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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2021 Vol.39 Issue.4
Published 2021-04-25

2021 Vol. 39 (4): 1- [Abstract] ( 18 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1031KB] ( 364 )
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 2- [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1032KB] ( 419 )
325 Numerical Simulation on gas-liquid two-phase flowin centrifugal pump based on MUSIG model
YUAN Shouqi,HE Wenting,SI Qiaorui*,YUAN Jianping,ZHANG Haoyang,CUI Qianlei
The Eulerian-Eulerian two-phase flow model used in the simulation of the the gas-liquid two-phase flow pump cannot consider the air bubbles diameter changing. There is a certain gap between the simulation result and the test when the gas content is relatively high. The MUSIG model, which is a new type of expansion model based on original Eulerian-Eulerian model can calculate more accurately. Comparison with the experimental data shows that when the gas content is about 5%, the external cha-racteristic curve calculated by the MUSIG model has a slight deviation from the experimental results, but the overall trend is in good agreement. Based on the original model, the flow characteristics inside the pump for different IGVF(inlet gas volume fraction)show that the increase of the inlet gas content will cause entire flow instability and streamline turbulence; the gas phase will gradually accumulate in the middle of the should and the flow channel; the pressure of the impeller drops. These phenomena will gradually intensify with the IGVF increasing and head and efficiency will decrease obviously.When the gas content is less than 3%, the internal flow is relatively stable; when the inlet gas content is 5%, the performance will suddenly drop, and the gas accumulation occurs in flow channel.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 325-330 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 17872KB] ( 651 )
331 Effect of blade arrangement on radial force of double suction centrifugal pump
ZHAO Wanyong,CHEN Shuai*,ZHAO Qiang,MA Dedong,LIANG Yunsheng,PENG Huting
In order to study the influence of blade arrangement on the radial force of double suction centrifugal pump, the unsteady simulation calculation of three blade arrangement scheme. Was carried out under the condition that other external factors remain unchanged. The results show that compared with the symmetrical arrangement scheme, the staggered 30° blade arrangement can effectively improve the head of centrifugal pump, and the staggered 15° blade has a negative effect on the head of centrifugal pump. At the same time, the efficiency of the centrifugal pump will be reduced by using the staggered arrangement scheme. Under the design condition, compared with the symmetrical arrangement scheme, the staggered arrangement of the blades can effectively reduce the pressure pulsation level in the centrifugal pump, and the larger the stagger angle, the more obvious the pressure pulsation level decreases. The staggered arrangement of blades can effectively reduce the magnitude of the steady-state radial force acting on the impeller, and the staggered arrangement of 30 ° can reduce the steady-state radial force by 42.284% under the condition of 1.1Qd. In the end, the staggered 30 ° arrangement of the blades has the most obviously effect on improving the pulsation characteristics and amplitude of the transient radial force on the impeller.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 331-337 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3216KB] ( 448 )
338 Influence of unsteady flow on pressure pulsation characteristics in high-temperature molten salt pump
GAO Bo*,LI Chao,NI Dan,ZHOU Wenjie,CHEN Jinbo
In order to explore the correlation between the unsteady flow structures and pressure pulsation in high-temperature molten salt pump for concentrating solar power(CSP)plants, a model of pump and the storage tank was constructed, the numerical calculation based on the RNG k-ε turbulence model was carried out, and the characteristics of the pressure pulsation spectrum and the evolution of the vortex structure in different operating conditions were analyzed. The results show that rotor/stator interaction(RSI)stimulates blade passing frequency(fBPF)and diffuser passing frequency(fDPF)signals, which are dominated in pressure pulsation spectra. The pressure pulsation amplitude varies with the operating conditions and the positions in the pump. There are multiple evolutions of unsteady vortex structures captured by Q-criterion, respectively, including trailing edge shedding vortex((2-3)fR), suction surface shedding vortex(3fR)and the like. Correlation analysis shows that the pressure pulsation amplitude of the vortex evolution region increases significantly, whose frequency is consistent with the vortex shedding frequency. The conclusion is that pressure pulsation is closely rela-ted to vortex structure evolution.The results provide a basis for revealing the unsteady flow excitation characteristics and hydraulic optimization in molten salt pump.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 338-344 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 11142KB] ( 393 )
345 Effect of screw centrifugal inducer on mechanical characteristics of vortex pump
In order to optimize the ability of the vortex pump to transport complex medium and solid phase particle fluid and improve the efficiency of solid-liquid two-phase flow, the screw centrifugal inducer with guiding and propelling function was added in front of the impeller. Through the numerical calculation and test of 150WX-200-20 vortex pump, the performance change of vortex pump with and without inducer was obtained. On this basis, the mechanical characteristics of vortex pump and flow characteristics were combined to analyze the influence of screw centrifugal inducer on the mechanical characteristics of vortex pump. The results show that the fluid movement pattern in the bladeless cavity changes under the action of the inducer, generating vortices, secondary flows and other phenomena, intensifying the intensity of pressure pulsation, but the amplitude of pressure pulsation tends to decrease. The pressure pulsation intensity in the volute is not only related to the relative position of the monitoring point and the tongue, but also related to the cross section area of the flow surface where the monitoring point is.When the section area of the monitoring point can ensure that the fluid is constrai-ned by the volute and the fluid flow is more uniform, the pressure pulsation of the monitoring point is smaller. The addition of inducer will make the impeller fluid from the axial movement to radial movement, so as to weaken the size of the axial force. And meanwhile, the asymmetric structure of single blade inducer will aggravate the fluctuation. This research is of great significance to understanding the change of pressure pulsation in the vortex pump, weakening the axial force and improve the running stability of the pump.

2021 Vol. 39 (4): 345-350 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 8467KB] ( 437 )
351 Numerical simulation on influence of tooth clearance on twin screw turbine leakage
CAO Ling,JIANG Xiaoping*,PAN Huishan,ZHOU Chenjia
In order to reduce the effect of leakage flow on the twin screw hydraulic turbine efficiency,the two-thirds of tooth of double screw pump as turbine was selected. Firstly, simplified geometric mo-del was established according to the principle of twin screw pump inner clearance between teeth. A mathematical model of the leak path between the teeth was built by using the theory of the shear flow caused by relative motion in turbine cavity and differential pressure flow caused by differential pressure of the chamber at all levels. SCORG and Pumplinx software were used to conduct full flow field numerical simulation on the twin screw hydraulic turbine, and the flow field distribution and flow rate variation law were obtained under different tooth clearances of the twin screw turbine. The results show that the screw pressure distribution law under different clearances is basically consistent, the pressure distribution in each sealing chamber is basically uniform, and the pressure in each adjacent chamber from the inlet to the outlet presents a linear downward trend. There are several leakage channels near the clea-rance between the screw teeth. Under the action of the pressure difference of each chamber, there is no obvious high velocity zone in the first stage of the cavity, and obvious high-speed leakage occurs from the second stage of the cavity. With the increase of the gap between teeth, leakage area and leakage rate of tooth-side clearance in the same cavity increase. The fluid leakage from the inlet to the outlet and volume loss increase as well. When tooth clearance are 0.04 and 0.08, 0.12, 0.16 and 0.20 mm, the volume losses caused by the clearance are 4.03%, 4.57%, 5.00%, 5.43% and 5.72% respectively.

2021 Vol. 39 (4): 351-357 [Abstract] ( 34 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 6935KB] ( 387 )
358 Axial tip flow and performance analysis of squealer tip clearance for liquid ring pump blade
ZHANG Chen*,ZHANG Renhui,LI Rennian,MENG Fanrui
In order to improve the leakage flow structure of the axial tip clearance of the liquid ring pump and improve the hydraulic performance of the liquid ring pump, the axial squealer tip of the li-quid blade was designed. Taking the 2BEA-203 liquid ring pump as the research object, the numerical simulation method was used to analyze the leakage flow of the axial clearance of the impeller of the liquid ring pump and its interaction with the main flow. The leakage flow and performance for both the squealer tip and the flat tip were compared. The results show that the flow in the liquid ring pump presents a complex three-dimensional structure, and the squealer tip clearance can improve the efficiency and vacuum within a certain range. When the flow rate is 0.07 kg/s, the vacuum is 5.26% higher than that of flat top blade, and the vacuum and efficiency of other flow rate conditions are also slightly improved.The structure of the angular vortex near the tip of the blade pressure surface and the leakage vortex behind the blade suction surface of the blade is basically similar to that of the flat tip of the blade except the squealer vortex and squealer angular vortex in the squealer. The strength of the angular vortex near the blade pressure surface and the leakage vortex behind the blade suction surface of the axial blade tip increases gradually from the rim to the hub, and the strength of the angle vortex and the leakage vortex can be weakened to some extent by the squealer axial blade tip. In the region of gas distribution, the strength of tip leakage vortex is higher than that of liquid distribution. Due to the buf-fer effect of the squealer, the leakage velocity, turbulence intensity and total pressure loss in the clea-rance and behind the blade suction surface are reduced to a certain extent, so the suction vacuum and efficiency of the pump are improved.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 358-363 [Abstract] ( 56 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4478KB] ( 501 )
364 Process evaluation for governance effect of groundwater over-exploitation in Hebei Province
YU Xiang,XIE Jiancang,JIANG Rengui*,ZHAO Yong,YANG Xiaoyu,LIANG Jichao
In order to solve the problem of the serious groundwater over-exploitation, a series of comprehensive management measures have been implemented in Hebei Province. But how to effectively persevere in the governance work in the long run depends on scientific and rational evaluation. Therefore, to realize the process evaluation of governance effect based on the comprehensive integrated platform, the process of groundwater governance effect evaluation model was put forward, meanwhile, the evaluation index system for themed evaluation was established, and component technology along with integrated technology as used to realize the componentization for evaluation methods. Taking Hengshui city as an example, and using grey relational evaluation and impact factor correlation analysis method, the evaluation for governance effect during 2013—2017 was carried out. Four evaluation themes including the groundwater environment theme, the water resource utilization theme, the soil environment theme and the social economic theme were applied. The results show that the groundwater over-exploitation has been effectively alleviated since 2014, the evaluation grades of 2016 and 2017 are good, and the governance effect is obvious. The process evaluation of governance effects provides scientific evidence for the prevention and control of groundwater over-exploitation, thus promoting the sustainable development of the groundwater resources.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 364-371 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2642KB] ( 450 )
372 Experimental study on flow error of a new type of ultrasonic square flume
FU Bo,HE Xinlin*,CHEN Jinshui,ZHAO li,DENG Xiaolai,XIN Bo
In order to improve the flow measurement accuracy of the new ultrasonic square measuring flume under the condition of non-submerged outflow, hydraulic contraction sections were added before and after the square flume and hydraulic formula was introduced to assist the flow measurement. Finally, the flow error comparison test was carried out with the triangular weir. Results show that the flow measurement error of square channel without contraction section is less than 8% under the condition of submerged outflow; the flow measurement error of square channel with contraction section is less than 8% when the flow rate is greater than 0.1 m3/s, and the calculation error of flow formula in the contraction section is less than 5% when the flow rate is less than 0.1 m3/s. The method of flow measurement assisted by contraction section and hydraulic formula can improve the accuracy of flow measurement of square channel under the condition of non-submerged outflow, furthermore, the applicability of the square channel is improved. It lays a foundation for the application of ultrasonic square measuring flume in actual water measurement. This new type of flume with high precision, strong adaptability and simple flow measurement can save the manpower and material resources needed for open channel water measurement, and promote the construction process of information water measurement in irrigated areas.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 372-378 [Abstract] ( 54 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2035KB] ( 425 )
379 Numerical study on two-phase flow in horizontal pipe
WU Yuting,XU Kewei,KIM Hyoungbum,*
Two-phase flow in a horizontal pipe was investigated by using numerical and experimental visualization method. A horizontal pipe was built for qualitative and quantitative flow visualization. The length of horizontal pipe flow system is 9.5 m and the inner diameter is 51 mm. High-speed video method was used for the qualitative visualization and PIV method was applied for the quantitative visua-lization. The same geometry model was used for the numerical study. Three flow regimes including stratified flow, elongated bubble and slug flow field were generated and visualized by using numerical and experimental method. The results show similarities between experiment and simulation qualitati-vely. In addition, more quantitative results can be analyzed by numerical method. Development and decay process of slug flow was investigated and we found the decay of slug heavily depends on the magnitude of nose velocity and its lasting time. It can also be found that the liquid superficial velocity plays a significant role in affecting the slug frequency. When keeping the gas superficial velocity constant, the frequency will increase with the liquid superficial velocity.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 379-385 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 10022KB] ( 425 )
386 Numerical analysis of performance of cyclone separator with recovery of waste heat
QI Mei,WANG Botao*,CHEN Qingguang,FU Qiqi
In some cases, there is a great amount of waste heat from the gas discharged by the cyclone separator. In order to recycle the waste heat of flue gas, save energy and reduce emissions, heat exchange tubes of different diameters were installed on the outside of the cyclone wall. The separation efficiency and heat transfer efficiency of cyclone separator before and after installing heat exchange pipes with different diameters were compared and analyzed by numerical simulation. The numerical results show that the installation of 80 mm and 100 mm diameter heat exchange tubes has little effect on the internal flow field of the cyclone separator, and the separation efficiency of the two models is reduced by an average of about 1% compared with that without heat exchange tube. Besides, compared with the 80 mm diameter heat exchange tube, the cyclone separator with a 100 mm diameter heat exchange tube has a gas temperature drop of about 2 ℃, and the heat transfer coefficient of the two models on the heat transfer surface is almost the same. Finally, due to the high flow rate of the processed gas and the large amount of heat absorbed, it is the best to use a cyclone with a heat exchange tube with a diameter of 100mm. The research can offer a reference for the design and optimization of cyclone separators that take into account both separation efficiency and waste heat recovery effect.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 386-391 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5633KB] ( 457 )
392 Influence of different valve closing rules and outlet form on pipeline water hammer
MO Xuying,ZHENG Yuan*,KAN Kan,ZHANG Haisheng
In order to study the impact of different closing methods of pipeline end valves on the water hammer at the end of the pipeline and the overall water hammer pressure under accident conditions, the modeling and calculation of long-distance pressurized water pipelines have the characteristics of simple pipelines, fewer types of solution information, and large amounts of data. Using the characteristic line method to simulate the hydraulic transient process of the water supply pipeline of Shandong Laicheng Power Plant, and analyze the influence of different valve closing laws on the water hammer at the end of the pipeline. The results show that the closing law of the outlet valve has a great influence on the end water hammer. Due to the limitation of the valve itself, a large end water hammer will still be generated when the outlet valve is closed according to the optimal closing law. Other protective mea-sures are required to eliminate or reduce the end. Water hammer. A new type of pipeline water outlet that can effectively reduce water hammer at the end is proposed and verified. Through comparison and verification, it is found that the maximum internal water pressure of the pipeline drops from 128 MPa to 70 MPa after using the new type of water outlet, which can effectively reduce the peak water hammer pressure and prevent Pipeline accidents caused by outlet valve failure or loss of power will further improve the safety and stability of water pipelines, and the cost of transformation will be lower, providing new ideas for water hammer protection at the end of the pipeline.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 392-396 [Abstract] ( 31 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2710KB] ( 541 )
397 Assessment of accuracy and runoff simulation of Stage IV, GPM, TRMM precipitation products in small watershed
FENG Kepeng,TIAN Juncang*,HONG Yang,TANG Guoqiang,KAN Guangyuan,LUO Xiangyu
The accuracy of TRMM 3B42 V7, GPM-IMERG satellite precipitation, and Stage IV radar precipitation was compared and analyzed in the Little Washita River Basin, Oklahoma, the USA, using ground observation precipitation reference. The CREST, a distributed hydrological model, was driven by these three precipitation products and evaluated its hydrological simulation utility. The research shows that the correlation coefficient between the three kinds of precipitation products and ground precipitation is more significant than 0.5, passed the 0.05 confidence level test. GPM-IMERG and TRMM3B42 V7 precipitation have the underestimation of no rain and light rain, and the overestimation of heavy rain and violent rain; in general, Stage IV has the best precision, next, GPM precipitation accuracy is better than TRMM 3B42 V7. In the hydrological simulation utility evaluation, the same ca-libration period was set and the CREST model parameters were calibrated using three kinds of precipitation products. After the set of parameters is obtained, the basin's daily runoff process is simulated in the same validation period. The comparison results show that Stage IV radar precipitation has the best effect in small watershed hydrological simulation, followed by GPM-IMERG, and TRMM 3B42 V7 simulation effect is not ideal.

2021 Vol. 39 (4): 397-403 [Abstract] ( 40 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2943KB] ( 456 )
404 Effects of water deficit on quality and yield of pepper under mulched drip irrigation in cold Oasis Region
GAO Jia,ZHANG Hongbin,ZHANG Hengjia*,BA Yuchun
To reveal the response of the yield and quality of pepper under water deficit of irrigation, taking the pepper variety ″Long Jiao 6″ as testing sample, there levels of water stress, i.e., mild(65%-75% FC), moderate(55%-65% FC)and severe(45%-55% FC)were applied at the seedling stage of pepper, and mild water stress was composed at the full fruit stages and later fruiting stages, with the treatment of full water supply(75%-85% FC)during the whole pepper growth stage as control. Various water treatments pepper fertility final quality index(VCcontent, soluble sugar content, soluble solids content and soluble protein content)and yield were determinated. The result indicates that different levels of water deficit in the seedling stage couldn′t suppress the quality of pepper(P>0.05). At the full fruit stage, mild water stress increased the quality of the second harvest of pepper(VC content: 7.8%-9.1%;soluble sugar content: 9.8%-10.6%; soluble solid content: 4.2%-4.7%; soluble protein content: 9.4%-10.4%). The severe water stress at the seedling stage decreased VC content 2.20%. It follows from this that at the full fruit stage, mild water stress improved overall the quality of pepper. The yield of the mild water stress at the seedling and full fruit stages was the highest, it was 36 107.61 kg/hm2.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 404-409 [Abstract] ( 28 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1330KB] ( 410 )
410 Effects of water regulation on physiological characteristics and water use of apple-soybean alley cropping system
ZHOU Xuan,WANG Ruoshui*,LI Chaonan,ZHENG Chenghao,LIU Wenzhi,BI Huaxing,
In order to investigate the effects of water regulation on the leaf physiological characteristics, water use and grain yield in an apple(Malus pumila)-soybean(Glycine max)alley cropping system, a two-year field experiment combined mulching with regulated deficit irrigation was carried out in the Loess Plateau of Shanxi Province. Three levels of irrigation thresholds were set: 55%(W1), 70%(W2), and 85%(W3)of field capacity, two kinds of mulching materials included straw mulching(M1)and plastic film mulching(M2), and three control treatments were clear tillage(CK0), straw mulching without irrigation(CK1)and plastic mulching without irrigation(CK2), respectively. The results indicated that the water regulation increased the chlorophyll relative content(SPAD), net photosynthetic rate(Pn)and leaf water use efficiency(LWUE)of apple and soybean during the growth period, and the maximum value of Pn and LWUE was observed in M2W2 treatment. Apple shading inhibited the Pn and LWUE of soybean, which showed that a reducing trend with the decrease of tree row. Irrigation, mulching and interaction had very significant effects on soybean yield and water use efficiency(WUE). Compared with other treatments, M2W2 treatment could increase the yield by 9.48%~103.90%, and WUE could increase by 11.07%-118.08%. The multi-index comprehensive evaluation and analysis showed that the optimum water-saving regulation method was as follows: co-vering plastic film in young apple-soybean intercropping system, combined with irrigation with the upper limit of soil moisture of 70% field capacity at the branching stage and the grain filling stage.

2021 Vol. 39 (4): 410-418 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1680KB] ( 421 )
419 Soil water-salt transport and distribution characteristics in sandwich structure
DONG Qianqian,XU Zhongyu,FAN Wenbo*,WEI Jiantao,
To explore the soil water-salt transport and temporal-spatial distribution characteristics of the sandwich structure formed by plastic film mulching,plough layer and plough pan under drip irrigation, the design depth of plough layer was set to 30 cm. Three irrigation treatments under infiltration and evaporation conditions(SW1:2 L;SW2:3 L;SW3:5 L)and three soil configuration treatments under the same irrigation volume(SW3:sandwich structure;LW3:no film mulching with plough pan;CK:homogeneous soil)were set. The results show that the soil water content of single plough layer and soil column is compared and analyzed by single factor variance method in the infiltration process. It is found that the soil profile moisture content of three irrigation treatments under sandwich structure has extremely significant difference(P<0.01);there is no significant difference between SW3 treatment and LW3 treatment without plastic film mulching,but there are significant differences between the two treatments and CK treatment(P<0.05). In the sandwich structure,the water infiltration rate is slowed down,the infiltration time is prolonged,and the soil moisture content in the plough layer increases by 22.52%~29.33%. The salt is leached to the plough pan,and the salt leaching effect is inferior to that of the homogeneous soil. In the evaporation process,the inhibition rate of the sandwich structure on soil surface salinity is as high as 88.65%,and the water inhibition rate is 57.65%. The sandwich structure has the optimal effect on inhibition of water and salt evaporation. The research provides a theoretical reference for improving and using saline alkali land and preventing salt accumulation under water-saving conditions.

2021 Vol. 39 (4): 419-425 [Abstract] ( 24 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1980KB] ( 467 )
426 Effect of biochar application in different saline soils on physiological growth of maize
ZE Yuwen,ZHU Chengli*,HUANG Mingyi,ZHAO Hongyu,ZHAI Yaming
In order to explore the biochar application schemes suitable for different coastal saline soils, the maize growth experiment was conducted in two typical saline soils(silt loam, sandy loam)from the coastal reclamation area of Jiangsu. The effect of biochar(0, 25, 50, 75, 100 g/kg )on the reclamation of coastal saline soils and the maize physiolo-gical growth was discussed. The results showed that biochar decreased the electrical conductivity and Na+ concentration; and increased Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ concentration; biochar decreased the bulk density of the 0—20 cm layer of costal saline soils,and increased the porosity and organic matter content. Appropriate biochar application promoted the photosynthesis ability of maize, increasing the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content of leaves. At the same time, biochar mitigated the salt stress of saline soil on maize, resulting in lower leaf abscisic acid content and ωNa+K+ ratio. The leaf hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde were significantly reduced by biochar, indicating the alleviated oxidative stress response. The suitable biochar addition amount varied with soil texture. In silt loam soil, the physiological and maize yield index reached their peak at 50 g/kg. Biochar application up to 75 and 100 g/kg caused pore blocked and aggravated soil salt accumulation, inhibited photosynthesis, increased salt stress and oxidative damage, and interfered with maize growth and yield. In sandy loam soil, 25 g/kg biochar had little effect on the soil and maize. When it increased to 50 g/kg and above, the effect was significant, but there was no significant difference between 75 g/kg and 100 g/kg treatment. Studies have shown that the suitable biochar additions for the improvement of silt loam and sandy loam are 50 and 75 g/kg, respectively.
2021 Vol. 39 (4): 426-432 [Abstract] ( 34 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1761KB] ( 475 )

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