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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2020 Vol.38 Issue.8
Published 2020-08-25


2020 Vol. 38 (8): 1- [Abstract] ( 26 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1641KB] ( 751 )

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 2- [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 711KB] ( 420 )
757 Numerical simulation of different blade tip clearances on internal flow characteristics in mixed-flow pump
ZHANG Desheng*,SHEN Xi,DONG Yaguang,WANG Chaochao,LIU An,SHI Weidong
To investigate the effects of tip clearance on the performance and unsteady flow in the mixed-flow pump, four sizes of tip clearances, 0, 0.25, 1.00, 2.00 mm, were selected to conduct simulation calculation based on SST k-ω turbulence model. The pressure difference distribution, lea-kage flow rate, inlet axial velocity distribution and tip leakage vortex rotation intensity were analyzed. The results show that the leakage of the model pump from impeller inlet to impeller outlet shows a ten-dency of increasing first and then decreasing under different operating conditions, which is the same as the variation trend of pressure difference in the clearance. With the increase of the gap size, the lea-kage of the blade tip also increases, which leads to the increase of the energy loss of the pump. It is found by comparison that the clearance size is the main factor affecting the leakage. Under the part-loading conditions, the rotation intensity of the leakage vortex formed by the interaction between tip blade leakage flow and main flow gradually increases with the increase of blade tip clearance.Part of leakage flow enters the passage of adjacent blades, leading to flow instability. As a result, the energy loss and flow instability of the pump show an increasing trend with the increase of gap size. With the increase of flow rate, the rotation intensity of tip leakage vortex gradually decreases at different clearances.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 757-763 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3481KB] ( 799 )
764 Numerical analysis of cavitation characteristics of horizontal axial-flow pump
LIANG Wuke*,HOU Cong,DONG Wei,WEI Qingxi,WU Zijuan
The cavitation inside the axial flow pump is an important factor that affects the energy conversion of the impeller, resulting in a decline in the performance of the axial pump. In order to study the cavitation inside the axial flow pump, the axial flow pump TZX-700 was taken as the research object. The axial flow pump had no rear guide vane compared with the general axial flow pump. The horizontal axial-flow pump was tested and numerically simulated, and the test results were consistent with the numerical calculation results, which verified the accuracy of the numerical calculation. The numerical simulation of the whole flow channel was carried out under the design condition and the small flow condition. The cavitation characteristic curve, the static pressure distribution of the suction side and the pressure surface of the blade, and the cavitation volume fraction distribution were analyzed. The results show that the cavitation has occurred on the suction side of the blade at an inlet pressure of 101.325 kPa. On the blade pressure surface, when NPSHa drops to the critical cavitation margin NPSHcr=7.79 m, a small amount of vacuoles are produced near the top of the leaf near the inlet. With the decline of NPSHa, the cavitation area on the surface of the blade is further increased, which has a significant influence on the flow field in the impeller, resulting in a sharp drop in the lift. Under the inlet pressure of the same axial flow pump, the cavitation area of the blade surface is further enlarged under the small flow condition compared with the design flow condition, and the cavitation phenomenon is further developed from the inlet edge near the rim to the outlet edge and the blade root and become more serious.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 764-769 [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4057KB] ( 633 )
770 Flexible body dynamics of five-cylinder reciprocating pump crankshaft
CHEN Li*,FU Yihong,CHEN Hongjun,GUAN Ruguang,XU Xiaodong
The crankshaft is the key moving part and stressed part of the reciprocating pump. The crankshaft is composed of multiple eccentric shafts, which is not conducive to avoid stress concentration due to structural mutation. Because the crankshaft bears the combined bending and torsion stress, it is very difficult to calculate accurately. Taking the crankshaft calculation of a five-cylinder reciprocating pump as an example, ADAMS software was used to calculate the flexible body dynamics of the crankshaft system, and obtain the motion law and stress situation of the crankshaft in four cycles. The results show that the chamfering stress of the five cranks is large, and the accurate extreme stress point and corresponding position are found out. The maximum value of the chamfer stress on the left side of crank 2 is 93.23 MPa, which appears periodically at the four angular positions of 216°, 575°, 936° and 1 296°. The results are verified by statics. The maximum stress value of statics calculation is 92.46 MPa, with a deviation of 0.8%. The calculation results are basically consistent with the actual work of the crankshaft, which provides a reference for the design and further optimization of the crankshaft, and is of certain guiding significance to engineering design.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 770-774 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 11601KB] ( 474 )
775 Analysis of speed and internal flow field of axial flow blood pump in optimal left heart assistance
JING Teng*,GU Lingyu,WANG Fangqun,HE Zhaoming,
In order to solve the phenomenon of suction or regurgitation under constant pressure or constant speed assistance of axial blood pump, the self-developed aortic valve axial blood pump was taken as the research object to establish the multi-scale parametric model, ″axial flow blood pump-blood circulation system″ in series coupling, which presents the curve of the rotating speed reaching the optimal assisted state under the condition of heart failure at all levels. Compared to constant speed assistance, the hemodynamic results obtained by the variable speed assistance were more fitted to the normal heart. CFD technology was used to compare and analyze the internal flow field of two auxiliary states in one cardiac cycle under grade Ⅳ heart failure. It is found that under the assistance of variable speed, the axial blood pump produced obvious eddy current in the isovolumic systolic period, isovolumic diastolic period and filling period, and the flow passage time is longer, but the shear stress is smaller, and hemolysis will not be produced. During the ejection period, the variable-speed assisted flow is more stable, and no vortex is generated, but its shear stress is higher than the critical value of 500 Pa in the time period of 0.10 s and hemolysis does not occur.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 775-780 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 14570KB] ( 443 )
781 Modal calculation and analysis of compact magnetic pump
TONG Kai,KONG Fanyu,ZHOU Yisong,QIAN Wenfei,WANG Jiaqiong
In order to ensure the safe operation of the magnetic pump unit and verify the rationality of its structural design, the fluid field and the structural components of the pump were modeled with Pro/E software,meanwhile, modal calculation and analysis of compact magnetic pump, combined with the influence of the axial frequency of the pressure pulsation, the blade frequency and the harmonic freque-ncy, of the pressure pulsation were made based on ANSYS Workbench. The calculation results show that the natural frequencies of the first six orders of the magnetic pump components are consistent with the amplitude trend in the prestressed and non-prestressed states, and the amplitude of the change is not large in the prestressed state compared with that in non-prestressed state. For the rotating impeller, the modal deformation is mainly concentrated at the edge of the impeller; the position of inlet tube of the static component pump body is more prone to deform; and the position of the middle axle sleeve of the static component isolation cover is more prone to deform. The natural frequencies of each order of magnetic pump are far away from the induced excitation frequency, and the magnetic pump is not easy to resonate. The calculation results prove that the structure of compact magnetic pump is reasonable. It also provides some re-ferences for the structure design and optimization of similar structure magnetic pump in the future.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 781-786 [Abstract] ( 24 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 14570KB] ( 435 )
787 Approximate calculation method for shafting stiffness of hydroelectric generating set
YANG Guangbo,ZENG Yun*,ZHANG Jikun,WANG Fangfang,ZHANG Zhenkai,QIAN Jing
The support stiffness of the shafting is the characteristic parameter of the shafting vibration system. However, there is no effective on-site measurement method. An approximate calculation method based on the swing test data is proposed. Firstly, based on the hydroelectric generation rotor and runner centroid trajectory equation, the coupling relationship between the rotor and the slewing ratio is used to decouple the stiffness coupling term in the equation of motion. Secondly, according to the steady-state characteristics of the vibration of the shafting system, the influence of the shafting torsion, regardless of the damping coefficient acting on the generator rotor and the turbine runner, is ignored, and the simplified centroid trajectory equation in steady state is obtained, then an approximate calculation model of the equivalent stiffness of the shaft is derived. Thirdly, combined with the special opera-ting conditions of the hydropower unit, the additional external force is applied to the runner and the rotor, and the calculation method for calculating the stiffness of the shafting by using the vibration test data of special operating conditions is given. Finally, using the unit operation simulation system for simulation calculation, the simulation shows that although the stiffness data obtained by the approximate calculation method proposed in this paper and the given stiffness data of the simulation system have certain errors, which basically reflects the relationship between the stiffness of the shafting and the vibration. It has certain reference value for practical engineering.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 787-793 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 6409KB] ( 861 )
794 Hamiltonian modeling and dynamic analysis of shafting system in hydroturbine generating set
WANG Pengfei,ZHANG Jingjing,CHEN Diyi*
To study the lateral vibration characteristics of hydroturbine generating set shaft system, the rotor and runner of the hydroelectric generating set were taken as research object, then the first-order differential motion equation was established by defining the generalized coordinates and the generalized momentum first to construct energy function. Besides, the additional external force was used as the external input excitation to form the generalized Hamiltonian model. The nonlinear dynamic responses of rotor and runner with varying damping coefficient and speed under the combined action of unbalanced magnetic tensile force and hydraulic unbalanced force were analyzed by numerical analysis method, as well as the characteristics of the shaft center axis and time and frequency domain. The results show that damping coefficient is one of the important factors that affect the stability of the system. When the damping coefficient is small, the system motion has obvious double-cycle characteristics, and the lateral vibration amplitude is large; when the damping coefficient is increased, the axis amplitude decreases and the system is stabilized to periodic motion. The results provide a theoretical basis for the stable operation of hydroelectric generating set, and also provide new ideas for further research on the vibration control of the unit under different external input excitations.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 794-800 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 19087KB] ( 431 )
801 Three-dimensional numerical simulation in variable flow conditions of hydro-brake
LI Chao,JI Jiankang,MA Guangfei,*,LI Tao,ZHANG Lei,
Hydro-brake can be used in urban rainwater pipe network system and effectively improves urban waterlogging phenomenon as a new equipment of source control. But it has not been popularized in China. This study was simplified on the basis of Chicago rain pattern as the inlet boundary conditions of Hydro brake which is the most popular type of rain pattern, which can provide a theoretical basis and technical guidance for further research. The results show that in the condition that the flow rate increases and decreases gradually, the throttling transition section of external characteristic curve fluctua-tes greatly; the vortex was generated in the inspection wells and the hydro-brake, and it was gradually increased as time flows; as the water level rises, the air inside the hydro-brake was gradually detained in the outlet conduit and became air belt; the section velocity of the hydro-brake was stagnant and gradually formed a series of concentric circles, and the velocity showed increasing first and then decreasing from the wall to the center; the internal pressure also distributed in concentric circles with time which gradually decreased from the wall to the center, and the negative pressure region was gene-rated at the low velocity region. The results show that the throttling process is a transitional process. And the low-pressure air belt produced in the process is the key factor. The inlet boundary conditions under different flow conditions only affect the height of the water level at the beginning of the throttle, but have no obvious effect on the final throttle efficiency.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 801-806 [Abstract] ( 26 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3762KB] ( 610 )
807 Velocity characteristics of spiral flow in downstream section of guide vane cyclone
LI Yongye,GAO Yuan,JIA Xiaomeng,LU Yifan,SUN Xihuan*,ZHANG Xuelan,LI Jintao
Spiral flow in the pipe can realize high concentration and low velocity of solid transport. As a device for generating spiral flow, the velocity characteristics of spiral flow in the downstream section of the cyclone were studied by combining theoretical analysis and model test. The results showed that the flow velocity of the downstream section of the cyclone presented a symmetrical distribution of 120° about the pipe center. From the wall to the center of the pipe, the axial velocity of the downstream section of the cyclone increased gradually, while the circumferential velocity and radial velocity both increased first and then decreased. The maximum axial velocity was located at the center of the pipe section, the maximum circumferential velocity was about 1cm away from the pipe wall, and the maximum radial velocity was about 2cm away from the pipe wall. The larger the torsion angle of the guide blade of the cyclone, the greater the circumferential velocity of the spiral flow generated in the downstream section, the greater the intensity of the spiral flow, and the farther the influence distance of the spiral flow. Before 2m away from the trailing edge of the guide blade of the cyclone, the spiral flow decayed faster, and the larger the torsion angle of the guide blade of the cyclone, the faster the spiral flow decayed. The results can provide a theoretical basis to further improve the spiral flow transport theory.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 807-813 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 17929KB] ( 576 )
814 Numerical simulation of water hammer boundary conditions based on nozzle outflow law
WANG Pengchao*,YU Jianping
In order to study the water hammer pressure generated at the moment of valve closing, the relationship between the head and flow of the valve cross section was determined by the nozzle outlet flow rule; combined with the characteristic line equation, the water hammer test bench was used as a model, and MATLAB was used to perform water hammer simulation calculations. The results show that the valve end pressure rises rapidly with the valve closing, reaches a maximum value of 0.36 s, and then drops rapidly. With the increase of time, the valve end pressure continuously rises to a peak and then decreases, but its maximum pressur is less than the first peak. By comparing and analyzing with the experimental results of the water hammer test bench, the accuracy of the nozzle outflow model and the calculation program are verified. Therefore, in a simple pressure pipeline, when the end of the pipeline is a valve, the boundary conditions can be established according to the nozzle outlet flow law. On this basis, the valve closing time is taken as 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 4.8 s in order, and the effect of the valve closing time on the maximum water hammer pressure is simulated. The results show that the valve closing time has a great effect on the water hammer pressure. The longer the valve closing time, the smaller the maximum water hammer pressure. However, as the valve closing time increases, the decrease of the water hammer pressure will become more and more small.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 814-818 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1736KB] ( 685 )
819 Salinity assessment of groundwater for irrigation to prevent soil salinization
LEILA Esmaeelnejad,HAMED Rezaei*
Electrical conductivity(EC)is considered as the most important indicator for assessment of groundwater quality. Determination of suitable interpolation method for derivation of groundwater quality variables map such as EC is dependent on region conditions and existence enough data. For determining groundwater EC, 341 groundwater samples were randomly collected from the central regions of Guilan province, paddy soils, in northern Iran. Interpolation methods including inverse distance weighting(IDW), Global Polynomial Interpolation(GPI), Local Polynomial Interpolation(LPI), Radial Basis Function(RBF), ordinary Kriging(OK)and empirical Bayesian Kriging(EBK)were used to generate spatial distribution of groundwater EC. The results indicated that EBK is a superior method with the least RMSE, MAE and highest R2. The maps generated can be used to identify the regions in the studied area where groundwater could be allowed to be extracted and utilized by farmers to reduce the bad effects of the scarcity of surface water.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 819-828 [Abstract] ( 38 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 69688KB] ( 443 )
829 Estimation of soil organic matter content based on machine learning
BAI Ting,DING Jianli,*,WANG Jingzhe,
To estimate soil organic matter(SOM)quickly and efficiently, a combined estimation model of the competitive adaptativereweighted sampling(CARS)and random forests(RF)was developed. The Ebinur Lake Basin was selected as a study area, and the soil hyperspectral reflectance and SOM content were measured. After data pre-processing, the visible-near infrared spectra of the four spectral variables, the original spectrum(R), the first derivative(R′), absorbance(log(1/R))and the first derivative of absorbance([log(1/R)]′)were screened with CARS method, and the full-spectrum RF and CARS-RF models were further developed with RF algorithm. Results indicated that after screening the variables with the CARS method, the number of preferred variable sets for the four spectral variables was 35, 26, 34, and 121, respectively; between the four spectral variables, the R′ and [log(1/R)]′ showed higher accuracy in the estimation of SOM, and the model accuracy based on [log(1/R)]′ is the highest; the accuracy of the CARS-RF model is better than that of the full spectrum RF model, and the verification set coefficient(R2), root mean square error(RMSE)and relative analysis error(RPD)for the CARS-RF model were 0.881, 6.438 g/kg and 2.177, respectively. It can be concluded that based on the data pre-processing, this study can provide a more suitable and efficient method for the estimation of arid and semiarid lands SOM by using variable preferred method and with less variables.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 829-834 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4418KB] ( 894 )
835 Effect of degradable film covering on water evaporation of one-dimensional soil column
JIA Hao,LI Wenhao,*,WANG Zhenhua,ZHANG Jinzhu,WANG Jiulong,DING Hongwei,XU Hu
In order to solve the problem law of residual film pollution and explore the influence law of degradable film coverage on the soil water evaporation process, the indoor soil column evaporation test was carried out, and the effects of five types of cover layers(CK: no film, PE: ordinary ground film thickness 0.008 mm, BD1: type A degradation film thickness 0.010 mm, induction period 45 d, BD2: type B degradation film thickness 0.010 mm, 60 d of induction period, BD3: type C degradation film thickness 0.012 mm, 60 d of induction period)on soil water evaporation characteristics in two radiation modes(continuous and intermittent)were studied. The results show that film mulching has a significant effect on soil evaporation. Under continuous radiation evaporation, the cumulative evaporation of CK treatment is 34.2 mm. Compared with CK, the evaporation inhibition rates of PE, BD1, BD2, and BD3 treatments are 31.22%, 15.61%, 15.94%, and 15.35%, respectively. Under intermittent radiation evaporation, the cumulative evaporation of CK treatment is 32.5 mm. Compared with CK, the evaporation inhibition rates of PE, BD1, BD2, and BD3 treatments are 25.84%, 15.69%, 16.74%, and 12.15%, respectively. The inhibitory effect is as follows: PE> BD2> BD1> BD3> CK. In the same radiation method, the Rose model′s fitting effect of the cumulative evaporation of the degraded film treatment is better than that of other treatments. From the evaporation characteristics of the degraded film in the two radiation modes and its fitting effect, it can be concluded that the B-type completely biodegradable film is more effective in inhibiting water evaporation loss than the A and C-type completely biodegradable film, and its model fitting effect is better.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 835-840 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1957KB] ( 754 )
841 Pore evolution of nano- SiO2 concrete under dissolution
WANG Zongxi,YAO Zhanquan*,HE Liang,WU Hanhan,LIU Zimei
In order to investigate the microscopic and macroscopic mechanical properties of nano-SiO2 concrete under the dissolution condition, the 2M NH4Cl solution was used to accelerate the corrosion test, the evolution of pore characteristics, microscopic appearance and microstructure of nano-SiO2 concrete was analyzed by means of nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)technique, field emission scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis. Meanwhile, the influence of pore structure parameters and pore radius distribution on the corrosion damage of the different dissolution ages and nano-SiO2 dosage was studied by using grey correlation entropy analysis. Based on this, the relationship model between concrete pore characteristics and corrosion resistance was established. In the test, the water to binder ratio was 0.29 and the replacement ratios of nano-SiO2 were 0, 1%, 3% and 6%, respectively. The results show that the incorporation of nano-SiO2 significantly improves the compressive strength of concrete, <100 nm pore size ratio has the greatest influence on concrete corrosion resis-tance, the grey entropy correlation degree is greater than 0.999. Compared with the reference group, the nano-SiO2 concrete is formed by the outwardly radiated fibrous C-S-H after dissolution, filling the cracks caused by the dissolution, which improves the corrosion resistance and delays the deterioration of the concrete. A grey model GM(1, 4)is established for the influence of pore radius of <100 nm, 100-1000 nm and porosity on the corrosion resistance of concrete. The average absolute errors between predicted values and experimental values of four concrete GM(1,4)models are 8.18%,7.03%,7.83% and 7.90%, respectively. This study provides a theoretical basis for practical engineering applications of nano-SiO2 concrete.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 841-847 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2495KB] ( 785 )
848 Comprehensive evaluation indicator of simulation accuracy for two-ways mixed flow emitter
GUO Lin,BAI Dan*,WANG Xinduan,WANG Cheng,ZHOU Wen,CHENG Peng
In order to evaluate the calculation accuracy and applicability of the numerical simulation method for two-ways mixed flow emitter, 3 kinds of emitter prototypes were designed. Based on the testing of flow rate and fluid velocity by experiment and Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV)technology, the values of flow rate and fluid velocity were obtained under different pressures. The macroscopic flow rate evaluation indicator and microscopic fluid velocity evaluation indicator were proposed. From the angles of macroscopic and microscopic respectively, the precision about 15 kinds of numerical simulation combination schemes in numerical simulation software was contrasted and analyzed. And the comprehensive evaluation indicator model of different evaluation items was established, the weight coefficients of two evaluation indicators could be calculated by using variation coefficient method from a point of view of objective weighing. The analysis results showed that numerical simulation accuracy of the enhanced wall function was higher and better. Firstly, on the basis of macroscopic evaluation indicator, the numerical simulation value of the enhanced wall function and RNG k-ε physical model could more accurately reflect the real flow rate of emitter, and the value of macroscopic evaluation indicator was 1.592%, which is minimal with the flow rate deviation ratio. Secondly, on the basis of the microscopic evaluation indicator, the fluid velocity deviation ratio using the enhanced wall function and SST k-ω physical model was minimal, and the value of microscopic evaluation indicator was 2.095%. Thirdly, the weight coefficients of macroscopic evaluation indicator and microscopic evaluation indicator were 0.6 and 0.4, respectively. Evaluating two indicators comprehensively, the value of comprehensive evaluation indicator of enhanced wall function and SST k-ω physical model was minimal, which was 2.031%. Further verifying the precision of the comprehensive evaluation indicator model, the comprehensive evaluation indicator between the measure value and numerical simulation value was 1.307%, which proved the accuracy and reliability of the comprehensive evaluation method about numerical si-mulation for two-ways mixed flow emitter. Using macroscopic evaluation indicator and microscopic evaluation indicator, and establishing comprehensive evaluation indicator method can provide an idea for analyzing the numerical simulation accuracy for two-ways mixed flow emitter.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 848-854 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1625KB] ( 543 )
855 Analysis of flow field characteristics of adjustable micro-dripper based on CFD
HOU Shiwen,ZHANG Pengyang,LI Liang*,WANG Shifeng,ZHU Junfeng
Aiming at the problem of irrigation efficiency in north arid and dry areas, a kind of mecha-nically adjustable micro-dripper was designed. In order to explore the distribution characteristics of flow field inside micro-dripper under different working conditions, the CFD method was used and the stan-dard k-ε model was chosen to simulate the internal flow field of the micro-dripper. The internal flow field distribution characteristics of the dripper with inlet lengths of 1.5 mm, 3.0 mm, and 4.5 mm, and inlet boundary conditions of 10 kPa, 30 kPa, and 50 kPa, respectively, were analyzed. The results show that the space volume of the internal energy-dissipating chamber of the mini-dripper gradually decreases with the increase of the mating length, the proportion of space in the ″dead-flow zone″ gradually decreases, the impurity accumulation rate inside the emitter drops. With the increase of inlet pressure, the internal flow velocity of the channel also increases continuously, and the activity of the outlet fluid also gradually increases.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 855-860 [Abstract] ( 31 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3217KB] ( 633 )
861 Integrated emergency treatment technology of medical wastewater for COVID-19
YAN Xuesheng*,LIAO Yan,LU Huaiting,GUO Shaohui
In view of the water quality characteristics of Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)medical wastewater, taking sewage treatment systems of Leishenshan hospital in Wuhan for example, the extermination of Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)is focused on. Secondary treatment process ″Pre-disinfection + MBBR biological membrane + coagulation sedimentation + baffle disinfection″ is adopted for Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)medical wastewater, wastewater treatment facilities in strict accordance with the <Water Pollution Discharge Standard of Medical Institution>(GB 18466—2005)and < Technical Specifications of Hospital Waste water Treatment Engineering >(HJ 2029—2013)is carried on the design,The effluent water quality meets the <Water Pollution Discharge Standard of Medical Institution>(GB 18466—2005). The treatment effect is stable, the virus inactivation rate is high, and the effluent water quality is good.This technology has the follo-wing advantages: the main part fully airtight and controlled by PLC is safe and reliable;All processing units are integrated equipment, fast construction speed, ready-to-use construction, flexible demolition, it convenient for remote reconstruction or large-scale capacity expansion transformation and suitable for all kinds of emergency engineering construction and construction of a short period of time project.

2020 Vol. 38 (8): 861-864 [Abstract] ( 57 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1262KB] ( 932 )

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