch tube.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1169-1176 [Abstract] ( 43 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1385KB] ( 518 )
1177 Particle kinematics analysis of droplet drift in plant protection UAV spraying operation
ZOU Xiong,XU Rangshu*,LI Jingchun,LIU Zilin
In order to study the effect of droplet drift on spray quality of plant protection UAV, based on the theory of multiphase flow and the method of particle kinematics, the force and motion trajectory of droplet sprayed by plant protection UAV are theoretically analyzed and mathematically modeled. On the basis of the assumption of the velocity of wind in the ground layer and the laminar sublayer, that is, it is assumed that the velocity of the wind in the area of wind measurement is approximately a linear distribution. Then we carry out coupling iterative solution of the equation, and analyze the influence of droplet diameter, flight altitude, the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the UAV, the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the wind, the magnitude and direction of the initial velocity of the droplet to droplet drift. We further discuss the influence of the coupling action between various factors on droplet drift to get the concentration distribution of droplet drift. The results show that the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the wind have much influence on the drift distance of the droplets, and the drift distance and the initial velocity angle show a quadratic function distribution. Under the given conditions, it is calculated that the initial velocity angle is the closest to the drift distance at about 20°. The droplet drift is mainly distributed scatteredly around the nozzle.
2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1177-1181 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1715KB] ( 543 )
1182 Analysis of drought stress in strawberry based on dynamic fluorescence index
JING Min*,MA Zhenyuan,YANG Fan,ZHANG Qi,DING Min,CHEN Manlong,
A chlorophyll fluorescence image acquisition system of strawberry seedlings was designed for investigating the relationship between drought stress and fluorescence image parameters of strawberry seedlings. The strawberry seedlings under different stress components were actively excited by using a 460 nm LED light source, and the fluorescence images from excitation to the steady-state stage were collected. Based on maximum interclass variance method, a threshold segmentation method and image de-background method were proposed for image preprocessing. The fluorescence quenching curve was plotted according to the mean pixel value of each image. The correlation between fluorescence decay ratio, dynamic fluorescence index and stress days was analyzed. The results show that the fluorescence quenching curve of isolated leaves has a large variation in decay, and the fluorescence decay ratio was highly correlated with the time of drought stress with a coefficient of determination R2=0.98. Comparing with the control group, the fluorescence decay ratio of living strawberry seedlings changes significantly within 7 days of drought stress. The dynamic fluorescence index at 550 s of the fluorescence quenching curve has a high correlation with the number of days of drought stress(coefficient of determination R2=0.84)that, which can be used as a model analyzing the drought condition of strawberry seedlings. The digitally processed fluorescence images can directly analyze the two-dimensional fluorescence distribution of leaf fluorescence and compare fluorescence information of leaves between different stress days. The chlorophyll fluorescence analysis combined with the digital images is more economical and intuitive than the traditional fluorescence detection method. It can be used as an agricultural production monitoring method to realize drought stress early warning.

2021 Vol. 39 (11): 1182-1188 [Abstract] ( 31 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1784KB] ( 454 )

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