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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2015 Vol.33 Issue.4
Published 2015-04-25

277 Numerical simulations and PIV experiment of flow field in axial flow pump
Shi Weidong, Shao Peipei, Zhang Desheng, Zhang Hua
In order to study the applicability of a turbulence mode for performances of an axial flow pump, the standard k-ε,RNG k-ε,SST k-ω models and large eddy simulation(LES)method were used. Based on the structured hexahedral and mesh slip technology, the performance prediction and numerical simulation of model axial flow pump with impeller diameter of 200 mm and nominal speed of ns=700 were carried out. The obtained head and efficiency of pump were analyzed and compared with the experimental results. The simulation and the experiment results show that all three models give satisfactory predictions of external characteristics in the operating condition and the result of RNG k-ε is relatively ideal, but different models have different characteristics when at off-design conditions. PIV measurement is performance for the axial clearance between the impeller and guide vane at 0.8Qopt,1.0Qopt and 1.2Qopt. Numerical simulated results for all four models are compared with the results from PIV measurement in the same areas. The streamlines for three models based on Reynolds time-ave-raged equations are found to be in a good agreement with PIV results, indicating the accuracy and vali-dity of the numerical simulation. But there is a certain deviation between the calculation results of LES and PIV results. Moreover, the flow features for different flow rates were analyzed.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 277-282 [Abstract] ( 1390 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2638KB] ( 1523 )
283 Analysis of inner flow in low-specific centrifugal pump at conditions near hump
Mao Jieyun, Yuan Shouqi, Zhang Jinfeng, Li Yalin, Wang Yefang
To investigate the mechanism of hump, the inner flow characteristics of a low-specific pump around hump condition were analyzed using CFD simulation method and the relationship between head and inner flow distribution was established. The relative error was below 3.62% at 0.1~0.6 times of the designed flow rate. The flow rate from the simulation that the hump occurred agreed with the test very well. Analyzing the inner flow at 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 times of the designed flow rate, results show that a large amount of back-flow could be found in the inlet channel and caused the pre-swirl before the pump inlet which induced hump further. The vortices appeared in all impeller passages of all kinds of sides. At 0.2 and 0.3 times of the designed flow rate, the vortices even choked the passages, disturbing the normal flow. The relative velocity was large at outlet of the passages with vortices, while the absolute velocity was very small. It caused the decrease of the head and even the hump when analyzing from the pump basic equation. When comparing the impeller outlet absolute velocity at R/R2=0.9 with other flow rates, it could be found that at these three flow rates the velocity fluctuated more and the circumferential component decreased more obviously, inducing the decrease of head. The pre-swirl at impeller inlet and the back-flow at impeller outlet are the reasons of hump, so eliminating or restraining these unsteady phenomenon could be the starting points of restraining the hump.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 283-289 [Abstract] ( 1657 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3587KB] ( 1799 )
290 Modal analysis for rotor of residual heat removal pump in water
Liu Jianrui, Chen Bin, Zhang Jinfeng, Luo Yin,Tang Fujun
In order to truly reflect the rotor vibration in water, the rotor modal of residual heat removal pump was calculated by ANSYS WORKBENCH software based on the fluid-structure interaction kinetics. The modal of rotor and blade were both calculated in air and in water. The natural frequency,mode shape and amplitude were obtained, and the influence of the water medium on rotor vibration performance was discussed. The results show that the water medium has little influence on the low order modes, but significantly reduces the impeller modes. The natural frequency of blade in water has a decline of between 15.9%-49.7% compared to the one in air, mode shape is similar but the amplitude is significantly lower. It is more likely to resonance under the incentive of flow divorced,rotor stator interaction and other excitation force; The decline of the natural frequency has no law, different order comes with different decline. The rotor vibrates in the water, under the impact of water pressure, viscous force and inertial force, the modal result changes. The modal distribution of rotor in water is simulated, which provides a theoretical basis for the prediction of pump dynamic performance and design improvements.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 290-295 [Abstract] ( 1280 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1969KB] ( 1596 )
296 Induction force characters of screw centrifugal pump on solid-liquid unsteady flow condition
Zhang Zhao, Su Min*, Han Wei, Li Rennian, Quan Hui, Li Yibin
Numerical simulation of solid-liquid two-phase unsteady flow in the 150×100LN-32 screw centrifugal pump was simulated by using unsteady reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations and moving mesh. The distribution of the pressure at volute outlet, radial force, axial force and total moment are presented in this paper, analysis on influence of value and direction of the induction force on different solid-volume fractions. The results indicated that different solid-volume fractions have no effect on trend and direction of pressure at volute、radial force、axial force and total moment during one period, but the value of induction forces increase with the increasing of solid-volume fraction;The pressure on the monitoring points have fluctuations with different trends during one period, it depends on the direction of the monitoring points and the interaction of impeller and volute. With the rotation of impeller, the pressure in the whole passage are further increased along the impeller rotation direction with the effect of impeller;different solid-volume fractions have no effect on fluctuation trend of monitoring points, but the value of pressure on monitoring points increase with the increasing of solid-volume fraction.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 296-300 [Abstract] ( 1260 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2048KB] ( 1429 )
301 Matching research of inducer and impeller of high-speed centrifugal pump
Wang Wenting, Chen Hui, Li Yongpeng, Du Yujie
The propellant pump of specific liquid propellant rocket engine suffers from serious pressure fluctuation,the bad matching of inducer and impeller is an important cause of larger pressure fluctuation and lower performance of pump.the In order to study the effect of matching of inducer and impeller on pump hydraulic performance and pressure fluctuation, numerical simulation by using commercial CFD code were carried out to analyze the detailed impact of various inducer configurations on pump flow filed and performance. The results show that, for the high-speed centrifugal pump with large flow rate, using the inducer with equal-pitch outlet is advantageous to improve the flow effect of impeller inlet, and can improve its performance evidently. The larger inducer blade turning angle can result in the reflux in impeller inlet,and lower performance of pump.Compared to the inducer type, the relative position between inducer and impeller has smaller impact on pump performance. The decrease of axial distance between inducer and impeller results in the flow field distribution in impeller getting worse, and the performance of pump lower.Considering cavitation performance,pressure fluctuation levels and efficiency of pump,the final scheme is choosing the inducer with variable-pitch inlet and equal-pitch outlet.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 301-305 [Abstract] ( 1616 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2145KB] ( 2016 )
306 Interior flow and unsteady performance of molten salt pump with splitter space guide vane
Yang Minguan, Shao Teng, Gao Bo, Li Zhong, Wang Da
In order to suppress the secondary flow and axial vortex to improve the performance of the molten salt pump. A splitter space guide vane was raised.Using k-ε model and SIMPLE on simulation of the model molten salt pump with two forms of space guide vane.Then acquire the performance of two forms of molten salt pump and the interior velocity and pressure flow. The results show that at 0.8Q and 1.0Q flow,the distribution of the velocity in the splitter space guide vane is more even,the secondary flow and vortex near the suction side of guide vane reduced.As a result,the efficiency of the model pump is improved.At the 1.2Q flow,the splitter guide vane result in the low efficiency.But the distribution of velocity at the outlet of the space guide vane is even and the area of the low velocity decreased.The amplitude of the pressure fluctuation in the splitter space guide vane is determined by the blade frequency.The pressure fluctuation near the outlet is improved.At the design operating condition,the amplitude of the pressure fluctuation is lower 40% than the regular space guide vane.The pressure fluctuation near the flange is higher than hub.At the flange side of the vane,the pressure fluctuation on the pressure side is lower than suction side.The pressure fluctuation is similar on the hub of space guide vane.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 306-310 [Abstract] ( 1475 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 7804KB] ( 1161 )
311 Numerical simulation of cavitation flow in counter-rotating axial-f〓 low pump
Huang Dan, Pan Zhongyong, Pan Xiwei, Feng Zizheng, Zhang Xiao
At the designed operating conditions of the counter-rotating axial-flow pump, the cavitation flow field were simulated using cavitation model, Rayleigh-Plesset equations and the SST turbulence model, for 3 configurations: the pump with front impeller only, the pump with rear impeller only, and the pump with both impellers.The H-NPSH curves of the three cases were established based on the simulation. The cavitation flow of front impeller and rear impeller were analyzed by comparing the primary cavitation, critical cavitation, and serious cavitation.The distribution of static pressure and vapor volume fraction of the blade's suction surface and pressure surface were observed and the vapor volume fraction of the suction surface was obtained. The results show that cavitation first occurred on the local low-pressure area on the back of the blade′s leading edge,then extended to hub from leading edge while decreasing NPSH. The cavitation development of the front impeller and rear impeller are not synchronous. The results reveal that the cavitation flow in counter-rotating axial-flow pump and its excellent cavitation performance.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 311-315 [Abstract] ( 2097 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1804KB] ( 1465 )
316 Reconstructed soil meso-numerical seepage simulation based on quartet structure generation set
Zhou Xiao, Shen Linfang, Ruan Yongfen, Wang Zhiliang
Based on quartet structure generation set(QSGS), and according to the soil porosity, reconstruct soil microstructure. By lattice Boltzmann method, use impermeable boundary on left and right, the upper and lower boundaries adopts non-equilibrium extrapolation format, collisions between particles use Bounce-back scheme, and establish saturated soil percolation model, then let a constant flow rate of water penetrate the model. Combined with examples, derive the conversion relationship between macroscopic physical units and lattice units. prepare relevant matlab program, and conduct operational analysis to explore the water seepage variation of micro-soil structure in computer simulations. The results show that: The generating process according to QSGS reconstructed soil is similar to the porous medium in the natural environment, reconstruction of soil traits vary, connectivity and structures similar to the actual soil. Under the premise of good connectivity, the seepage velocity is relative to the porosity. The same soil in the position of the smaller channel seepage water seepage velocity is smaller, and the position of the larger channel seepage water seepage velocity is larger. In the same porosity conditions, the average flow velocity of large particles of soil particles is larger than the small particles of soil particles. and small particles of soil seepage is more stable.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 316-321 [Abstract] ( 1484 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1802KB] ( 2456 )
322 Optimal design of close law for bulb tubular type turbine based on orthogonal design
Chen Yunliang, Xu Yong, Du Min, Yang Hua
The power station of bulb tubular type turbine is the characteristics of low head and large discharge. The transient quality of unit is impacted greatly by the close law of gates and blades during the large fluctuation after load rejection. The objective function for the transient composed of the unit′s rotate speed rise, the water pressure at the gates′ front and the axial hydraulic thrust was established and corresponding weight coefficients were determined. The orthogonal design calculation suitable for multi-factor and multi-level was adopted to optimize the close law of unit. Specifying the first time of gates close, the second time, the inflection point of gates close and the close time of blades were appointed as factors. The orthogonal design calculation was implemented with four levels adopted for every factor. The results show that the transient quality such as the rotate speed rise, the water pressure at the gates′ front, the axial hydraulic thrust and the water pressure at the draft tubes′ inlet, are improved significantly under the optimal close law of gates and blades. The water hammer pressure in penstock and the vacuum degree at the draft tubes′ inlet can be decreased in the case of blades closed slowly. The rotate speed rise of unit and the axial backward thrust can be reduced notable too. A better close law can be obtained by the orthogonal design calculation so that the better transient of bulb tubular type turbine after load rejection would occur. It can provide guidance of ensuring safety and stable operation of power station.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 322-326 [Abstract] ( 1453 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1314KB] ( 1932 )
327 Characteristics of internal flow and pumping performance for conical blade pumping ring
Song Pengyun, He Pengcheng
Due to the strong pumping capability and large allowable gap, the bidirectional rotating co-nical pumping ring has been widely used in mechanical seal for cycle cooling system in recent years. In order to adequately understand the fluid flow induced by the pumping ring, the numerical simulation of the three-dimensional turbulent flow field of the pumping ring and the mechanical seal chamber was conducted by a CFD software. The pressure and velocity distributions were obtained and the cavitations volume fraction distribution was analyzed, which revealed the flow law of the pumped fluid by the pumping ring. The pumping capacity of pumping ring was predicted by numerical calculations, the relation of the head(H)-flow rate(Q)has been obtained. The head is about 4.0-2.5 m when the flow rate is 2-3 L/min, which is consistent with the experimental, result in the literature. The influence of different structural parameters on the head-flow correlation were studied, and the results show that the blade thickness, the number of vanes, the gap between the seal chamber and the pumping ring, and the exit angles affect the performance of the pumping ring. The head slightly increases with the blade thickness, and distinctly increases with the numbers of the blade. The head decreases with gap increasing, and slightly increases with the blade exit angles. The head increases about 10% when the exit angle increases from 55°to 80°.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 327-332 [Abstract] ( 1646 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3957KB] ( 1539 )
333 Reciprocating pump seals design based on frictional temperature verification
Zeng Shengqu,, Chen Fujiang, Zhou Huamin
To avoid the seals failure due to the increasing temperature caused by the friction motion in medium or high pressure reciprocating pump, it is necessary to consider the frictional temperature in the design of seals to ensure that the highest temperature on the friction interface is not greater than the allowable temperature of seal material. The maximum temperature on the interface by the friction motion is mainly influenced by the surrounding temperature, the frictional temperature of contact body, and the frictional temperature rise on the interface between contact bodies. The formula of frictional seals′ temperature for reciprocating pump is derived. And a concise formula of the increasing temperature on the frictional interface is proposed for designing and checking the seals for the reciprocating pump, which is based on the classical analytic computational formula of friction surface temperature. The feasibility of the proposed concise formula is validated by the comparison of calculation and experimental results. Results in present work would provide the reference for choosing and designing of seals in reciprocating motion from the view of the frictional temperature. 
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 333-337 [Abstract] ( 1092 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1360KB] ( 1484 )
338 Effect of different planting pattern and irrigation frequency on stalk lodging resistance of winter wheat
Liu Zhongqiu, Bian Chengyue, Liu Xinhui, Liu Quanru, Ma Changjian, Li Quanqi
In order to illustrate stalk lodging resistance mechanism in the late growth stages and grain yield of winter wheat, 2 planting patterns,wide-precision planting and conventional cultivation plan-ting, and 3 different irrigation treatments, 120 mm only at jointing stage, 60 mm each at jointing and heading stages, and 40 mm each at jointing, heading and milk stages were conducted to study the effect of wide-precision planting and irrigation frequency on main physical parameters, stalk physical strength, lodging resistance index, yield and yield components of winter wheat. The results indicated that the gravity center of winter wheat decreased with the increasing of irrigation frequency in the hea-ding, milk and dough stages under the condition of irrigating total 120 mm, irrigating three times had significant effect on diameter of basic secondary. The stalk internode physical strengths in the conventional cultivation pattern were significantly larger than the wide-precision pattern, yet the lodging resis-tance indexes with irrigating three times were larger than irrigating once and twice. The stalk internode physical strengths were significantly correlated with fresh mass and the lodging resistance indexes were significantly negative correlation with gravity center. The irrigation frequency of twice had the highest grain yield for both planting patterns. Compared with the conventional cultivation pattern, the wide-precision pattern can increasing yield potential by increasing spike numbers with decreasing irrigation frequency. In summary, the results indicate that the wide-precision with irrigating 60 mm each at join-ting and heading stages of winter wheat should be an effective water-saving planting pattern for improving stalk lodging resistance characteristics and grain yield of winter wheat.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 338-345 [Abstract] ( 1523 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1380KB] ( 1279 )
346 Effects of irrigation frequency and super absorbent polymer usage on water use of young Jatropha curcas L. tree
Liu Xiaogang, Rong Ye, Yang Qiliang, Li Shu, Liu Yanwei, Wang Weihua
A pot-grown experiment was conducted to investigate water efficient use mode of Jatropha curcas L. tree, using three irrigation frequency(5 d, 10 d and 15 d)and three SAP usage(ring, half ring and hole), the effects of irrigation frequency and SAP usage on growth and water use efficiency(WUE)of young Jatropha curcas L. tree was studied. Results showed that the WUE sequence of three SAP usage was ring>half ring>hole under same irrigation frequency, and the WUE sequence of three irrigation frequency was 10 d>5 d>15 d under the same SAP usage. When SAP ring application, irrigation frequency of 10 d reduced evapotranspiration obviously, increased soil water content and promoted plant growth significantly, increased total dry mass by 12.89% and 51.83%, and increased total WUE by 51.81% and 58.28% respectively compared irrigation frequency of 5 d and 15 d. Thus the combination of ring SAP usage and irrigation frequency of 10 d could promote young Jatropha curcas L. tree growth and increase WUE under the experiment condition.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 346-351 [Abstract] ( 1691 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1501KB] ( 1365 )
352 Effect on cabbage quality with rural sewage primary treatment water irrigation
Yan Ailan, Zheng Zhijin, Qi Yiting
Through three kinds of water quality for irrigation on the growth of vegetables, it has discussed the influence of quality to the vegetable plant growth with utilization of rural primary treatment sewage. Research shows that, rural sewage water, after primary treatment of rural domestic sewage irrigation on vegetable growth period, have a certain influence on the the content of vitamin C and nitrate of the cabbage plants.The vitamin C content decreased about 10%, and the content of nitrate increased by 6% or so. Compared with the national standard limit of nitrate content in vegetables, it is in the safety of edible range after sewage irrigation of vegetables, and it will not affect the health of human beings. Therefore, rural sewage can be used as another important source of water for irrigation of crops, and it has certain technical feasibility and economic rationality.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 352-355 [Abstract] ( 1337 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1443KB] ( 1421 )
356 Current situation and development suggestion of small-scale sprinkler irrigation machine in China
Li Hong, Chen Chao, Yuan Shouqi, Gao Zhijun
In order to improve the technical level of small-scale sprinkler irrigation machine in China, the present situation and developing trend of small-scale sprinkler irrigation machine were comprehensively analyzed. Small-scale sprinkler irrigation machine is widely used in China, which plays a signi-ficant role in the irrigation, flood and drought resistance, agricultural high production stabilization and ecological environment construction. After more than 40 years development, small-scale sprinkler irrigation machines have already developed into many types irrigation units in China, which can meet different application scenarios, such as different landforms, investment levels and labor force status. Although some of the hydraulic performances and some components′ qualities of China made units have reached or exceeded foreign products, the gaps of product reliability, working life, and product appearance are still large compared with foreign products. Because of the Chinese agriculture production levels and economic development status, the small-scale sprinkler irrigation machine will still have a high market share in the water saving irrigation industry in a long time of the future. Therefore,Chinese government should focus on improving the technical level of small-scale sprinkler irrigation machine, supporting the research in the model mating technology, mechanization technology, low energy consumption technology and its work reliability.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 356-361 [Abstract] ( 1811 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1690KB] ( 2034 )
362 System for adjusting light in laser demarcation device based on fuzzy PID control
Zhou Jianzhong, Wu Tiancheng, Chen Hansong, Xu Suqiang
Laser demarcation device can provide horizontal and vertical datum, that is used in benchmark calibration of buildings and installation of mechanical and electrical equipment in the pump station.A new set of light calibration system for the laser demarcation device was developed to solve these shortcomings of traditional calibration systems on poor accuracy, adjust slowly and high influential artificial factors, on the basement of numerous light calibrating theories, methods and system. First, light calibration platform was designed, this platform used several servo motors to screw adjusting screws in and out so as to calibrate the straightness and verticality of lights, and also used linear CCD(charge-coupled device)to detect the straightness and verticality of lights, that realize detection of lights. Then, based on the fuzzy PID(proportion integration differentiation)controlling method, a closed loop control system for light calibration, that adjusts light quickly, the dynamic balance performance is good to the process of light calibration. Experiments show that the process of light calibration is smooth and fast, the straightness and verticality of lights can be controled within ±1 mm/5 m, meet the requirements of the factory. This system is easy to operate, and is more efficient, and compared with the traditional way of manual adjustment, The light calibration equipment with high precision, adjusting quickly, low labor intensity.
2015 Vol. 33 (4): 362-368 [Abstract] ( 1270 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1720KB] ( 1324 )

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徐云峰  张文涛 陈建华
谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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