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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2016 Vol.34 Issue.7
Published 2016-07-25

553 Technology for 1 000 MW shaft sealed reactor coolant pump
FENG Xiaodong, WU Dazhuan, YANG Lifeng, JIA Yun
As high-end equipment in pump industry, CNP1000 shaft sealed reactor coolant pump(RCP)in the primary loop system of pressurized water reactor(PWR)in a nuclear power plant is the only equipment which cannot be manufactured domestically. Therefore, the independent design, manufacturing and test of this kind of pump are important and difficult tasks in promoting the nationalization of nuclear technology in China. In the paper, the domestic technological situation and structural characteristics of 1 000 MW shaft sealed RCP are introduced briefly, and the design principle and technical implementation requirement are elaborated in terms of pressure retaining boundary, hydraulic components, pump rotor system, heat insulation subassembly, shaft seal, standstill seal, lower guide bearings, thrust bearing, integrated oil pump, oil seal, auxiliary system and key equipment in detail. Through an analysis on export restriction and application prospect of various types of RCP, it is shown that shaft sealed RCP has more strength in export and will occupy a dominant position in the nuclear equipment market for a long time. Presently, several key technologies, such as shaft seal, hydraulic components, full-load test and so on have been nationalized in a few domestic factories, but the theoretical principle of RCP is still not well established and needs to be explored further. Hence, as an important mission, the nationalization of RCP still requires a long time to be tackled.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 553-560 [Abstract] ( 1541 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5185KB] ( 1902 )
561 Numerical prediction of multistage centrifugal pump performance and analysis of vorticity of flow field
WANG Yang, ZHAO Lifeng, LIU Zhichao, NING Chao, ZHU Zhentao, XIE Shanfeng
In order to develop a CFD-based method for predicting hydraulic performance of multistage centrifugal pump, a multistage centrifugal pump is selected as the study object, and the information of flow field in the whole pump is obtained as well. Specially, the three-dimensional flow domain models of single-, two- and three-stage for the pump are generated and the hydraulic loss across each through-flow component in every stage in those models is obtained. It is shown that the hydraulic loss across a through-flow component in the single-stage model is basically similar to that across the counterpart in the two- or three-stage model, implying the loss is independent of the number of stages chosen and a model with less number of stages can be used to predict performance of a multistage centrifugal pump. By analyzing the energy loss in the models of multistage centrifugal pump to demonstrate the loss characteristics and flow features in each stage, it is found that the vortex structure is nearly consistent across every stage except the diffuser in the last stage. By making use of energy analysis combined with vortex dynamics approach, a set of formulas for predicting the performance of multistage centrifugal pump are established according to a computational model with a few stages. 
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 561-566 [Abstract] ( 1156 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2295KB] ( 1564 )
567 Grid-independence in low specific speed centrifugal pump based on PIV
ZHANG Jinfeng, HUANG Xi, YUAN Shouqi, MAO Jieyun, WANG Yefang
In general, the flow in centrifugal pumps is exceedingly complex, especially under part-load condition in which rotation stall, flow separation and secondary flow are involved. The accuracy of CFD simulation of internal flow in a centrifugal pump under part-load condition is very important. However, this issue is rarely mentioned in literature. In this paper, a structured mesh in a low specific speed centrifugal pump is generated and the turbulent flow in the pump including suction pipe, impeller and volute is simulated by means of software ANSYS CFX 14.5. A grid-independence check is conducted when total number of cells and the number of cells in the impeller fluid domain are changed at 0.6 and 1.0 times the design flow rate. The head and absolute velocities in the impeller and volute obtained by PIV are adopted as more reasonable indexes to evaluate the CFD accuracy. It is shown that the grid-independence analysis can be performed satisfactorily by increasing total number of grid cells, but increasing the number of mesh cells of the impeller fluid domain is unnecessary. The number of grid cells has a great effect on the absolute velocity of fluid in the impeller, but a little impact on the absolute velocity in the volute. The accuracy of predicted absolute velocity in the volute and impeller under the design condition is higher than that at 0.6Qd. Comparisons in flow field and performance curve suggest the mesh model should be IGD eventually. These results will be helpful to the study on unstable. characteristics of internal flow in a low specific speed centrifugal pump under part-load condition by making use of numerical simulation technique. 
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 567-572 [Abstract] ( 1243 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2075KB] ( 1328 )
573 Experimental investigation into influence of clearance size on cavitating vortical flows in hydrofoil tip
LIU Leiming, LIU Ying, ZHAO Yu, WANG Guoyu
Cavitating vortical flows in a hydrofoil tip with different tip clearance sizes are studied experimentally. A series of experiments are conducted in a closed-loop cavitation tunnel. The cavities are observed with a high speed camera and are analyzed by using image processing.The cavitating flow developing characters in the different size clearances(0.5 mm, 2.0 mm)are compared. Based on the results, three typical cavitation stages can be defined with decreasing cavitation number, namely incipient cavitation(I), attached cavitation(II), and shear layer cavitation(III). In stage I, the streamwise length of cavity in the big gap is larger than that in the narrow gap. In stage II, the attached cavity inside the large gap develops faster than that in the small gap in both the cavitation inception and the developing phases with decreasing cavitation number. In stage III, the critical cavitation number for the formation of triangular shear layer cavitation in the large gap is higher than that in the small gap; meanwhile, the cavity extends further downstream in the large gap than in the small gap as well. 
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 573-578 [Abstract] ( 1176 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1929KB] ( 1271 )
579 Design and test of new self-priming structure for self-priming centrifugal pump
WU Yongsheng, LIU Jianrui, LI Hong, CHEN Kai, CHANG Hao
For traditional high flow self-priming centrifugal pumps are subject to poor self-priming performance and low efficiency, a large flow self-priming centrifugal pump with a new self-priming structure is designed. In the design, a high-pressure jet is involved into the gas exhaust system of the pump, then the structure of jet nozzle is designed carefully and reasonably, and their main dimensions are decided accordingly. Moreover, a check valve is designed as well for the nozzle, and a globe valve with good air tightness is chosen. A new coupling-clutch transmission device is put forward, in which the shafts of the pump and a compressor are connected with a pulley to ensure the compressor to be detached quick after the self-priming completion. A compressor is selected according to the requirement on the exhaust by the pump and relevant national technical standards. Experiments on the self-priming performance of the newly designed self-priming pump are carried out, and the priming times at different suction heights are recorded. The experimental results show that the self-priming times are 62, 92, 121 and 173 s, respectively, when the suction heights are 5.3, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.1 m. These self-priming times are less than those specified in relevant national technical standards. Thus, for the pump, its advantage in the self-priming performance is not only obvious, but the overall efficiency of the pump unit is also improved significantly.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 579-583 [Abstract] ( 1158 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1469KB] ( 1322 )
584 Hydrodynamic optimization of large pump installation with two-way channel and experiment
HUANG Liangyong, WU Zhong, ZHANG Xiao, LI Yanjun
Large vertical pump installations with two-way channel have been widely used in reversible pumping stations. However, the optimal design theory and method for the two-way channel remain imperfect, causing a low hydraulic efficiency in such an installation. Consequently, a vertical pump installation with two-way channel is studied. By considering the velocity uniformity at the outlet of entry channel and the hydraulic loss across the channel as two objective functions, the open height of the channel is optimized using CFD technique through comparing multiple design cases. It is shown that when the open height is equal to 0.57D the hydraulic loss not only increases less but the outlet velocity uniformity is also the best. The effects of discharge channel height on hydraulic performance of the discharge channel are identified. A bigger discharge channel height can result in a higher discharge velocity and a more significant hydraulic loss. The hydraulic loss across the discharge channel decreases gradually with reducing discharge channel height. However, once the height is below a certain value, the diffusion hydraulic loss in the channel becomes dominant, causing an increasing hydraulic loss. This suggests that there is an optimal discharge channel height at which the minimum hydraulic loss is achievable. In this paper, this height is 0.48D. An optimally selected pump is installed in a pumping installation with the optimized two-way channel, then a hydraulic performance test on the installation is carried out, showing 71.9% hydraulic efficiency at 3.26 m low net head. This two-way channel can provide a reference for installation optimization of the same sort of pumps in the future.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 584-589 [Abstract] ( 1109 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4935KB] ( 1295 )
590 Analysis on characteristics of tip cavitation in an axial-flow pump based on PANS model
SHI Lei, ZHANG Desheng, CHEN Jian, GENG Linlin, LIU Junlong
Tip cavitation in a scaled axial-flow pump is simulated by using a partially-averaged Navier-Stokes(PANS)model and Zwart cavitation model at a rated flow rate and under a specific NPSH. The numerical results are compared with the experimental data made by making use of high-speed photography. Different types of tip vortex cavitation and leakage vortices are exploited, and the locations where cavitation in tip leakage vortex core is mostly prone to occur are identified; the cavitating flow fields at various dimensionless chord lengths are analyzed as well. The simulated pump cavitation performance curve agrees so well with the experimental data that the largest error is 5.8% only. The tip leakage vortex core has the maximum vortex intensity coefficient and minimum pressure coefficient at a dimensionless chord length of λ=0.30~0.35, indicating a location where cavitation is mostly pronounced to emerge based on vorticity method. Based on the method, the vortex center is defined as a point with the maximum vortex intensity. Due to the lowest pressure in the vortex core, the formation and development of cavitation in the tip region usually couples with the evolution of vortex structure. When migrating towards the pressure side of the neighboring blade, the tip leakage vortex will interact with the casing wall, resulting in counter-rotating vortex near the end-wall. At the trailing edge of blade tip, separated and induced vortices are generated, enhancing the instability of flow field between the impeller passages. As moving towards the neighboring blade pressure surface, the separation vortex can cause a change in blade loading distribution. As a consequence of increased leakage flux, the cavitation in the blade tip becomes more extensive, resulting in a severe degradation in the pump performance.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 590-596 [Abstract] ( 1120 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1612KB] ( 1297 )
597 Fuzzy evaluation method for performance of reciprocating plunger pump unit in high pressure water thermal descaling system based on AHP
SHAO Fengxiang, WANG Xinli
A typical high pressure water thermal descaling system and its working principle are introduced. The reciprocating plunger pump unit is core equipment in the system, thus the unit comprehensive performance is studied here. A comprehensive evaluation index system is built based on three aspects of the unit such as energy saving, reliability and safety to evaluate the performance of the unit. Base on analytic hierarchy process(AHP)and fuzzy method, a weight analysis approach for the factors in the performance comprehensive evaluation index system is established. Then the fuzzy membership degrees of the measured evaluation factors are investigated. On this basis, a mathematical model of comprehensive performance evaluation is proposed based on AHP and fuzzy method, and an evaluation method for comprehensive performance is developed. By using an example, the weights of the factors in the evaluation index system for the reciprocating plunger pump unit in a high pressure water descaling system are analysed, and the measured evaluation factors fuzzy membership degrees are calculated. The results of comprehensive performance are also analysed and the feasibility of this evaluation method is validated.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 597-602 [Abstract] ( 1018 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1567KB] ( 1482 )
603 Parametric modeling and multi-parameter optimization of axial-flow pump blade
XIA Shuijing, YUAN Jianping, SUN Xiao, ZHOU Banglun, LI Yanjun
In order to achieve automatic optimization of hydraulic performance for axial-flow pumps, a platform is developed to enable geometrical model update, mesh generation, numerical simulation and data input and output to be carried out automatically. To avoid problems raised in the iteration of blade geometry in traditional optimization methods, a parametric modeling approach is proposed for axial-flow pump impellers, based on a parametric analysis on inlet and outlet angles and blade thickness profile in the circular arc airfoil method to realize a control on the shape of blade just with a few geometrical parameters. The optimization method is applied to an axial-flow pump with a specific speed of ns=1 500 by taking the hydraulic efficiency as objective function. The inlet and outlet blade angles are chosen as the optimized variables and the pump head is used as a constraint condition. The results show that the best hydraulic efficiency is improved to 82.4% from 80.4% at the design flow rate after 500 times iteration cycles, but the hydraulic efficiency is also overall improved in the operating condition of 0.8QBEP to 1.2QBEP as well. The optimization approach presented here can provide some reference for optimization and its applications of hydraulic machinery.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 603-607 [Abstract] ( 1292 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1923KB] ( 1617 )
608 Design and implementation of river protection management system based on river chief mechanism
YU Huanfei, SONG Lisong, CHEN Haiyang
In order to make full use of the role of "river chief mechanism" in the protection and management of a river, in view of problems such as information lack and asymmetry occurred in the implementation of the mechanism, the modes and ways for upgrading traditional "river chief mechanism management" are discussed from the point of information interoperability of view. A dynamic monitoring mode is presented based on information technologies such as mobile terminals, mobile Internet, GIS and visualization etc. The water environment dynamic response in "control-node-reach-land" is monitored online and analyzed in real-time by using gray relational analysis method based on multi-source information such as real-time monitoring information, manual inspection information, river and protecting information converged and the cross-border information shared. The related and dominant factors that are relatively consistent with the development trend are clarified, concerned and alerted. A protection and management system is developed based on the "river chief mechanism". The system has a few functions, for example information collection and comprehensive services, mobile inspection, protecting results analysis and display, river health level monitoring and early warning, performance evaluation and so on. By using this system the convergence and sharing of information of river protection and management is realized. The system provides information support for the river chief mechanism. A water environment dynamic response analysis and real-time monitoring and early warning can come true and provide a decision making support for resource dynamic allocation in river protection and management. 
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 608-614 [Abstract] ( 1755 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1881KB] ( 2761 )
615 FEM analysis on retrofitted continuous inverted arch structure of sluice floor
XU Huiliang, SHAO Lin, WANG Haijun, ZHOU Yajun
Taking a retrofitting project of sluice floor as an example, the three-dimensional finite element model of the continuous inverted arch structure of a sluice floor is generated. Several construction processes, such as demolition and reconstruction of traffic and operating bridges, floor slab filling, new support structure, load shedding after the walls are simulated by using FEM software to realize the transformation between old and new structures. Based on analysis and comparison among four working conditions, namely old structure, structure demolition, load shedding and structure reconstruction, the effects of working condition on the stress state in the floor are investigated. It is shown that FEM analysis can reflect the variation tendency of stress in the floor in a construction process intuitively and accurately, suggesting the maximum principal tensile stress is mainly located at the edges of holes. The load shedding means can reduce the stress level in the floor occurred in a construction process, as a result, the maximum principal tensile and minimum compressive stresses are lowed by 40% and 55%, respectively, compared with the operating condition without load shedding; thus an abrupt change in the stress will be avoided during construction processes. The inverted arch floor slab filling can relive the stress in the floor, resulting in a 10% reduction in the maximum principal tensile stress. Unfortunately, the minimum principal compressive stress is increased a bit due to the extra-weight of the new structure.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 615-619 [Abstract] ( 944 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2102KB] ( 1101 )
620 Mechanism analysis and experiment on stuck malfunction of hydraulic gate valve
ZHANG Wenbin, GU Haifei, MA Qunnan, LI Bing
Stuck malfunction occurred in an inlet hydraulic gate valve is investigated. The structural characteristics of the gate valve are briefly explained and the potential factors causing the stuck malfunction are examined. Based on pressure fluctuation features of the marine hydraulic pressure drive, the opening and closing characteristics of the gate valve are calculated and analysed. The validity of the design is substantiated with the obtained opening and closing characteristic curve associated with fluctuating pressure. The dimensions of the gate valve parts are examined and the most pivotal dimension influencing the opening and closing characteristics of the gate valve is extracted. The test stand simulating a practical ship system is built and the stuck malfunction of the gate valve is reproduced thereby. The gate valve operates well as the pivotal dimension is appropriately controlled, and the fidelity of the results obtained through the employed calculation, adapting to the pressure environment of ship fluc tuation, and analysis methods is confirmed as well. 
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 620-625 [Abstract] ( 1068 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2374KB] ( 1288 )
626 Multi-objective optimization of fire monitor nozzle based on RBF model
SHI Zhefu, XUE Lin, LI Hong, XIANG Qingjiang
In order to improve the range of fire monitor, multi-objective optimization is carried out based on PSKDY40 fire monitor. First, the throat diameter, length and the contraction angle of nozzle are selected as design variables. The lowest turbulent kinetic energy and the highest average velocity at the outlet are taken as objectives. Then, combined with optimal Latin hypercube designs and numerical simulations, a RBF model is established. Finally, multi-objective optimization of the water channel in a fire monitor nozzle is performed with NSGA-II algorithm, and the Pareto optimal solution sets are obtained. It is shown that the RBF model is with high fitting accuracy can significantly improve the optimization efficiency for fire monitor nozzles. Moreover, the throat diameter exhibits the highest influence on fire monitor nozzle performance in the three variables. The optimized results suggest that the two objectives are better than those of the original model.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 626-631 [Abstract] ( 1306 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1901KB] ( 1217 )
632 Responses of nitrogen supply on photosynthesis of Jatropha curcas L. under salt stress
CHEN Jinling, YANG Qiliang, LIU Xiaogang, WANG Weihua, LIU Yanwei
In order to study on effects of nitrogen supply on photosynthetic characteristics of Jatropha curcas L. under salt stress, seedlings of Jatropha curcas L. are exposed to three soil salt contents(S1: 0.2%, S2: 0.4% and S3: 0.6%)and two nitrogen supply levels(N1: 30 and N2: 60 gram for each plant)in greenhouse plot experiments. The results show that Jatropha curcas L. has some property to resist salt stress, while its photosynthetic capacity decreases with increasing level of salt stress. Moreover, the photosynthetic rate of Jatropha curcas L. increases with increasing nitrogen level, showing applying nitrogen fertilizer can effectively relieve the harm on photosynthetic physiology caused by salt stress; however the alleviation effect of nitrogen decreases under S3 salt stress. After a short period of drought, irrigation can effectively improve photosynthesis rate of Jatropha curcas L.. The daily variation of photosynthetic rate of Jatropha curcas L. leaves is a double-peak curve. Compared with level S1, the average daily photosynthetic rates at level S2 and S3 are decreased by 23.51% and 37.97%, respectively, but increased by 39.89% at level N2 against N1. At three salt levels in the experiments, increasing nitrogen supply is beneficial to improving photosynthetic rate, instantaneous water use efficiency. The optimal combination favourable to increase of photosynthetic capacity and water use efficiency is N2S1 under the present experimental conditions. 
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 632-639 [Abstract] ( 1120 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1650KB] ( 1136 )
640 Evaluation of canal seepage control plans by using simulated annealing particle swarm with projection pursuit
DONG Lili, YU Miao, XU Shuqin
Particle swarm optimization is a new technique. After simulated annealing method is introduced into the particle swarm optimization, the particle swarm algorithm not only can accept good solutions, but also can adopt worse solutions in a certain probability. As a result, the updated algorithm can avoid local minimum solutions to improve the convergence and accuracy of optimization. Further, the simulated annealing particle swarm algorithm is combined with projection pursuit, then a simulated annealing particle swarm optimizing projection pursuit model is established. The model is applied to optimize irrigation canal seepage control plans based 10 indices. Finally, we propose an optimization model to evaluate seepage control plans for a main canal in a specific irrigation district. The results show that the proposed model is feasible and plan IV is the best, showing the proposed simulated annealing particle swarm algorithm with projection pursuit is effective and applicable.
2016 Vol. 34 (7): 640-644 [Abstract] ( 867 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1344KB] ( 1221 )

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谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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